Chapter 28

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~In Honolulu, Hawaii~

After Another Flight Got Mixed Up And Ruined Again, Silas & The Trolls Ended Up On The Island State Of Hawaii In The City Ot Honolulu.

On The Beach Shore, The People Who Lived In Honolulu Had Their Fun On The Beach With Their Tropical Drinks, Hula Skirts, And Hanging In The Beach Water. 🏝🍹

Nearby The Shore, Silas Sat Down On The Sand, With His Head Down And Looking At His Phone With Pictures Of Him, His Dad & Mom.

Silas Sighed Deeply As He Missed Being With His Parents, And Also Thinking How Worried And Disappointed They May Be In Him For Trying To Travel Across The Country.

Trollex, Barb, And Prince D Walked Up To Silas, To Attempt To Try And Cheer Him Up.

"Hey Kid, We Know You're Probably Upset And Most Likely Done At This Point With All Of These Failures"
Barb Said.

"Gee, What Was Your First Clue?"
Silas Said With Sarcasm.

"Wellllll You Mourning While Looking At Family Photos Is A Pretty Good Clue"
Trollex Shrugged.

"And You Sitting Criss-Cross Applesauce Always Hints At Some Kind Of Depression"
Prince D Gestured.

Silas Looked At His Sitting Position.
"Your Point?"

"The Point Is, We Are Gonna Try To Cheer You Up! In The Most Leeful Animated Way Possible!"
Trollex Said.

"You're Gonna Strip Down In French Attire With Chocolate Rain?"
Silas Raised His Eyebrow.

"What? NO!"
Trollex Said.

"On The Other Handddd.."
Barb Thought About That.

Prince D Interrupted Barb.
"ANYWAAAAY -.-, Go On Trollex"

"The Most Animated Way Possible Is...PLAYING CATCH! 😄"
Trollex Suggested.

"With What? There's No Beach Balls Around"
Silas Replied.

"Not With Beach Balls Bro, WITH BARB! 😄"
Trollex Suddenly Held Up Barb In The Air.

Barb Realized She Was Being Held Up.
"Wait Hold Up-"

Trollex Threw Barb Out Into The Beach Water.

Barb Got Flung Out In The Distance Of The Water.

🌊 S P L A S H ! 🌊

"Now We Go Catch Her! C'mon Prince D! WOOO!!"
Trollex Went To Dive Into The Water.

Prince D Slowly Walked Out Into The Water.
"Yeahhh, I'm Not Too Sure About-"

Suddenly, A Humongous Wave Began To Form And Aim Towards The Shore & Prince D.

Prince D Quickly Ran Back To Shore.

Trollex Hollered Out, As He Got Moved By The Wave.

Barb Tried To Reach Out For The Surface, But Probably Drowned.

Cooper Walked By Silas.
"Tsk Tsk Tsk, Only Idiots Would Do That Amirite?"

Cooper Threw Up A Surfboard.

Cooper Jumped Into The Water With The Surfboard, But Immediately Sinked Down.

Silas Just Stared At Them.
"._____. Ya Know, Shockingly, This Isn't Making Me Feel Any Better"

Queen Lavender Came By Silas And Leaned On His Knee.
"How You Holdin' Up There Kid?"

Silas Thought.
"Hmmm Let's See, I Traveled Clear Across The Country Without Either Of My Parents Knowing, They Obviously Found Out, And When I Finally Think We're About To Make It To LA, We End Up On A Populated Island Thanks To FBI Agents Tracking Us Down! What Do You Call That??!"

"A Road Chip"
Squeakles Blurted.

Silas Rested His Head On His Hands, Frustrated.

"Why Did I Do This.."
Silas Said To Himself.

"Cause You Got A Good Heart"
Queen Lavender Replied.

"A Good Heart? I Disobey My Own Parents, Again And Now I'm In Trouble With The FBI! What Kind Of Good Heart Is That?!"
Silas Questioned.

"Granted, Things Didn't Go As Smoothly As You Planned And May Have Went Behind Your Parents Back...But You Have A Good Heart For It Cause You Have Good Intentions"
Queen Lavender Said.

"Well, My Dad Wanted Me To Do A Good Deed For Once.."
Silas Said.

"And There You Go. The Thing You Plan To Do May Not Always Go Greatly And Even End Up In A Disaster, But When You Have A Good Intention Behind It, Even If The Other Person Doesn't Know, It Can Be Worth It In The End"
Queen Lavender Told Him.

When Hearing That, Silas Lifted His Head With The Thought Of It And Turned To Queen Lavender.

"It's Not About The Process, It's About The Result"
Queen Elizabeth Patted Silas's Knee And Walked Off.

Silas Watched Queen Lavender Walk Away, And Began Thinking Of What She Told Him.

Silas Knew The Whole Plan Is A Disaster But It Can't Be Over Yet If He Keeps Trying With A Good Intention.

Silas Reached In His Pocket And Took Out The Remaining $500 From The $1,000 Winning Money From The Casino, And Knew He Had To Continue.

Meanwhile, By The Beach Shore, Poppy Was Sitting On The Sand, Holding Her Knees, Watching As The Water Gently Hit Her Feet, Alone As She Thought Of How This Whole Trip Ended Up.

Branch Watched From Behind, Knowing Poppy Can Use Some Bit Of His Comforting Affection And Charming Talks.

Branch Cleared His Throat.
"A-Ahem, Poppy? You Um, You Doing Okay..?"

No Response From Poppy, As She Remained Still, Looking Down At The Shore.

Branch Tilted His Head A Bit.

Still No Response From Poppy, But She Did Give A Little Sigh To Herself.

Branch's Ears Went Down, But Had To Do Something To Cheer Her Up, And Immediately Thought Of The Perfect Thing.

Suddenly, Branch Landed In Front Of Poppy, And Started Stomping On The Water, Doing A Weird Random Elephant Dance. 🐘

Branch Attempted To Make A Elephant Trunk Sound.

Poppy Looked At Him With A Confused Smile, But With No Reaction.

...Eh? 😁"
Branch Grinned Cutely At Her.

Poppy Raised Her Eyebrow At Him.
"....You Stood Behind Me For A Minute, And That's The Best You Can Think Of? A Horton Hears A Who Dance?"

"Yeahhhh Should've Did The What Does The Fox Say Dance"
Branch Went And Sat Next To Her.

"There's A Dance To That?"
Poppy Asked.

"With This New Generation, Wouldn't Be Surprised"
Branch Shrugged.

Poppy Groaned.
"Ughhh, Can't Believe This- Alley Cats, Men In Suits, Animal Control, Car Chases, Skyscraper Jumps, Wrong Planes, HILLBILLIES! What Else Is This World Gonna Throw At Us?!"

"It's A Real Shame Isn't Ittttt"
Branch Said.

"I Thought This World Would Be A Fun Challenge To Tackle, But Maybe We Just Don't Fit In It.."
Poppy Put Her Head Down.

Branch Gained A Relieved Smile On His Face.
"I Couldn't Agree More, In Fact, Trollstopia Should Be The Forever Home And World We Stay In No Matter What! Yes It's A Crazy And Weird World But It's Ours! And We Always Make The Best Of It No Matter What Obstacle Comes Our Way 😁"

Poppy Sighed Again.

Poppy Suddenly Rethought Of What Branch Just Said And Started To Get A Idea Of What He Meant.

Poppy Slowly Lifted Her Head.
"Yeah....Yeah You're Right Branch!"

"When Am I Not~ 😌"
Branch Said Proudly With His Eyes Closed As The Wind Blowed Through His Hair.

"The Only Way To Get Used To This World Is To Always Face Any Obstacle It Throws At Me, No Matter How Crazy And Weird It Is! JUST LIKE TROLLSTOPIA!"
Poppy Blurted Out.

Branch Opened His Eyes.
"o_o, Uhhhh, I Didn't Really Mean It Like That Persaaaaay.."

Poppy Grabbed Branch's Face.
"BRANCH! You Always Know The Right Thing To Say To Cheer Someone Up!"

"Unfortunately .___."
Branch Said.

"Mwah! You're A Jimmy Neutron TIMBERLAKE EDITION!"
Poppy Kissed Branch's Nose And Ran Off.

Branch Watched Poppy Leave And Sighed.
"Yep, That's Me.."

Ham And Guin Walked Over By Branch, Both Up Holding A Wrist Watch. ⌚

"Look At Our Watch-"
Guin Pointed At The Watch.

"That's The Exact Moment You Screwed Up!"
Ham Said At Branch.

Both Laughed At Branch.

Branch Glared At Them.

"My Man"
Ham Fist Bumped Guin.

"My Man"
Guin Fist Bumped Ham.

Poppy Ran Over To The Group.

Silas Got Up And Went To The Group Also.

Silas And Poppy Made It To Each Other And Spoke At The Same Time.

Both Said At The Same Time.

Both Stopped And Said Something Else At The Same Time.

"Waitttt, What Motivated You So Quickly?"
Both Said At Each Other.

"Your Mom!/Branch!"
Both Replied To Each Other.

Both Blinked And Smirked At Each Other, Impressed.
"Ehhhhhh 😏"

Branch, Queen Lavender, Squeakles, Barb, Trollex, Prince D, Cooper, Ham & Guin All Came Around.

"Okay Guys! We Gotta- Where's Hopper?"
Poppy Looked Around.

A Bra Cup Moved Over To The Group Slowly Against The Sand, And Hopper Got Up From Underneath It.

Everyone Blinked At Him.

"Don't Ask-"
Hopper Told Them.

"Anywaaaysss...Guys! I Know This Plan Ended Badly...Again, But We Can Still Make This Work And Get To That Campaign In California!"
Poppy Told Them.

"How So Popcorn? If You Haven't Noticed We're Kinda Reliving Tropical Getaway"
Barb Gestures.

"How Is By Using The Rest Of The Casino Money On A Plane Ticket, Only $500 Left. So We Have To Make It Count!"
Silas Said.

"Perfect! Mom, Do You Think We Can Still Make It To The Campaign Before It Ends???"
Poppy Asked.

"Needless To Say It's Only 12:00 And It's A 5hr Flight, So We Should Get There By 5:00"
Queen Lavender Said.

"That's Plenty Enough Time Before That Sergei Guy Signs Away The Trolls Contract!"
Silas Said.

"BINGOOO! We Have The Plane Ticket, The Flight Distance, And Lastly We Just Need To Stick Together And We Can Do This! But I'm Gonna Need You All To Be On Board To Try One More Time"
Poppy Put Her Hand In The Middle.

"GASPPSPSPS, That's My Quote! I'm In!"
Trollex Put His Hand In The Middle Happily.

"Let's Do It!"
Queen Lavender Put Her Hand In The Middle.

Squeakles Cheered.

"Oh Yeah, Count Me In For Sure"
Prince D Put His Hand In The Middle.

"I Have No Choice By The Law Of Jaden's Typing Fingers! :D"
Cooper Put His Hand In The Middle.

"Only In It For The Action And Dramatic Deaths, Brought To You By AngelaXribbles"
Barb Put Her Hand In The Middle.

Ham & Guin Put Their Paws In The Middle.

Hopper Put His Hand In The Middle.

Poppy Looked Over At Branch And Gestured Her Head To Him To Join Them.

Branch Rolled His Eyes Playfully, To Put His Hand In The Middle.
"No Chance Of Me Counterargumenting With You Soooo...Badow! I Guess?"

Everyone Looked Up At Silas To Join In, As Silas Put His Finger In The Middle.

"In It To Win It"
Silas Nodded.

Everyone Raised Their Hands Up.

"Okay, Now To Get To The Nearest Airport!"
Silas Said.

"Looks Like That Won't Be A Problem!"
Trollex Pointed Across The Beach Towards The Airport.

Suddenly, The People From The Beach Began To Walk Towards The Airport In A Big Non-Moving Crowd.

"Annnnnd Now It Is A Problem. How Are We Supposed To Get Through That Crowd In Time?"
Branch Questioned.

Poppy Turned To Them.
"Guys, Remember! The Troll Way! We Just Gotta Improvise! Branch-"

"Ladies First~"
Branch Allowed Poppy First.

Poppy Jumped Up On The Nearest Rock On The Beach, And Branch Jumped Next To Her As Well.

Poppy Used Her Fingers To Whistle Out Loud, And Immediately Poppy & Branch Got Hawaiian Leis Flower Necklaces Around Their Necks.

Both Nodded At Each Other And Began To Sing Out Very Loud.

🎵 Let's get loud!🎵

🎵 Let's get looouuud!🎵

The People In The Crowd Heard The Singing From The Beach And All Got Confused.

🎵 Turn the music up,
let's do it!🎵

🎵 Come on people,
let's get loud!🎵

🎵 Let's get loooouuud!🎵

🎵 Turn the music up
to hear that souuunnd!🎵

🎵 Let's get loud!🎵

🎵 Let's get loooouuud!🎵

🎵 Ain't nobody gotta tell ya
what you gotta do!🎵

Branch Jumped Off The Rock To Sing Around The Beach.
🎵 If you wanna live your life
Live it all the way,
and don't you waste it!🎵

The Band On The Beach Played Their Horns To The Rhythm Of The Song.

Poppy Danced On A Seashell.
🎵 Every feeling, every beat
Can be so very sweet,
you gotta taste it!🎵

The People In The Crowd Started To Get To The Beat Of The Music, And Danced Along To It.

🎵 You gotta do it!🎵
Branch Sung.

All The People Sang.

🎵 You gotta prove it!🎵
Poppy Sang.

All The People Sang.

Everyone Joined In Together And Sang & Danced Along On The Beach.



🌈 Turn the music up
to hear that souuunnnd!🌈



🌈 Ain't nobody gotta tell ya
what you gotta do, no, no!🌈

The People Started To Dance In Synch As A Flash Mob, Dancing Their Way Quickly To The Airport.


"It's Working!"
Barb Said.

Silas Picked Up Everyone And Moved Along With The Crowd.

🎵 Let's get LOOUUD!🎵
Poppy Sang A High Note.

🎵 Let's get LOOOUUUD!🎵
Branch Sung A Higher Note.

🎵 Let's get LOOOOUUUUD!🎵
Both Sang Together A Higher Note.

🎵 Let's get
Poppy Sang The Highest Note She Ever Could.

The Crowd Of People Who Danced From The Beach, Entered The Airport Singing As They Went To Their Flights.



🌈 Turn the music up
to hear that souuunnnd!🌈

🎶 Turn up
the musiccc! 🎶
Prince D Sung Out Smootly.



Silas Went Up To The Main Desk To Pay The Rest Of His Money For A Flight To LA.

The Employee Booked Him A Flight Seat And Handed Him The Ticket For LA.

Silas Thanked The Lady And Went Off To The Correct Section This Time To Enter The Right Plane.

🌈 Ain't nobody gotta tell ya
what you gotta do,
no, nooo!🌈

As Poppy & Branch Finished Their Song, Everyone Was On Board On The Right Plane This Time, Finally On Their Way To Los Angeles. ✈



~In Los Angeles, California~

After Numerous Attempts That Took A Whole Wattpad Book, Yes The 4th Is Never To Be Existed Here, Silas & The Trolls Finally Made It To Their Final Destination, The State Of California In The City Of Los Angeles.

As The Plane Landed At The LAX Airport, Silas & The Trolls Got Off Their Flight That Lasted 5 Hours.

Silas Grabbed His Backpack And Walked Outside Of The Airport Along With The Other Passengers.

"Well Guys, After Dozens Of Slapstick Chapters, We Finally Made It....Los Angels California"
Silas Presented.

Poppy Cheered.

"We Actually Pulled This Off, Surprisingly"
Branch Said.

"You Betcha Brancha!"
Queen Lavender Ruffled Branch's Hair.

Branch Chuckles.
"Brancha? Ooo, Latin Ring To It"

"Okaaay Now That We're Here, How Do We Get To This Campaign Thing?"
Barb Questioned.

"We Gotta Get A Ride To DreamWorks Studios"
Queen Lavender Said.

Silas Called Out On The Sidewalk.

Lucky Enough, A LA Taxi Pulled Up To The Airport Entrance And Parked In Front.

The Taxi Driver Rolled Down The Window.
"Where You Headin' Kid?"

Silas Went Up To The Taxi.
"DreamWorks Studios? If That's Possible"

The Taxi Driver Said.

Silas Nodded.

The Taxi Driver Opened The Door And Silas Got Inside The Taxi, Along With The Trolls.

The Taxi Began To Drive Off Onto The Road, Heading In The Direction To Dreamworks Studios.

Silas Opened His Backpack In The Backseat For Everyone To Breathe.

Everyone In The Backpack Inhaled A Bunch Of Air.

Prince D Breathed Heavily.

Ham Said.

Trollex Flew Up And Looked Out The Window.
"Whoaaaa Ho Ho Hooo! Check This Place Out!"

The Trolls Got Out The Backpack To Look Through The Window, And See The Many Sights Of Los Angeles.

Everyone Said In Amazement.

"Dudes, We Hit Celeb Jackpot!"
Barb Said.

Poppy Sighed Happily, Next To Branch.
"Wow....I Can't Believe We Actually Made It...Right Branch?"

"Can't Believe We're Still Alive"
Branch Said.

"C'monnn, Admit It We Pulled This Off! Positive Branchhhhh?"
Poppy Nudged Branch's Tummy.

"He'll Be Back Once The Scrapbook Is Secure -.-"
Branch Glared.

Poppy Giggled.

Poppy Looked Back Out The Window, And Suddenly Spotted Something Spectacular.

Poppy Shouted.

Branch Turned To Her.

"What Is...THAT?!?"
Poppy Turned Branch's Face To The Window.

Outside The Window, The View Of Disneyland Was In Sight, Showing Off Big The Magic Castle. 🏰

"Uhhhh...A Different Company Castle?"
Branch Raised His Eyebrow.

"Close Guys, It's Disneyland. One Of The Happiest Places On Earth. That And Disney World"
Silas Said.

Poppy Gasped Softly.
"The Happiest...Place...On....Earth? 😦"

"Wait, There's A Disneyland And A Disney World?"
Cooper Asked.

"I Don't Get It Either But Disney Needs Their Profits For Both"
Silas Shrugged.

"Sounds Like They Own A Lot"
Barb Said.

Silas Chuckled.
"Oh Trust Me, You Have NOOO Idea...I Always Wanted To Go There Through. But My Parents Never Had The Time To Take Me.."

Poppy Got A Idea, With A Smirk.
"Welllll...Trips Like These Always Need Detours...Annnd This The Perfect Way For You To Experience It.

Silas Got Hesitant And Looked At The Time.
"Ummm...Wellll....When You Put It Like That I'd Say-"


~At Disneyland~

Inside The Disneyland Park, The Guests All Had Their Fun Enjoying The Rides, Attractions, Characters Meet & Greets, And Souvenirs.

The Taxi Driver Immediately Pulled Up At The Park's Entrance And Silas & The Trolls Quickly Ran Out The Taxi.

Silas Shouted, As He Went To Run Around The Park.

The Rest Of The Group Went To Explore.

The Taxi Driver Calculated The Amount Silas Owed Him.
"I'll Just Add It To His Tab"


~Around The Park~

As They Explored Around The Park, Poppy & Branch Looked At The Fabulous Sights Of Disneyland.

Branch Stayed In Caution Mode.
"Poppyyyy...I'm Gonna Need You To Stay Close And NOT INTERACT WITH-"

Poppy Had Disneyland Minnie Mouse Ears On.
"Huh? 😄"

"Forget It .___."
Branch Shook His Head.

"EEEEE!! THIS IS SO EXCITING! I Always Thought Trollstopia Was The Happiest Place On Earth But This World's Happiest Place On Earth Is Here.....EEEEEEE!!!!"
Poppy Squealed Loudly With Her Eyes Sparkling.

"More Like The Weirdly Unattainable Place In The Multiverse"
Branch Raised His Eyebrow.

Poppy Grabbed Branch's Arm To Go Look Around More.

Branch Yelped.


Over At The Gift Shop, Ham & Guin And Hopper Were Checking Out All The Merchandise To Buy.

"Ay Ay Guin! Look At This!"
Ham Pointed At Something.

"What Is It?"
Guin Asked.

Ham Gestured Up.

Both Were Looking At Ducky & Bunny Dolls, From "Toy Story 4", Hanging Up On A Shelf.

"Danggg...I Feel So...Connected To Those"
Guin Said.

"And I Feel As I Should Relate To Them"
Ham Added.

"I Feel I Should Relate To This Boomer Right Here-"
Hopper Pointed At A Duke Caboom Action Figure.


On The "Under The Sea: Journey Of The Little Mermaid" Ride, Trollex & Cooper Snooped Around To See What Was Inside.

Trollex Floated Around The Different Animatronics On The Ride.
"These Moving Things...Are Making Me A Bit Uncomfortable.."

"I'll Say, That Talking Seagull Had A Accordion!"
Cooper Said.

"Wait Wait! Shh...I See Something.."
Trollex Whispered.

Trollex & Cooper Peeked Around The Corner, To See The Ariel Animatronic Moving Around To Entertain The Guests.

Trollex Blushed A Little.
"....Or Someone That Can Bring Me A Part Of Their World~"

Trollex Fell Off The Side Of The Ride.

Cooper Shouted.


Barb Was Busy Talking To Someone Very Personal.
"And I'm Just Like...It's Not My Fault I'm So Sarcastic. I'm Just Being Me! And It's Not Like I'm Taking After Boy Toy Branch, Oh God No! I'm Just Speaking Out Loud The Most Accurate Things In The Rudest Way Possible...You Understand That Right?"

Nick Wilde, One Of The Character Mascots, Had Barb On His Nose, Talking To Him As He Nodded To Her Vent.

"I Knew You'd Agree. You Don't Count As A Furry, Do You?"
Barb Questioned.

Prince D Sighed.
"See What I Deal With?"

Dopey, Another One Of The Mascots Nodded At Prince D But Then Tripped Over A Rock.


Over At The Balloon Cart, Silas Was Looking Up At The Mickey Mouse Balloons, Gazing At Them. 🎈

"Whoa...I've Always Wanted One Of These.."
Silas Said.

"Lucky Enough For You, They're Free! Here Ya Go Young Man"
A Disneyland Employee Handed Silas One Of The Mickey Balloons.

Silas Gasped As A Fanboy And Held The Balloon, Looking Up At It.
"😱😱😱.....I Think I Just Pissed A Little.."


~Outside Of Disneyland~

Silas & The Trolls Made It Out Of The Park, Holding A Bunch Of Souvenirs They've Gotten, With Big Smiles On Their Faces.

"Glad We Got That Out Our Systems, Eh?"
Poppy Said, Holding A Magic Toy Wand.

"I'll Say"
Branch Took A Bite Of His Mickey Mouse Chocolate Ice Cream Bar.

Squeakles Had On Tiny Cinderella Glasses.
"Now We Can Head To Dreamworks Studios!"

"Squeakles Is Right, Now We Can Have No More Distractions And Stay On Task! Mmmm~"
Queen Lavender Licked The Cotton Candy Off Her Fingers.

Silas Walked Towards The Taxi And Looked Up Ahead, To See The Entrance Of The DreamWorks Studios.

"There It Is.."
Silas Said To Himself.

The Taxi Driver Rolled Down The Window.
"For Making Me Wait Here, Your Total Comes Up To $45 :D"

Silas Slowly Death Glared At The Taxi Driver.

Everyone Got Back Into The Taxi, And Started To Drive Off To Dreamworks Animation Studios, To Hopefully Make It On Time To The Campaign.

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