An old tree ((part 2))

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((Tina is an Oc created by tinatinacrazyidea this is her oc only and all credit goes to her for this oc in this episode))

((I do not own trolls or the party crashers! All credit goes to DreamWorks!! I don't claim the photos of the original party crashers either or anything related to the original troll series! Again all credit goes to DreamWorks!))

((This is a Fanfic of my Oc this is my Oc's story nothing is cannon to the Trolls the beat goes on animated series!!))

((Let's begin!))

The Hawk chased the Party Crashers, Screeching. The Party Crashers ran desperately trying to get away. Suddenly Goliath the mammoth came running in head first, he head budded into the side of the hawk. The hawk landed on the ground, it got up and glared at Goliath, it screeched at him. Goliath Trumpets angrily back at the Hawk and he puts the Party Crashers behind him protectively. Hawks never mess with mammoths, Hawk flies off Screeching in frustration. Goliath Trumpets proudly at his victory.

Pow: "Goliath you saved us!" *she hugged the mammoths trunk happily*

Bash: "great job bud!" *he pats the mammoth sweetly*

The mammoth hugs the Party Crashers with his trunk being glad they are safe.

Bash: " did you know we needed help?" *he looked up at the mammoth confused*

Suddenly Archer and Peter could be seen riding Goliath. The Party Crashers stood there in shock seeing the two.

Archer: "is everyone alright?!" *he asked worriedly as he looked down at the others*

Bash: "Kaboom?!" *he said in surprise*

Pow: "Peter?!" *she said in surprise*

Peter: "hey sis..heh" *he waves nervously*

Goliath uses his trunk to get Archer and Peter down. Archer and Peter looked at the group nervously. Tina suddenly ran up to the two and hugged them, the two hugged her back smiling.

Tina: "you two saved us!" *she said happily*

Bash: "why are you even here?! How are you even here?! And why were you on Goliath?!" *he yelled still surprised*

Peter: "uh yea..heh..funny story about that actually" *he chuckled nervously*


It was earlier this morning, Archer and Peter yawned as they walked out of their pod. Peter tripped and accidentally pushed Archer out of the pod. Archer screamed as he fell, he thankfully landed on something soft.

Peter: "Archer?! You alright?!" *he yelled worriedly*

Archer: "I'm fine Peter! Thankfully, I landed on something soft" *he said as he got up*

He looked down and saw that he landed on-top of a sleeping mammoth. It was Goliath, Bash's pet mammoth. He screamed a bit in shock as he fell off the beast. Peter got down from the Pod and ran up to him.

Peter: "is that Goliath?! Why is he still here?" *he said confused*

Archer: "Vex and Levi must have left him here last night...we better take Goliath back before Bash notices" *he said as he walked up to the beast*

Archer takes out a cookie from his pocket and puts it near Goliaths trunk. Goliath unconsciously sniffs the cookie, he soon wakes up and eats it happily. He looked down at Archer, he nudged and sniffed him with his trunk for more cookies.

Archer: *giggled* "hey that tickles!" *he laughs a bit and takes out another cookie for Goliath* "it's nice to see you too Bud" *he smiled*

Goliath takes the cookie and munches it happily.

Peter: "awh he is Kinda cute- when he isn't stomping on everything" *he chuckled*

Archer: "let's get you back home bud" *he said as he and peter gets on Goliath and they set off*


Archer: "so we got here and heard you guys screaming and- well you know the rest" *he explained*

Bash: "so...let me get this straight...Vex and Levi took Goliath from the camp, in the middle of the night...and apparently went to the trolls territory...and left him at your pod?" *he said trying to process this*

Peter: "pretty much" *he shrugged*

Bash: *he looked really ticked off* "I am going to kill those two..." *he said angrily*

Pow: "that doesn't make sense..why would they take Goliath and go in Troll Village?" *she asked curiously*

Peter and Archer looked at each other with concern.

**With Levi and Vex**

They were walking down the hallway for a while. The two saw ancient paintings on the walls telling a story they couldn't understand. They soon walked into a room, it looked like it was the main room of the ancient ruin. Inside the room was a giant tree, the ceiling had a hole in it giving the tree sunlight. The tree had different colored fruits growing from it. The two look at it in awe.

Levi: "woah! look at the size of this tree! It's huge!" *he said in awe as he got closer to it*

Vex: "very colorful too" *she said as she got closer to the tree*

The tree had a glow to it, it was calm and refreshing. A few animals could be seen climbing or flying around the tree. Vex and Levi decided to take a rest, they sit down and lean against the tree. The two were enjoying the calming aura the tree gave off.

Levi: "this is's so peaceful here" *he said being relaxed*

Vex: "yea no kidding...I could stay here forever if I could" *she yawned being half asleep*

Levi: *the thinks for a moment* "actually...sis do you even remember how we got here?.." *he realized now that he can't remember how they actually got here*

Vex: *her eyes widened realizing the same thing* " don't.." *she said being slightly worried*

Levi: "last thing I remember was...being at Archer and Peters pod..we were asking them for advice" *he started*


The two were riding Goliath to Archer and Peter's Pod in trollstopia. Levi knocks on the door, Archer opens the door a few moments later.

Archer: *he yawns* "hello?..huh?!" *he was suddenly awake seeing the two and Goliath* "what are you two doing here this late? And why did you bring Goliath?!" *he said in surprise*

Levi: "we brought Goliath so it would be faster to get here and back before sunrise" *he said tiredly*

Archer: "that doesn't answer my question!" *he whisper yelled to not wake the other trolls in their pods*

Vex: "we need advice Archer..please.." *she looked up at him with a Sad and tired look*

Archer: *he looked at her for a moment, then sighed* "alright, come in..." *he said as he walks back in his pod, the two follow*

Peter: *he walked in the room yawning, rubbing his eyes* "What's all the noise?.." *he said sleepily, he then saw Vex and Levi* "guys? What are you doing here this late?" *he questioned*

Archer: "just sit down at the table and I'll be right there" *he said as he walked past Peter and into the kitchen*

The three sit down at the table, Archer comes back with some Hot Cocoa and cookies. He sits down at the table, they each take a mug.

Archer: "so what's up?" *he asked curiously*

Vex: "well uhm...please don't think this is weird or anything but.." *she started*

Levi: "...Vex and I...have been hearing...voices.." *he said nervously*

Archer: "voices? what exactly?" *he asked being very concerned*

Vex: "we don't know..That's the thing...we are not sure.." *she said nervously* "it just started happening about a week ago.." *she took a sip from her mug*

Peter: "I think you two need a doctor.." *he said being serious*

Levi: "we hate doctors.." *he said annoyed, as he took a sip of his hot cocoa*

Archer: "what did you want our advice on?" *he asked while eating a cookie*

Levi: "we want advice on if we should even follow those voices...I guess we feel like...something is calling us...but we don't know what it is.." *he nervously admitted*

Peter: "calling you?" *he tilted his head confused*

Vex: "yea like...the voices are just...luring I guess...I feel like following them.." *she said with a shrug*

Levi: "I had to stop her from sleep walking once..she was following the voices in her sleep" *he said worriedly*

Vex: "we hear the voices more when we we haven't slept in a while.." *she tiredly admitted*

Peter: "how a while.." *he asked concerned*

Levi: "about a week?" *he said taking a sip of his hot cocoa*

Archer: "a week?! How has Bash not noticed this?" *he asked surprised*

Levi: "been avoiding him like the plague.." *he yawned*

Archer: "ah...I see.." *he looked at the two worried if they will make it back to camp* " about you two stay here tonight. In the morning if you wanna stay we can try to do something about whatever's going on" *he gave them a soft smile*

The two siblings look at each other for a moment. They look back at Archer and Peter, they gave them a tired nod. And the two stay with Archer and Peter that night.

In the middle of the night while the siblings were asleep, they heard voices out of nowhere. This made the two wake up, their eyes were half lidded as if in a trance. They get up and walk out of the pod and into the forest.


Levi: "I just remember going to sleep..and waking up with a massive headache in that room.." *he winced putting a hand on his head*

Vex: "so we have no idea where we are..or how we got here?..." *she asked worriedly* "oh this is bad...this is really bad.." *she started freaking out*

Levi: *he puts a hand on her shoulder* "sis breathe..we will find a way out of here and we will find our way back home..alright?" *he said in a calm reassuring tone*

Vex took some deep breath's and nodded at her brother. The two sit by the tree for a while to calm down and think of a way out.

**back with The Party Crashers**

The group went back to the mess of a scene of feathers and foot prints and claw marks. Goliath was tracking them using his trunk to sniff around.

Smack: "this still doesn't make sense...why would they take Goliath and go to troll village?" *he said trying to process what happened*

Peter: *he looked at archer then back at smack* "they came to us for advice.." *he said honestly*

Smack: "advice for what?" *he looked at the two confused*

Bash: "why would they want advice from two traitors like you.." *he glared at the two, venom was clearly in his tone*

Archer: "well we wouldn't be traitors if you would have just been nicer to us!" *he yelled*

Bash: "you two were weak I needed to teach you to be tougher!" *he yelled back*

Archer: "oh you think putting your own brother on scout duty after wanting to go home would make me tougher?!" *he hissed at Bash*

Bash: "you were always crying! I needed to teach you a lesson Kaployee!" *he yelled pushed Archer*

Archer: "don't push me! And it's Archer Pastry to you! You lame excuse for a big brother!" *he pushed back*

The two started arguing and wrestling each other nonstop. Archer tackled Bash down a hill, Bash tried getting Archer off him. The group, except Goliath, came down the hill to stop them. They were unaware of the unstable ground beneath them. The ground beneath them suddenly gives way and the party crashers fall. They scream as they fall, they soon disappeared.


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