going home

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"Wait.. what? Why??" Clay scooted closer to her again, shaking his head.

"By staying here.. you'll have too many reminders of the past and– I don't you to have to keep going through that! It's not fair! Your brothers love you so much, and– you need to be reminded of that!"

"But.. but Viva!"

"No, Clay," She shook her head now, "I've already made up my mind.."

Clay sighed in defeat, leaning back against the couch. He know she just trying to help him get better, but.. it hurt a little that she was pushing him away like this. And despite her saying they loved him, deep down he wasn't even sure if his brothers would wanna see him.

"I.. I don't want you to go either, but.. I want you to be somewhere.. somewhere happier.. that doesn't encourage you to have these terrible nights.."

He couldn't believe she was calling the place they've made their sanctuary for so long an unhappy environment indirectly. It wasn't a lie that he did love his brothers, but he also loved it here!

Immediately, he sat right back up.

"But I'm happy here!"


"Viva, you can't expect me to actually move there. I love my brothers.. but my home is here. With you.. AND the putt putt trolls–"

Viva looked up at him for a few seconds with a sad expression, holding onto it as she began to smile a little.

"Oh Clay.."

Scooting closer and leaning in, she pressed a soft kiss against his cheek.

"Please go.." She held onto his hand again, "maybe.. call John Dory to come get you like he got you with your brothers last time!"


"Okay, okay look.. it doesn't have to be permanent, I did kind of overstep with that- but.. just.. at least just until your nightmares get settled!"

He just sat there for a bit as he watched her hopeful eyes, realizing much more how serious she was about this. She cared about him so much it made him sick sometimes.

Not necessarily in a bad way, but just where it had him questioning what he ever did to deserve it.

Finally, he zipped his lips, and slowly leaned back against the couch once more, lowering his shoulders.

"Aight, alright, fine.." The lanky troll gave in, sighing and slapping his hands on his legs,

"..I'll go."

Of course his best friend smiled wide at that and she stood up excitedly, reaching over to him to hug him, practically tackling him.

She was a little sad that she wouldn't be going with him, but she knew that he very much needed this and wanted him to be able to sleep peacefully agai–

"BUT– on one condition.." He gently took her shoulders and sat her down next to her, looking and sounding firm.

Viva's eyes widened a bit at that but she just shrugged a little with a nod.

"Oooooohhkay.. and what is that?"

Clay looked over to the side a bit as if he was stuck in thought, then turned to look back over at her, a smile starting to form.

"..I want you to come with me."

Viva didn't know how to process the feelings she started feeling after he said that. It was a mix of shock, surprise, excitement, love, happiness, excitement, happiness, and excitement.

"Oh.. Clay are you kidding me of course I will!!" Viva sat up in her spot excitedly smiling wide, practically holding herself back from hugging him again.

Clay smiled back at her just as wide.

"Yeahhhh cause if you really thought I was boutta come without you then you're even more insane then I thought—" He chuckled when he felt her lightly shove him.

"You'd be fine without me and you know it!" She let herself fall upon his lap, not before grabbing a pillow and hitting him with it.

He chuckled once more, except it was softer, and his smile faded a bit as his eyes drifted a little.

Noticing this, Viva turned her head on his lap to better inspect his expression, looking confused and concerned.

"Honestly, Viva.. I'd still be lost without you.. both physically and mentally. Like.. I don't what I'd be doing if I didn't have you."

He knew she was just talking about the trip, but he meant that with everything.

Which was exactly why he wanted her to go.

And, somehow, she knew exactly what he meant.

She sat up in his lap and stayed close to him, hugging the same pillow that she hit him to her chest.

"Me too Clay." She mumbled, leaning against him.

Playfully, he turned to her with a raised eyebrow.

"You? Lost without me? Oh come on," he teased, "you practically led AND made a whole village by yourself, and only at thirteen? Girl you would be THRIVING without me!"

Though she knew he was joking, she couldn't find it in her to smile. Because so much would genuinely be different if she didn't have him around.

"Yeah but.. we did most of this together. And though I know everyone has a lot of respect for me, they mostly view me as an authorial figure.. the only person who saw more than that was you."

Clay's smile started to slowly fade. He hadn't thought of it that way.

"I lost two people really important to me, and.. no matter how many of the putt putt trolls I gathered with me I still just felt so alone, because I knew that they were all relying on me for what to do next, even if I myself didn't really know. I really needed somebody to lean on and.. well, right at that moment, you just happened to be right there."

She turned her gaze up to his.

"And we've been inseparable ever since."

His smile started to slowly return as he listened, as well as a new one began to form on hers.

"Not only do you hear me Clay.. but you get me, Viva moved her head from his shoulder and took his hands in hers, "You always have."

Clay held her hands in his and squeezed them gently, pulling her in gently to rest her head on his chest.

"And you know I always will."

Viva smiled and closed her eyes for a second, enjoying the comforting warmth that her companion had brought to her. If she had a tail right now she would be wagging it nonstop.

Suddenly, she sat up and got close to his face so fast that it nearly made Clay fall off the couch.

"Nobody, knows me," she reached her hand over to boop his nose while singing, "like you do~"

Clay raised an eyebrow at her with a smile before laughing a little.

"You and that song–" he said, sitting her next to him.

"Come onnnnn sing the next paaaartttt!" She nudged him a few times, holding onto his arm.

He shook his head before using his other arm to rest against the arm of the couch, holding his face in his palm.

"Nobody gon, love me, quite like youuuu yeah~" He sang, to the absolute pleasure of his partner who was now fanning her face dramatically, causing him to roll his eyes in his own amusement.

"UGH, beautiful, gets me everytime–" She pretended to wipe away a tear.

"Well you know what," he took the pillow she was holding from her lap and now held it in his arms, "I got a song for you too."

She didn't say anything but just tilted her head in interest, smirking.

"..I'm lost withouutt youuuu," Clay began to climb over to her, moving the pillow a little.

She giggled, not knowing what he was trying to do but just continued to let him get closer.

"Can't help myyyself," His hands began to slide towards her underarms, causing her to twitch a little from the tingle it gave her, "howww does it feeeel,"

"Well it feels like you're trying t–"

"-to know that I LOVE YOU BABY!" He suddenly started to tickle her mercilessly under her arms, which of course made her fly back on the couch into a fit of laughter.

"NOOOOOOO– SHOOT I KNEW IT–" She could barely speak as she was laughing in between, trying to get him off of her at the same time.




Clay eventually sighed in defeat before finally deciding to let go of her, allowing her to catch her breath.

"Alright alrighttt you got ittt," he said, giving her one last poke on the side while remaining where he was.

Viva took a few seconds to breathe before looking at him with a playful smile, pushing the pillow in his face.

"WOWWWW oh my gosh you're corny–" she teased him while laughing, pushing him off of her lightly.

"Oh, OHH OKAY MISS– nObOdyyYy kNoOoOowS mE liKe yOuUu dOoOo~"
It was his turn to smack her with the pillow now.

"Heyyyyy!" She laughed, grabbing the pillow from him, "that's different! That's–"

Clay raised an eyebrow at her, waiting for her argument.

"...FINE fair point!" She hit him with the pillow one more time before making a fake pouty face.

Clay just laughed and leaned against the pillow while she was still holding it, looking up at her.

"You're fun to mess with." He said in a much softer voice, watching as she slowly darted her eyes towards his and let her fake pouty face fade away.

Viva didn't say anything and instead just let her body do the talking, allowing a smile to form on her face before leaning in to wrap her arms around his neck, feeling and watching as he sat up to wrap his own arms around her waist and pull her in and hold her close.

"And you're unbearable." She said in a soft voice, feeling her heart pound what she wanted to exaggerate was times a million when he heard his warm laughter practically against her ear.

"Only for youuuu."

He mumbled softer than her pounding heart could take, feeling relaxed some more when she felt his hands run through her curly hair.

They pulled away from each other, not letting go, but just enough where they could study each other's faces.

Viva smiled up at him and reached a hand behind his head slowly, inching closer to him.

"..now call John Dory!" She hit him with the pillow again suddenly.

Clay laughed and grabbed the pillow from her, putting it to the side.

"Should've seen that comin- okay okay!"

He reached in his hair to grab his snailphone but then stopped as soon as he started.


Viva sighed and sat up, rolling her eyes a bit, thinking he was gonna come up with a new excuse.


"It's late– I don't even know if he'll answer!"

"Oh come onnn it's not thaaaat late! It's only like–"

She took his phone and checked the time on it to verify.

"Ten o'clock!


"Just try at least once!"

She shoved the phone back in his hand and watched him sigh, holding the phone in his hands again.

"Fineee, fine–"

Viva happily wrapped herself around his arm while watching him dial his brother's number.

After dialing it they sat there for a bit waiting for him to pick up, listening to it ring.

And eventually, it stopped ringing.

"...oh–" Viva blinked.

Clay sighed and was about to put the phone away.

"See! I told you!"

"Well, well- try again?"

"Why would I try again if he didn't answer the first time–"

Suddenly, just as soon they brought up trying to call him again, the damn phone started to ring in Clay's hand.

Slowly, he looked down at it in disbelief and just stared at it for a few seconds, before turning to look to at Viva, who now had a wide toothy smile on her face.

Sighing deeply, he rolled his eyes toward back toward the phone, hitting answer.

"Hhh.. hello–"

And of course, he was immediately jumpscared with the familiar voice of–


"....heeeeyyyy Johnnnnn..." He said less enthusiastically.

"Sound excited!" Viva whispered, nudging him gently.

"Yeah not gonna happen–"
Clay whispered back.

"HEYYYY HEHEYYYYY!! Sorry I didn't answer before, I heard my phone ringing but for whatever reason couldn't find it anywhere then realized it was in my HAIR the WHOOOLE TIIIIMEEEE!! CRAAAAZY RIGHT?!!"


"HAHA yeah so just to let you know I wasn't asleep or anything!

"Yeah cause why would you be.."

"What was that??"

"Nothing– anyway.. I was gonna–"

"SO whatcha need man?? Or you just callin cause you wanna chat it up with good ol' DORY? I know it's been a minute since we last spoke but I am always thinking about yall! Well, Floyd and Branch not so much since I'm literally staying with them but yeah!"

Of course he wasn't gonna make it known that it slightly touched him that he was thinking about them. And three of his brothers were staying together.

Should he be doing that too? Or better yet– how come no one asked if he wanted to stay?

He pushed the thought aside as he knew he was just overthinking and didn't wanna get off track, also remembering that he was literally just calling Hole n Fun his home earlier.

"...I was gonna say, if you'd let me speak yapster square–"

Viva nudged him again but with a little more force.

"Ow‐ that I had, well.. not really a request, but.. more of a question I guess?"

There was a bit of a pause for a second, leaving the two trolls to stare at the phone then eventually at each other, until he spoke back up.

"Uhm.. Jo–"

"Sure man, you can ask me anything!!"

"Oh- okay, uhh.. well-"

He looked over at Viva, who nodded with a warm smile.

"I.. I wanted to ask you, if...maybe.. we could.. go back to the village together? You, me and the rest of the brothers? You know, for a like.. little stay together?"

And there was that silence again, except it was longer this time.

"Did.." Clay started to mumble quietly, "did I say something wrong–?"

"You didn't!" Viva tried reassuring him, "maybe it cut off, or- he's also occupied with something else!"

"What could he possibly be occupied with this late at nigh–"


"AH—" Both him and Viva jumped this time, the phone nearly falling out of his hands.

"Gahdamn–!" he regained his composure and put the phone back up to his ear, "can you NOT do that–"


"No- no I didn't say it like tha–" Clay just sighed, "whatever– y-yeah, I think it'd be great for us to spend time together. I know it's only been a month since everything, but– well.. since we've all practically made up now, it could be like making up for lost time.."

Clay thought about how all that said lost time applied to him, and started to think maybe.. maybe he just missed his brothers. Of course not having realized it before, but it made a little bit of sense, didn't it? Perhaps this was a good idea and it would help him immensely.

Viva scooted into his lap again and nuzzled her face into his gently, still holding onto his arm as she smiled and whispered,

"You're doing great."

Clay smiled back at her, nuzzling back into her.

"Thanks Veev," he mumbled, pressing his forehead against hers afterwards.

They were leaning in for a bit until John's voice came over the phone again.

"YEAH, definitely, for sure! I would just come snatch ya up right now but it's late sooo haha– plus, still gotta hit up Bruce and I doubt he's awake right now– with all those kids? Sheeeeesh I could never man what a trooper–"

"Haaaahahaa yeahhh.. I forget he's a dad sometimes–"

"RIGHT? HAH LIKE OUT OF ALL TROLLS?? WEIRD MAN!! Well anyway– how does me dropping by tomorrow morning sound?"

"Uhmm," He looked over at Viva for her answer and of course she nodded happily, then put his focus back towards the phone,

"Yeap, sounds good!"

"AAAWESOME AWESOME– wait, hold on, how long were you planning on staying?"

"Well.. I was thinking like a week or so could possibly be good?"

"Ahhhh cool cool great! Well since they're snoozin right now I'll let the younger bros know tomorrow morning I'm comin to get ya then hit Bruce up to see if he's down to join too!"

"Mhm, soundsss great–"

"Alright! Talk to you soon okay man?"

"Yeah.. I'll see you later."

"HAHAHAAA yeah you will! BYEEEEEE!!"

"Oh, w-wait, John!"

"Huh– yeah?"

"Is it uh.. is it okay if Viva comes too?"

"Whaaaat? What kind of question is that man? Of COURSE your girlfriend can come! She's practically family now!"

Hearing this over the phone Viva couldn't help but giggle a little.

"Oh– oh see she's not–"

"I'm really glad you asked too, Branch has been telling me that Poppy misses Viva too anyway so it's perfect!"

"Ah, well yeah! All works out then!"

"Haha alriiiight well was there anything else?"

"Umm.. nah, that was it."

"Heh, well okay then. I'll leave you two to get some rest. Don't let those bed bugs bite alright champ?!"

"Yeah yeahhhh–"

"Hahaaaaa seriously though those things are no joke I would know since I've literally been in the wilderness for almost my whole li–"

"OKAAAY I'm pretty tired so I'm gonna let you go now okaaaay?"

"Yeah haha okay, g'night man, I'll call you tomorrow."

"Heh, yeah.. goodnight John."

Clay finally put the phone down after hearing John hang up, sighing and running a hand through his hair.

Viva rose her head after resting on his shoulder with a small smile before nudging him gently.

"That wasn't so bad now was itttt?" She teased lightly, leaning her head towards him.

"Oh it was horrible." Clay raised an eyebrow at her playfully, pretending to look annoyed before it would slowly evolve into a genuine smile from hearing her giggle.

"Well guess who's gonna be going to see their brothers sooooonnn!" She propped herself on top of him and held his shoulder.

"Anddddd guess who's coming with meeeeee!" He shared her energy as he grabbed her hands and held them.

She giggled before squeezing his hands in hers and practically shook in his lap.




"Yeah okay–"

Viva sat there in his lap for a bit while casually playing with his hair strands behind his head, watching him relax until she quickly let go and gasped a little.


He looked at her with a raised eyebrow.


"Two things—" she climbed off of his lap and stood up in front of him, "one– we need to start packing especially if we're gonna be staying that long, and two‐ what am I gonna tell the putt putt trolls!"

"Uhhh well what did you tell them before you came to help us save Floyd?"

"I told them I'd be back later and I put someone else in charge temporarily! But we're gonna have to set the stakes a bit higher if we're gonna be gone for a week or longer! Someone's gonna have to complete our tasks for us and everything!"

"Right.. well.. I can see you're stressed out about it so maybe you should sta–"

"AND NUUURP— THAT'S not happening–" Viva climbed on the couch and jumped over it before going around to look for something, "we're doing this–"

Clay had to chuckle a little, fully expecting that answer and honestly happy with it. He turned to watch as she hassled for whatever she was looking for and eventually found it.

"We can just– plan an announcement for tomorrow morning before we go!" Viva walked around the couch holding what looked to be a small suitcase, "set a few trolls we think can handle or lead our tasks up to the job until we come back!"

"I don't know how many times I've said this already but– sounds good!" He smiled over at her with a toothy grin, "we can make a list of potential candidates before we go to sleep."

Viva giggled and plopped next to him while opening her bag.

"Sounds good!" She repeated.

"Haha-" he replied while rolling his eyes playfully.

"Anywayssss," she put the bag aside, "what should I pack! And you get a bag too!" She shoved his side lightly.

"Well– I don't really have much I would pack besides some of my books, my pillow, some night clothes- soap, toothbrush, which I kinda need to use before we leave in the morning–"

"Eh, fair enough– but still pack!" She patted his shoulder before getting up and running off again.

"I'll probably pack some candies for Poppy and Dad, get my pillow too and my brushhh and-"

Clay chuckled again before getting up himself and stretching.

"Alriiiight, well– you all do all that, I'm gonna get ready for bed and start lookin to see if I need anything else- doubt it, but- I'll look."

Viva was packing but stopped for a bit as she watched him grab his night tshirt and shorts to put them on and proceeding to go to another area of the room to put them on.


He turned around, holding the clothes in his arm.


"I.. uhm.."

She put her bag down on the ground as she looked around for a bit, and of course this started to get Clay concerned.

"What's wrong?" He started to walk towards her a little.

"Uhm– no- no you know what! It doesn't matter! I'll‐ I'll tell you later!"

"Huh? Are you su–"

"Yep, mhm! Don't worry about it! It can wait!"

She packed the last of the treats she wanted to bring then went to move on to her personal things.

"Sides- should really finish and get to bed soon anyway, it's getting preeetty late now and we have a long morning ahead of us!"

"Ohhh joy.. thanks for the reminder.."

Viva turned to him and winked, sticking her tongue out playfully before he'd roll his eyes playfully.

"Love you!" She said, turning back to her things and putting them in her bag.

Clay stopped walking after she said this and didn't turn to look back at her, but smiled to himself.

"..love you too." He nearly mumbled, readjusting his clothes in his arm before going to change.


Don't come here.

We don't want you here.

Stay away from us.

And never come back.

But.. but I love you guys!

We wish we could say the same.

But really we don't.

You're a part of the reason.

Why would we want you back?

Guys.. guys please I'm sorry! Don't go! Please! PLEASE STAY!




He shouted and jolted upward, the sweat doing it's job of making his environment degrees hotter.

Grabbing at his shirt his breathing proceeded to get more and more heavy, feeling like he was about every ounce of that breath and fall right back into unconsciousness.

"Clay! Clay it's okay! I'm here!"

Viva grabbed his hand and squeezed it and rubbed it gently, eventually wrapping herself around his entire arm.

It was dark and the minimal light outside wasn't much help. She wanted to see him, she needed to see him, but she didn't dare leave his side for even a second while he was in the predicament he was in right now, even to just turn on the light.

So she closed her eyes and decided to do something she hadn't done in years.

Clay was still trying to catch his breath but lost a bit of his focus when he saw something yellow and bright light up next to him.

His best friend had lit up her hair for him. To remind him she was here, and to be able to see him.

"V-Viva..? You.. but.. the–"

"Hey, hey.. cmere," She fully wrapped her arms around him now and moved his head to rest on her chest, stroking his hair lightly.

"Gosh, you're sweaty.."

"S-Sorry," He mumbled, his breathing still a bit shaky.

"No no, it's okay, I don't care.. here, sit up for a second."

He did as she said and carefully, she began to remove his tshirt, leaving his chest area bare for it to breathe.


They sat there for a bit as they stared at one another for a bit, the air getting slightly warmer.

"..Thanks..." He mumbled again and suddenly turned away, not able to make eye contact with her as he felt her eyes still on him.

They were extremely close, but he didn't normally have his shirt off around her, and he was already embarrassed with how sweaty he was.

"Stoppp, you know it's just me," She said in a sweet voice, reaching her hand under his chin to turn him back towards her.

He didn't really say anything else and just took her word for it. It wasn't like he was uncomfortable either, she was literally like his soul person; he then turned his focus back up to her hair that was still glowing, feeling calm enough to address it now.

"Viva.. why did you.. I thought it-"

"Brought back bad memories? Yeah.. but.. I have them back! So not much to be bothered by, right?"

"Yeah, but.. you went through so much more than that.. you had to use it so many times and had to learn how to the same exact day.."

Viva looked down for a bit before sighing quietly, looking back up at him.

"I'm okay, Clay, really. This isn't about me."


"I needed to see you. I always do." She raised a hand to his cheek and rubbed it with her thumb gently. "All of that stuff was my last thought."

"...Okay. Only if you're sure."

He leaned into her touch, sighing and closing his eyes.

"Wanna talk about it?"

He just shook his head slowly, looking like he was about fall right back asleep.

She couldn't help but to smile, just a little.. he looked so sweet when he was at ease.


Eventually, after some more comfort, the two were able to soothe themselves back into their previous slumber.


Later in the morning, the two were up and at it, getting the rest of their things ready.

John Dory had called him thirty minutes ago and told him whenever he was ready he could come get them, but Clay insisted he could start coming as soon as he could, so he was practically on the way.

"You ready for today?!" Viva jumped excitedly as she was zipping up her bag.

"Yep, youuuu know it!" Clay was finishing up packing the rest of his things as well and had taken his clipboard from his hair and set it aside.

After zipping up his bag he grabbed it and looked over at the door, before his smile began to fade a bit.

"...hey Viva?"

"Yeah?" She was combing her hair.

"...should we really be doing this?"

She didn't stop combing but slowed down the pace and turned a little to look over at him.

"What do you mean?"

"It's just.. nothing, nevermind."

Now this made her stop completely.

"Is.. is this about last nigh-"

"No! N-No! Really, I'm just– overthinking! It's nothing honestly. In fact– IIIII- I think forgot to do my stretches, maybe that's why I'm so wonky– gimme a second!"

He practically threw his stuff on the couch nearby and walked to the front of the room, reaching down to touch his toes, leaning from side to side after.

She watched him for a little before just shaking her head silently with a smile. She didn't know how aware of it she was but she could basically read him like an open book.

Only reason she decided to leave it alone was because they had a few things to do that morning and they'd be leaving soon, and she would fully be expecting it to come out of him sooner or later.


Outside in the village were almost all of the putt putt trolls surrounding Viva and Clay who were standing before them making their announcements.

"We've gathered all of you out here this morning to inform you of some important news." Viva started.

"Now I know what you're probably thinkin–" Clay continued, "'why do they both have bags sitting next to them, what's that all about?' Well that's the first thing we're about to tell you. Me and Viva are going on a very important business trip!"

The trolls started murmuring with one another and looked around at each other.

"We're not sure for how long but we're aiming for at least a week, so while we're gone we wanted to put a few trolls in charge of certain areas or tasks in the village to keep things rolling like normal! Clay?"

Right away, Clay took out his clipboard and flipped through it, clearing his throat before beginning to read out loud.

"So for contuining management the rest of the updates on Hole N Fun, we'd like to bring Hazel to the stand!"

Hazel gasped aloud and looked around her for a bit before covering her mouth.

"Me?? No way!!"

"Yes youuuu girl! You brought in so many good ideas and I think you'd do amazing! Congrats to you and the team!"

"YEAHH HAZEL!" Ivy nudged her friend, happy for her.

"AAAHH YAYY!" She squealed, stimming happily.

"As for management in operations around the village, that title will go to.. Blake, who's been such a huge help in not only constructing but suggesting tweaks and ideas for improvement!"

"Woah," Blake, a Cobalt Blue troll with Forest Green hair said, "this– this is huge! It's like I'm being promoted!"

"Be..Because you are–" Topaz said a few inches from him.

"WOOOOO! THAT'S MY BROTHER!" Blaze shouted excitedly.

"Yeahhh congrats man! All that hard work paid off!" Clay pointed at him with a wide smile and nodded.

For a little while, the two continued to announce who would be managing what, such as regular functions in the village, and the last category they reached was Clay's sad book club.

"Andddd finallyyy– Ginger! I want you to be the host of the book club while I'm gone!"

"WHATTTT?! YOU'RE KIDDING!" She squealed excitedly.

"Nope! Love your passion girl! Keep it up!" He winked at her while pointing again.

"I'm gonna die– I'M GONNA DIE!!" She fanned her face happily with, ironically, a book in her hand.

"PLEEEAASE PLEASE PLEASE LET ME BE YOUR COHOST–" Mabel grabbed onto her friend's arm.

"Oh, glad you brought that up Mabel! Cohosts are VERY much encouraged but up to the host themselves of course." Viva chimed in with a smile.

"Uh, DUHH!!" Ginger said excitedly before both would squeeze each other's hands while squealing.

"..how am I friends with both of you–" Topaz was halfway covering her ears from the loud noises.

"TOPAAZZZZ! You should TOTALLY be one too!" Mabel reached over to try and grab her hand.

"Nooooo thank you I'm good–" She quickly moved her hand away, "love you though–"

"Well with that all out of the way now– we'll be expecting our ride pretty soon so me and veevs should start getting a move on." Clay leaned down to grab his bag.

"And again congrats to everyone!" He waved to them before starting to walk away.

"We'll see you guys veeery soon! LOVE YOU ALL!" Viva blew them all kisses before grabbing her own bag and going to join him.

In the background they could hear their fellow villagers shout to them their own goodbyes, how they'll miss them and of course to be safe.

"Ahh.. I miss them already." Viva caught up to Clay and walked by his side, slinging her bag on her arm.

"Man– I miss my club already!" Clay replied, shaking his head, then side eyed her slowly.

"..You sure we can't–"

"Anddd nope–"

"Yeah I tried–"

Viva just laughed, wrapping her free arm around his.

"It's okayyyy, we have to do this! Plus, it'll be good for both of us in different ways too! You'll get to be with your brothers and I'll be with my sister and dad!"

"Yeahhh, I know, I know." He smiled a little, moving his arm from around hers to grab her hand.

She held his back and continued making their way to the metal gate.

"So John's on his way, right?" She asked.

"Yep, at least that's what he told m–"

And right as they started talking about it, his phone started to ring again.

"How does he just exactly when to call.." he mumbled to himself before taking his phone from his hair and answering the call.


"Hey there lil bro! You guys ready?" John spoke through the phone.

"Yeah, you here?"

"WOW, lucky guess! I suuuure am! Waitin behind this big ol metal wall for ya!"

"Well‐ well alright, we're literally right behind it so we'll see you in like– a few seconds–"

"Niceeee greeaaaat well I'll be out here!"

"Alright, give us a minute."

He hung up the phone and put it back in his hair then looked over at Viva.


"Of course!"

He smiled at her before stretching his hair up to the chains that were connected to the metal gates to open them.

Standing on them for a bit he thought about what the next few events that would be taking place would be.

He was going to back to the village.. with his brothers.

With his partner.

He was going home.

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