Trouble In The Northern Tribes

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At the Metronome Tower in Symphonyville, Riff was getting ready for his performance with the Classical Music Trolls and some of his friends from Volcano Rock City. He also had something else on his mind.

“Hey, Kelli?" he said nervously to a fellow Hard Rocker. She stopped tuning her guitar and looked up at him. “I was wondering, if you're not doing anything tomorrow... Unless you are, then I totally understand. But, uh, anytime you are free tomorrow, uh... Doesn't even have to be tomorrow! There's no pressure! Would you wanna... grab a... bite?"

Kelli didn't answer. She just looked past his shoulder and up at the sky. Riff turned around to see what it was and found glowing, colorful gems floating in the air. Some were orange, others were pink, many were teal, and the rest were lavender. Other Trolls took notice, too.

“What are they?" a Classical Music Troll wondered.

“I don't know, but they sure are pretty," another pointed out.

“Places everyone!" announced Trollzart, the conductor and leader of the Classical Music Trolls. “The show is about to begin!"

Once everyone was ready, the performance began. The floating crystals seemed to add a special touch to the music and the audience was all in for it.

Except for one little girl.

“Look!" she shouted. Everyone looked up above the orchestra at something strange. Even Trollzart lost focus on his orchestra, whom turned to see what it was. Up in the Distant North was a glowing symbol in the night sky. Four hearts, each the same color as the crystals, surrounded a bright white light. Suddenly, it vanished, and the crystals fell to the ground. In a pink flash, all of the lights, candles, and fires in Symphonyville went out, the water stopped coming (right when someone was taking a shower), and a strong, powerful wind blew most of the orchestra away!

“What's happening?!" Riff exclaimed as the ground began to crack.

“Let's get out of here!" shouted a Hard Rock Troll.

For some reason, the wind forced them to go up some snowy mountains at the border of Symphonyville and Pop Village. They soon realized they weren't alone and noticed the Country Music Trolls weren't that far behind from them. Riff noticed that the exact same thing was happening in Lonesome Flats. Unfortunately, these Trolls weren't going to last long in the freezing cold without some help.

“Uh, Barb?" Riff said in his critter-phone. “We have a problem."


In Pop Village, Ash arrived in an Angler Bus. She had a big surprise for Willow, one that would really help their long distance problem. Wearing a black dress with a purple underskirt, the same colors Willow's hair used to be, she stepped out and looked around to find her love.

“Will!" she called out. Willow turned around to find Ash approaching her. She seemed to look more beautiful every time she saw her.

“Oh, I missed you!" Willow said, giving her a hug.

“I missed you, too!" Ash replied sweetly. “In fact, have a surprise for you."

“I like surprises!" Willow said. “As long as they don't involve worms down my shirts."

“You'll love this one," Ash replied. “I talked to Dad and Barb, and they said you can move in with us if you want to!"

“Oh, that'd be great!" Willow agreed. “Except for one thing... Poppy hates the idea of any of her friends leaving her. Especially since the last time I left her."

Back when she suffered from a Dark curse that fed off of hatred and anger, Willow had to leave the Village and live in self exile. The rest of the Pop Trolls missed her, but no one missed her as much as Poppy, who blamed herself for hurting Willow when she rejected her feelings for her.

“Why don't you come live with me?" Willow suggested.

“Barb's clingy," Ash answered. “Don't tell her I said that."

“Ash!" Poppy exclaimed, waddling up to them. She gave the teenage princess a big hug. “It's so great to see you! How's Barb?"

“She told me to ask the same about you," Ash replied.

“I'm great, the kids are great, life is great!" Poppy laughed.

“So, Will, tell us about this movie of yours!" Ash said excitedly as Branch and Flower joined them.

“Well," Willow explained, “I originally got the idea after Branch told me about the time he fell through a wormhole that sent him to a world where he never existed. And when the studio gave me the opportunity to shoot it, I knew there was only one actor who could portray the distraught protagonist... Guy Diamond."

Branch just rolled his eyes as the girls laughed.

After they rolled out the red carpet, Trolls from all over the world arrived to see Willow's film. Branch decided to ask Ash for some advice first.

“Hey, Ash, you're a very romantic Troll," he said. “Have you ever thought about moving things forward with Willow?"

“As a matter of fact, I just asked her if she could move to Volcano Rock City to live with me and Barb," Ash answered. “Or I could stay here with her. Either way, our friends and family won't be happy. Why do you ask?"

“I want to ask Poppy to marry me, but I don't know when and where I should do it," he explained.

“That's easy," Ash said. “You just propose to her when it feels like the right time and place."

“But how will I know when it's the right time and place?" Branch asked.

“You'll know."

“What if she says no?"

“If she loves you, she'll say yes."

“What if she doesn't love me?"

“BRANCH!" Ash shouted, having enough of his overreacting. She scowled at him with a raised eyebrow.


“Is everyone seated?" Willow asked Razzle Dazzle as he looked around the auditorium. All of the seats were filled.

“Looks like it," he said.

“Thanks, you can go now," Willow replied. The pink Glitter Troll left.


Willow decided to just ignore the voice.

“Ladies and gentle-Trolls," she began. “Welcome one and all to the premiere of ‘The Gift of Life'. Well, uh... Fiddlesticks, where are my speech notes?"


Willow groaned as she pulled out a notepad. “It is an honor to have all of you here tonight, and I really look forward to sharing this with you. This film stars some of the fine–"


“– the finest actors of their generation," Willow said with her teeth clenched. “Because no one else would take those classes."

Tiny Diamond laughed in the audience. “That's a good one, Willow!"

“Thanks, Tiny," Willow replied. “Now, does anyone else have anything to say?"

Everyone looked at each other and remained silent.

“Good. So, without further ado, please enjoy the–"


“That's not the voice," Willow realized.

“What voice?" Poppy wondered, Branch just shrugged. Suddenly, they all heard something banging on the door. Willow used her telekinesis to open it and a white owl-like bird flew in, hooting in panic.

“What is it, Angel?" Willow asked the bird, who hooted in response. “Something terrible has happened? The glitter pits are empty? What? Worse than that? Mr. Dinkles is trying to rule the world again?"

“Mr. Dinkles, you promised!" Biggie cried. Mr. Dinkles just mewed.

“Willow, just ask her what happened!" Branch shouted. Flower nodded.

“Okay, what happened?" Willow asked Angel. She let out a few hoots. “What now? How did that happen? Is everyone okay?"

“Daddy, what's happening?" Flower asked Branch as Willow flew up to them.

“I don't know, sprout," he replied. “But it can't be good."

“Bad news, Pops," Willow said. “Something really weird happened in Symphonyville and Lonesome Flats. Everyone was forced to evacuate to the mountains and they're in desperate need to keep warm. The leaders of the other tribes are helping, but we need to pitch in and help, too."

“Of course, Will," Poppy replied. “Everyone, go home and grab as many blankets as you can spare. Except for the Country and Classical Music Trolls, you can all stay in the local hotels, on us, until this matter is resolved. Once the rest of you have your blankets, take them to the refugees in the mountains."

“Does this mean we're not watching a movie?" Cooper asked.


“Everyone okay?" Delta Dawn asked the refugees as they all shivered. Luckily, Trolls from the other tribes came to help. The Rock Trolls brought hot coals from their volcanoes to help with the fires, the Pop Trolls gave them the warmest and fluffiest blankets they had, the Funk Trolls provided plenty of hot meals, and the Techno Trolls...

“We call this ‘controlling what we can when things feel out of control,'" a tiny Techno girl named Manta Rave explained as they made waves with their arms. “Right, Uncle Trollex?"

“That's right, kiddo," King Trollex said, patting her head.

“Popsqueak!" Barb exclaimed, giving Poppy a really, really tight hug.

“Hey, Barb!" Poppy laughed. “Okay, I think that's more than the babies can handle."

“Oh, sorry," Barb apologized, letting her go. “By the way, how are my godtwins?"

“I think they're happy to hear your voice," Poppy replied, placing Barb's hand on her stomach so she could feel the babies move.

“What happened?" Branch asked Trollzart.

“You are not going to believe this," he said, “but right before I began performing my masterpiece, there were these crystals floating in the sky. They fell to the ground and all our candles went out, the water was drained, a strong wind blew us all away, and the ground shook and cracked! It was horrible!"

“The same thing happened in Lonesome Flats," Delta Dawn said. “In fact, some of the kids are playing with the crystals."

“Hi, Dusty!" Flower greeted to a little Country boy.

“Oh! Uh, hi, princess," he said, blushing.

“Just Flower, please," she said. “We're all friends here! Besides, I won't be the only princess for long."

“Dusty, can we see the crystals for a moment?" Branch asked him. Dusty nodded and handed one of each color to him. They each had a strange symbol on them. “What do these markings mean?"

Willow peeked over his shoulder to take a look at them, and although she didn't know from where, she somehow recognized them.

“Air, fire, water, earth," she muttered. Branch looked at her in confusion.

“How did you know that?" Branch asked. Willow just shrugged. “Wait a minute, everything you guys said happened had something to do with those four natural elements."

“They do?" Clampers asked, sticking out of Delta Dawn's hair.

“The air raged, no fire, no water, and the earth moved," Branch explained. “But how did they...?"

“The magical spirits of Northros awoke," Willow answered.

“Okay, that's not what I thought you were gonna say," Branch admitted.

“What's going on?" Prince D asked. Cooper, Poppy, Barb, Ash, Biggie, and the kids joined them to see what all this was about.

“Willow thinks the spirits of Northros woke up," Branch answered.

“I don't think, I know," Willow insisted.

“How do you know?" Ash asked.

Willow sighed. “I've been hearing a voice," she admitted. “Someone, I don't know who, is calling for me. And they're somewhere in Northros."

“What is Northros?" Barb asked.

“It's an enchanted forest that my dad told us stories about," Poppy explained. “It was protected by four spirits, until the Northrens began fighting the Pop Trolls visiting there. Then, the spirits turned their magic against everyone, and everyone still in the forest was trapped by a powerful mist. No one can go in and no one has ever come out."

“And you believe what happened in our lands is connected to that?" Trollzart asked.

Willow nodded.

“Why didn't you tell me you've been hearing a voice?" Poppy asked, quite upset.

“I didn't want to worry anyone," Willow answered.

“Willow, we're your friends!" Poppy said. “We're supposed to worry about you!"

“Is there anything else we need to know?" Ash asked.

“Well," Willow replied, “I know this sounds crazy, but... I believe whoever's calling me is good."

“Will, how can you say that?" Branch said skeptically. “Look at all of these Trolls."

“I know. It's just my magic can feel it. I can feel it."

The others looked at each other, not sure whether or not to believe this.

“This is very weird," Branch said to Poppy. “How could Willow know where a voice is coming from? And how can she hear it all the way from Northros?"

“I don't know," Poppy admitted. “But Willow's not a Troll like the rest of us. We don't even know where most of her powers come from."

“Could we give you some advice?" King Quincy asked with Queen Essence by his side.

“Yes, please," Branch replied.

“It's best to be careful," he advised the two Pop Trolls. “Angry magical spirits are not for the faint of heart."

“But why are they angry at the Classical and Country Music Trolls?" Poppy asked. “They did nothing. Besides, it's been over fifty years since my dad escaped Northros."

“It's hard to say," Queen Essence replied, “but a lot of things could have happened over such a long period of time."

“And the past may not be what it seems," King Quincy added. “Perhaps the best solution is to find the truth."

“We wouldn't even know where to start looking," Branch said.

“Yes, it's very easy to get lost," Queen Essence agreed. “Sometimes, all anyone can do is the next right thing."

Ash, meanwhile, noticed Willow standing alone, staring at the horizon. Just past Symphonyville was the Distant North, where the voice was calling for her. Not sure whether to stay with these Trolls or to follow it, she did the only thing she could do.

I'm standing in the cold

I'm waitin' in the dark

My life was pretty good till now

There's nothing but the snow

No footsteps on the ground

I'm listening but there's no sound

Isn't anyone tryin' to find me?

Won't somebody help me see why?

It's a damn cold night

Trying to figure out this life

Won't you take me by the hand?

Take me somewhere new

I don't know who you are

But I, I'm with you

I'm with you

I'm with you...

“Will?" Ash said gently, placing her hand on her shoulder. The other Trolls stared at her curiously.


Willow made her decision. “I'm going to Northros to find that voice," she declared. “Branch, can I borrow some supplies?"

“I don't know," he replied. “I'm not sure if I have any for something like this."

“Will, you can't go to Northros by yourself!" Poppy argued.

“I won't," Willow reassured her. “I'll be with Ash."

“Wait, me? You think I'm gonna travel a thousand miles into a strange forest full of magical spirits?" Ash said, outraged. Her face suddenly lit up. “Of course, I am! It'll be fun! Gotcha, didn't I?"

“I'm coming with you," Poppy declared.

“Not in your condition," Willow argued. “Besides, I have my powers to protect me, you don't."

“I'm sorry," said Poppy, “but I traveled all the way to Bergen Town, saved all our friends from getting eaten, and survived a Rock-pocalypse, and I did all of that without powers."

“You weren't pregnant," Ash pointed out.

Poppy scoffed. “Doesn't matter. I'm still coming."

Barb shrugged. “Well, if you two are going..."

“Then, we're stuck coming along, too," Branch said unenthusiastically.

“We'll come, too!" Cooper joined in, feeling excited.

“Let's do it," Prince D. added.

“I'll bring the snacks!" Biggie shouted.

“We'll all stay here to look after these Trolls," King Trollex said. “Perhaps it would be best if they stayed away from their homes until you guys return."

“Let's let them know," Delta Dawn told Trollzart, and the two of them went to tell their people.

“We'll keep an eye on Princess Flower," King Quincy insisted.

“But I wanna come, too!" Flower pouted. “Besides, I promised to protect Mommy and my sisters!"

“Sorry, sweetie, but this could be dangerous," Poppy said. “You're better off staying here where it's safe."

“Okay, I'll stay," Flower said, secretly crossing her tiny fingers.

And so, the eight Pop, Funk, and Rock Trolls and Mr Dinkles caught a ride on a Caterbus, and made their way through the Distant North, not knowing what mysteries lied ahead...

Sorry this took so long. I've been pretty busy. But I think I'm on the right track now.

Here's the template if you still wanna enter the contest, although there are very limited ways to send me your entries. If you can't, I understand.

Here's what I've been sent so far. Well, actually, most of them I did myself because I was only given verbal descriptions. So sorry if they're not what you expected.

This was by Broppy_tree_panch

This was by jazzyjazz56784 (looks a lot like her OC)

These two were (described to me) by KayKayMoviesStories

This was (described to me) by HaileyMacDonald8

I'll announce the winners sometime after the deadline (Dec. 13th). Until next time. 🌈

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