✧・✧・Chapter One: Baby Branch's Back!・✧・ ✧

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~At Branch's Bunker~

In his Bunker bedroom, Branch slept in his bed, turned to the left, slowly opening his eyes. He faced his digital clock, which it was almost nine in the morning, meaning it was time to wake up. Branch sat up, rubbing his eyes, letting out a small yawn....

"AWWWWWWW, look who's finally awake."

Wait, what? Who was that? Was that.....John? Branch faced in front of him to find not only John Dory on the edge of the bed, but also Bruce and Clay and they were smiling at him. Branch yelped, pulling his blanket towards himself, covering himself.

John Dory gasped. "Oh! Baby Branch!"

"Wh-What are you guys doing here?" Branch asked.

"Good morning, Bitty B, did you sleep good? Aw, yes you did." Bruce rubbed Branch's left cheek.

"Aww, look at you. Don't you soo cute?" John Dory rubbed Branch's right cheek.

Branch faced them in such a confused way. "What the..."

"Come here, come here." Clay brushed Branch's hair and squished his face.

The next moment came when the three brothers cooed at him, hugging close to him. Branch looked at them in such a confused way. Why were they acting this way? What was the meaning of this? For one thing, he didn't want to be treated like one anymore. When Branch tried to move away from them, they didn't let him go.

"Are you guys okay?" Branch asked.

"Oh, we're fine Bitty B," John Dory replied.

"We're just happy to see you," Clay said in a babyish way.

"Then why are you guys talking to me in such a babyish....didn't we have an intervention about that?"

"You hungry? You hungry? You must be hungry. I'll make you breakfast." Bruce rubbed Branch's left cheek again, which he moved his and away from his cheek.

"I'll get your baby bottle," John Dory said.

"Oh, no! I'm not drinking from a baby bottle. I'm not a baby," Branch said.

It was already too late as Bruce and John Dory left the bedroom. Clay faced Branch with a huge smile on his face. Branch held onto his blanket tightly in his hands. 

"Let's go ahead and put your diaper on. Come here." Clay came closer to Branch, holding out a diaper.

When Branch looked at the diaper, his eyes' widened.

"I'm not wearing that," Branch said.

"Come on, you have to, Baby Branch...we can't let you run around all naked."

Is he crazy? I'm not. Actually....I'm in my underwear.

As Clay came towards Branch, he instinctively hopped out of the bed and ran off.


Branch ran through the hallway, hoping to avoid who ran behind him. But it wasn't all easy as Clay was quickly catching up to him. Branch fell a couple times, but quickly got up. Clay said "uh oh" in such a cute way every time Branch fell. 

I can't believe this is happening. I'm being chased and I'm running in my underwear. While running, Branch turned to see Clay jumping towards him.

"AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" Branch screamed.

- - -

Branch growled.

"There you go. Don't you look sooo cute wearing your comfy diaper on?" Clay said.

Branch looked at himself from head to toe. He couldn't believe this at all. He was wearing the diaper, the very thing that he was trying to avoid for a long time. To him, the diaper was, yes comfy, but it also gave him memories of being a baby. 

"Now I don't want you to run away like that again or you might get hurt," Clay said, carrying Branch in his arms.

As Branch had his arms crossed, Clay smiled from ear to ear, carrying him back to his Bunker bedroom to where John Dory was sitting on the bed with a baby bottle in his hand.

Branch's eyes' widened in dismay. Oh, no, what's he doing with the baby bottle? He better not do what I think he's going to do. He pressed his lips together and tried to get off Clay's arms, but struggled to do this.

"You got him!" John Dory said. "It's feeding time, Baby Branch."

"No, I'm not drinking out of that bottle. Put me down!" Branch shouted and squirmed around.

"Whoa. You're such a squirmy baby!" Clay commented.

"Let. Me. GO!"

Clay gave Branch to John Dory who carried him. Branch continued to squirm as he tried to get out of John Dory's lap, but he held onto him. John Dory talked about Branch being a bit heavy for a bit, trying to get himself comfortable to sit down, telling Branch to hold still but he didn't listen. He continued to move around. Then that's when John Dory held onto him to the point where this big baby Branch couldn't move at all.

John Dory held the baby bottle towards Branch's mouth. "Here's the bottle. Open wide..."

Branch pressed his lips, shaking his head. "Mm-mm."

"Come on, I need to feed you," John Dory said.

Branch kept his mouth closed. He definitely did not want to embarrass himself or let his eldest brother feed him. He would rather not give in to this ridiculousness. Branch continued to move his head away from the baby bottle. He could tell that John Dory was losing his patience and he would soon give up at any moment.

John Dory sighed. "Bro, why don't you drink your milk...oh, wait.....tickle, tickle, tickle...."

Branch let out a roar of laughter. "HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! STOP, STOP!!!"

"Yeah, tickle him, bro," Clay said to John Dory.

"Baby Branch is soo ticklish, yes he is. Tickle, tickle, tickle..." John Dory tickled Branch's tummy, which made him kick his legs and open his mouth wide.

It didn't take long for Branch to notice what John Dory was doing before it was too late. Soon, he had the baby bottle in his mouth. Branch tried to pull it out from his mouth, but John Dory already forced it in his mouth, which Branch had no choice but to keep sucking on it. 

A sweet, nutty flavor trickled down his throat. He realized that it was coconut milk, his favorite type of milk that he liked to drink in the morning. Branch continued to suck and suck on the baby bottle to get more coconut milk. His blue eyes twinkled, letting out a long humming noise. Mmmmmmmm.......coconut milk.

"There you go," John Dory said.

"I'm going to get some more for him," Clay said, leaving.

"Awww, you like that don't you, Bitty B?" John Dory cooed at him.

Still sucking on the baby bottle, Branch rolled eyes, letting out a small smile. John Dory smiled back at him, holding onto baby bottle to fed him but Branch slapped his hand, wanting to hold the baby bottle himself. A trickle of coconut went out of Branch's mouth, which John Dory quickly wiped his mouth with a napkin. Then he rocked him and....slowly Branch gave in, letting his eldest brother rock him. A minute later, Clay came back with another bottle of coconut milk.

"Can I hold and feed him?" Clay asked.

"Hm?" Branch's eyes widened as he finished drinking the last drop of coconut milk. He then faced John Dory who had a grimace look on his face.

"Sure, thing, but grab him quickly because my legs are starting to get sore from putting all his weight on me. Ooh, you're heavy, Bitty B. Aah, there goes my right leg—ah, ah, ah, ow, ow, ow, ow...."

Clay came and picked up Branch in his arms while John Dory sighed in relief, thanking him while massaging his right leg. Clay sat on the bed, bottle-feeding Branch, but once again, he slapped his hand, so he could hold the baby bottle himself, drinking from it, enjoying the coconut milk. And to his surprise and secretly, he enjoyed it when his brothers held onto him like this...kind of. But not fully as he hoped to finish the drink as quick as possible.

John Dory and Clay came close to him, smiling right at him, cooing at him. A sudden gasp, followed by a loud thump made them jump.

Branch faced towards to where the voice was coming from. He stopped and stared with. Clay and John Dory gasped, facing each other and ahead of them. Standing near the doorway was Floyd. His purple eyes widened, his mouth dropped, and he was pretty much speechless. And right on the floor was a basket with a pile of clothes that was now on the floor too.

Branch blinked at his brother, being speechless to speak. He wanted to say something. He wanted to crawl back in bed and hide. He wanted to go back in time and start over everything, including his morning but he knew it was already too late. He had an empty feeling in the pit in his stomach. Or was it hunger? Or maybe both? Either way, Branch didn't feel too good.

Floyd blushed. "Oh....my.....gosh—"

"It's not what you think, it's not what you think." Branch said, throwing the baby bottle away, blushing too.

"What the hair?" Floyd said but then he covered his mouth. "Oop. Sorry for my language...it's just....I'm....I'm in shock right now. Seriously. What the hair, bros? What's going on...."

"What do you mean 'What's going on?'" John Dory mimicked Floyd.

"Why are you guys treating Branch like a baby? Why is drinking from a baby bottle? And why on earth is he wearing a diaper?" Floyd asked.

"Thank you!" Branch shouted.

"I thought we told you last night," Clay said.

"Really? You did? I'm sorry. I must've fallen asleep when you told me last night," Floyd admitted.

"Ay yi yi!" Clay said in disbelief.

John Dory sighed. "Well, Clay, you'll have to explain again while I..."

Branch accidentally let out a loud burp that interrupted John Dory, Clay, and Floyd's conversation. The three of them faced him.

Branch blushed hard. Oh my gosh, this can't be happening. I can't believe I did that in front of my brothers, especially Floyd who had seen me like this, especially me wearing a diaper. What if he thinks about me in a different way now? What if he thinks I'm weird? Or a baby? Or more like an adult baby? He would probably treat me like an actual baby and won't see the mature side of me anymore.

Now at this point, Branch felt like crying like an actual baby. Like really. He was so ready to cry but he blinked back his tears, not wanting to embarrass himself even more than before.

"Burp time!" John Dory grabbed Branch, putting his head on top of his left shoulder, patting him on the back.

Branch had an annoying expression on his face. He tried to pull away from John Dory, but he had a grip on him. This is ridiculous. I'm literally way too old to be burped like this. No matter how many times he's going to pat my back to have me burp, it's totally not going to work on me. Branch grumbled as John Dory continued to pat him. Ten seconds later, Branch let out a small burp.

"Oop. There you go," John Dory said, continuing to pat him on the back but harder.

This time, Branch let out several more burps. From small to loud burps to short to long burps. Branch tried to tell him to stop but he kept on burping as he tried to talk. When John Dory stopped patting him on the back, he looked at him and smiled. Branch, on the other hand, frowned at him, not being amused.

Clay, on the other hand, faced Floyd and the two of them talked about whatever they were talking about as Branch tried to figure out what they were talking about, but could't hear them as he continued to burp.

"Don't you feel better, Bitty B?" John Dory said in a babyish voice.

"Okay, okay, I'm good. I'm good!!!" Branch said. "Now can you and Clay stop treating me like a baby? We've got more important things to—"

"Time to eat!" Bruce shouted.

"BREAKFAST TIME!!!" Clay picked up Branch.

"Whoa! Hey, put me down!! PUT ME DOWN!!! I can walk myself!" He shouted.

"Awww, Bitty B's getting fussy. He's definitely hungry!" John Dory said. "Let's go see what we're having for breakfast, bros."

Branch's face fell. "Oh, no."

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