Easter's Celebration

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Poppy hummed a little tune, prepping her voice for the morning song today, which was an awesome holiday! Always gotta start off with music! Poppy twirled around, tying her hair in a ponytail, and conveniently stopped in front of the pod door...and saw a box wrapped in hasty pink wrapping paper. 

"Hm?" Poppy, confused, picked up the box and inspected it. Tearing open the paper, she revealed a basket "Wha...not gonna lie, that's kinda an odd gift," she muttered aloud. She took the basket by the silver handle and brought it inside, and the sunlight caused a slip of paper inside to brighten, catching Poppy's eye. It was a note.

Dear Poppy,

Surprise surprise! Happy Easter! As a gift, I've set up a little scavenger hunt for you, all you have to do is complete it! Start by looking for Easter eggs❤️

Poppy's face broke out in a grin. Oh how she loved surprises! But...wait... Poppy turned the paper upside down but it was blank. Who was it from? Wait, was it a trap?!

No, who'd try and trap her? Branch's paranoia was rubbing off on her, she supposed.

"Easter eggs, hm? Where could you be..." Poppy hopped outside, scouring the area with her eyes. "Can't hide from me!" She sing-songed. 

A flash of blue among the greenery caught Poppy's magenta eyes. Aha! She ran way the shrubs where it lay, the shiny blue egg with golden stripes. Popping it open, inside she saw a very cute bracelet, obviously handmade. Woven from grass set with a poppy, it matched her hair color. 

"Wow, this must have taken a white to get so smooth," Poppy mumbled, admiring the woven blades of grass, running her finger up and down it. She donned the accessory and plopped the opened egg in her basket. 

Another flash of color drew her eye, this time a plain sun-yellow egg. Popping it open, she saw a mini pair of scrapbooking scissors. "Aw, how cute!" She squealed. 

Adding it to her collection, she continued following the trail of hidden Easter eggs. Multiple brightly colored eggs lay hidden a path that went farther than Poppy could see. And in each egg, Poppy discovered a small gift for her, and gopher pile of gifts grew and grew.

A bit later...

Coming over a hill, Poppy noticed the trail had come to an end. 

"Aw, it's done? But I don't see anything or anyone..." Poppy trailed, looking around. It looked like her mini quest had been in vain. Well not really in vain cause she had gained a whole basket of gifts, but she very badly wanted to thank whoever had made all this for her. It wasn't right to just leave!

"Um, hello? Hello-o-o?" Poppy called aloud, cupping her hands around her mouth.

"Cool, you made it!" a voice responded. Poppy recognized it immediately.

"Branch, you slyyyyy troll, you set this all up for me?" Poppy smirked, but nevertheless felt color rush to her glittery cheeks. She watched Branch's cheeks color as well, and he rubbed a hand behind his neck nodding, slightly embarrassed. Poppy stifled a giggle at how adorable Branch was being.

"I wanted to nab you before you got all busy with parties and stuff," Branch admitted. He walked past Poppy, sitting on the very top of the hill, eyes gazing into the horizon. He sat down with his aged fixed on the bright blue sky, and the troll village below. "Happy Easter Poppy," Branch turned at her, smiling a Very. Cute. Smile. Poppy's own smile matched his. 

"Happy Easter Branch!" She plopped down beside him, gazing at the same thing he was. It wasn't often Branch could get a calm and not over-hyper Poppy. Don't get him wrong, he loved her just the way she was, but sometimes it was awfully nice to just have a comfortable silence together in nature.

Poppy glanced at Branch, restlessness beginning to eat away at her. She wormed her hand to Branch's slipping her petite one under his. He jolted, surprised, but after seeing her hand squeezed it.

"Branch, what's your favorite thing about springtime?" Poppy asked, turning toward him. He looked up, thinking.

"The flowers. Grandma and I used to pick bouquets of flowers in spring to freshen up our pod," he wistfully smiled at the memories. Poppy cracked a smile too. Branch looked at her cute pink face. "Anddddd there's a certain flower that reminds me of a certain someone," he teased.

"Gee, I wonder who," Poppy giggled, a happy feeling enthusing her. Suddenly, she hopped up, yanking Branch's hand with her.

"Ow!" Branch yelped, releasing her hand.

"Oh, whoops," Poppy chuckled. "Sorry. We should probably be heading back, gotta start the morning song and PARTIESSSSSS!" Poppy threw up her hands in excitement.

"If you dress me up as an egg, I don't know what to say," Branch made his grumpy face.

"Of COURSE not!" Poppy waved a dismissive hand. "...I'll dress you up as a bunny!"

Branch made a face.

"Just kidding," Poppy winked jokingly. "But I have matching outfits."

"That's something I can do," Branch retorted. 

"What are we waiting for then? Let's go! EASTERRRRRRR!" Poppy hollered, rolling down the hill, leaving a laughing Branch behind.

A/N Hm, short oneshot XD I mostly wrote this to practice writing fluff n' feels n' stuff, not really a story 😝

Happy Easter everyone! BEST HOLIDAYYYYYYY-

Peace out!

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