✧・✧・ Chapter Four: Having Fun (Not!) ・✧・ ✧

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~In the Bunker Living Room~

"Peeeeek-a-boo! Peeeeeeek-a-boo! Where's Clay-Clay?" Clay said, hiding behind a pillow and peeking his head out from behind the pillow. "Here I am! Peeeeeeek-a-boo............bleh, bleh, bleh, boo!"

Branch had a blank expression on his face, watching his silly third oldest brother saying peek-a-boo twenty times in a row so far. John Dory kept changing the channel, looking for a show for them to watch or to say for Branch mostly. And Floyd? He was trying to solve a crossword puzzle in the book while sneakily glancing at them, especially Branch....or to say ahem...Big Baby Branch.

"PEEK-A-BOO!" Bruce chimed in too, making a silly face.

Branch jumped a bit, not expecting him to do that.

"Bros, remember this?" Clay said as he started to sing.

🎶 Peek-a-boo I see you 🎶

🎶 Peek-a-boo I see you 🎶

Bruce gasped, smiled and joined him in the song.

🎶 I like to hide 🎶

🎶 I love to play 🎶

John Dory joined them in the song.

🎶 When you find me, smile and say 🎶

John Dory, Clay, and Bruce smiled and came close to grumpy Branch, playing peek-a-boo.

🎶 Peek-a-boo I see you 🎶

🎶 Peek-a-boo I see you 🎶

"Ooh, ooh, I know the next verse," Bruce said.

🎶 Now let's go through the magic door 🎶

🎶 With Peek-a-boo 🎶

The three of them sang together.

🎶 Just me and you 🎶

They said "peek-a-boo" to Branch one last time as the three of them laughed and smiled together.

Branch groaned. "Are you guys done?"

"I can't believe that we remember that," John Dory said.

"Yeah, it's the theme song from the show "Peekaboo, I See You!" that my kids used to love when they were babies," Bruce said.

"Yeah! Baby Branch loved that song. No wait, he still does!" Clay said.

Branch grumbled, rolling his eyes.

"That was fun," Bruce said.

Floyd glanced at Branch for a moment. Oh, man. Do I feel sorry for him. When Branch faced him, Floyd let out a shy smile, covered his face and uncovered it, mouthing the words "peek a boo". Gosh, why did I do that?

Now this surprised Branch as he actually didn't mind for his 4th oldest brother to do this. In fact, it made Branch smile and he surprisingly did it back.

"Okay, guys, why don't we watch something fun? I heard that Family Troll Feud is coming on," Floyd said, trying to distract Bruce, John Dory, and Clay.

"That's a great idea," Clay said.

"I heard that Troll Jeopardy's coming on," Floyd mentioned.

Floyd was about to grab the remote, until John Dory grabbed it before him. Floyd sighed.

"And now I'm going to find something for Baby Branch to watch." John Dory kept switching the channels on the TV until a familiar theme song played. He gasped as he sat next to Branch, smiling.

"Look, Bitty B! It's your favorite show! I found it!" John Dory said.

"Yay, you found it! Let's sing!" Bruce said.

John Dory and Bruce sang together.

🎶  Sunny day 🎶

🎶  Sweepin' the away 🎶

🎶  On my way to the air is sweet 🎶

Soon, Clay joined in the song while Floyd nodded to the beat of the song, until he couldn't help but to hum to the song too.

Branch blinked at him. "Really? Sesame Street?"

"You know you like it. What's the red monster's name again?" John Dory asked.

"Eddy?" Clay guessed.

Bruce got upset. "It's Elmo!! How can you forget his name!?!"

"Sorry, bro. It's just been soo long since I seen it. 20 years is a LONG time!" Clay admitted.

"Yup, that's your favorite character, Bitty B! Oh, look, there he is!" John Dory said. "Let's watch it."

Branch groaned as he dreaded his way through watching Sesame Street, but there were times where he enjoyed several moments of the show. Yes, he did laugh at some parts, but he then stopped himself from laughing, going back to his serious self. Soon, they were all watching it.

"Look, to be honest, I think no one is too old to watch Sesame Street. My whole family watches it," Bruce said.

"Awww, that's nice, and hey, you got a point there," Floyd said.

"Hey, I guess you're right," Clay said.

John Dory nodded. "True, true."

Branch sighed. "Yeah, okay, I admit it. It's not too bad."


~1 Hour Later~

"Yaaay! That was so much fun to watch," Bruce said, clapping Branch's hands for him.

"It was very nostalgic and it gave me so many memories," Floyd admitted.

"Oh, no! I got Elmo's World song in my head!" John Dory said, singing.

🎶 Elmo loves his goldfish, his crayon too! 🎶

Bruce chuckled. "Welcome to the club, bro. I have a ton of songs that I tend to sing a lot, including songs that are in shows that my kids watch."

"Hey, Bitty B. What was today's number of the day?" Clay asked.

"It's obvious. We have seen it," Branch said.

"Come on, Baby Branch. What's the number? Sssssssssssssss...." John Dory said.

Branch groaned. "Six."

John Dory, Bruce, and Clay clapped together, smiling at Branch. "Yaaaaaaaaaaaay!! Good job!"

Soon, the same Sesame Street theme song played, indicating that there was another episode coming up. Branch did not want to watch another one.

"What else is on TV?" Branch complained.

"You want to watch something else? Here. I'll put something on.....oh, oh, oh! Oh my gosh!" Bruce jumped excitedly. "I KNOW this song! Sorry bros, but I got to sing this."

John Dory, Clay, Floyd, and Branch blinked and stared at Spruce as he started to sing and dance to the song.

🎶  Baby shark, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo 🎶

🎶  Baby shark, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo 🎶

🎶  Baby shark, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo 🎶

🎶  Baby shark 🎶

It didn't take long for John Dory, Clay, and Floyd to bop their heads to the beat of the song. Well, not Branch though, he was getting tired of it, wanting to do something else.

"My kids LOVE this show. And every time this show comes on, I tend to watch it with them," Bruce said. "Ooo, let's watch it! Look, Bitty B! I'm pretty sure that you'll like it!"

Like it? Yeah, like right. Branch groaned some more.


~1 hour and 12 minutes later~

After watching three episodes of Baby Shark, Branch had enough of that show. In fact, now the theme song was in his head. It was now an annoying earworm.

"Oh, that was a great show!" Bruce said, clapping.

Branch got off the couch. "Okay, I've got a lot of chores to do when it comes to cleaning, so can I just...."

Bruce got excited. "Oh my gosh, go back several channels!!! IT'S BITTY B'S FAVE SHOW!!"

John Dory changed several channels. "Oh, yes!!!"

They ended up watching another show. It was Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood, which Branch had to dread through that episode, especially when the topic was all about.....

"Going to the potty. What a coincidence that this episode was all about that," Bruce said. "One of my sons that I'm hoping to potty train next week needs to see this."

"That is a good lesson for you, Bitty B, though you're still wearing diapers, but that doesn't mean that you can still learn," Clay said.

Branch grumbled. Can this be done with already?

"Yeah, Clay's right. Just remember the potty song." John Dory opened his mouth and Branch knew what he was going to do.

Branch covered his ears, singing. "I'm not listening. La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la..."

Bruce, Clay, and John Dory sang the song and in the background, which Branch couldn't help but to hear a bit of their singing, so he sang louder. Floyd just stared at them.

When they finished singing the song, Branch uncovered his ears, sighing in relief. But it wasn't all over yet as Clay, Bruce, and John Dory decided to listen to some theme songs of shows that they used to watch. Branch was absolutely not amused at all as his brothers were into it. Once again, Bruce played the "Baby Shark" theme song, which made Branch's earworm come back, but it became even more annoying. Branch groaned.


~1 Hour Later~

While watching Blues' Clues, Branch started to have a tingly feeling. No, it's not what you may think this was. No. It was more a crawling, tingly feeling that he feels whenever someone was behind him or getting close to his personal space, although he doesn't feel this when it comes to his girlfriend Poppy and sometimes his brothers.

Anyways, when Branch felt this feeling, he turned to the left to find Bruce leaning back before he quickly sat back up, looking up at the ceiling.

"What are you doing?" Branch asked.

"Oh, nothing," Bruce said, smiling.

"Okaaaay...." Branch said slowly.

Soon, he continued to feel this feeling and before long, Branch had enough. With one of his hair strands, it extended itself and moved behind his back. He soon felt something hard. Using the hair strand, he quickly wrapped around to what he felt was someone's wrist, squeezed it, and pulled it out.

Bruce let out a yelp. "Man, when did you get a hard grip?"

"What the hair, bro?" Branch raised an eyebrow at him.

"Oh, I was trying to see if Baby Branch had done something in his diaper..." Bruce said slowly.

Branch gripped his 2nd oldes t brother's wrist a bit tighter. "Excuse me what? What happened to personal space? There's a boundary line right there." 

Bruce gritted his teeth and nodded.

Branch finally let go of Bruce's hand. "So no touchy."

Bruce let his hands out in front of him. "Oh, sorry. Just checkin. Hehehe."

"Hey, how about we do something else?" Floyd spoke up.

"Good idea, Floyd," John Dory said, turning off the TV.

Branch sighed in relief. Oh, thank goodness. Now, I need to go ahead and do my Bunker chores.

"I know, let's take Baby Branch to the playground," Clay suggested.

No. Go to the playground? Out in public? Branch looked at himself from head to toe. Like this?

Floyd grabbed Branch's hand. "Guys, let's just think about it. Branch's got a lot of chores to do."

"But fresh air is important," John Dory said, grabbing Branch.

"That's a great idea, and then we'll have lunch outside," Clay said.

"Great idea. I'll make lunch and then we'll go," Bruce said.

Branch's face fell once again. "Oh, great."

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