◇ The One That Left ◇

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CHARACTERS: Branch, Poppy, Viva, Clay, Bruce, Floyd, and John Dory duh.

SHIP: Cliva [ClayxViva] Broppy [BranchxPoppy]


" After a rather heated argument, Branch tries to have Clay and John Dory talk to each other, while also coming to some realisations that changes everything... "

WORD COUNT: 7957 words

A.N: It's just a oneshot- so don't be mad at the bros, (or do idc) but John Dory needs some credit okay-



The One That Left

Crickets were singing in the distance, hidden in the woods, away from their responsabilities.

Trolls were having a huge party tonight for Tiny Diamond's 2 months birthday, the music not so loud so it didn't bother the birthday boy who was already off to sleep now after the busy day. Around a table, some friends were chatting with each other with energy, the group including Queen Poppy, Princess Viva, Branch and the rest of the Brozone brothers. The children were gone and it now let place to some more adult conversations and activities... such as drinking.

At first it was fine, just talking about old memories and sharing funny stories; but some trolls didn't know when to stop filling up their glass, which could be acceptable to some point... yet a troll with such an emotional baggage like Clay taking another drink wasn't maybe the best idea.

Everyone was laughing, Clay had been talking none sense and well, Branch had understood that he was the type of the troll who would just let all the emotions take over when being drunk. Out of the group, him and John Dory had decided to stay away from the acohol to make sure no one would do anything stupid— when in reality, Clay probably should have been the one to not drink anything.

- AND THEN, Bruce giggled, still clear enough to be able to just spell out correct grammar, John Dory grounded us for a WHOLE month !

All the family laughed, Floyd and Bruce included, not seeing the akward giggle John Dory gave back to them in response... it was well deserved, wasn't it ? And Clay well, he was fine–

.... until he was not.

- YEAH !! And then that's when he started to call me BANANA HAIR !!

The group was still laughing, but not so enthusiastically anymore; Clay wrapped his arm around Viva's shoulder for a side hug, getting his glass to bring it closer to his lips once again, barely able to hold it, shaking;

- YEah that gave me TRAUMA man !! Clay wheezed hard, which could almost be compared to strangled sobs.

Viva's pink eyes widened in shock as she looked over at the rest of the group. Branch who was sitting next to Poppy even sent a look toward John Dory to try and analyse the situation; this was indeed, deeply akward...

- Uhh... Clay, you good man ? Floyd questionned.

Clay laughed; chasing some tears;

- YEAH ! He jumped; What ? Who said that ? he looked around to see who had spoke up with his voice, OH OH !! He suddendly pointed his drink toward Bruce, You guys remember when John Dory wouldn't play with us because he was bUsY trying to bE pErFecT, He did his best big brother impression.

- Uh, Clay– Poppy tried to stop him, but the middle child was rolling off the hill;

- AND, That time he YELLED at Bruce that he was getting FAT, He slammed his drink on the table, making a loud sound that made everyone jump, REMEMBER THAT BRUCE?? He punched his sibling's shoulder.

- Uhhh... Bruce tried to cover his stomach out of shame.

- OR, When he told FLOYYDDDD~ He was acting TOO GIRLLYYY~~~ He almost fell off his chair.

- Ehh... Floyd rubbed the back of his head.

Clay slowly turned toward Branch, the grayish troll knew his own remark was coming, but he wasn't expecting such a hard one. Clay stopped for a second, before he just laughed loudly;

- AND YOU??? Oh man, he got you GOOD ! He pointed to him, nearly kicking Viva in the process.

- Wha?... Branch's ears dropped down.

- He left you all alone ! And you were just a BABY !! IN DIAPERS !!

That stabbed him in the heart, and turned the knife inside the wound. Seeing his older brother literally wheezing and kicking his feet, tears on the corner of his eyes... he knew the acohol was doing effect on him, yet, he felt so little at the moment;

- Well... Clay, y-you left too...

Clay paused, gasping. He took another sip of the liquid, and then bursted out laughing again;

- ... I DID !!! Clay comfirmed, And so did Bruce and even Floyd !! Who told you ?

Branch was pretty sure the whole world had just fell on his hair. Poppy grabbed his hand under the table, squeezing it.

- I-I saw you, Branch mumbled.

- It's okay Branch, Poppy whispered to him, he's just not in his right state of mind...

And that was confirmed because well, after he basically opened up and let out the whole tsunami of feelings trapped inside of his chest, his giggles were slowly changing to more sobs. The whole group now getting akward, Viva stepped up;

- Okay ! Clay, I think maybe we should get you home, huh ? She proposed.

- Why ? I'm LIT right now ! I'm having a GOOOOOOOD time ! Her partner tried to grab another drink.

Only a hand snatched the cane, and threw it away in the bushes nearby. Clay frowned in confusion, looking at the one who had stole the one thing that would make him forget his pain for a while;

- Heeeeyyy, that's not very nOice ! He pouted.

John Dory looked... mad ? Concerned ? For sure, he would not let his baby brother drink more of this poison.

- I think you had enough, John said, C'mon, you're going to bed !


- I didn't asked you if you wanted to or not ! You're... you're making everyone uncomfortable, bro ! He gestured to the rest of them.

- YOU'RE NOT DAD !! GIVE ME MY DRINK ! He yelled at John Dory.

The oldest took a step back, avoiding Clay getting up and trying to grab another drink but failing because he couldn't even stand up right. The hiker swallowed the ball in his throat in just a second, and helped Clay up with a gentle voice;

- Y-You're right, Clay, I'm not dad, and maybe that's a good thing... because well, I care about you and—


A quiet gasp of shock was heard followed by a long and painful silence. Branch knew Clay was mad at John Dory... but he had never imagined the pain was this deep.

John Dory tried his best, like he always did, to hold back the tears, hide the pain as well... he wanted to be strong and show he was better now, but these words ? He couldn't handle it. He thought this was the truth, he knew he hurted Clay and since he didn't know what to do, he turned away, and headed to the forest;

- I'll go to Rhonda, he informed them, please get him home...

This might have been a bad decision; Clay could not believe it, he laughed; but this time the laugh was clearly mixed with the cries of an abandon child. A child that had begged days and nights for his brother to come back. He watched the troll walking away, and the anger bursted out;

- YEEAAAH!! Clay cheered loudly as he smiled painfully, YEEEAH THAT'S RIGHT !! He clapped his hands, LEAVE !! IT'S JUST WHAT YOU'RE BEST AT, JOHN DORY, ISN'T IT ?! GO ON, DAD ! LEAVE !!! Tears were now streaming down his face as he screamed so loudly his lungs felt like they were burning, WOOOOOOO !!! He threw his fists above his head.

His applauses were cut short by a certain pink troll with golden hair grabbing his hand and forcing him to face her, she shook him to make him come back to some reality, scared for him;

- CLAY ! Honestly, that's enough !! Look at you, you're crying !! Viva glared at him, He- He didn't do anything ! She tried to kick some sense into him.

- Yeah, he didn't do anything, that's EXACTLY the problem ! Clay sobbed, He just dropped everything and left after literally BOSSING US around our whole lifes ! He left... he left us... he left me ! ....

Viva didn't hesitated to wrap her arms around his body when his legs gave up under him and he broke down into  heart breaking hyperventilating sounds.

Their night clearly being over, Bruce gently helped Floyd up his seat before saying he would go see JD alone. Branch was take away from his trance by Poppy's hand gently patting his shoulder, Floyd gently rubbing his back.

- C'mon, you guys can stay at my pod, Poppy invited them over.

... And Branch left.


As they were walking back to Poppy's pod, Floyd was looking above his shoulder; he noticed Branch that was still staying behind after the argument, looking down in silence.

Floyd slowled down to match his speed and tried to meet his eyes, leaning playfully foward to nudge him;

- Hey... you alright ? The pink and white haired troll questionned.

Branch didn't responded immediately, as if his brain was working out on solving a puzzle. The grayish troll shrugged, sighing longly,

- Yeah, I.. I just.. I never knew— he took a pause, I never knew Clay could get so angry... I know he was still hurt by John and all but, I didn't know it was that bad... or that it was even still hurting him...

Floyd nodded, listening carefully to the words of the younger adult. He burried his hands in both of his pockets, thinking out loud;

- Ah, yeah... well, he was reaaallyy drunk honestly... Floyd tried to find an explanation at why it had gotten so agressive, So that kinda explains a lot there...

- Yeah, but, still... he said a lot.

A lot a things, lot of things Branch hardly imagine one brain could handle by its own.

- Well, uhm... Floyd knew what Branch was feeling, Hey ! It'll probably be better by tomorrow ! We just gotta wait, huh ? Maybe everything won't be forgotten so quickly but I'm sure they'll both be able to talk about it ! Eventually... I mean we all know Clay's not usually like that hehe...

Wait to talk, avoid the problems as if it never happened.

- Yeah.. I don't know... I guess ? Branch wasn't so sure.

Floyd gently patted his shoulder;

- Things will be fine, they always turn out fine. Try not to let this bother you so much, huh ?

- Yeah, um.. I'll try.

- Good ! He gave his shoulder a gentle rub before moving his hand away, well it's pretty late... I think I'm gonna head out too !

- But weren't you going to my pod too? Poppy stopped, overhearing.

But Floyd gave an akward giggle, and shook his head;

- N-No it's fine, I'll let you two alone ! Good night Branch, bye Poppy !

And then Floyd hugged him tightly before leaving. Branch frowned in confusion; why did this felt oddly familiar ?

- Uh... okay ! Poppy smiled, Bye, see you later  !

Oh yeah, definitely familiar.

▪︎ ▪︎

So Branch did what Floyd told him to do; he waited for things to get better, and just hoped Clay and John Dory would talk to each other about what had happened... things would be fine, right? Just like Floyd said it would, he wanted to believe him.

So two days after the argument, Branch took his morning walk in direction of the forest's border, where a familiar giant armadillo bus was munching on her food under the first rays of sunrise. When she saw Branch, Rhonda gave a joyful purr and started giving him affection as if she hadn't seen him in years. Branch gave a heartfelt giggle, gently pushing her away;

- Yeah I know ! I'm happy to see you too, girl ! Do you know where John Dory is ?

Rhonda shook her entiere body and looked in the distance toward the forest; Branch guessed John Dory would soon come back from his morning short hike.

Branch then sat down and waited with Rhonda for his brother to come back... Almost every weekend, the brothers would go visit the second oldest of the family, Bruce. John Dory would drive them (Branch, Clay and Floyd) there and they would spend time together at Vacay Island. In all honestly, Branch really did appreciated these moments; it made him feel closer to them.

The troll's ears twitched when he heard some bushes moving behind him. A wild John Dory had just spawned behind him and made his way to him.

- HEY ! Isn't that my favorite baby bro ! He cheered, wrapping his arms around Branch...

... to cover him with sweaty arms.

- EWWW JOHN! Branch did his best to break free, Did you shower at all today ??

The turquoise haired troll had to actually take a moment to meditate about the question;

- Uhhhh.... he tapped his chin, Does brushing my teeth counts ?

Branch sighed; well at least that was something. Rhonda didn't cared about sweat because well, seeing her best friend she immediately snuggled him, her tail wagging.

- RHONDA RONNN, He petted her then turned toward his brother, I'll take a shower on the way, don't worry, he informed him, So, where's Floyd ?

Branch raised an eyebrow; he had no idea, had been looking around all morning so he had assumed John Dory would know !

- I have no idea... I thought he would be here... and where is Clay ?

John Dory had been suppose to have a discussion with Clay and clear things out, so why wasn't the middle child there yet? They had to head off to Vacay Island soon if they didn't wanted to be late !! The answer wasn't quite what Branch had been expecting,

- I don't know either, he shrugged.

- What do you mean you don't know ?? Branch was confused, Didn't you try talking to him ??

He thought this would be over by now ! John Dory sat next to him, placing a hand on Rhonda's face, giving him an explanation;

- Yeah, I did ! The eldest assured, But all he did was tell me to leave and then he threw a package of crisp and crunchy edibles at me !

-... Specific— Branch commented, but, its been two days... and we're suppose to go visit Bruce !! You guys can't keep this up forever, you have to face each other at some point !

He was getting a bit frustrated now; he had learned with Poppy keeping feelings locked underground wouldn't do any good, and he certainely didn't wished for John and Clay to build themselves bunkers and dissapear for the next decades. He was probably a bit paranoid about this, and his sibling noticed, nudging him;

- Listen man- i tried, I can't force him if he doesn't want to see me– but seriously, did you loose Floyd on the way ? He changed the subject.

Oh right, Floyd. Floyd was missing too ! That was weird, had he gotten sick ? Or maybe his alarm clock didn't wake him up ?

John Dory and him decided to give the second youngest of the herd a visit; Floyd had gotten his own pod about a week ago, a yellow and pink one, decorated with wavy patterns. Rhonda being too big to climb on a tree like the one on which Floyd's house was hanging, JD stayed with his companion while Branch climbed the plant to go knock at the door.

- Floyd ? Floooyd, are you home ?

The locket made a click sound and his brother opened the door, still in pyjamas and eating a muffin for breakfast.

- Oh- Oh hey Branch, you need something ? He looked outside, as if he was looking for intruders.

Branch was surprised but didn't say a word about this unlikely event, and instead mentionned why he was here;

- Uuh... Yeah actually— me and John were picking you up to go visit Bruce, remember ?

At the mention of the oldest's name, the pink haired troll had a strange reaction. First, he basically almost chocked on his muffin spotting the giant armadillo bus under his tree branch. Then he almost closed the door, leaving just a space to see his expression;

- Actually I uh- I forgot heh– And I just remembered that I have a lot of cleaning to do ! Like seriously you DO NOT want to see the state of my pod right now heh... uh... go without me !

- Without you ? Branch raised an eyebrow.

- Yeah, yeah ! Floyd nodded, I'll be fine ! Do not worry about me, okay ? Remember; always there, he playfully pocked the vest Branch was wearing, See you guys !

And the door closed, leaving a dumbfounded Branch on the doorstep.

- BRANCHHH, John Dory called in the distance, C'MON, WE'RE LEAVING !!

Weird, really weird.. as he rushed to catch Rhonda before she ran away, Branch started getting the feeling that something was going on with Floyd, but it could wait; he decided he would look more into it later, after the weekend at Bruce's place.

▪︎ ◇ ▪︎

Their ride stopped on the border of the tropical forest, the door on her side opening to let the two passengers walk out. The warm sarm and ocean breeze made Branch instinctively relax; he just loved the feel of the island... until he was picked up by a giant puppet like creature, and his hair got pulled by another;

- UNCLE BRANCH !!! Freddy and Cove greeted him, not quite realizing he was in pain at the rough play.

- BOYS ! Thankfully Bruce wasn't too far, Let your uncle go, he's not a doll, for all that's trolly !

- Aww, I thought he would be the one to wear the princess tutu this time ! John Dory teased, walking up to Bruce to give him a playful side hug, How' you doing ?

Freddy gently placed Branch on the ground so he could join his brothers; he shook his hair, not surprised to find sand in it and feel the shock in his body;

- Ow, ow ow, he grumbled, rubbing his now well streched back, Hey Bruce– he greeted, which earned a chuckle from the two older brothers.

Brandy was simply delighted to see her husband's family at the cantina, so much that she had prepared them troll size snacks filled with sugar for them to munch on. Like usual, the kids were playing games around the island watched over by the Vacaytioners and often coming to their parents; "Daddy ! Did you see me ?? Did you see me on the slide ??" At the counter, the uncles and parents were sharing the snacks, discussing with each other often interrupted by the children.

- That's great, LaBreezey, Branch said as the puppet-troll showed him a drawing he made of himself and his uncle.

- Are you sure ? She asked, looking at her drawing again, Aren't your ears too small ?

- Trust yourself kiddo, John Dory said, rassuring her, If you think they should be bigger, draw 'em bigger ! You can always try again if you don't like it afterward, right ?

She nodded, going back to the kids table to draw bigger ears on Branch, deciding to he confident in herself. Bruce gave a surprised expression at his older brother that ate another grilled pumpkin seed with an unaware look on his square face;

- She reminds me of Clay, John Dory sighing, Before the band, he always needed approuval on everthing he did... mostly from me– He smiled as he recalled the memory.

- Speaking about Clay, Bruce interrupted at the mention of his closest brother, Where is he ? Did he got an impediment like Floyd ?

Branch and John Dory exchanged a look, showing akward smiles and giggles. Their brother didn't needed more explaination to catch up on the situation, and sighed loudly, rubbing a temple;

- Oooh... Mr. "I don't know how to handle my feelings so it comes out as anger" is back, am I right ?

- Yeah, that, JD nodded, taking another grilled seed.

- What did you even told him anyway ? Branch questionned his older brother.

Maybe John Dory had used the wrong words to express himself ? It often happened; after being alone for so long his communications skills were even worst than Branch ! But just a few weeks with his brothers had made him work on himself, which made him extra careful;

- Well, he took a drawing of Clay LaBreezey had gave him and showed him to all like a puppet, I got to his pod and said; hEy cLaY—

- Don't make this weird- Bruce warned him, snatching the drawing away.

- .... okay, the storyteller blinked and cleared his throat, I just- basically asked if we could talk about what happened and well he-

- ...throwed a package of crisp and crunchy edibles at you, we know that, Branch grumbled.

- Well you know... Clay has always been a really emotional kid, Bruce said calmly, I mean- he might had needed acohol to say it out loud but when John Dory left it really broke him. And I guess since that was his first time ever saying that to you...
He would look at John; and plus being drunk- it came out in a really harsh way.

John Dory looked down, he knew he hurted Clay... he just wanted to know how he could proove to him he wasn't leaving again.

- But why is he hiding from me now ?... he asked in a tone that meant despair.

Bruce thought for a few seconds, thinking of his best dad advice to give for the relashionship problem and not say to his brother to obvious answer that was something that sounded like "well he thinks he hates you" ;

- I would say... he's probably expecting that you're going to leave again and well, he doesn't wanna be there when it's gonna happen and get hurt... again.

Branch was shocked by how causually Bruce was saying that, feeling his chest twist in a painful way.

- Leave it time, Bruce continued. he'll stop pouting eventually and you'll be able to talk to him... no big deal, you know ?

He was saying "not a big deal" like it didn't matter. Like Clay feeling alone and rejected and showing it as anger was not that concerning. Branch's ears dropped down, and he excused himself as he got off his seat;

- I'm just gonna go clean my plate, he said, walking away to the kitchen.

His brothers didn't make any comment. It was no big deal afterall. The grayish troll walked in the room hidden to the custumers lost in thoughts, almost not noticing Brandy that was busy making a smoothie and almost misstook him for a blueberry;

- WOAH BRANDY CAREFUL- Branch wriggled out of her grip.

- Oh ! She exclaimed in surprise, I'm so sorry, Branch ! She giggled, posing him on the counter, Are you alright ?

If he would have been in a great mood, he would have assure "Yes ! I feel like singing a song about this funny accident !" Yet he was not in the mood of the troll way at the moment and shrugged, sighing;

- Well, I could be better, he admited shameful.

He was expecting for Bruce's wife to just get silent but being caring, she gestured to a strawberry;

- Would you please pass me those ? If you want, you can vent it while we finish these ! She said, wanting to be rassuring.

Branch gave a small smile and rolled the strawberries toward the woman, with the action, it became somewhat easier to explain his thoughts;

- Well, something happened a few days ago with John Dory and Clay and I feel like I should do something about it- Everyone told me to let it time but nothing has changed, I just- hate seeing my brothers fighting.

... Because last time he saw them fighting they left him for years and never came back, but he didn't say that part out loud.

- Well, Brandy seemed to think about what her husband's brother was telling her, Seems like it's complicated... to be sure, John Dory is the middle child, right ?

Again, Branch raised an eyebrow in confusion; didn't she know who they were ?

- Did... Bruce ever talked about us ?

He did not wanted to think it was true- he really didn't. Maybe it was just a misunderstanding, and Branch was important, all of his brothers were important as well and-

- I think once but ... that was a long time ago ...

His heart fell and shattered in the bottom of his chest in shattered pieces that proceeded to tear his stomach painfully. He held back showing his true emotions the best he would, taking in a sharp breathe;

- So he didn't talked about us...

Brandy sat by him, letting the smoothie machine aside;

- He never... was really comfortable about the band days, but I don't think that means that-

- It's like he moved on from us... Branch didn't even needed to listen to the fake hopes, I guess we were holding him back...

Brandy sighed;

- I'm sorry

Branch shook his head, looking back at the kind soul;

- Nono don't feel sorry, I mean, it's fine... he's happy, right ?

That's true; he was. Bruce had a family that loved him, a home, a restaurant and a tons of friends.

- Yeah but.... you are his brothers... Brandy added.

They had just been added the list recently but why had they been crossed from it for so many years ?

- ... I guess we were just not a big deal, Branch sighed, looking back at Bruce that was still chatting with John Dory.

▪︎ ◇ ▪︎

After the weekend, Branch and John Dory went back to Trolls Village. There, Poppy was very happy to see her boyfriend and his big brother, hugging them both; she asked Branch if he wanted to have a slumber party later since they hadn't seen esch other in two days, which Branch gladly agreed to; he was missing his Poppy affection daily dose.

Once she was off to some party, John Dory, hopeful, had asked Branch if he wanted to hang out more... without really thinking about it, Branch refused; he wanted to go see Floyd first.

- That's fine, I'll be at spot with Rhonda like usual, he ruffled his hair, say hi to Floyd for me, alright ?

He didn't seemed shocked or even annoyed by this, Branch thought it was okay then, and went to Floyd's pod.

Gladly, his place was clean now, and Floyd accepted to hang out with Branch, very happy to see his little brother. They decided to go to the market together, go get an ice cream and maybe go buy some albums of Floyd's favorite group... totally not Kismet.

They had just got their ice cream cones [Branch chocolate and Floyd pineapple] and sat under the shade of a tree when they spotted familiar trolls among the display of hair; Lime green and gold were at the market as well that day. Branch's gaze lit up and he called;

- HEYY ! Clay ! Viva ! Over here !

Clay was the first to turn around and spotted Branch and Floyd under the tree, he smiled shyly and waved back with the hand that wasn't holding a bunch of shopping bags. Viva seemed to ask what he was looking at, he gestured, and when she saw them, she squealed so loudly Branch's ears rang; in just a few seconds she was at their level and hugging them both, making them almost drop their ice creams;

- OH MY GOSH, OH MY GOSH, HAI HAI GUYS !! She beamed, letting go of Branch to scream at Clay, C'MON MR.CLAY, HURRRYYYY.

- I'M COMING, He said, w a l k i n g.

Well that let enough time for Floyd to act weird again...

- Oh- he checked his hug time bracelet, Hey, that was nice seeing you guys but I just remembered that I have to go ! I uh... I have a very important checkup to go- because you know, sucking the life outta me thing?...

- But I thought it was in two days ? Viva raised an eyebrow, confused as much as Branch.

- Oh- uhhhh, well they called me yesterday to move the date ! Uh- BYE !

He got up in a fast jump and literally ran away from where he had been chilling a few seconds ago. Branch was just so lost; what was going on with Floyd ? He didn't recall his sibling ever acting like that before... what wad his deal ?

- Oh hey, where did Floyd go ? Clay had finally reached their spot.

The three trolls just sat together, Viva did not hesitated to lay down with her head on Clay's lap. Branch gave a small smile at this but shrugged, still bothered by Floyd's weird actions;

- He said his checkup got move, he explained what Floyd had came up with, What are you guys up to ? He tried to ignore the pincn his heart.

- Well, for now, Clay was about to braid my hair, the princess said innocently, grabbing Clay's hands to place them in her hair.

- Seriously ? I did it this morning but then you told me it was bothering you  and unbraided them ! The lime green haired troll moved her locks away from her face to see her eyes.

She giggled loudly, kicking her feet;

- I LIEEED ! I just wanted you to do it again because I like when you braid my hair !

That got a blush from her partner and he started his work the best he could. It was not as fast and good as Viva, but she still appreciated the connection she shared with him. It was comforting in a way.

- What Viva meant to say, Clay spoke for her, is that she wanted to devorate her pod so she forced me out of mine to go shopping- but she ended up buying dresses instead and took me as a judge.

- You're the best judge, She mumbled, relaxed.

- Well, sounds fun ! Branch bounced his eyesbrows at Clay, which his older brother gave him a firm look that translated to "SHUT UP".

Since they were in a great mood, Branch tried for a long time not to talk about the whole situation; Clay was obviously doing way better without acohol in his body and with Viva by his side that was the happiest he could get. Floyd having just dissapeared, it was not so bad that Clay and Viva spend the rest of the day with him- even if it meant Branch ended up carrying shopping bags as well for the princess.

The whole day passed by like a pleseant breeze, and soon the night was falling upon the Trolls' forest. Since Branch had to join Poppy at her pod for the slumber party, Viva and Clay decided to follow just to say hi before going their own way.

When thet got there, Viva rushed to the pink pod way much faster than the two men would. As they were walking the rest of the distance, Brwnch couldn't keep it in; he just had to ask;

- Did you... thought about talking to John Dory?

The mention of the one troll made Clay's posture get tense in not even a second. His eyes had lost their previous spark of joy, and he spitted out venom;

- I don't want to hear about dAd and his square face, he said in a dry tone.

Of course, of course that had been a bad idea to ask this, had it ? But the grayish younger brother couldn't just let them hate each other forever !

- Clay c'mon... his blue pearls did their best to meet those of his brother, it's almost been a week ! Are you not going to at least hear him out ?

Clay scoffed;

- Hm... let me think about it- No.

- URGH, Branch protested, throwing his head back and pulling on his ears, the more you push him away, the worst you're gonna feel ! It's ... It's unfair to him ! He finally exposed.

Only the middle child was not having this; that was not the truth to him, his anger was justice, nothing else.

- Unfair to him ? He finally looked over at Branch as he stopped their track, After what he did ? I think you're forgetting who was the first to walk out the door, Bitty B !

The knife was pushed further into his stomach, but the troll had the strenght to pull it out the wrong way;

- And I think you're forgetting who followed him ! He snapped.


There was a long silence after this, during which none of them dared say a word, just sharing the common pain and only coming now to this realization.

Branch turned away, following the path they were originally on to join Viva and Poppy.

- ... You know if I hadn't been trap in that abandon golfcourse, I would have come looking for you, right ?

Branch felt his broken heart stitch up a little, a warm feeling spread in his chest, even if it wouldn't completely take hold of him, it rassured him;

Clay had wanted to come back.

- ... as much as I wanna believe that, Clay... his voice cracked, You can't expect me to hear you out if you won't try and do the same for John Dory.

After such words, Branch didn't stop anymore and made his way to his girlfriend's pod, Clay felt tears burning his eyes, his hand just lifted so lightly when he saw his baby brother walking away;

- Wait–

Branch did not turn around. He thought for a second he saw a teenager with turquoise hair and stupid goggles jumping out the window of a pod.

And it was his fault.

- D-Don't leave...

▪︎ ◇ ▪︎

- UGH ! Branch just throwed the pillow that had been on his face on the bed, I just don't get why any of this is happening ! No matter how many times John tried talking to Clay he keeps being ANNOYINGLY stubborn !!

- Hmm-mh, Poppy sat by his side.

They were at the sleepover, and he was glad Poppy was such an amazing girlfriend because she had saw he was not doing okay- so now they were practicing what Poppy liked to call "Open Branch's bunker"

- ...and Floyd– Branch throwed the pillow, Floyd is just being weird about the whole thing !! He said exasperated, I mean— I feel like I'm in the middle of all this and it's just–

He reached out, Poppy placed the pillow in his hand once again and Branch immediately burried his face into it;

- AAAARGHHH- Branch's frustrated scream was muffled by the pillow.

Once done and exhausted after letring out this huge bottle up of emotions, Poppy whispered a gentle request; he accepted. She wrapped her arms around him, pulling him up against her chest with the back of his head resting against it. She kissed his forehead, gently replacing the spikes of frustration that had formed in his dark hair.

- So a lot happened in the last days, hm ? She hummed, rubbing his shoulders to sooth him.

Branch sighed loudly, discouraged; he just wanted his brothers to be able and solve their problems and then everything would be okay again.

- You know they remind me of a certain gray troll, Poppy playfully kissed his nose.

Branch grumbled, which made his girlfriend giggle lightly;

- So what are you going to do ? She asked him.

And that's when Branch came up with an idea... his expression turning to happiness because of the idea while Poppy with covering his ears with kisses.

▪︎ ◇ ▪︎

... The plan was to set them up.

Location; the bunker.

John Dory arrived first, thinking that Branch finally decided to hang out with him so he was actually in a great mood when he jumped off the elevator.

- HEY Bitty B ! Guess what ? I found your favorite— baby applesau-

But Branch didn't let him finish his sentence, grabbed his shoulders and forcing him to sit down at the table. John Dory raised an eyebrow, but shrugged and ate the applesauce he brought.

Clay was the next to arrive in the bunker, still feeling guilty about the fight with Branch the day before; he wasn't the most ready to apology to JD but he didn't wanted Branch mad at him. So when he walked in searching for the youngest and saw the cause of his confused feelings at the table, his jaw fell open.

- ... Oh hey Clay ! Want some ? John Dory awkwardly proposed him the snack to try and ease the tension.

- What is he doing here ? He asked to Branch that had just appeared from behind a wall, fuck this shit-

He was about to leave before he felt hair wrapping around his waist, pulling him into a chair next to JD.

- You're gonna sit there— Branch said.

- Branch, no ! I am not sitting next to–

He tried to get up, only for Branch to give him a fierce glare. Scared, he say back down;

- ......okay-

Few minutes later Floyd arrived, Branch wanted to know what he was on about the whole running away from John and Clay thing- when the second youngest saw John Dory and Clay, the expected theory was proved right. He seemed terrified, and walked away to the elevator;

- ... OKAY, Clearly this is a very bad time so im just gonna–

Not fast enought because before he could even come up with another reason, Branch had pull him into a chair.

- NO, You're not leaving ! Branch snatched the empty applesauce cups away from John Dory, Because you're going to sit right here, and we are ALLLL going to have a proper conversation about this situation- because it's starting to PISS ME OFF-

As he said that, he stomped on the ground angrily, his brothers covered their ears, shocked by the yelling.

They were all quiet for a long minute, and knowing Branch wouldn't let them leave, John Dory was the first to speak up;

- Okay look- he forgot about the applesauce, Clay, I understand why you're upset with me but if you could just hear me out–

- Oh we all know what's you're going to say— Clay crossed his arms, very unhappy to be sitting right next to him, that you're so sorry for your past actions !

There was another silence, Branch was very patient and gestured for John to keep going;

- Uh.... well yeah, exactly! But also—

- Hhh, this is not going to help... Floyd tried to hide behind his emo giant lock of hair.

Shamefully, John Dory sighed and looked away. Clay didn't really know why, but he sent a look toward Branch; the troll pointed the oldest with his chin, still glaring.

- You know, John– Clay slowly spoke up, I wasn't ever gonna tell you how badly it hurt me after you left, I kept it inside this whole time for the sake of us not being torn apart again– but I guess me being extremely drunk was the ticket to me finally pouring my heart out ! When I was at my worst...

- I...

- Yeah, he giggled in pain, kinda funny right? Like how you left us when we were at our worst ??

Like Bruce had explained, anger was often Clay's response to test the ones he had felt betrayed by; would they stay even if he provocated them this way? It was unconciously, without even realizing it.

- Clay I get that okay ?! The hiker met his gaze, managing to stay calm, But you have to listen to me I need you to hear me out, please !

Clay stood up and slammed his hands on the table, Branch didn't even flinched;

- And why should I hear you out when you basically RUINED my life and then suddenly decided to walk OUT of it ??

- Okay, okay, guys– Branch held out his hands before they got too far, let's just–

But John Dory stood up as well, and gave Clay an offended, but understanding look;

- I didn't ruin your life ! At least I never meant to !

- Yeah, sure, but you STILL DID ANYWAY !! The words almost torn apart his vocal chords.

- Ugh !! I don't get why you just won't let me explain that I–

- Oh trust me, you leaving was the only explanation I EVER NEEDED !!

Unexpectedely, someone else stoop up, the one troll that had been quiet this entiere time;

- OKAY, HEARD ENOUGH- I should go !

Floyd rushed to the elevator, only to be held back by Branch's hand gripping into his.

- Floyd!! Where do you think you're going ?

He heard these words before, and he shock him off, wanting to be done with this, but Branch was holding on;

- I– I just... I just think that we should leave it alone, you know ? Let them figure it out on their own !

- Well that's clearly not working out now is it? That the whole reason I made you come here- I don't understand why you keep avoiding the problem !

Floyd's eyes grew wide, John Dory and Clay had stopped yellimg at each other to stare at their younger brothers in shock; never before they had seen Branch that mad at him.

- B-Branch, Floyd swallowed the lump in his throat, it's not really our proble–

- In fact, I noticed that a lot about you, Branch mumbled before his tone changed to uncomprehension, you like to find ways to avoid EVERY problem you come across ! Why do you do that ?!

The pink haired troll tried to shook him off again;

- I don't do that ! B-BRANCH LET ME GO ! He yelled.

- Yes you do ! Branch held him tighter, THAT'S WHAT YOU'RE DOING RIGHT NOW ! You're avoiding the problem ! That's what you always— did...

Suddendly Branch's grip got loose, his blue eyes widened in shock, realizing, and Floyd was able to free himself.

JD and Clay stayed quiet, not sure of what Branch had just understood. The youngest took a few more seconds to form his words... words that couldn't be avoided ;

- ...now that I think about it... his lip was trembling, when our brothers were fighting with each other and left.. and you left...

The room got oddly silent.

- ... did you ever come back like you said you would..?

And Floyd he- he went silent for a second and turned his gaze away from him ever so slowly.

Branch stared at him, a single tear ran down his cheek when the truth hit him like a brick.

- ... I should go

... Floyd left.

He walked away, up to the elevator and dissapeared. More tears ran down Branch's cheeks, his breathe quickened. He stared at the exit that Floyd took, speechless, feeling his heart pang heavily in his chest.

- Branch ? A voice called.

His ear perked up, the warm voice of ...

“ I did come back, but no one was there... It wasn't until I heard about you saving the world from the Rock Apocalypse that I realized you were even still alive. ”

... the one that came back.

He then turned his gaze down slowly as he began to realize something, and his blurry vision ended their way on his oldest brother, who's just there, has always been there, staring back at him in slight confusion and deep concern.

Branch let out a sob as he just took in this image, and then immediately ran over to him and jumped in his arms.

John Dory almost lost his balance, shocked and gave a confused expression at Clay that had the same confusion. Branch burried his face into the fur forming to collar of his coat;

-  ... you were the only one ... ! Branch said in a shaky voice.

- Wait.. what ?

- You came back !... Branch cried out, You were the one that came back.... at the wedding you said you came back and... none of us were there... !

" You thought we were dead "

John Dory didn't needed for Branch to say it out loud to realize what he was saying. He started growing the urge to immediately wrap his arms around him protectively, but was unable to move.

- Branch... it's oka–

- No ! Branch shook his head, No it's not okay ! I'm so sorry I got mad at you.. I'm so sorry !...

he hugged him tighter and buried his face in his shoulder, tears pouring onto it.

John didn't know what else to say as he felt a few tears of his own coming on and his breathing quicken, finally being able to move and wrapping his arms back around his baby brother tightly and protectively, quite literally cradling him.

- Shhh, It's okay... he shushed him, I promise it's okay...

His voice was slightly croaky caused by the emotions as his sobs began to get caught in his throat as well. Branch cried louder and John Dory hugged him tigher; he then held a hand on the back of his head and buries his face into his neck;

- I'm sorry too... he apologied, I know everything I did was wrong, Bitty, I wanted to be able to tell you guys that...

Branch started feeling a little calmer after a few more minutes and sighed softly, feeling safe in his arms and just stays cuddled in them. He didn't wanted to let go anymore, even if he knew that if John Dory ever left... he would come back.

JD started feeling better too and pulled away, still holding his sibling close, wiping away his tears;

- I love you man.. he presses a kiss on his forehead before his placing his own forehead against his, I really do.

Branch gave a slight giggle between his tears, smiling a little;

- I love you too... oh you beautiful constructed square, he playfully said, squeezing him.

- Oh, shut up ! John ruffled his hair and attacked him with another kiss on top of his head, chuckling.

- You..

Clay walked over to them slowly. JD and Branch looked over at him;

- ...you came back ..?

All these years he had thought John Dory didn't cared, that they weren't a big deal, that he had run away from his problems.

John gave him a smile, sighing;

- Of course I did, I could never stay away... you're my brother, Clay, and I love you guys !

His lip started trembling and tears of his own start to form, even more tears than Branch.

That's all he had ever needed to hear.

JD smiled and opens his arms;

- C'mere, Mr. Serious boy, John gestured.

Oh and that didn't take more; Clay slowly walked up to him. John Dory said nothing, keeping his arm open. It was like the middle child had no control over his body anymore, as he walked up to him in silence, sometimes interrupted by slight sobs, every step was taking him closer to the comfort and healing that he had needed all these years. When he felt his brother's arms wrap around him safely, he just let it rain, and he felt the weight of which he had been a prisoner of lift off of him, finally.

Clay hugged John tighter.

- ...I'm sorry !...

- It's alright... I am too.. I regret everything I did, you have no idea... his hand traced circles on his back.

Branch was soon pulled in the embrace as John Dory would wrap his other arm around him and pull him in close, squeezing both of them.

- I really really missed you.. even if I was mad.. I still missed you... Clay admited.

- Heh, yeah.. me too... Branch nodded.

- I really missed you guys... their big brother chuckled, and I promise I'll never let something like that happen again, okay ?

That got a shared laugh from both Branch and Clay, tears still streaming down their face ;

- You better not ! Clay warned.

- I'll count on it, Branch promised.

▪︎ ◇ ▪︎


B: Wait, hold on.. *raises his head from John's shoulder* does Bruce know abou–
C: Oh, pfft– don't get me started on that Beach bum—
JD: Clay...

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