Chapter 3

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Poppy couldn't believe it, she was in the presence of a BroZone member...and he even asked her on a date! She pinched herself to make sure she wasn't dreaming.

Poppy: Ouch...!

Branch: What?

Poppy: ...All good, I'm awake!

Branch rolled his eyes smiling.

Poppy: I'm sorry, it's just...I'm here...with you.

Branch: I get that a lot, Poppy, don't worry about it.

Poppy began to blush as Branch took her hand in his, he led her to an outdoor café and they both grabbed milkshakes sitting under an umbrella.

Branch: Poppy, tell me about yourself.

Poppy: Me...?

Branch: Yeah, I saw you in the crowd and...there's something special about you. I want to get to know you better.


Branch: Yup.


Poppy looked away blushing and sipped her milkshake.

Branch: You okay?

Poppy: Uh's just...I didn't think someone as amazing as you would notice a Troll like me.

Branch: What do you mean?

Poppy: Well...I don't know, I'm a queen, and you're a boyband singer...I just...I don't know.

Branch put his arm around Poppy and her face turned crimson red.

Branch: Hey, if there's anything you're bottling up, you can tell me.

Poppy: Well...I guess I'm just a little anxious.

Branch: How so?

Poppy: Um...a little anxious that...I'm here with you, and...I have a million questions but don't even know where to start.

Branch nodded understandingly, this was his first time he was actually talking to one of his fans instead of taking pictures or giving autographs, so he knew where she was coming from.

Poppy: said you saw something in me that you didn't see in your other it because I'm your biggest fan?

Branch: No,'s kind of hard to describe, I'm not sure how to put it. When I get the chance, I'll tell you.

Poppy: Okay...

Poppy sipped on her milkshake and looked around for a minute.

Branch: Hey, tell me about yourself, I want to get to know you.

Poppy:, I do like music, I've loved your music since I was a kid. My sister's not that big of a fan...but she listens to it. Um...can I ask you something?

Branch: Sure, anything.

Poppy: Um...what led you to your music career?

That was hard for Branch to say...he wasn't sure how to tell his new acquaintance what he had to go through before today.

Poppy: Branch?

Branch: Oh, sorry, I zoned out for a second.

Poppy: So...?

Branch: brothers and I...we sing in honor of our grandma.

That got Poppy's attention and she grew curious as to what Branch meant by that.

Poppy: That's sweet, Branch, I'm sure your grandma's happy for you guys.

Branch: Well...I wouldn't say "is..."

Poppy thought about it for a moment but then it suddenly dawned on her.

Poppy: Oh my gosh, what happened?

Branch: Well...she passed away when I was still a kid, I never knew my parents, and she and my brothers were my only family.

Poppy: Oh gosh...

Branch: It's fine, we get by...and singing helps me to think of her.

Poppy saw a tear trickling from Branch's cheek and she gently wiped it away.

Poppy: You're hurting...

Branch: Hurting? No, no...I'm fine, really...

Poppy: Branch...I know what that feels like...I lost my mom when I was a baby...I rely on my sister to feel her presence, because...she has more memories of her than I do.

Branch: Really?

Poppy:'s hard for us...especially my dad. He did try to be strong for the both of us...but I can tell he's still hurting.

Branch: Do you...know what happened to her?

Poppy: All I know is that she was taken by Bergens.

Branch: Oh...those guys.

Poppy: Actually, Branch, the Bergens aren't enemies anymore.

Branch: Since when?!

Poppy giggled nervously and fiddled her fingers.

Poppy: Since last year.

Branch: ...You're full of surprises, Poppy.

Poppy: Thank you...


Later on, Branch walked Poppy home, it was getting pretty late and they needed to part ways.

Poppy: Thanks for tonight, Branch, I had a good time with you.

Branch: Of course, Poppy, I hope to see you soon.

Poppy: Me too...thanks again for walking me home...when do you think I'll see you again?

Branch: Well...we're only in town for a few weeks, but we'll make the most of it. Hopefully soon, I promise.

Poppy: Okay, I trust you.

Branch: See you soon, Poppy.

Poppy: See you, Branch...good night.

Branch smiled and turned to leave, but he suddenly stopped in his tracks, he turned back and kissed Poppy on the cheek. Poppy gasped a little and touched her cheek as she watched Branch disappear into the night. What had happened? Did her? Poppy had a hard time processing everything as she went back into her pod to call it a night. She had the best night of her life...but something was telling were that there would be many more nights like this in the future.

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