Party Crashers Travel ((part 2))

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((I do not own trolls or the party crashers! All credit goes to DreamWorks!! I don't claim the photos of the original party crashers either or anything related to the original troll series! Again all credit goes to DreamWorks!))

((This is a Fanfic of my Oc this is my Oc's story nothing is cannon to the Trolls the beat goes on animated series!!))

((Warning this episode has SADNESS and some VIOLENCE!! You have been warned))

((Let's begin!))

Levi woke up suddenly panting, in a cold sweat. He looked around to see that they were still in the cave and saw the other Party Crashers, most of them were asleep. He then looked down and saw Vex asleep still, he sighed in relief. 'Just a nightmare' he thought to himself. He then started to get up but made sure not to wake Vex up. He walks over to the campfire where a few of the other Crashers were still chatting.

Levi: "hey guys.." *he said tiredly as he sat down*

Slamm-oh: "couldn't sleep either huh?"

Levi: *he shook his head* "had a nightmare.." *he yawned*

Slamm-oh: "I don't blame ya..lots of us get nightmares during a storm like this.." *he admitted*

Levi: *he looked over at bash who hasn't taken his eyes off the map* "has he even looked away from that map at all?.." *he asked worried*

Slamm-oh: "nope...he has just been starring at that thing for the past 3's starting to get creepy"

Levi: "It's been 3 hours?!" *he said in surprise and looked out at the storm* "this isn't gonna pass anytime soon is it..."

Slamm-oh: "probably not" *he shrugged*

Levi gets up and walks over to bash and puts a hand on his shoulder. This made Bash jump a bit and turned around to see Levi. He then gave a glare.

Bash: "don't do that..." *he glared* "what do you want..." *he asked harshly*

Levi: "sorry..we were getting worried. You haven't taken your eyes off that map since we got here..are you alright Bash?" *he asked concerned*

Bash: *he was silent for a moment* "I don't have to answer to you.." *he said harshly*

Levi: "Bash your not this mean... Well sometimes- but I can tell something is bothering you" *he said as he sat next to bash* "you know you can talk to me right?" *he looked at bash in pure worry and concern*

Bash: *he went silent again then sighed* "'s nothing Levi...just some stuff I need to get my mind off of.." *he sighed, he was exhausted*

Levi: "is there anything I can do to help get your mind off..whatever it is?" *he tilted his head*

Bash: *he was about to say something, but his stomach growled* "uh..sorry.." *he looked back at the map fixing his shades on his face, he looked kinda embarrassed*

Levi: *he smiled at Bash* "got it" *he said as he gets up and goes to Goliath* "hey Slamm-oh you mind helping me?" *he called out to Slamm-oh*

Slamm-oh gets up and helps Levi get some heavy things off Goliath, they grabbed a pot and some of the supply of food they brought. He helps Levi bring it over to the fire and they set up the pot over the fire. Levi gets some rain water from outside and puts it in the pot and starts preparing food for everyone. He was making an old recipe from their homeland, it was a special stew that their people ate during cold or stormy weather. It usually puts everyone's nerves at ease.

The smell of the stew soon filled the cave, it woke up most of the Party Crashers. The smell brought back a lot of memories for the Crashers before they ran away from home. They had forgotten how long it has been since they left. Levi was filling bowls with the stew and started passing them to the others. Vex was awake already and helping Levi pass the bowls out to everyone. She walked up to Bash and handed him a bowl. He takes it and started eating, it was just like he was back home. He got up and joined the others around the fire.

Bash: *he sat next to Levi while Levi was stirring the pot* "you did all this?" *he asked*

Levi: "well I figured if you were hungry then everyone else was too. Plus I know this stew brings back memories and comfort.. I figured everyone needed it" *he said honestly, he was pouring another helping to a Party Crasher*

Bash: "thanks.." *he said quietly*

Levi: *his ears perked up as he heard bash say that the then smiled and nodded at Bash in response. It was rare to hear Bash say thank you. He got himself a bowl and sat down next to Bash and Vex*

Smack: "this is delicious! Since when do you cook?" *he asked surprised*

Levi: "oh uh-" *he rubbed the back of his head embarrassed* "I always have, I was just self taught" *he chuckled nervously*

Bash: "how come I never knew?" *he tilted his head*

Levi: "well...I haven't cooked in a while so..I guess I just kinda forgot to tell you?" *he shrugged* "I'm glad I did cook this though..this also helped me get my mind of things as well" *he admitted*

Vex: "we all needed this" *she smiled*

Pow: "why don't we talk about something else?" *she suggested*

Bash: "like what pow?" *he looked at pow confused*

Pow: "well I don't know..maybe ask each other why we came along? To be Party Crashers I mean" *she shrugged*

Everyone looked at each other, after all this time they never really talked about why they came to be Party Crashers in the first place. They just left home without a solid reason, or so everyone thought that was the case for most of them.

Pow: "I'll go first" *she stood up* "well..Peter and I are siblings...when we were kids our parents fought a lot" *she said sadly* "we always left the house when they were fighting..that's when we met Slamm-oh and Smack..we felt like we belonged somewhere..then later Bash came along and we all became close. When he suggested running away...I was wondering if we should..that's when things got really bad at home..I won't say what happened but..I had a good reason to leave behind the only home I've ever known.." *she was tearing up and wipes her eyes when she finished*

Vex: "oh pow..." *she got up and went to pow and hugged her tightly*

Pow: "It's okay..I'm happier now than I ever was! I'm glad I left" *she smiled as she hugged Vex back*

Smack: *he was silent but then got up* "I ran away because I hated my father and I lost my mom at a young age...when he met my stepmom..she was horrible to father never believed me so...when I heard Bash talk about running was the best idea I've ever heard" *he clenched his fist from the anger he had towards his past, he relaxed a bit when he felt Slamm-oh put a hand on his shoulder* "sorry I...I miss my dad...but I hate what he turned into.." *he sadly admitted*

Slamm-oh: "hey man I understand...I left because my aunt made me parents left to travel but never came back..they left me in her care...she made me steal expensive stuff and I was known as a theif..she was never home..if anything I was glad when I heard Bash wanted us to run away.." *he looked down his ears went down*

Bash: "oh man Slamm-oh...I'm so sorry...I had no idea.." *he was shocked this is what his friends had went through but never told him he felt bad that he didn't notice their pain*

Levi: "Bash already knows the reason why Vex and I came along..." *he looked down a bit*

The others looked at the two confused.

Bash: "you wanna tell them or should I?" *he asked putting a hand on his shoulder*

Levi: "uhm..." *he didn't know what to answer he never really told anyone else other than Bash and Archer about their life back at home*

Vex: "I'll do was bound to come out anyway.." *she looked up at her brother, Levi nodded in response*

Vex: "well...Levi and I..Didnt have a family to begin with...we are orphans.." *she started*


The scene changed to back when Vex and Levi were younger and in an orphanage. The two were raised in the orphanage because Levi and Vex came to them at a very young age. From what Levi could remember is that he came to their doorstep during a terrible storm, holding an egg. Ever since that day he came there, he and his sister were inseparable. Younger Vex has longer hair and Levi had a head full of hair when they were younger they weren't allowed to cut it in the orphanage.

The two young lizards were looking out the window seeing other kids playing outside. They wanted to go outside and play but they couldn't because the Orphanage Chief wouldn't allow it. The two were playing card games when Vex heard someone talk on the other side of the wall. She pressed her ear against the wall to listen in. The Orphanage Chief was talking to two people that were interested in adopting.

OC ((orphanage Chief)): "I assure you two will love the children we have here. Is there anyone in particular you are looking for?" *he asked politely*

LW ((Lizard Woman)): "well..we have been looking at adopting a daughter. It's our dream to raise one and..we want to share that dream to one of the little girls here" *the woman said in a cheery tone*

OC: "I'm sure you will find the perfect one for you. Now I have some that will be most exceptional" *he places, what sounded like, a few papers down on a desk* ((cuz vex can only listen from the other side of the wall-))

LM ((lizard Man)): "oh what about this one? She seems like a bright young one" *he said in a curious tone*

OC: "oh! That would be Vex she is our cheeriest girl around. Her and her Big brother are inseparable. I'm sure they would love to have you both as their parents" *he said in a calm town*

Vex heard this and got excited she and Levi might get new parents together! But her face expression changed suddenly with what she heard next...

LW: "two? Oh no we couldn't take the both of them..we only planned to take just a little girl there a possibility of just taking her instead?" *she said in a sad and hopeful tone*

OC: "w-well uhm...I'm not entirely sure that will be possible miss..these two are inseparable. Levi is very protective of Vex..but..if you really insist I'll see what I can do.." *he still kept his tone calm*

LW: "oh thank you so much! We will pick her up in the morning." *she said as the two leave*

Vex quickly ran over to Levi and hugged him crying...

Levi: *was surprised* "woah woah sis what's wrong?!" *he hugged her back trying to calm her down*

Vex: "they are gonna take me away tomorrow! Without you! I don't wanna go without you!" *he hugged him tightly while sobbing*

Levi: *his eyes widened as he heard those words* "what? sis listen to one is separating us you hear me! We are leaving here together.." *he cupped his hands on Vex's face for her to face him* "I promise.." *he gave a soft smile*


Smack: "woah woah woah wait! They wanted to separate you two because they wouldn't adopt two orphans? That's just selfish!" *he crossed his arms annoyed*

Levi: "it happened all the time with siblings at the orphanages...siblings are forced to be separated if the family only wants one instead of both..." *he said in a sad tone, he put his arm around Vex keeping her close*

Pow: "so..what happened next?.." *she asked with worry and curiosity*

Vex was sitting down next to Levi. Levi decided to take over the story.

Levi: "well..." *he started*


It was late that same night. Levi was busy packing up a bag with His and Vex's stuff that they would need. He looked over at Vex's bed and saw that she was asleep. He walked over to her and gently wakes her up. Vex woke up and looked up at Levi confused.

Vex: "Levi? what ar-" *she was interrupted*

Levi: "shh! We are getting out of here..the both of us..tonight!" *he whispered* "cmon get up we have to leave now before the sun is up" *he whispered as he gets the backpack on*

Vex nods and gets up and follows Levi to the window. Levi had tied a lot of old blankets together to make a rope. He opens the window and ties one end of the rope to a bed, he then throws the rest of it out the window. Levi picks up Vex and puts her on his back with the backpack, he then climbs out of the window and climbs down the rope, Vex holding on for dear life. Once the two got down they ran into the town, they wanted to get as far from the orphanage as possible.

The sun began to rise and the two were hiding in a park under a playground, they were asleep. Levi was first to wake up, he sat up rubbing his eyes yawning. He looked over at Vex who was still asleep, he smiled softly. He gets up and looks around the park, he has never been to the park before and thought it was a wonderland. Vex woke up a bit later, she yawns as she got up and walked up to her brother, Levi was just walking around exploring. The two explored the playground together and started having fun playing on the swings and the slides and everything else in the playground.


Levi: "it was great at first..we were together and no rules to keep us down. And no grownups to try to separate us! It was everything we could have ever wanted" *he had a sad smile on his face but then turned into sadness*

Bash: "until winter came that's when Kaboom and I met them.." *he started the story this time*


It was winter time in the village, everyone was getting fire pits going and heat lanterns up on the square to try to make things warmer. Younger Bash and Kaboom were walking in the town as they saw everyone helping. The two stayed near a fire pit to keep warm.

Kaboom: "big bro I'm gonna go get food. You want anything?" *the little lizark looked up at him*

Bash: "hot cocoa would be nice. Just be careful and don't use all your allowance" *he pats Kabooms head, this is back when Bash was nicer instead of being a bully*

Kaboom nodded and ran off to get food. Bash stayed near the fire pit talking with a few Lizarks. He soon heard something in the distance, he decided to check out what it was. He walked over to where the noise was, it was Levi digging through a trashcan behind a building. Levi noticed him and froze looking at Bash.

Bash: "uh- what are you doing?" *he asked*

Levi: "U-uhm...s-sorry is this trashcan yours?.." *he asked, he was shivering from the cold*

Bash: "no..but your gonna freeze to death if you don't get warm" *he said bluntly*

Levi: "u-uhm..right.." *he felt awkward talking to Bash, he hasn't really talked to anyone other than Vex*

Bash: "sorry I can be blunt sometimes..names Bash and you?" *he asked tilting his head a bit*

Levi: "L-Levi.." *he shivered as the wind blew their direction*

Bash: "cmon your gonna freeze.." *he took Levi by the hand and drags him over to a fire pit*

Levi: *he was surprised by Bash's action, once he got to the fire pit he relaxed almost instantly being warmed up by the fire* "t-thank you..." *he said looking at Bash*

Bash: "why were you in that trashcan anyway?" *he asked bluntly once again*

Levi: "oh uhm...I was looking for food..for my sister and I.." *he nervously admitted*

Bash: "you have a sister? Where is she?"

Levi: "she was looking for food as well somewhere else..we aren't usually far apart but we do meet up..she should be back soon.." *he said in a worried tone, his stomach growled and he looked embarrassed a bit* "s-sorry..." *he apologized*

Bash: "hm..well my little brother is getting food right now. But you can have some if you want" *he said looking at Levi*

Levi: "w-wait really?" *he looked at Bash, then his facial expression changed to a slight glare* "Whats the catch?.." *he said in a defensive tone*

Bash: "nothing no catch. I just don't like seeing my people cold and hungry.." *he said looking at the fire*

Levi: "your people..wait are you-" *he suddenly heard screaming in the distance* "Vex?!" *he shouted*

Bash: "Kaboom?!" *he shouted*

The two ran to the direction of their screaming, they ran into an alleyway and saw that Vex and Kaboom were being bullied by a few Lizark Teenagers. Kaboom and Vex were on the ground shaking.

Kaboom: "leave us alone!" *he shouted at them*

Vex: "we don't have anything!" *she shouted, she was holding her arm*

The Lizark bullies were getting closer to them, until a rock was thrown at one of them. The rock hits their face and they fell down unconscious, they looked at who threw it, Bash threw the rock.

Bash: "leave my little brother alone!" *he shouted giving a glare at the bullies*

Levi: *he saw Vex was hurt, he started seeing red...he looked at the bullies with a death glare and instantly tackles one of the Bullies* "YOU HURT MY SISTER!!"

Lizark Bully: "hey! Get this guy off me!!" *the bully shouted*

Levi suddenly picks up the bully by the collar and throws him at the other two bullies. The three fell to the ground and looked up at Levi in fear. Levi was panting still giving them the death glare, he gave a loud HISSS that a gator would make.

Levi: "hurt my sister again..I will do damage.." *he said in a very Angry tone*

The bullies ran away in fear. Levi sighed in relief then quickly ran over to Vex while Bash ran over to Kaboom. Kaboom hugged Bash tightly while crying.

Kaboom: "I-I'm so sorry big bro they took the food I bought...I'm so sorry.." *he said crying*

Bash: *he hugged Kaboom back* "I don't care about that! don't ever scare me like that again!" *he said worried*

Levi: *he goes up to vex and kneels down to her and hugged her tightly and she hugs back* "Never ever do that again!" *he said in a protective worried tone*

Vex: "I promise!" *she said hugging him back. She winced holding her arm in pain*

Levi: "sis..let me see.." *he said being serious*

Vex shows her arm and it had three claw marks on it from the bullies.

Levi: "oh sis.." *he gasped and hugged her tightly* "I'm sorry I wasn't here earlier.." *he said sadly*

Bash: "hey you two" *he said and the two looked up at Bash* "cmon we better get that treated" *he started walking off and Levi and Vex followed*

The two followed them to their home and Bash let's them inside. The two were amazed at walking in their home, it was very warm inside. Bash's mother saw them and gasped at the state of the four young lizarks. Bash and Kaboom explained what happened, their mother looked at Levi and Vex for a moment then gave a soft smile, meaning they were welcomed. She soon treated Vex's arm and got them both some warm clothes and food. The four became friends that winter.


Bash: "and we became friends ever since. They stayed till spring and left..they didn't tell us where they went but they still stayed with us every winter. And when we got older I told them about running away and they were on board with it" *he said as he finished the story*

Smack: "wow..that's a lot.." *he said shocked*

Vex: "yep and I still have the scar" *she said as she rolls up her sleeve and shows the scar on her arm* "I don't like showing it much cuz it worries Levi.." *she said sadly*

Levi: "just wish I was there sooner" *he said sadly* "but it's all in the past..everyone has a reason for running away..maybe some don't least we have each other" *he gave a soft smile* "best family we ever had" *he admitted happily*

The Party Crashers awed at that. Bash rolls his eyes smirking.

Bash: "yea yea enough with the mushy stuff.." *he yawned* "I think we should all go to bed..we have a lot to do when the storm passes" *he said getting up and walking off to go to bed*

Everyone else did the same and went off to bed. Vex and Levi stayed by the fire and soon fell asleep.


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