Chapter 3

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Branch: Poppy?! Poppy, where are you?! Everyone's worried.

The moon was rising in the sky, Branch searched tirelessly for his beloved wife, and he wasn't going to stop until he found her. Where was she? She just ran off so unexpectedly. This wasn't like her, she always knew how to solve problems no matter how big or small they were. Now? She ran off plaguing herself with guilt. Branch searched for hours before he finally heard sobs nearby.

Branch: Poppy?

Branch pushed a few shrubs back. Sure enough, there was Poppy sobbing silently under a tree, her face covered with her wet hands. Branch sat next to her gently rubbing her back.

Poppy: Just go away...

Branch: Poppy, it's me.

Poppy looked up and saw her husband next to her, she sniffled holding back her tears trying not to look vulnerable.

Poppy: B-Branch, I'm so sorry...I'm a terrible queen...and a terrible wife, I messed up big time.

The pop queen couldn't hold back her tears any longer, she started sobbing uncontrollably burying her face in Branch's chest and soaking his vest. Branch wrapped his arms around her gently patting her back.

Branch: Poppy, you didn't mess up, it was just an inconvenience, no one got hurt. Okay? Everything's fine, we're all good.

Poppy: B-But I ruined your kickoff...we were supposed to have a big party before leaving for the tour, and I ruined everything...

Branch: Hey, Poppy, sweetie, you're not a terrible queen, and you're certainly not a terrible wife. Poppy, I didn't marry you because of your skills, I married you because you're the troll that I care about more than anything else in the world. All I want is for you to be happy, I promised your father that I would always take care of you, and I'm going to keep that promise. And you know what? That incident earlier, it's just a delay, we'll still keep the party going once everyone calms down. Like you said, nothing's going to stand in our way.

Poppy looked up at Branch for a moment, then rested her head on his chest. Branch held her hand and gently kissed her forehead.

Poppy: But what if it happens again?

Branch: Poppy, I know you, and I know it won't happen again. Besides, I carry a ton of fire extinguishers with me, don't ask why. And Poppy, I know that you'll be prepared if this were to happen again.

Poppy hugged Branch tightly letting all her emotions pour out, Branch gently patted her back while she sobbed, he knew that she was still guilty after what happened, but...was that all that was bothering her?

Poppy: seems like nothing I do is good enough...I did everything I could to make sure this party went smoothly, and then disaster...I'm terrible...I'm just terrible...Dad made a mistake making me queen...

Hearing Poppy talk like this hurt Branch deep down, she was a wonderful queen and she knew it, she was letting one accident get into her head.

Branch: Poppy, look at me.

Poppy looked up at Branch and he cupped her face in his hands.

Branch: Don't you ever let me hear you talking like that again! Your father made no mistake, he knew you would be a wonderful queen and gave you the crown. Everything we went through together was because of you. If it hadn't been for you, we never would've become friends with the Bergens, we would've never discovered the other troll tribes, and I never would've reunited with my brothers. All that was because of you, you saw the good in the Bergens, you were braver than anyone else to reunite the other troll tribes, and you were the one that said to give my brothers another chance. It was all you, the brave young queen I married, that made everything into how it is now. You, a brave and beautiful troll that I'm proud to call my wife.

Poppy wiped away her tears as Branch spoke. The two gently leaned closer, closing the gap between them, and shared a deep passionate kiss. Branch put his hands on Poppy's cheeks and Poppy wrapped her arms around Branch's neck. The kiss seemed to last forever before they pulled away, both of them were blushing.

Poppy: Thanks, Branch, I needed to hear that...

Branch: Don't mention it, Poppy, that's what I'm here for. Let's head back, everyone's worried about you.

Poppy giggled and blushed, Branch helped Poppy up to her feet and wrapped his arm around her as they headed back to the village together. Neither of them were aware, however, that there was something in the forest watching them. From the looks of it, glowing red eyes and a sinister, childish laugh, it was something that didn't seem friendly.

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