Hidden Sorrow

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((I do not own trolls or the party crashers! All credit goes to DreamWorks!! I don't claim the photos of the original party crashers either! Again all credit goes to DreamWorks!))

((This is a Fanfic of my Oc this is my Oc's story nothing is cannon to the Trolls the beat goes on animated series!!))

((Let's begin!))

It's been a few days since Levi and Vex recorded their first video. Right now the two are chilling with other party crashers. They were playing a few games like truth or dare, hide and seek, guess who, etc.
Vex was sitting next to Levi with a few other party crashers playing truth or dare, they were laughing and having fun.

Pow: "okay! Levi! Truth or dare?" She asked.

Levi: "eh I haven't tried a dare yet- dare me" he said, with confidence in his tone.

Pow: "let's see...oh! I dare you to take Bash's sunglasses!" She said, with a smug grin on her face.

Levi: "pfft- you kidding me? That's not a dare that's every chance I get!" He laughed a bit as gets up and goes over towards bash.

Vex: "oh boy..." she said facepalming

Bash: he was walking around with a soda in his hand. He was talking to a few party crashers when he saw Levi walk up to him.

Levi: "hey bash. What you up too?" He asked

Bash: "nothing really just talking and chilling- Wait...what are you up to?...You only ask me what I'm up to if it means that your up to something.." he said, while raising a brow at him, taking a sip of his soda.

Levi: he did a dramatic gasp! "Oh! I am hurt! I would never do such a thing to you Bashy~ I cannot believe you would ever think that!" He said, while doing a dramatic pose.

Bash rolled his eyes, he knew Levi far too long to know when he is up to something. He did smirk a little bit watching Levi being dramatic it was amusing, but annoying at the same time.

Levi: "okay okay I'll stop with the drama." He chuckled a bit while saying that. He got closer to bash putting an arm around his shoulder. They were good friends, at least that's what Levi thinks anyway.

Bash: "mhm...yea since when do you ever stop being dramatic?" He said, as he took another sip of his soda while looking at Levi.

Levi: glared at him a little bit "okay that hurt-"

Bash: this made bash laugh

Levi: "Oh ha ha..." he said rolling his eyes then said "we are playing truth or dare over there if you wanna join us later" he said, with a smile pointing at where the others are.

Bash: "maybe I will later" he said, finishing his drink.

Levi: "alright" he starts walking off then looks back at bash "oh! Hey bash- there is a smudge on your glasses"

Bash: "huh?" he tried taking his glasses off his face but they were gone! "What the? Levi!" He glares at Levi.

Levi: "don't watch the mouth, watch the hands!" He said as he whips out Bash's sunglasses from his sleeve and puts them on. "Catch me if you can!" he laughs as he starts running.

Bash: he started chasing after him "Levi! Give me my sunglasses back! Levi!!"

Bash continued chasing Levi and Levi was just laughing as he was running.

Vex: "welp- that happened" she said with a chuckle

Her and the other party crashers laugh.

Levi: was running over to the others but gets tackled by Bash. "AH! OOF!!" He landed infront of the others as bash was holding him in a neck lock.

Bash: "say uncle!" He said while keeping the grip on levi.

Levi: "ack! Okay okay! Uncle! Uncle!" He yelled as bash gets off him taking the sunglasses off him.

Bash and Levi looked to be almost the exact same when Bash doesn't have his sunglasses on.

Smack: "hey how come you two look the same?" He asked as he noticed.

Bash and Levi: "huh?" They said in sync as Bash put his sunglasses back on.

Vex: "yea bro you look a lot like Bash." She said helping her brother up from the ground. Levi dusted himself off as he got up.

Slamm-Oh: "are you two related or something?" He asked being confused.

Bash and Levi: "no.." they said in sync again.

Levi: "I'm more surprised you guys ask this after knowing us for so long-" he said

Vex: "well one, the difference is your hair and the patches on your face. Not to mention your scar." She said holding up one finger "And two, Bash never takes off his sunglasses like- ever" she said holding up a second finger while comparing the two. The crashers agreed with her.

Bash: "no we are not related...only sibling I had was that traitor kaplowee" he said crossing his arms in annoyance.

Pow: "then..how do you two look similar?" She asked

Levi: "oh! I can explain that. Bash and I are what they call Doppelgängers. It's when two people look similar or exactly alike but have no blood relation at all." He explained

Pow: "huh..that's pretty cool. But Kinda weird" she said

Levi: "oh! but it's hilarious to pull pranks with!" He said smirking "remember that one time we had a late night dance party that Bash threw? And how Bash was ticked off the next morning saying we kept him up all night?"

The crashers nodded but Bash stood there confused.

Smack: "yea! We were so confused sense he threw that party!"

Slamm-oh: "wait..." he said catching on what Levi ment.

Levi: he bursted out laughing "yep! That was me! I just dressed up like Bash! Oh you guys all fell for it too! It was hilarious!" He continued laughing!
((Reference to @skipperauroas truth or dare series))

Bash: "wait that was you?! Ugh! You little!" He punches his arm.

Levi: "ow! He hit me! Yes!" He laughed as he rubs his arm where bash hit.

Vex: "you guys are dorks ya know that" she giggled

Bash: "yea yea whatever...don't call me that.." he said in annoyance. Pow chuckled at his reaction.

Levi: he rests his arm on Vex's head acting like a an armrest "and your so short I can use you as an armrest" he grinned while vex glared up at him "I'm just kidding sis I love ya!" He ruffled her hair

Vex: "ah! Hey! Levi! Your messing up my hair!" She yelled trying to get away from Levi but failed

Bash: he looked at the two being happy. It annoyed him for some reason. "Uh...I'm gonna turn in for the night..Cya guys later" he walked off

Pow: "yea ima go too. Goodnight guys!" She waved and walked off.

Pretty soon everyone goes to a sleeping area. Vex and Levi were laying down under a tree just looking up at the stars.

Levi: "hey sis"

Vex: "yea bro?"

Levi: "do you...ever wonder what it would be like...if the party crashers actually settled down? And..just lived life?" He asked looking away a bit

Vex: she looked up at her brother in a bit of shock. "Well...sometimes but...where is this coming from?" She asked with worry in her tone.

Levi: he sighed. "It's just...thinking about what happened...at troll village...Kaboom and Peter like it there...they live there...with friends and having fun..not crashing parties or having to be someone they're not just to fit in.." he said his tone was full of sadness.

Vex: she sat there in silence for a minute then said "yea...they...they do seem happier where they are..." she said going into thought.

Levi: "I keep thinking...if they are happier there..then maybe we would be too if we...left.." he said in hesitation.

Vex: "what?..but...Levi they are our friends! Or..w-well...the only people we got out here..." she looked up at her brother her face filled with sadness, worry and hesitation.

Levi: "I-I know...but-" he was cut off when they both hear sobbing in the distance.

The two looked at each other confused for a second. They got up to go towards the noise. What they saw shocked them, it was Bash near a lake he was sobbing his eyes out. They've never seen their leader cry before it was a very rare sight. They listened in when they heard him mumble.

Bash: "why do those two get to be happy with each other...when I can't..." he said to himself in frustration. "Why did Kaboom have to betray me...why..." he said wiping his tears from his eyes. "It's just...not fair..." his tone was full of sorrow, anger, and regret.

Levi: whispered "he misses kaboom?..he never misses anyone..." he whispered with shock in his tone.

Vex: whispered "well...Kaboom was the only real family he had out here...I can see why he misses him.." she whispered feeling bad for bash.

Levi: whispered "well he should have treated him like a brother than someone beneath him!" he whispered yelled, a bit of venom was in his voice. He never liked on how Bash treated Kaboom in the past, so he fully understood why Kaboom betrayed Bash in the end. But he did feel bad seeing Bash in this state realizing he lost his only family.

Bash: he was sobbing still but then he wiped his tears away trying to go back to being the tough leader "n-no...stop...you can't...you can't worry about that runt...you have to be strong for the others...you can't seem weak infront of them..." he said forcing himself up and walking away full of sorrow.

Levi: "we should go..." he said taking his sister back to their spot by the tree. He sat back down with Vex.

They both sat in silence for a while looking up at the stars thinking about what they just saw.

Vex: "Levi...I...I don't think we should leave...not after what we saw.." she said she was worried for Bash.

Levi: "yea...your right...I can't go after seeing him like that..." he said he was also worried for bash.

Levi heard Vex yawn and he looked at her. she was struggling to keep awake. He put a protective arm around her and held her close. He was always the protective brother to her. Vex meant everything to him so naturally he was very protective of her.

Levi: "it's probably best we sleep on it.." he said as Vex fell asleep. He smiled a bit looking his sister. He then looked up at the stars again. "Maybe one day...all of us will find what we are looking for.." He yawned and closed his eyes falling asleep as well.


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