THIH DEEP DIVE (stuff I missed to put in the last chap)

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I knew I would forget to talk about some stuff cuz that chap was sooooo long
Here are some more stuff and analysing from THIH

First of all I forgot to write about the flooping giggle *F A C E P A L M S*

It is clear that kissing doesn't happen that often in their relation yet (they are still early in their romantic relation so it makes sense, and both are still shy jhdkdhdkddhd but they still love when they recieve or give a kiss)
Poppy was very quick with the kiss on the cheek. It was, at least to me, clear that she was trying to not show how overjoyed and in love she was in the moment after the kiss. She was holding her hands together softly and couldn't stop smiling or staring at Branchieeee
And fr, how else would she stay so "calm" hearing his ADORABLE LOVEY DOVEY GIGGLE AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

This is a thing I didn't speak about but it happened every now and then in their lovey dovey moments
Poppy kinda half blinked or blinked very quickly and smiled wider
This also happened in twt for example after Poppy and Branch said "I am SO GLAD u came with me" "me too~"
In thih it happened when Branch had said "The thing I like most about the holiday is just.. being together..with you" and when Branch giggled

This describes them perfectly, they do all that fr✋

Another thing I noticed as they spoke were that they looked down at eachothers lips for a second as Branch paused when he told her the best thing about the holidays was to be together with Poppy

It is hard to see in pictures but u can more easily catch it as they move
Also the way that Branch said "with you" cuz the words made him look like he was thinking of kissing her

GeT a biT cLoSeR buDdy-


(Throwing in here that I think their song "together now" both is them celebrating being with eachother, and finally being together as a couple. Idk if I said that in the last chap so jchdkdhfjfj
Anyways continue fhfhvhv)

Aaaaaaand now lessgo talk about the handholdings
In the last chap I brought up how many times they held hands while singing "together now" but they did hold hands a few other times through the special
I counted all the seperate times and my result is
Drumroll plz


15 seperate times
And it would be a few more if I counted two-hands handolding as 2 seperate handholdings
(I am unsure if the lil hand slap count or when they hold the giftbasket on top of- or very close to eachother's hands so am not counting these in)

And u might think
"Aww that is cuteeee, couples like to hold hands :3"
And yes, buuuut
Broppy handholidings have a deep meaning and means a lot more in their relationship

Many people have probs talked about the importance of when Broppy touch hands with eachother but imma talk about it breefly (otherwise we would be here all day dkfhdjdj)

In the first movie, touching hands in the "true colors" scene made Branch's colors turn back because he had managed to make Poppy happy, the only thing he has wanted but never let himself do until now, and that brought him much joy. And he got to know she loves him back, I mean her answere to his "and that's why I love you" was this sweet eyecontact where she just looks like "u forreal?💖 U love me?💖" and how she start singing, and sings "that's why I love you" to him too, and take his invitation to hold his hand
AAAAAAAAAAA (no I will never get over true colors and I am proud of it)

So since that moment handholding has been a way for them to show affection, closeness and empathy for eachother. They are very gentle when holding eachother's hands and they commonly do handholding in sweet loving, or romantical moments

In trolls world tour the touch of hands was reintroduced as a high five
A high five can be done by anyone, it doesn't have to be a couple doing it
But the high five is easier to do between people who have good connections, in which they can respond quickly to the high five, know how hard it'll be, where the hand is, and create a good one
I personally have tried to make high fives with people I don't have a strong connection with and damn- it is harder than it seems
It can so easily be awkward and I can't understand in time how hard the clap is gonna be or where the hand is at what time

And so a high five would be easy for Broppy since they are so close to eachother
But as Branch couldn't get his feelings out the situation became awkward
Not only for him but Poppy too

Poppy probably thought she had let too much feelings show as she very lovingly had responded to his praise with "oh Branch thank you, being a good queen is the most important thing in the world to me... other than being your friend"
Oh, so being HIS "FRIEND" is as important or more important to u than the thing u love most in the world👀

And so in desperation since there was an awkward silence she just goes "uH, fiVe iT uP?"
And none of them were really connected on the same level there cuz both held their feelings back
But Poppy wanted to try again when it didn't work cuz we can't have awkwardness fhdbdjdh

I can't recall that they held hands that much in twt (except in "perfect for me" which was them daydreaming and longing to be able to show their love, and so handholding happened a few times there). The handholdings came more after their big highfive at the end of the movie irl. So them not showing their feelings built a connection problem between them through the movie

The high five at the end of the movie worked out better than any other and was basically magical cuz now they were on the exact same level and so connected after showing eachother their true feelings. The wall between them was gone, they didn't have to hide their true feelings for eachother anymore

And now to thih
Handholdings almost everywhere gjdbdjfndkd
It just goes to show how they are connecting and showing more and more affection to eachother every time we see them

In trollstopia and ttbgo we see their connection in different ways such as them acting the same at the same time, saying the same thing at the same time and predicting eachother only based on situation or their facial expressions. (This part was just fun fact it doesn't add to the importance of handholding but still wanted to add it djfhdjdhf)

So yeah
Handholding and the touch of the hands is important in Broppy's relationship
And it is so cuteeee n meaningfuuuuul😭😭😭😭

Now we r almost done with this chap
I just wanted to also talk a bit about a thing I noticed before the special was out (I saw it in spoiler pics and a scene dreamworks posted before the relese of the special) but I forgot to talk about this in the last chap

As we all know Poppy's invitations looked like this

And now it is canon that Branch didn't know about this idea at all until now, when they were gonna deliver them
Yet Poppy has scrapbooked a lil Branchie beside her scrapbook-self in all of the invitations
He hasn't even planned the giftswap with her or anything

Well it is probs cuz she include him as her boyfriend
Poppy loves to include him in most of the things she do, he is her other half and love interest after all. And Branch did get to be in the center of attention with her at the giftswap too. They both stood on the big mushroom together leading the entire thing.
And I am pretty sure he helps her in some of her royal duties more than hosting parties and informational speeches with her.
In trollstopia and ttbgo they have said that they have figured out a solution to said problem together, but behind the scenes since we don't see them plan stuff or build stuff (more than that time they made the machine that rated holidays).
This also shows how far they have come in working together as a team. They complete eachother and find/repair the cracks in eachother's plans as good as they can.
They r the perfect leaders, my gosh

That is it for this chap

Luv u alllll
Hope u enjoyed💖💙


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