Something changed

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((Tina is an Oc created by tinatinacrazyidea  this is her oc only and all credit goes to her for this oc in this episode))

((I do not own trolls or the party crashers! All credit goes to DreamWorks!! I don't claim the photos of the original party crashers either or anything related to the original troll series! Again all credit goes to DreamWorks!))

((This is a Fanfic of my Oc this is my Oc's story nothing is cannon to the Trolls the beat goes on animated series!!))

((Let's begin!))

The sun rises up over the camp. Vex and Levi were in their tent sound asleep. Vex woke up yawning, she had major bed head. She rubbed her eyes sleepily as she looked over to Levi who was still asleep in his sleeping bag, he was snoring a bit. Vex grabs her pillow, she gets out of her sleeping bag and walks over to Levi. She hits him over the head with the pillow.

Vex: "hey stupid wake up!" *she said as she walks off leaving the pillow on Levi's face*

Levi: *muffled from the pillow* "do you have to call me that every time I wake up.." *he said as he sits up, having bed head as well*

Vex: "well if you would stop doing stupid things all the time I would think of a better name" *she smirked as she was fixing her sleeping bag*

Levi: *he rolls his eyes* "whatever you say armrest" *he yawned*

Vex: *she glared at him slightly* " look dumb"

Levi: "you look dumb"

Vex: "you look dumb"

Levi: "oh really? Says the bed head queen" *he chuckles as he points at her messy hair*

Vex: "oh whatever.." *she rolls her eyes* "I'm gonna get us some breakfast" *she gets up and goes behind the curtain to get changed*

Levi: *he yawned* "whatever you say sis.." *he rubs his eyes sleepily and grabs the pillow Vex threw at him*

Vex comes out from behind the curtain wearing her old Crasher jacket. Levi shook his head to get rid of his bed head Mohawk. When he saw Vex he looked at her in somewhat surprise, he was still waking up.

Levi: "your wearing that old thing?" *he said sleepily*

Vex: " hoodie had a sleeve ripped off for some reason?.." *she looked very confused*

Levi: "sis? You alright?" *he looked at her with a head tilt*

Vex: "yea..just..had a weird dream last night.. and thinking about it now? My hoodie had that ripped off sleeve too" *she said being in deep thought*

Levi: "oh same here.." *yawns* "something about an old temple and stuff.."

Vex: "yea! That's the one!" *she said surprised that Levi had the same dream* "it felt so real right?" *she said with a confused look on her face*

Levi: "yea..I felt that too.." *he shrugged* "whatever.. I'm too.. not awake to be having this conversation.." *he muttered as he lays back down hugging the second pillow like a plushie*

Vex: *she shrugged it off* "yea..I'll talk to you when I get back" *she started walking off*

Levi: "I'm keeping your pillow bye the way.." *he said sleepily, still hugging the second pillow*

Vex: *she gasped and turned around* "what?! no not my pillow!"

Levi: "'ve lost all pillow privileges" *he smirked as he was trying to sleep*

Vex: "you are so evil!" *she pouts crossing her arms*

Levi: "and you are an annoying midget.." *he still had the smirk on his face being half asleep*

Vex: "Grr..I'll get you back for this!" *she walked off annoyed*

Levi: *chuckled sleepily* "yea..looking forward to it.." *he yawns as he falls back asleep*


Vex was walking around in the camp waving to other Party Crashers as she walked by them. She sniffed the air, the smell of food filled her nose making her stomach growl.

Vex: 'jeez I'm hungry...I bet Levi is too' *she thought to herself*

She saw some fresh bacon sandwiches on a picnic table, she walks over and grabs a few putting them in a paper bag to bring back to Levi. Meanwhile, Archer was walking by and saw Vex. He looked at her in surprise, he quickly ran up and hugged her. Vex was surprised by this but she hugged him back anyway.

Vex: "uh- morning Archer! What's with the sudden hug?" *she looked at him confused*

Archer: "uh nothing! I'm just happy to see you is all" *he smiled brightly*

Vex: *she chuckles* "it's nice to see you too- wait..why are you in the camp?" *she tilted her head at him*

Archer: "wait you..don't remember?" *he looked at her surprised as he lets go*

Vex: "remember what? everything okay?" *she looked purely confused*

Archer: "oh..uhm...Vex I uhm..I don't know how to say this.." *he said nervously*

Vex: "Archer..I grew up with you, your like a brother to me. You can tell me anything alright?" *she put a hand on his shoulder and gave him a soft smile*

Archer: *he sighs* " and Levi have been asleep for a week.." *he said nervously*

Vex's eyes widen in shock for a moment, she then started laughing thinking it was a prank.

Vex: "Ha! Good one! You nearly had me there!" *she laughed*

Archer: *his facial expression didn't change*

Vex: *she noticed this and stopped laughing* " serious?.." *she looked at him with concern*

Archer: *he nods* "yea..after what happened in that Temple..we were wondering if you two were ever gonna wake up" *he nervously admitted*

Vex's eyes widened getting flashbacks from the temple, she finally realized it wasn't a dream. She looked like she was gonna pass out and started swaying a bit. Archer took her hand to keep her on her feet.

Archer: "woah! Vex you alright?" *he asked worriedly*

Vex: "y-yea mentioning the temple.. I-I thought it was all a dream.." *she stuttered*

Archer: "yea...I can understand that" *he said helping her sit down at the picnic table*

Vex: "so..your telling me...all of that was real?..the temple, the ghost, everything?" *she asked trying to process it all*

Archer: "yep.." *he calmly said* "how are you feeling though?.." *he asked as he sat down with her*

Vex: "other than freaked out?...I don't feel any different I don't think?" *she said thinking for a moment*

Archer: "alright that's good news I think? What about Levi? Is he awake too?" *he asked politely*

Vex: *she nods* "yea Levi is just fine— oh wait..we have to tell Levi.." *she face palmed*

Archer: " think he will take it well?" *he asked nervously*

Vex: "knowing my brother? probably not..." *she said honestly*


Levi was waking up, he yawns. He gets up and stretches, he walks over to a bag and grabs his toothbrush. He walks out of the tent in the back brushing his teeth. He walked over to a small puddle and saw his reflection, his eyes widened and he started screaming in horror.

Vex and Archer heard this and quickly ran over to their tent. Once they get there they heard Levi screaming in the back of the tent. The two rush over to the back, instead of seeing Levi, they saw Bash.

Archer: "what the? Bash what's wrong?" *he asked confused*

Bash: "I-it's not Bash..." *he stuttered, it was Levi's voice*

Vex: "wait...Levi? Is that you?!" *she said shocked*

Bash (Levi): *he nods* "what happened to me?! I look exactly like Bash?!" *he said freaking out*

Archer: "How is this possible?!" *he said being very confused*

Vex: "you weren't like this this morning?!" *she said freaking out*

Bash (Levi): "how should I know?! I woke up like this five minutes ago?!" *he said as he was pacing back and forth trying to process this*

Archer: "okay..we need to get you to a doctor!" *he said taking Levi's hand walking away from the tent, Vex quickly followed*

The scene cuts to Levi and Vex sitting on a rock in the cave, Levi was breathing into a paper bag to try to calm down. Peter was doing a full checkup on the two, since he was the only one with a biology degree. The Crashers looked at Levi in shock that he looked exactly like Bash, even Bash himself was having trouble processing this.

Peter: "yep they are physically okay..I don't know what could have made Levi fully turn into Bash though" *he shrugged as he put away the doctors tools in his bag*

Pow: "how is this even possible? No Lizark has ever done this before" *she said still shocked seeing two Bash's*

Bash: "the Ghost probably did something to them to make this" *he said trying to process this*

Vex: "does this mean I'll be this too?.." *she asked nervously*

Bash: "probably?.." *he shrugged*

Bash(Levi): "how do I change back?!?!" *he said, freaked out*

Bash thinks for a moment, he remembers a trick from when they were kids. He then walks up to Levi and boops him on the nose. Levi's eyes widened as he glowed and changed back into his original form, his hair, marks and eyes glowed once he changed back.

Bash: "well what do you know? I found the reset button" *he chuckled*

Levi: "did you just..boop my nose?" *he said slightly blushing*

Bash: "well it worked didn't it?" *he smirked*

Levi: *face palms turning red* "I have no words.." *he sighed and hides his hands in his face, being embarrassed*

Archer: "so..touching your nose turns you back to normal? How-" *he was cut off*

Levi: "I don't want to talk about it!" *he shouted, still hiding his face in his hands*

Vex: "ooookay then?.." *she shrugged it off* "so..the ghost..gave us powers?"

Peter: "seems like it? Goblins are known to be shapeshifters" *he shrugged*

Vex: "but..we are Lizarks? We never did this before" *she said being confused*

Levi: "well..what do we do now?" *he sighed looking up at the others*

Tina: *walks in* "you can meet my friends!" *she smiled brightly*


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