Meeting Nova's Siblings

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((I do not own trolls or the party crashers! All credit goes to DreamWorks!! I don't claim the photos of the original party crashers either or anything related to the original troll series! Again all credit goes to DreamWorks!))

((I do not own any songs used in the series either all credit goes to the original owners!!))

((This is a Fanfic of my Oc this is my Oc's story nothing is cannon to the Trolls the beat goes on animated series!!))

((This episode is based on a new oc this time))

((Let's begin!))

It has been about 2 weeks since Nova met Archer and Peter. The three of them were on their way to meet Nova's siblings. Nova has been nervous to see them. For some reason he has been avoiding the subject as well for the past week.

Archer: "Hey Nova is there a reason you have been..putting off seeing your siblings the last week?" *he looked at him curiously*

Nova: "w-what do you mean by that? I'm not avoiding them! Who says I am avoiding them!" *he said in defense, his tail was shaking though*

Peter: "Nova your tail is shaking" *he said pointing at it*

Nova: "huh?" *he looks back and grabs his tail to make it stop* "I-I'm fine!" *he said nervously*

Archer: "Nova you can tell us anything" *he smiled softly putting a hand on his shoulder*

Nova: *he looked at Archer and sighed* "I...I haven't been completely honest.." *he rubbing the back of his head* "my Brother and I...we don't have the best relationship..." *he said sadly*

Peter: "we don't have good relationships with our siblings either, it's understandable to be nervous" *he said reassuringly*

Nova: "it's...not like that.." *he sits on a mushroom* "he hates me...because I'm different than the other rock trolls.." *he puts his face in his hands* "always teasing me..always laughing at's humiliating.."

Archer and Peter looked at each other then back at Nova, they felt bad for him but they knew exactly what he feels like. They sit down next to Nova to comfort him.

Peter: "my sister never acknowledges my existence" *he said sadly*

Nova: "huh?" *he looks up at Peter curiously*

Archer: "my brother laughed and teased me for wanting to go home after we ran away.." *he said sadly*

Peter: "We know exactly how you feel me I get nervous when I see my sister still" *he smiled softly at Nova*

Archer: "our siblings might hate us...but we still love them, you can't runaway from your own family. But hey we have each other! " *he smiled softly*

Nova: *he looked at Archer and Peter in surprise that they knew what it was like. He started tearing up a bit*

Archer and Peter hug Nova and he hugs them back. This made Nova feel better and more confident to meet his siblings. The three get up and walk over to their home, it was a small cave area that made to feel like home.

Nova: *gulps a bit as he takes out his guitar* "you might wanna stand back.." *he warned Archer and Peter*

The two step back a bit taking his warning seriously. Nova started playing his guitar, as Archer and Peter hide behind a rock.

((I do not own this! Original creator is Straten Marshall))

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Suddenly a wave of rock music came out of the cave and hits Nova. Nova fell to the ground from being hit. The wave also hits a rock where Peter and Archer were hiding, it splits in two making the two shocked in fear.

((I do not own this! Original creator is by Bernthguitar))

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Nova: "okay..ow.." *he groaned as he started getting up*

Lava Bangs: *came out holding a guitar* "what are you doing here Runt" *he glared*

Nova: "okay first of all..I'm taller than you, and second you could have warned me you were gonna do that.." *he held his chest a bit*

Archer and Peter ran over to Nova and helped him up.

Lava Bangs: "then get out of the way next time!" *he glared*

Archer: "hey man what's your deal?!" *he shouted*

Lava Bangs: *he looked at Archer and Peter surprised, he looked back at Nova* "huh..did not expect that.." *he muttered*

Peter: "you alright Nova?.." *he looked at him concerned*

Nova: "yea I'm fine..." *he winced holding his chest* "it's just how my brother and I greet each other.." *he glared at Lava Bangs*

Suddenly a female rock troll came out of the cave. She had similar skin tone to Lava Bangs, she had purple hair up in a messy pony tail with the same white streak in it, she also had black eyes like Lava Bangs.

Gale Storm: "what is going on here?" *she gasped seeing Nova and quickly ran up and hugged him* "Nova! Your here!" *she said happily*

Nova: *he hugged her back. his tail started wagging, he was happy to see his sister* "Hey Stormy, it's good to see you" *he chuckled*

Lava Bangs: "you brought him here?!" *he said surprised and annoyed*

Gale Storm: "I missed our little brother! Plus I need an extra hand to keep YOU out of trouble" *she crossed her arms glaring at him*

Lava Bangs: "tsk...whatever...I'm going back to bed.." *he walked off back into the cave*

Gale Storm: "sorry about him Novee" *she said looking up at him*

Archer and Peter: "Novee?" *they said in sync*

Nova: "sis?! you know I hate it when you call me that!" *he blushed in embarrassment*

Gale Storm: *she chuckles* "sorry! Who are your friends?" *she looked at them curiously*

Peter: "hi I'm Peter! It's nice to meet you" *he shakes her hand*

Archer: "Names Archer! And Nova here has told us all about you guys!" *he said happily shaking her hand*

Gale Storm: "it's nice to meet you guys too! My name is Gale Storm and the grumpy one you just saw was Lava Bangs" *she smiled*

Nova: "you mind if we come in? I wanna catch up with you sis" *he asked looking at her*

Gale Storm: "of course! Come in come in! We have a lot to talk about!" *she takes them inside happily*

The three lizarks follow her inside. They sit down and started talking the day away. Nova was happy he was with his siblings again.


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