Chapter 9

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~The Next Day~

The Group Of Trolls Joining Along The Roadtrip, Packed Up Their Belongings And Loaded Them Up In The Caterbus.

Poppy, With Her Clipboard, Stood By The Mouth Of The Caterbus.
"Okaaaay, Time To Go Over Who's Coming....Biggie!"

Biggie Came Over With Mr. Dinkles's Travel Bag.

"Wow, Didn't Think Mr. Dinkles Needed Luggage"
Poppy Gestured.

Biggie Nods.
"Why Of Course! Mr. Dinkles Always Wanted To Go On Trips Where He Can Just Relax Without Any World Saving. Right Mr. D?"

Mr. Dinkles Wanted To Go On A Trip From Death To Heaven.

Poppy Giggles.
"Well Glad He Can Enjoy This Trip!"

"Me Too! C'mon, Lets Find Our Seat Mr. Dinkles"
Biggie Walked Into The Caterbus.

Mr. Dinkles Wanted To Sit Far From Biggie.

"Let's See Who Elseeee...Trollex! Trollzart!"
Poppy Checked Off.

Trollex Held Up A Backpack.

Poppy Looked At The Backpack.
"Seems Like A Normal Backpack To Me"

"Or So As You Think"
Trollex Winked.

Trollex Pulled A Random Lever To Make The Sky Night.

And His Backpack Glowed Bright Neon Green In The Dark.

Trollex Rave Waved His Head And Flossed.

Poppy Waved Her Arms And Twerked For A Second.

Trollex Pulled Back The Lever And The Day Sky Came Back.

Trollex Flew Into The Caterbus.

Trollzart Flew Up.
"I Too Brought My Elegant Attire For This Trip!"

"And That Would Be?"
Poppy Asked.

Trollzart Put On Gucci Shades.
"The Most Stylized Glasses In All Of Modern Times! I Believe They Are Called....Whoochi Shades. For A Perfect Cool Wind Breeze"

"Gucci- But You Got The Right Idea!"
Poppy Said.

"Most Inspired!"
Trollzart Flew Into The Caterbus.

Poppy Looked Back At Her Clipboard.
"And Next Joining Us Issss-"

Hickory Struggled To Come Forward As Dickory Clinged Onto His Leg.

Dickory Said.

"Ughhh, But It's For A Good Cause! So Either You Join Us Or Let Go Of My Darn Leg!"
Hickory Kicked Dickory Off.

Dickory Gave Puppy Eyes.
"But I Will Be The Loneliest Of Lonley 🥺"

"Mmmm Yeah, Cause Of That Santa Beard, Your Puppy Eyes Won't Work On Me"
Hickory Said.

Dickory Crossed His Arms.

"Maybe You Should Come Dickory! Roadtrips Are Better With More People!"
Poppy Suggested.

Dickory Refused.
"NEIN! I Rather Suck A Toad With Small Anal"

Hickory And Poppy Looked At Each Other Confused.

"Now If You Excuse Me....I Will Do That Right Now"
Dickory Walked Away.

Poppy Blinked.
"Uhhh- Not Sure If That's Healthy?"

"Can't Be Worse Than When He Did It With A Zebra"
Hickory Shrugged And Walked Into The Caterbus.

"Wait What??"
Poppy Said.

Guy Diamond Came By Pushing A Large Carrier Of Luggage.

Poppy Noticed.

Guy Breathed Heavily, Out Of Breath.

"What's With Allll Of This Luggage? We're Not Going To Trollwaii Or A 1 Month Hotel Stay"
Poppy Said.

"I Know, But This Isn't Mine"
Guy Said.

Tiny Hopped Out With Summer Shades And Speedo.
"It's Mine!"

"Tiny, I Love You And All But...This Can't Go In The Bus"
Poppy Said.

"But We're Going On A Vacation! Road Trippin Ya Know What I'm Sayin Kendrick~"
Tiny Posed Like Lil Wayne.

"Yeahhh Well Half Vacation, Half Mission To Help Mixy"
Poppy Said.

Tiny Sighed.
"Fine, But I Am Bringing My Bag Of Backup Clip On Booties!"

Tiny Put On His Little Backpack.

Guy Smiled And Wiped A Tear.
"He's Growing Up So Fast"

Poppy Slowly Nodded Awkwardly.

Barb Came By Poppy.
"So We Ready To Go Or What?"

Poppy Looked Around Barb.
"Uhhh Barb?"

"Yeah I Know, I'm Hot. Don't Drool Over It"
Barb Smirked.

"No Not That. Don't You Have Anything You Wanna Bring?"
Poppy Questioned.

"Oh Yeah. Riff's Handling That- YOU GOOD RIFF?"
Barb Shouted.

Riff Was Struggling, Carrying All Of Barb's Bags Into The Caterbus.

"Y-Yep...Totally Good.."
Riff Strained.

The Bags Collapsed All On Riff.

"See He's Fine"
Barb Said.

Riff Shouted.

"Yeah He's Good"
Barb Said.

Next To The Bus, Prince D And Zeny Were About To Get On The Bus With Cooper Behind Them.

"You Sure You Don't Wanna Come Cooper?"
Zeny Asked.

"Yeah Man, It'll Be A Good Getaway"
Prince D Said.

"NOPE! I Am Sure. Surer Than Peter Rabbit Shoving A Carrot Up MCGREGOR'S BUTT CRACK-"
Cooper Crossed His Arms, Looking Away.

Prince D Raised His Eyebrow.

"Is There A Reason You Don't Wanna Come?"
Zeny Asked.

Cooper Refused To Speak.

"C'mon Man. Speak Up"
Prince D Said.

Cooper Sighed.
"I'm Tired Of Being..."

Cooper Went Dramatic.
" A
T h i r d
W h e e l "

Prince D And Zeny Say.

"And Not Only That, When You Two Are Out There, You'll Be Seeing Places You Wanna Go To When You Wanna Leave Trollstopia...And Me.."
Cooper Said.

Zeny Said.

"Cmon Coop. We're Not Even Thinking About That Now. We're Just Tryna Help Lil Mixy"
Prince D Said.

"Yeah! Besides, If You Come With Us, We Won't Make Ya Feel Like A Third Wheel! We'll Have More Attention For You"
Zeny Insured.

"No Thanks"
Cooper Turned Away.

Zeny Sighed, Feeling Bad For Cooper.

Prince D Gestured Zeny To Go On To The Caterbus.

Zeny Understood And Grabbed Her Bag To The Caterbus.

Prince D Walked Up To His Brother.
"Look Coop, I Know It Might Seem Devastating To You That We Might Leave For A While But....Just To Let You Know, I Would Never Leave My Brother's Side For Nothing"

Prince D Took Out A Funk Record CD And Put It On The Ground Next To Cooper.

"For When You Feel You Miss Me....See You Later"
Prince D Patted Cooper's Neck And Walked On To The Caterbus.

Cooper Glanced Down At The Record CD, And Frowned A Bit.

Branch Finally Came, With His Survival Backpack.

"Okay! I'm Here And Ready For This Plot Use Of A Trip"
Branch Said.

Poppy Cheered.

"Surprised You're Only Bringing One Bag"
Barb Said.

"Why Surprised?"
Branch Asked.

"Cause You're Mr. Panicks & Pee's On Himself's A Lot"
Barb Snickered.

"I'll Have You Know, THIS Is A Survival Backpack. Full Of Anything We'll In Case Of I Don't Know....Mischief And Slapstick Antics"
Branch Told Them.

Barb Shrugs.
"Eh, That Actually Makes Sense"

"Ya Know Guys, I've Been Thinking"
Poppy Said.

"That's Dangerous"
Branch And Barb Say At The Same Time.

"No No This Is Good Thinking!....This Time"
Poppy Added.

Branch Sighed.
"I'm Bracing Myself.....What Is It?"

"Plan Mixy A First Birthday Party!"
Poppy Threw Confetti In The Air.

Branch And Barb Didn't Say Anything Towards That.

Poppy Grinned.

Branch Said.

"Cause Mixy Never Had One Annnd It'd Make Him Super Happy When We Get Back From The Roadtrip! HE'D BE SO SURPRISED! EEEEE!!!"
Poppy Squealed.

Barb Clears Her Throat.
"I Don't Know If You Are Blind Or Just Plain Old Dumb But....It's Not Like WE'LL BE AWAY ON THE ROADTRIP TO PLAN A PARYY!"

"Big Brain"
Branch Gestured.

Barb Patted Branch's Shoulder.
"Awww Thanks Br-"

"-Notttt A Compliment"
Branch Added.

Barb Punched Branch's Arm.

Branch Rubbed His Arms.

"Oooooof. You're Right. We Will Be Away.."
Poppy Said.

💡 Ding!💡

Poppy Got A Brainblast Idea.
"Butttt, I May Know Some Trolls Who Can Help Plan The Party"

Branch Scoffs.
"Pfff- Like Who?"

Poppy Smirked.
"Oh Trust Me, I Know Who's Gonna Help Me, The Most Wholesome Delegates In All Of Trolldom.....And Hulu"


🏜 The Country Delegates 🏜

🎧  The Techno Delegates 🎧

🎼 The Classical Delegates 🎼

🎶  The Funk Delegates 🎶

🎸  The Rock Delegates 🎸


All The Troll Delegates Lined Up In A Orderly Army-Like Fashion.

Poppy Held A Leading Stick.
"Okay, As You All Probably Know, Me And Some Other Trolls Are Heading Out On A Roadtrip! Why You Might Ask? Well It's To Help Benefit..."

Poppy Showed A Picture Of Mixy.

The Delegates Awed.

Val Got Impatient And Crossed Her Arms.
"Yeah Yeah We All Know About The Mixed Fruitcake, Get On With It Pop-Squeak!"

"Thank You Val -.-, Anyways, While We Are Gone, I Need You All To Plan The Most BIGGEST, JOYOUS, EXTRAORDINARY, WHOLESOME, AND CRAZIEST PARTY You Have Ever Planned In Your Entire Troll Lives"
Poppy Said Dramatically.

"So Let Me Get This Straight, While Y'all Are Out On This Here Roadtrip, You Want Us To Plan A Out Of This World Party Of This Lil Mixy Cutie?"
Holly Asked.

Poppy Nods.

"Well HOT DANG Y'ALL! I'm In!"
Holly Grinned.

Poppy Clears Her Throat.
"So Here's What I Need From All Your Contributions"

Poppy Went To The Classical Delegates.
"Dante, Minuet, I Need You Guys To Create The Most Ambitious Symphony That Will Please Mixy For The Party!"

"Hm, Seems Rather Possible. It Shall Be A Challenge For The Ages!"
Dante Stated.

"But Not Too Much Of A Challenge We Can't Handle"
Minuet Added.

"Oh Indeed!"
Dante Nodded.

"Ha Ha Ha Ha!"
Dante And Minuet Laughed.

Poppy Went To The Techno Delegates.
"Synth, Laguna, I Need You Two To Practice A Full On Rave Wave Dance For Mixy! And Maybe His Techno Side Can Shine With That. Will That Be Good Enough?"

"Oh Don't Worry About That Poppy! You Can Insure Are Rave For That Lil Bro Will Be So....MAR MAR MAR MAR MAAAAAAAH!"
Synth Mimicked A Air Horn With A Grin.

"And To Note, This Rave Wave For This Mixed Troll Will Surely Answer My Hypothesis Of If Mixed Trolls Lean More To The Techno Side Of It's Organ Core Of Trollness"
Laguna Wrote In Her Notepad.

Poppy Blinked.
"Yeah That Makes Sense!"

Poppy Went To The Funk Delegates.
"Lownote Jones, R&B, I Need You Three To Come Up With A Totally Spectacular Gift For Mixy With Some fUnKy Science! How's That Sound? I Mean You Guys Are The Most Chillest"

Lownote Jones Chuckles.
"You Got That Right Baby~ How About You R & B?"

R & B Smirk.

R & B Smirk And Shove A Glitter Bomb In A Spider's Mouth, To Throw The Spider Up In The Air.

The Spider Exploded With It's Glitter Guts Spelling In The Air: " Y E S ! "

Poppy's Eyes Widen.
"O_____O, Uhhh Couldn't You Have Just Said-"

"Where's The Fun In That?"
R Said.

"Yeah You're Right"
Poppy Nodded.

Poppy Went To The Country Delegates.
"Holly, Gust, Maybe You Guys Can-"

Holly Giggles.
"Poppy, Girl, You Don't Have To Tell Me. Y'all Know I Got The Gift Givin' All In Place! And For That Adorable Mixy, MY GIFT GIVIN SENSES ARE TINGLIN MORE THAN PETER PARKER ON A SUBWAY!"

"Uhhh Who?"
Poppy Said.

"Eh, I Don't Know Either. But Still, WHOOOO HOOOO!"
Holly Cheered.

"Yeahhhh, We're The Right Trolls For The Job Ms. Poppy. Don't Gotta Worry About A Thing"
Gust Tipped His Hat.

"Great To Hear!"
Poppy Smiled.

Poppy Went To The Rock Delegates.
"Annnd Finally!"

Val Interrupted.
"🤚, You Don't Gotta Tell Me What To Do Pop-Squeak. I Already Got What To Do In Mind"

"And That Would Be?"
Poppy Raised Her Eyebrow.

Demo Vocalized.

Val Gestured.

"Well Okay Then!"
Poppy Said.

"Besides, With My Rockin Skills, I Can Guarantee I Can Keep That Fruitcake Kid From Becoming A....O u t c a s t"
Val Said Dramatically.

Poppy Gasped Dramatically.
"😱😱😱!!!!!!......a o-o-outcast?"

"Uhhh DUHHH! I Mean Look At Him. Full On Outcast Material"
Val Gestured.

"Val Always Know The Right Points To Make Out"
Barb Smirked.

Val Laughed.
"HA! We Rock So Hard"

Barb And Val Fist Bump.

Poppy Stood Still, Shooketh By That Word.

Branch Waved His Hand In Poppy's Face.
"Poppy? Are You Oka-"

Poppy Grabbed Branch's Shoulders.

"Cmonnn Poppy, I Mean I Was A Outcast Before And Look How I Turned Out 😁"
Branch Grinned With A Wink.

Poppy Yelled.

Branch Did The Face.

Poppy Called Out.

Mixy Was Layed Out On The Grass, Faking A Heart Attack.

Mixy Shouted.

Poppy Just Watched, Unconvinced.

"Guess I Can't Go On The ToadDrip!"
Mixy Said Incorrectly.

Poppy Corrected.

"Roadtrip. OWWWWW"
Mixy Faked Being Dead.

Tiny Jumped On Mixy's Stomach.

Mixy Wheezed.

"You Welcome! YEEEEET"
Tiny Glitter Blasted Back Into The Bus.

Poppy Kneeled Down To Mixy.
"Nice Try Butttt Seems Like You're Alive And Well"

Mixy Groaned.

"Now Cmon! Lets Go On The Bus!"
Poppy Held Her Hand Out.

"But I Don't Wanna Gooooo.."
Mixy Whined.

"I Know This Is Alot, But Don't Worry! This Trip Is Gonna Help You. I Promise"
Poppy Smiled, Stroking Mixy's Hair.

Mixy Looked Up At Poppy With A Big Grin Wide.

Poppy Had A Big Grin Wide Back At Mixy.

Mixy Kept Grinning.

Poppy Kept Grinning.

"........I'm Not Getting On The Bus"
Mixy Said.

Poppy Stood Back Up.
"Oh Yes You Are. Right Now Young Man!"

Mixy Turned Away.

Poppy Said Firmly.

Mixy Refused.


Mixy Screamed, As Poppy Struggled To Put Him In His Seat.

Poppy Said.

Mixy Tried Flying Away.

Poppy Grabbed Him Back And Used Scrapbook Tape To Make Mixy Stay In His Seat.

Mixy Got Annoyed Being Taped Up.

"There Ya Go!"
Poppy Patted Mixy's Head.

Delta Got In The Drivers Seat.
"Alright Y'all! Read For A Roadtrip?!"

Poppy, Barb, Branch, Trollex, Trollzart, Riff, Prince D, Zeny, Guy Diamond & Tiny Diamond, Biggie, And Hickory Cheered.

Poppy Sat In Her Seat, Next To Mixy.
"Set For Road Trippin' Mixy?"

"Why Are You Doing This To Me Poppy 🥺"
Mixy Gave Cutesy Eyes.

"Cause! I Don't Want You To End Up An Outcast! 🥺"
Poppy Hugged Mixy In His Seat.

Mixy Raised His Eyebrow.
"A Outcast? What's A-"

"It's Someone Who Doesn't Fit In With Their Community Environment. And That Someone Shall NOT Be You!"
Poppy Insured.

Mixy Sighed In His Seat.

Poppy Sqeualed.

Delta Started Up The Caterbus And Pressed The Gas.

Poppy Waved Out Her Window.

"BYEEEEEE!!!! 👋"
The Trolls Of Trollstopia Wave Back.

The Caterbus Drove Off Into The Forest On The Road, Beginning The Roadtrip To Help Mixy.

Cooper Watched The Caterbus Drive Away, Looking Down With His Ears Drooped Down, Holding The Funk Record His Brother Left For Him.

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