Chapter 15

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~Out In The Far Desert~

Poppy, Branch, Barb And Mixy Ventured More Out In The World To Find The Others, But Ended Up Walking Along A Road In The Desert.

The 3 Walking Tiredly On The Road, As Mixy Sat In Poppy's Hair Relaxed.

Barb Wiped Her Head.
"Ugh Man...How Long Have We Been Walking All Night?"

"I'd Say About 8 Hours"
Branch Replied.

Barb Puller Her Mohawk.
"I Can't Take It Anymore! We Have To Stop For A Break!"

Poppy Shook Her Head.
"Nah Uh, We Are Not Stopping. We Have To Keep Moving If We're Ever Gonna Make It Back To The Trolls"

"They Probably Don't Even Know We're In A Freakin' Desert! For All We Know They Could Be Getting High On Glitterpagne!"
Barb Said.

"Why On Earth Would They Do That?"
Branch Questioned.

Barb Scoffs.
"Pfff- Don't Act Like You Don't Want To Bro"

"Ahem- I'm A Classy Sophisticated Man"
Branch Stood Up Like Superman.

Barb Held Up Branch's Arm.
"Mmm, Not What Those Sweaty Pits Said"

Branch Moved His Arm Down.

Mixy Poked His Head Out Poppy's Hair.
"It's So Hotttt..."

Mixy Felt Sweat On His Face.

"Mixy- It's Just Sweat. You're Sweating"
Poppy Told Him.

"Ohhhhh Rightttt!....And Sweat Is What Now?"
Mixy Asked.

"It's Liquid That Comes From Your Body When It's Hot Around You. It's To Keep You Cool"
Branch Explained.

"Yeah, Like How Mr. Krabs Gets Sweaty And Him"
Barb Held Up Branch's Arm Again.

Branch Put His Arm Down Again.

Poppy Looked Up Ahead The Road And Gasped.

Branch And Barb Looked Up Ahead.

The Lonesome Flats Town Was Straight Down The Road, Across From Them.

"Lonesome Flats?"
Branch Raised His Eyebrow.

Poppy Ran Towards The Town.

Branch And Barb Were About To Follow, Until They Came Across A Sign.

Barb Said.

"Uhhh Poppy, Take A Look At This"
Branch Gestures.

Poppy Backed Up To Them.
"What Is It?"

The 3 Looked Up At The Sign That Read:

🏜 🐾 Welcome To
Lonesome Burrows🐾 🏜

"Lonesome Burrows? What Ever Happened To Lonesome Flats?"
Barb Wondered.

"Must've Rebranded It"
Poppy Shrugged.

"Look On The Bottom, It Says....Population: Bunnies"
Branch Read.

"Hm, Wonder Why It Would've Said That"
Branch Scratched His Head.

The Trolls Walked Along The Road And Towards The Lonesome Burrows Town.


Once They Made It To Lonesome Burrows, The Trolls Looked Around At What Had Changed.

Poppy And Barb Say.

"Ohhh That's Why-"
Branch Said.

Lonesome Burrows Was A Renamed Town From What Used To Be Lonesome Flats. Since The Country Trolls Moved To Trollstopia, The Town Got Repopulated By A Community Of Bunnies To Call It Their Own Home.

Branch Grabbed Mixy's Leash.
"It's Okay Mixy, You Can Come Out"

Mixy Poked His Whole Body Out Of Poppy's Hair To See.

Mixy Turned Around On Poppy's Head, Feeling Nervous Again.

The Bunnies Of Lonesome Burrows All Looked At The Trolls Confused, As The Trolls Stood Awkwardly.

"So Ummm...What Do We Do?"
Barb Whispered.

"Just....Ya Know...Keep A Low Profile And Try To Blend In"
Poppy Straightened Herself And Kept Walking.

"Uh Huh. Totally Not Like We Stand Out From These Bunnies Or Anything"
Barb Followed Poppy.

Branch Crossed His Arms.
"Hm. Not The Weirdest Thing I've Seen But....Interesting"

Branch Got Hit In The Head With A Rock.

Some Bunnies Kids Laughed At That And Quickly Ran Away, Leaving One Little Girl Bunny Standing.

Branch Rubbed His Head And Went To The Little Girl Bunny.
"Jeez, What Was That For?!"

The Little Girl Looked Up At Branch.
".....You're Funny Looking"

Branch Blinked.
"Oh Yeah? Well, You're Funny Looking Too"

"That's A Funny Lookin Vest"
The Little Girl Pointed.

"That's A Funny Looking Dress"
Branch Pointed Back.

"You Got Funny Looking Ears"
The Little Girl Said.

Branch Said Back.

".....You're A Outsider. Outsiders Don't Last Long Here"
The Little Girl Walked Away.

Branch Paused At That.
"Wait Wha-"

Poppy Was Fascinated By Everything.
"Wow Barb, Can You Believe It?! Lonesome Flats Being Taken Over By Bunnies! It's So Adorable!"

"More Like Bugs Bunny's Family Inavded This Place-"
Barb Said.

Poppy Scoffs.
"Pfffft. Highly Doubtful- OOF!"

Poppy Accidentally Bumped Into A Bunny, Wearing A Sherriff Officer Suit.

Poppy Backed Up.
"Oh! Excuse Me Mr. Uhhh....Bunny Sir?"

The Bunny Being Named Sergeant Fluffy, (Voiced By "Chris Pratt"), Was One Of The Officers In Lonesome Burrows, Wearing Shades Above His Ears And In His Officer Suit With A Gold Badge.

Sergeant Fluffy Turned Around At Poppy.
"Yeah, Excuse You! And It's Officer Fluffy. Or Sergeant Fluffy If You Will"

Poppy Raised Her Eyebrow.

"That's Right. I Am One Of The Many Law And Forcements Of This Town. To Serve And Protect All Bunnies From Any Harm Or....Outsiders -.-"
Sergeant Fluffy Glared In Poppy's Face.

Poppy Blinked.
"Oh, Heh Heh"

"Top Of My Team I Should Add, Which I Just Did"
Sergeant Fluffy Smirked And Stood Proud.

"Awwww!! A Bunny Being A Officer. That's So Cuteeee!"
Poppy Said In Awe.

Sergeant Fluffy Got Offended.
"Uhm, Maybe You Didn't Get The Memo Or Anything But. A Bunny Can Call Another Bunny Cute But When Other Creatures Do It...It's A Bit-"

Poppy Gasped Realizing.
"OHHHH, I Am Sooo Sorry! Didn't Mean It. We're Kinda New Here. Well, We've Been Here Before But It Was A Different Named Place Called Lonesome Flats That-"

Sergeant Fluffy Interrupted.
"Yeah Yeah Didn't Need To Know Your Unneeded Details"

Poppy Stopped.
"Ummm Okay"

Sergeant Fluffy Got In Poppy's Face Firmly.
"Just Don't Try Any Funny Business Around Here You Pink....Whatever You Are. Don't Want Any Issues, Is That Right?"

Poppy Slowly Nodded.
"Yeahhh, I Understand"

"Alright Then"
Sergeant Fluffy Walked Away From Poppy, With A Serious Look.

"Wow, He Was So Assertive. Impressive For A Rabbit Cop"
Barb Snickers.

"He Was Kinda Scary.."
Mixy Said.

"Gee, I Know Someone Who Could Use A Hug"
Poppy Said.

The Mayor Of Lonesome Burrows, Mayor Cottontail, Took Out His Megaphone And Made A Announcement.

Mayor Cottontail Announced.

Some Of The Bunnies Of Lonesome Burrow Gathered Up In The Center Of Lonesome Burrows.

Mayor Cottontail Stood In Front Of The Crowd.
"Now Everyone, For This Meeting, It's Time To Award Our Officers Of Lonesome Burrows That Made It This Far To Protect And Serve Our Furry Town"

Barb Tried Not To Laugh.
"Pff- He Said Furry"

Poppy Elbowed Barb.

"First, Officer Softie, Awarded For Most Litterbug Clean Ups.
Mayor Cottontail Handed Officer Softie A Certificate.

The Bunnies Clapped.

"Second, Officer Hare, Awarded For Most Disposing Of The Roadrunner"
Mayor Cottontail Handed Officer Hare A Certificate.

The Bunnies Clapped Again.

"And Our Final Award Goes To Our Top Officer, Sergeant Fluffy, Who Has Completed And Stopped 99 Crimes For Lonesome Burrows!"
Mayor Cottontail Said.

The Bunnies Clapped Louder For Sergant Fluffy.

Sergant Fluffy Took A Elegant Bow.
"Thank You, Thank You"

"Heyyy, The Guy I Bumped Into!"
Poppy Pointed.

"Nawww Really? I Thought It Was Judy Hopps -.-"
Barb Glared.

"I Swear You And Branch Are Siblings With Your Sarcasm-"
Poppy Said.

"Now You Don't Get A Award Just Yet Fluffy"
Mayor Cottontail Said.

Sergant Fluffy Got Confused.

Mayor Cottontail Explained.
"That Is Because Since You Have Completed 99 Crimes, You Only Have 1 Crime Left To Hit 100. So, Once You Have Solved 1 More Crime For Lonesome Burrows, You Will Then...Be Named Chief Officer Of All Of Lonesome Burrows!"

"Chief Officer?!?! That's My Dream 🤩"
Sergant Fluffy's Eyes Sparkled.

"I'm Sure It Is And Probably A Important Plotline For Your Character 😁"
Mayor Cottontail Grinned.

Branch Went Back To Them.
"Guys, This Place Is Giving Off Bad Energy To Me. We Should Leave"

"Not So Fast. We Just Got Here! I Need A Relax From Walking"
Barb Said.

"But Some Little Girl Just Roasted Me! She Called My Vest Funny Looking.."
Branch Whined And Pouted.

"I Mean...Kinda?"
Mixy Said.

"Gee Thanks Mixy -.-"
Branch Glared.

Poppy Tapped Her Chin.
"Hmm...What We Need Is A Ride"

"But From Where?"
Barb Questioned.

Poppy Looked Around The Town, Then Spotted A Few Critter-Mobiles In Front Of A Saloon Bar.

💡 Ding!💡

Poppy Gasped With A Idea.
"I Think I Got A Plan!"

Branch Sighed.
"The 6 Words I Fear Most.."

The Trolls Left From The Town Meeting And Went Towards The Saloon Bar.

Sergeant Fluffy Turned His Head And Saw The Trolls Going Go The Saloon, Getting Suspicious Of Them.



Somewhere Out In The Forest, Cooper Continued His Journey To End His Third Wheel Position, While Also Using The Cooper Method.

Cooper Sniffed The Ground, Following The Caterbus Trails.
"Hmmm, Seems Like They Didn't Go East...Or West..."

Cooper Licked The Trail.
"....So They've Mustve Got Weast!"

Cooper Looked Up And Saw The Caterbus Trail Leading Behind A Bush.

Cooper Shouted.

Cooper Ran And Jumped Over The Bus.

The Trail Actually Lead Back To The Hairifari Exhibit.

Cooper Walked Down To The Exhibit.
"Huh. They Must've Past Here Somehow"

Cooper Went Over To The Adorabull's Pen.
"Helloooo Fellow Animated Critter, Have You Possibly Seen A Funk Troll Who Looks Like Me And A Funk Troll Girl Who Sounds Like Zendaya?"

The Adorabull Looked Up At Cooper And Suddenly Farted.

Cooper Blinked.
"Well, My Fart Language Skills Are A Bit Rusty And Cringy But I'll Give It A Go!"

Cooper Poked Out His Butt And Squinted His Eyes, Trying To Let Out A Fart.

Cooper Strained.

Suddenly, A Tap Was On Cooper's Neck.

Cooper Stood Up And Turned Around.

It Was The Jazz Birds Again, From Cooper's First Journey.

Cooper Sighed.
"Oh- It's You Two Again"

The Jazz Bird Stood Around Cooper, Staring At Him Weirdly.

Cooper Groaned.
"Look, I Don't Wanna Have To Dump Out A Birthday Cake Again So You Two Better-"

The Two Jazz Birds Began Playing A Jazz Melody Out Their Mouths At Cooper.

Cooper's Eyes Got Weary.

The More The Jazz Birds Played, The More Smoother It Got.

"nOt....gONna...gEt....hiGh...fOr...oOoOOoOoO....aDaM sAnDler hOrSe...giBby..."
Cooper Flopped On The Floor, Slowly Going Through A Trance.

~ 💫  💭  💫  💭  💫 ~

cOoPer oPenDed hiS eYes.
"wHew...hAvEnt bEeN hiGh liKe tHaT siNce elEmEnTAry.."

cOoPer wAs riDiNg oN a 🦄, wiTh a 🐷 riDing thE fRoNt.

"wHooAoaoAoa....piGgY wiGgY..."
cOoPer giGgLed.

aRoUNd cOoPer wAs a biG cOlOry fLashY oOga bOoGa bAckGrouNd.

cOoPer tAppEd tHe pIgs sHoulDer.
"aM i iN sPoNgeBobS bUttCraCk bRaiN¿?¿♡◇•"

tHe pIg tUrnEd ArouNd tO rEveal lEbRon jAmEs fAce.
" w a s s u p "

cOoPer gAsPed.

" l e t ' s
t a k e
r i d e "
lEbRon wInKed.

tHe uNiCorN dAsHed tHroUgh tHe sKy aNd wiTh bRoCcI shOotiNg oUt iTs anAl. 🥦

cOoPer sUddEnLy gOt a wEdDiNg dResS.
"iM eNgAgEd tO moAnA❓‼❓❕‼"

cOoPer sNoRted wiTh iCe cReAm snOt.
"whEeEeeeEEe!◇○♡○♧°◇₩ 🥨🌽🦘🐔🎃🎄🚺♿♻️"

~ 💫  💭  💫  💭  💫 ~

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