Chapter 23

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~Outside The Royal Trollien Pod~

After The Dinner Argument Fiasco, Poppy Stormed Out Of The Royal Pod, Upset And Emotional Of Her Fight And Breakup With Branch.

Poppy Walked Around The Trollioplis Area And Ranted To Herself.
"Thinks He Can Just Sell Us Out And Send Us Trolls To A Different Planet??? Who Does He Think He Is! I Came Here To Make Change! They Are The Ones In The Wrong! Nothing But Rude Toepops!"

Shinin' J Walked Out The Doors Of The Pod, To Find Poppy And Spotted Her Leaving.

"Worse Part Is He Did It Without My Consent! THE QUEEN'S APPROVAL! Ugh!"
Poppy Crossed Her Arms, Pouting.

"Yo Queen Poppy! Hold Up!"
Shinin' J Ran Over To Her.

Poppy Turned Around.
"Oh Uh, Hey J. Look, I'm Sorry About That Whole....tHiNg That Happened In There"

Shinin' J Nodded.
"Yeahhh That Was A Bit Out Of Nowhere"

"Just Rover & Chloe Pushed My Limit And Branch Making A Deal Behind My Back It's Just...Ya Know GAAAH!"
Poppy Pulled Her Hair.

"I Get Your Frustration But-"
Shinin' J Said.

"And Also Sorry To You And Isabelle. You're One Of The Good Ones"
Poppy Said.

"Thanks But-"
Shinin' J Said.

"Just Rover And Chloe, In Fact ALL The Trolliens Are Pushing Us Trolls To Our Limit! WE'LL END UP LIKE ANGRY BIRDS AT SOME POINT!"
Poppy Said.

"I Don't Think That-"
Shinin' J Said.

Poppy Stomped Her Foot.

"Yeah But I Don't Think You Understa-"
Shinin' J Said.

"Then Again All These Trolliens Are Just A Bunch Of Bullies! They Started It Since The Beginning!"
Poppy Turned Around.

"So That's What You Think What Happened Back Then?"
Shinin' J Questioned.

Poppy Turned To Him.
"Well...Yeah. I Mean That's The Story I Was Told"

"Hm, Well Maybe You Need A Better Storyteller"
Shinin' J Smirked At Her.

Poppy Raised Her Eyebrow.

"Follow Me, I Wanna Show You Something"
Shinin' J Gestured And Started Walking.

Obviously Being Curious, Poppy Followed Along With Shinin' J To Where He Leading Her.

As Both Walked, A Funky Retro Beat Played In The Background, Slowly Building Up.

Poppy Scratched Her Head.
"Ummm, Where Are You Taking Me?"

"Sooo Many Questions Need To Be Lead To The Truth Huh"
Shinin' J Told Her.

Poppy Said.

Both Made It All The Way To The Center Of Trollioplis And Stood In The Middle.

Shinin' J Stomped On The Ground.
"Hologram Projector 8749"

Poppy Said Confused.

Suddenly, The Ground Opened Up And Rose Up A Hologram Projector, While Making The Background Behind Them Black.

"I Don't Understand"
Poppy Said.

"I Think It's Time You Knew The Truth Of This Rivalry"
Shinin' J Told Her.

Still Being Confused, Poppy Looked Over At The Hologram And Watched.


The Hologram Then Began Projecting A Holographic Version Of The Past Ancestral Days.

Shinin' J Started To Sing The Backstory.
🎵 Looking back on when it
was just trolls in
a little happy world 🎵

The Ancestor Trolls In The Hologram Skipped Around And Smiled As Usual.

🎵 Then their only worry
was the UFO carryin'
trolliens down 🎵

The Trolls Looked Up As A UFO Came Down To The Troll Land.

🎵 Even though we trolliens
would come in peace-🎵

🎵 Those trolls and happy
their happiness,
could only see foesss!🎵

The Trolliens Came Out Of The UFO And Bowed With Smiles, While The Trolls Gave Untrustworthy And Suspicious.

🎵 Days passed by like butterflies,
but to hang out with those trolls
wasn't on the list-🎵

Some Trolliens Went To Some Trolls And Offered To Spend Time And Bond, But The Trolls Rejected Their Friendly Offers.

🎵 Greeted with good kindness,
With that only came with
shutting down 🎵

A Techno Trollien Wanted To Rave With A Techno Troll, But The Techno Troll Refused And Swam Away.

A Rock Trollien Went To A Rock Troll To Learn To Play The Electric Guitar But The Rock Troll Pushed The Rock Trollien Away.

A Classic Trollien Flew To A Classical Troll To Play Some Orchestra, But The Classical Troll Couldn't Bare To Listen To The Classical Trollien's Instrument And Made Them Leave.

🎵 Tryin' our best to fit in,
Brought water to the eyesss-🎵

Leaders Of Each 6 Troll Tribes Laughed And Made Fun Of A Trollien For How They Lived And How They Looked With Antennae's.

While Poppy Listened To The Song And Watched The Hologram, She Finally Understood The Truth Between The Rivarly Of The Trolls & Trolliens.

🎵 Thinkin' it would put us down,
only made us feeling
like worthless nothing dirt!🎵

The Background Turned Retro And A Bunch Of Glitter Trolliens Slid Into The Song To Sing The Chorus With Shinin' J.

🎶  I wish those days
could re-do itself! 🎶

🎶  Why did those days
ev-er have to come! 🎶

🎶  I wish those days could
have never gone that way! 🎶

🎶  Why did those days
ev-er have to come! 🎶

🎶 Cause we
loathe them sooo!🎶

Shinin' J Continued On.
🎵 Leaders say they won't
take no more-🎵

🎵 'Bout to holler back
at them bullies!🎵

🎵 Through arguing and violence,
it just wasn't worth it!🎵

The Trolliens Stood Up To The Trolls And Argued With Then And Soon Violence Occured With Each Side Throwing Stuff At Each Other With Pure Hatred.

🎵 With that, we trolliens knew our time was up there in that land 🎵

🎵 We found a new planet
that would be free from those problematic rivals!🎵

The Trolliens Spotted A Abandoned Planet Up In Space And Knew What They Had To Do.

🎵 Packed up,
hopped in that spaceship,
only thing left to do was ZOOM!🎵

A Giant Spaceship Carrying All The Trolliens Blasted Off To The New Planet, Now Their Home, Away From The Trolls.


As The Hologram Finished And Shut Off, Poppy Couldn't Believe What Was Just Told Her, Being Completely Speechless.

Poppy Didn't Know What To Say.
"....So....The Rivarly Started Because...The Trolls Were The-"

A Voice Finished Off.

Poppy Turned Around To See It Was Chloe Who Said It, With The Trolls And Rover & Isabelle.

Chloe Went Up To Poppy.
"Heartbroken. Despised. Feel Nothing But Worthless. Us Trolliens Suffered For Just Wanting To Bond With You Trolls"

The Trolls Group Looked At Each Other, Feeling Speechless And Shocked At The Truth.

"All We Wanted To Do Was Come In Peace. But Apparently Trolls Weren't Meant For That"
Rover Crossed His Arms.

"But...I Don't Understand...My Dad Told Me You Trolliens Started It"
Poppy Said.

"Which Was Told By The Bully Side. Bullies Do Nothing But Tell Lies Poppy"
Shinin' J Said.

Poppy Rubbed Her Arm.
"But...Then Why Are You Guys Always Trying To Act Better And More Improved Than Us?"

"You Trolls Have Always Put Us Down And Made Us Feel Like Nothing But Low-Lives, So We Can To This Planet To Prove You Wrong But Improving Our Own Lifestyle Against Yours"
Chloe Explained.

"You Caused Us To Feel Like Nothing So We Had To Make Our Own Changes In Life"
Rover Added.

"W-What About Isabelle And J! They're Always Trying To Make Amends With Us!"
Poppy Gestured.

"Still Doesn't Cover Up How Hurt We Are About Back Then"
Shinin' J Said.

"And That's The Ugly Truth Unfortunately.."
Isabelle Rubbed The Back Of Her Neck, Looking Down.

"Wow...Thing Is Chaotic"
Synth Said Eating His Cupcake. 🧁

"Guese Not Only The Pop Trolls Did Stuff Wrong In The Past Huh"
Prince D Said.

The Trolls Say.

"Ancestors Messed Up For Real"
Trollex Shook His Head.

Poppy Sighed Deeply.
"....We Started It..."

Branch Knew How Bad Poppy Felt Now For The Trolliens And Felt Bad For Himself Of Thinking Bad Of Them Too.

Rover And Chloe Tried Not To Look Away, Still Being Hurt From The Past Trolls's Actions.

Poppy Was About To Go Up To Them.

Suddenly, A Loud Rumble In Was Heard Around The Area.

The Group Stopped For A Second At The Loud Rumble, Until They Started Shaking.

The Trolliens Peeked Out Of Their Homes Confused, But More Shaking And Rumbling Happend.

Synth Thought It Was Him.
"Ooo, Excuse Me! 😁"

"I Don't Think That Was You -.-"
Barb Glared.

Trollzart Pointed Up In The Sky.

Everyone Looked Up Directly In The Sky, To See A Enormous Humungous Black Hole Formed In Space.

Everyone Gasped Simultaneously.

Branch Immediately Reacted And Stood In Front Of Poppy.
"Um, Lexi, Explanation!"

Lexi Was Too Shook To Answer.

"IT'S WHAT???"
Everyone Questioned.

Lexi Blurted Out.

Everyone Understood.

Everyone Then Started Freaking Out And Running Around.

Rover Said.

A Country Trollien Flipped A Table Over To Uranus.

Poppy And Branch Watched Out For Everybody Running Around Then Bumped Into Each Other.

Both Looked At Each Other Awkwardly But Still Kept Close.

Chloe Shouted Out.

The Trolliens Quickly Stopped In Place, And Some Even Stopped In Mid-Air.

"I Could've Done That But Pfft"
Rover Rolled His Eyes And Scoffed.

"Okay Lexi! What Is A Black Hole?!"
Poppy Asked.

"And Why Does It Look Like We're Heading Straight Towards It??"
Branch Asked.

Lexi Explained.
"A Black Hole Is A Region Of Spacetime Where The Gravity Is SOOOO Strong That Nothing Can Escape From It AND WE GET SUCKED INTO TOTAL NOTHINGNESS FOREVERRRR!!!!"

Everyone Stared With Blank Expressions In Confusion Of The Smart Logic Talk.

"We're Being Sucked Into A Giant Hole In Space That Can Possibly Kill Us .____."
Lexi Said In Simpler Terms.

Everyone Screamed Again.

Poppy Scoffs.
"PFFFT, That's Impossible! A Hole Can't Suck Us Into Totally Nothingness. Especially A Giant Hole In Space!"

"I Mean I Got A Giant Hole And Can Suck Anything In....Or Be Sucked"
Barb Said.

Trollzart Shivered.

"How Can A Black Hole Just Be Created Out Of Nowhere?!"
Branch Said.

"I DON'T KNOWWW! I-It Could Be A Great Amount Of Cosmic Energy Or A Solar Powered Gravity Energy Ray!"
Lexi Said.

"Like That?"
Synth Pointed.

The Little Retro Spaceship That Blasted Its Ray Into Space To Create The Black Hole Started To Blast Off.

"AH HA! Someone In That Spaceship Created Used Their Solar Powered Ray To Form The Black Hole Into Space!"
Lexi Said.

"But Why?"
Delta Questioned.

"Total Sus Hours 👺"
Trollex Said.

"Maybe They Hated The Smell Of Branch's Sports Undies Collection"
Rover Said.

"I DON'T OWN THOSE!.....anymore"
Branch Mumbled.

"Wait Huh?"
Poppy Looked Over At Branch.

Branch Cleared His Throat.

"Well Whoever It Is, They Clearly Want To End Our Lives By Forcing Both Our Planets To Get Sucked Into The Black Hole!"
Lexi Said.

Barb Snickers.
"Imagine That Out Of Context-"

"I Know Right"
Isabelle Whispered.

Poppy Tried To Understand.
"So Your Saying....If The Trollien Planet And The Trolls Planet Both Get Lured Into The Black Hole.."

"...Then Both Planets Will Be Destroyed...Forever"
Lexi Finished Off.

Everyone Murmured, Starting To Get More Scared And Frightened.

"Welp...We All Had To Go At Some Point, I'LL GET THE BURIAL PLOTS READY 😃 ⚰"
Synth Raised Up A Shovel.

"NO NO NO! We Are Not Giving Up Just To Be Rainbow Meat!"
Poppy Said.

"Dangit 😔"
Synth Yeeted The Shovel Away.

The Shovel Probably Hit A Middle Aged Trollien.

"Lexi, Can The Black Hole Be Destroyed Or Reversed In Any Way?"
Poppy Asked.

"According To My Studies...No"
Lexi Replied.

"😃 ⚰"
Synth Grabbed A Coffin.

Lexi Said.

Synth Kicked The Coffin Away.

"If We Can Somehow Get The Ray That The Person Used To Create The Black Hole...We Can Reverse It"
Lexi Explained.

"GREAT! Then That's Exactly What We'll Do!"
Poppy Nodded.

"Uhhh Come Again? Reverse A Black Hole?? Poppy That's Crazy!"
Branch Said.

"You Should Be Used To My Crazy Plans By Now Branch"
Poppy Said.

"True 🤷‍♂️"
Branch Shrugged.

"But You Heard Lexi. If That Black Hole Sucks Both Planets Into It....Then That's It. Done. No More Trollstopia"
Poppy Told Him.

Branch Sighed Into His Hands.
"Hhhh...This Will Blow Up In Our Faces....Literally...But I'm In"

Poppy Smiled At Branch, Thankful.

"Do We Even Know Where That Person Went?"
Prince D Asked.

"Well It Flew Off 24 Degrees North Soooo For My Coordinates, It Went Nearby The Corner Of Our Trollar System!"
Lexi Explained.

"That Makes Sense"
Prince D Said.

"Great! Rover? Chloe? Will You Join And Help Us?"
Poppy Asked.

"Us? Help Our Rivals? The Queen's Got Jokes Huh"
Chloe Said.

"What Makes You Think We'll Help You? After What You Trolls Did To Us In The Past"
Rover Said.

"Look, I'm Sorry About That. And Hey, You Guys Aren't Exactly Innocent Here. After What You Did To Us When We Came To Make Peace"
Poppy Said.

"Point Made"
Rover Said.

"Two Wrongs Don't Make Right....But You Can Make Things Right By Helping Us Save Our Planet And Yours From Being Destroyed!"
Poppy Told Them.

Rover And Chloe Looked At Each Other, Getting Slight Doubts.

"Isabelle? Shinin' J?"
Poppy Looked Over At Them.

"Saving Our Planets From Destruction? Uhhh Yeah I'm In! Duh!"
Shinin' J Agreed.

Isabelle Agreed.

Isabelle And Barb Fist Bumped.

Poppy Turned Back To Rover And Chloe.

Chloe Looked Back At Her Sister, And Isabelle Gestured For Her To Join.

Chloe Sighed.

"We'll Tag Along"
Rover Said.

Poppy Cheered.

"WHOA WHOA WHOA, Little Downside I Noticed"
Trollzart Said.

Poppy Raised Her Eyebrow.

"How Will We Ever Get This Mission Done If We Argue With The Trolliens The Whole Time! It'll Get Us No Where!"
Trollzart Explained.

"He's Got A Point"
Delta Said.

"Hmmm....Sign A Highly Descriptive Peace Treaty? 😁 📃"
Branch Held Up A Long Paper For A Peace Treaty.

Rover Lowered Down Branch's Treaty.
"ORRRRR, I Know Someone On A Different Planet That Happens To Be A Wise Peace Maker Therapist. His Name Is Master Luz. He Can Help Any Trolls Out Of Issues Like POOF!"

"Ooooo Luzzzz, He Sounds Cosmicyyyy! Let's Do It!"
Poppy Agreed.

"I Mean My Peace Treaty Would've Been More Civil But 🙄"
Branch Ripped Up His Peace Treaty.

"Welllll? Truce?"
Poppy Put Her Hand Out.

Chloe Nodded.

Both Shook Hands In Agreement For The Trolls & Trolliens Into A Truce To Work Together Against The Deadly Black Hole.

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