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A/N I made up the songs, please tell me truth, are they awful or ok:)

*YAWN* Poppy woke up one morning and sat up. She jumped out of bed, brushed her teeth, and took a shower. She always started the morning with a song.

"Today's a new day,

I can feel it!

Today I can say,"

She gulped down some juice really quickly.

"I'm gonna ru-hic"

Poppy frowned.

"I'm go-hic, hic!"

Poppy cleared her throat. "Hic!"

"Argh! I've got hiccups!" she realized. "It's fine, fine! I can hide it," she told herself. "But I can't sing," she reminded herself.

She walked out of her pod and mouthed the words to the morning song. She heard a familiar voice begin singing not too far away.

"Everyday's a new chance

So use those legs and dance!

(Yeah dance!)

Poppy followed it to Branch with the Snack Pack, including Barb. She silently joined in the dancing, but didn't notice Branch knew she wasn't actually singing. After the song. Poppy complimented everyone. Branch walked up to her and tapped her shoulder.

"Hey Branch!" She said, a little too bouncy.

"Why weren't you singing?" he asked plainly.

"I, um, uh...." Poppy stuttered. "Hic!"

"You have hiccups, don't you," Branch realized.

" Um, maybe," Poppy mumbled.

"It's fine-" Branch started.

"Fine? FINE?! I can't sing without interruptions!" Poppy exclaimed.

Branch sighed. "What I was going to say was we can cure it."

"Oh. How?" Poppy asked, eager to get rid of her hiccups.

"There are some ways...follow me," Branch said, taking her hand.

At Branch's bunker...

"Okay, let me just go grab something," Branch told Poppy.

He went inside and came out a few minutes later with a glass of water.

"Okay. Now drink -"

Poppy grabbed the glass and drank as fast as she could.

Branch facepalmed. "No cupcake, you have to drink it slowly," he said.

"Whoops," Poppy blushed sheepishly, liking the nickname 'Cupcake'.

Branch went down to get another glass of water. "Drink this one slowly," he instructed.

Poppy obliged, and took gulps of water every 10 seconds. "Did it work?......Hic!


So they went to the Snack Pack and told them Poppy had hiccups.

"Oh dear, that's terrible," Biggie sympathized.

"Yeah, you can't sing, but you can play music!" Barb yelled, playing a riff on her guitar.

"Does anybody -Hic- have a cure?" Poppy asked impatiently.

"I do-oooo-oooo!" Guy Diamond auto-tuned his voice.

"What?" Poppy asked eagerly.

"You have to spin till you're super dizzy!" He said.

"But how would that even-" Branch protested.

"It's worth a try," Poppy said, putting a hand over his mouth.

"Branch, will you do the honors?" Guy Diamond asked.

Branch shrugged. "Sure." He took Poppy's hands and twirled her around faster and faster and faster! Suddenly she lost balance and fell into Branch's arms. He looked down at her upside down.

"You good Popps?" He asked.

"Yeah, just a bit dizzy..." she tried to stand up but fell back on Branch. He put her down on the grass. "Okay, I think I'm good now," she said.

"Told you it wouldn't work," Branch muttered.

"Any other ideas?" Poppy asked everybody else.

"Yeah! Let's scare those hiccups away!" Barb yelled, jumping onto her feet.

"Uh.....okay," Poppy agreed uncertainly.

Then everyone except Poppy huddled up to plan it out.

Branch stood next to Poppy. "Okay, stand here."

"Um, okay?" Poppy said.

"BOO!" the Snack Pack popped out of the bushes in an attempt to startle Poppy.

"Well, I was kind of expecting it, so-"

"HA!" Barb jumped out of a bush next to Poppy, playing a loud note on her electric guitar.

"AAHH!" Poppy practically fell backward in surprise. She took a breath.

"Alright, you got me," she said, putting a hand to her chest. "Wait, I think my hiccups are gone! Thanks Ba-Hic! Aw come on!" Poppy pouted.

"It's okay Popps," Branch reassured her, putting a hand on her shoulder. "I'm sure something or the other will work."

Poppy smiled at him. "Thanks Branch."

Ding! Everyone's hug bracelet chimed. Poppy squeezed Branch first, and everybody joined in. Barb quickly joined in then jumped out before getting too involved. She'd gotten used to hug times by now.

"Okay, back to business," Branch said. He was usually the first one to break the hug time.

"Yeah, I really want- Hic!- to get rid of these hiccups," Poppy agreed.

"Try eating a spoonful of sugar?" Biggie asked.

"Huh?' Poppy asked, confused.

"It works on Mr. Dinkles," Biggie explained.

"Yeah, but isn't Dinkles just a worm?" Barb objected.

"Of course not!" Biggie replied, a bit offended. "He is Mr. Dinkles."

"Okay," Barb said, holding up her hands as if surrendering.

"Open up Poppy," Biggie said, holding a spoon of sugar. Poppy ate it, licking her lips.

"Mmmm," she mumbled. "Hic! Oh sugar!"

Each troll attempted to cure Poppy with their own cures, but none worked.

"Hic! Argh, ENOUGH!" Poppy yelled, frustrated. "This isn't working!" she glanced at what in front of her: Barb with a bucket of water balloons. "Seriously?"

Barb shrugged sheepishly. She lamely tossed a balloon toward Poppy, but she dodged it. Unfortunately, Branch happened to be right behind her...and the balloon smashed right in his face. He glared at Barb as the ballon slid down his face. Poppy stifled a giggle. Barb noticed her and threw another one at Branch, and Poppy snorted in an attempt to stop laughing.

Barb and Branch exchanged glances. Barb grinned and nodded 'yes'. Branch shook his head slightly 'no'

'Yes '


'YES '

'NO '

'YES '

Barb dumped the whole bucket of balloons on Branch, and he was drenched. Poppy took one glance at Branch and couldn't hold it in. She fell to the floor, laughing harder than she had in a while. The Snack Pack joined in, and Barb did too.

"Ha ha, very funny," Branch said sarcastically, pulling the remains of water balloons on him.

"S-Sorry Branch," Poppy's laughter lessened a bit.

"It's fine, and besides, laughter can cure hiccups," he smiled at her.

"Wait, what?" Poppy asked.

"You heard him right!" Barb said.

"They're gone! You cured me Branch," Poppy exclaimed.

"I helped," Barb muttered. Poppy scooped them both in a big hug.

"Thanks you guys," she gestured for everyone else to join in.

"With the hiccups out of the way, let's go see what the day has to bring!" Poppy yelled. They all ran to the village square, where trolls were socializing.

"Hey everybody, who wants to sing a song?" Poppy hollered.



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