~Chapter 14~ (Final Chapter)

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"Branch!" Poppy yelled as she held Branch in her arms.

Everyone gathered around taking in what just happened, everyone was saved but unfortunately but Branch was getting weaker by the second as the venom flowed throughout his body.

"Son!" King Aquatis and Queen Alyssa quickly swam over to him and Poppy

Delta knocked the leader seazite out and Barb handcuffed Tahlia so she didn't try anything, but it was too late, Branch had been hit by a seazite venom spike, his colour was already starting to fade as he got weaker and weaker.

"P-poppy.." Branch tried to speak.

"Branch, please don't go... I can't lose you, t-there's gotta be a cure or something" Poppy started to tear up.

"T-There's only one cure, a purple flower with 3 indigo dots i-in the centre.. but I-I don't know where it grows..." Branch explained starting to cough.

"Shh it'll be ok, i-it has to be ok" Tears ran down Poppy's face.

"Poppy? I-I want to tell you something.." Branch said.

"W-what is it?" Poppy asked.

Suddenly something fell from Poppy's hair, it was a flower, it was purple and it had 3 indigo dots in the middle, it was the flower they needed, Branch noticed as his eyes started to grow tired but he still managed to speak.

"T-that's...t-the.. f-flower..." Branch said.

Poppy gasped. She must have swam into that bush earlier and a flower got caught in her hair. She could do it she could save Branch, but she saw his eyes were closing as he was slowly drifting away.

"Branch I'll save you!" Poppy exclaimed as she put the flower petals towards him.

Branch with what little strength he had left. He ate the petals but his colours were gone as his eyes shut.

"Branch... No no please.. she started to cry into his chest, unfortunately, there was no heartbeat, he was gone.

"P-please come back Branch... I... I love you..." Poppy managed to say as she continued to cry.

Everyone looked down in sadness, Queen Alyssa was crying as King Aquatis held her close to comfort her, the mertrolls gathered around as Poppy cried into Branch's chest, was he gone? Was it too late? Suddenly, she heard something. A thumping sound coming from Branch's chest, it was his heart, his colours started to return as he glowed bright, everyone looked at him in amazement, he suddenly took a deep breath as life was put back into his body.

"P-Poppy?" Branch looked at her.

"Branch!" She hugged him tight as cheers echoed throughout the ballroom, she looked at Branch and she started to lean towards his face, he did as well and they both shared a deep kiss, after a minute they let go of the kiss and took deep breaths as their foreheads touched.

"I- I love you Branch" Poppy said, finally declaring her feelings.

Branch smiled, she loved him, and he loved her too.

"I love you too Poppy" Branch replied.

"Poppy?" King Aquatis got her attention.

"Yes your majesty?" Poppy asked.

"We thank you for your bravery and kindness you have shown us and we especially thank you for saving our son, we'd be honoured to call the land trolls our friends" King Aquatis smiled as everyone rejoiced.

Poppy smiled, she did it, she became friends with the mertrolls and couldn't be anymore happier but there was still one more thing left to do, introduce the other land trolls to the mertrolls.

"I knew you could do it" Branch said.

Poppy hugged him tight and he hugged her back, finally experiencing what it's like to be fully happy.

They looked over at Barb still holding Tahlia in custody, King Aquatis swam over to give a piece of his mind but Branch went in front of him

"Dad wait! " Branch exclaimed

"She almost destroyed us I think she needs to be taught a lesson " King Aquatis explained.

"I know but this isn't the way" Branch argued.

"What do you suggest then?" Queen Alyssa asked.

"What we should've done from the start" Branch said swimming over to Tahlia.

He gestured Barb to take the handcuffs off, she hesitated but she did so, Tahlia still was on the ground, saddened by what she had done, but Branch offered her his hand, he was being a friend and perhaps making one as well.

"I'm giving you the chance to start over, and maybe this will help" Branch said digging into his vest pocket and holding out the crystallite Poppy wore earlier.

"I.. Y-you're giving me a crystallite? After everything I did?" Tahlia asked.

"I'm making things right" Branch placed the crystallite around her neck.

Tahlia was surprised, nobody has ever shown such kindness to her before, she smiled and suddenly the crystallite began to glow brightly as did she. The grey strands of hair faded to her natural colour and the wrinkles became more faded as well.

"Thank you, for everything" Tahlia thanked

"Seriously? We were so close to defeating them" Jasper complained.

"Come along Jasper, let's go home" she said as she swam back to her home with Jasper.

"I'm proud of you son" King Aquatis said.

"Thank dad" Branch hugged him, and his father hugged them back.

Poppy smiled and looked around at everyone and then up towards the surface.

"We should introduce you all to the other land trolls I'm sure they'd love to meet you all" Poppy said.

"Yeah! Maybe we can celebrate with the other land trolls" Trollex suggested.

"But how?" Queen Alyssa asked.

Poppy and Branch looked at each other and smiled.

"I think we have an idea" Poppy said.

~At the Beach~

Music filled the air as all the mertrolls and land trolls mingled with each other, getting to know one another. Some of the mertrolls transformed to try to learn how to walk on land while some of the land trolls wrapped the magical seaweed to explore the depths below.

Poppy and Branch stood on a shell stage, both holding microphones they felt the rhythm of the music and Poppy began to sing.

🎵Oh, he'll be hiding before he'll buy me a rose🎵

🎵Trapped in a net before he covered me in gold🎵 Poppy sang.

🎵He's trying it on, yeah, he's not ticking me off,
Say what you want but I won't ever be told
'Cause I'm in love with a monster🎵 Poppy booped Branch's nose and he began to sing with her.

🎵Friends say I'm stupid and I'm out of my mind
But without you, girl, I'd be bored all the time🎵

🎵No, I don't really care for the same conversation
Got everything I need and I'd rather be chasing
Chasing love, with a monster🎵 Branch sang.

🎵🎶I'm in love (I'm in love)🎵🎶

🎵🎶I'm in love (I'm in love)🎵🎶 Branch and Poppy started to dance together

🎵🎶I'm in love with a monster🎵🎶

The mertrolls and land trolls danced together and were having lots of fun, the mertrolls and land trolls were finally friends living in harmony.

🎵🎶I'm in love (I'm in love)🎵🎶

🎵🎶I'm in love (I'm in love)🎵🎶

🎵🎶I'm in love with a monster🎵🎶

🎵I'm in love with a monster 🎵 Branch and Poppy harmonised.

Branch leaned in and kissed Poppy, she happily kissed back, the mertrolls and land trolls cheered and they all celebrated in harmony.

The end

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