Just One Moment (Love Story)

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(Warning: Extreme levels of cuteness! ❤️)

Poppy and Branch sat on top of a hill watching the beautiful sunset. Poppy smiled and held his hand.

Poppy: This is beautiful, Branch, thanks for bringing me up here.

Branch: And it gets better, Poppy.

Poppy: Better?

Branch: One second.

Branch turned around and took a few deep breaths before squirting breath spray in his mouth.

Poppy: Branch?

Branch: I'm good, Poppy! Pull yourself together, Branch, you can do this.

Poppy waited patiently as Branch turned his attention back to her.

Poppy: So, what was it you wanted to tell me?

Branch: I...uh...I...I...I...

Poppy: Spill, what is it?

Branch slapped himself in the face and took a few more breaths.

Branch: Poppy, what I wanted to tell you is that...I...well, I like you.

Poppy giggled.

Poppy: I like you too, Branch, is that all you wanted to tell me.

Realizing that Poppy wasn't following, Branch realized he had to be more specific, and be super sincere. He finally worked up the courage to speak his mind to Poppy.

Branch: Poppy...I've liked you for a long time and...I've started liking you a lot more than just my best friend...see, Poppy, I have strong feelings for you. You're an amazing queen, and you're the main reason I'm who I am today. I never would've known what true happiness is if you hadn't intervened.

Poppy wasn't sure where Branch was going, but she still continued to listen to him.

Branch: Poppy...I think I found the right troll that I was meant to be with...

Poppy: What do you mean?

Poppy soon got her answer, Branch got down on one knee and opened a box. When Poppy saw the ring, she gasped, her hands flying to her mouth and her tears flowing gently down her cheeks.

Branch: Queen Poppy, will you make me the happiest troll in the world and be my wife?

Poppy: Y...Yes Branch, I will...of course I will...

Poppy held her hand out for Branch to put the ring on her finger. However, just as he was about to...



Branch shot up from his bed and turned off the alarm on his remote.

Branch: Gary! What did I tell you about waking me up on the weekends?!


Branch: What did you just say?! Say it to my face!...That's it, you're grounded young man!

Reluctantly, Branch got out of bed putting his remote in his hair. He turned his attention to the picture he had next to his bed of him and Poppy making funny faces. He sighed touching the photo where Poppy posed.

Branch: Just one moment, Gar, one moment with her, just the two of us. That's all I need.


Soon, Branch got his chance, he noticed that all the trolls were acting lovey-dovey towards each other, it made him sick, but also curious.

Branch: What's...going on?

King Peppy: Branch, my boy! Didn't you hear?

Branch: About what?

King Peppy: We've got a big ball tomorrow night!

Branch: ...Just to be clear, is this a toy ball?

King Peppy: No? What makes you think that?

Branch: Well...


Branch arrived at the village square wearing a tuxedo and holding a rose.

Branch: I'm ready for...

To his surprise, this wasn't a formal event, Poppy was directing a truck to lower a giant ball, literally.

Branch: Poppy...

Poppy: Oh hi Branch!

Branch: You said there was going to be a big ball, what changed your mind?

Poppy: Nothing, this is the big ball!

(Flashback ends)

Branch: ...Nothing.

King Peppy: Oh well, have fun dancing! I need to work on mine!

King Peppy tap danced in a random direction. Branch couldn't believe it, an opportunity was given to him right when he needed it! This was his big chance to get to be with Poppy...and hopefully his big chance to pop the question.


Poppy was by herself on the outskirts of the village smelling flowers, she sighed happily and sat on a log. Branch spotted her on her own and approached her shyly.

Branch: Hey, Poppy...

Poppy: What's up, Branch?

Poppy petted a small bird and let it fly off her finger.

Branch: Pull yourself together, Branch...Poppy, there's something I want to ask you.

Poppy: Yeah?

Branch: Well...you know about the ball, right?

Poppy: Yeah, why?

Branch: Well...I wanted to ask you...would you...would you be interested in going to the ball with me?

Poppy froze for a moment before turning to Branch.

Poppy: Branch...you want to go to the ball with...me...?

Branch: Yeah...what do you say?

But Poppy's response stunned Branch, she turned away and after a few seconds, sniffling was heard from her.

Branch: Poppy...? Is everything okay?

Poppy turned her head towards Branch, tears were flowing down her rosy pink cheeks. Branch immediately went silent, his heart shattering for the one troll he truly loved. She was so happy just not too long ago, what was wrong?

Branch: Poppy, what's wrong?

Poppy: Branch, that's the sweetest thing you've said to me all day, and I would love to go to the ball with you but...

Uh oh, "but?"

Poppy: I'm so sorry, Branch, but...I'm not going!

When Poppy said those horrifying words, she took off in tears.

Branch: Poppy, wait!

Too late, the devastated queen was soon out of sight, Branch face palmed himself and sat in the grass.

Branch: What's wrong with me?


Poppy sat in her pod by herself, tears still flowing down her cheeks. What was going on with her wasn't anything that Branch was assuming, something else was bothering Poppy. She wanted to go to the ball more than anything else, she truly did. However, she couldn't go through with it, not for the reasons any of you readers think. Something else...when Poppy opened up her closet, she took out the one dress she had that stood out among the rest. It was white, glittery, and had a magenta jewel in the middle of it, it was the only party dress she had, and she hardly wore it. Why was that? This dress belonged to someone important. Underneath her dresses, Poppy pulled out a box and opened it, inside was a scrapbook she put together when she was a child. Going through it page by page, Poppy closed her eyes and started having heartbreaking flashbacks.


Poppy wasn't even a year old when this happened, but she still remembered it. She remembered seeing a troll wearing the very same dress she now owns, she wore it at the very same royal ball that was coming up in one short day. Her father approached the troll and held her hands, she had a worried look on her face.

?: Peppy, we must evacuate the tree, for Poppy's sake. We can't risk losing another troll to the Bergens.

King Peppy: Yes, Dahlia, you're right, but we don't know where to go from here, the tree is our home.

?: It's been more than 50 years since the troll tree was captured and brought to Bergen Town...come with me.

Poppy's father was lead behind the troll tree, the female troll pointed at the tree root.

?: Trollstice is upon us again, this is our ticket out of here. If you dig a hole here, you'll find a tunnel. I don't know where exactly it leads, but it's better than suffering a terrible fate with the Bergens.

King Peppy thought about those words, every year, more trolls were lost to the Bergens, and he wasn't going to let it happen to another one, not even his beautiful daughter.

King Peppy: Very well, we'll leave tonight, as long as the trolls are safe, that's all that matters.

Suddenly, the other trolls starting panicking yelling "Bergen! Bergen! Bergen!" When King Peppy and his acquaintance looked outside the cage, there was indeed a Bergen heading for the troll tree, the royal chef.

?: Quick, we need to get the trolls to safety!

King Peppy: Quickly, everyone, blend in!

The trolls did exactly what their king said and hid in bushes, in the troll tree, and even disguised themselves as shrubs. Well...everyone except one. Something caught the king's acquaintance, Princess Poppy was still out there! She was watching a butterfly fly by and was giggling. The chef had just opened up the gate and headed towards the tree. She began to lower her hand where Poppy was sitting.

?: POPPY!!!!!

She didn't hesitate, she ran up to Poppy and shoved her before the chef's hand reached her. Except...she ended up taking her instead. Poppy, who was too young to understand what was happening watched everything unfold. Though she didn't know what was happening, she could feel it, and it wasn't fun.

King Peppy: Poppy!

The king ran up to his daughter and carried her in his arms, he looked up at the chef as she disappeared with a full hand. He immediately knew what had happened.

King Peppy: Dahlia!

All that remained of her was one thing, her white dress.

(Flashback ends)

Two days after those traumatic events, King Peppy made a new holiday: Day of the Princess. This was in honor of his friend's sacrifice and his daughter's survival which would be celebrated with a royal ball. More on his acquaintance later. Poppy sobbed silently at the memory while hugging her dress. No matter how much she enjoyed herself each year, it was still a grim reminder of what had happened 20 years earlier. Now that she was queen, it was even harder for her to get over it.

The ball was in full swing, Branch was there in his tux, but with no date, he was the only one at the ball flying solo, apart from King Peppy, but does he really count? Where was Poppy? She loves social gatherings, so this wasn't like her. Should he go talk to her?

King Peppy: Branch, don't just stand, get into the groove!

Branch: I'm sorry, King Peppy, I don't feel like it.

King Peppy dropped his cane and started tap dancing, Branch instantly shielded his face.

Branch: Don't do that, please!

King Peppy continued tap dancing but suddenly fell right into the punch table.

King Peppy: Guess I need to work on getting into the groove myself.

Branch sighed and face palmed, the rest of the Snack Pack noticed he was just standing around and not engaging in anything.

DJ Suki: Branch, what's got you feeling down in the dumps?

Smidge: Punch?

Branch: No thanks.

Smidge: Suit yourself.

Smidge punched Cooper right in the face and he fell into a bush.

Cooper: Aw man, works every time!

Then they noticed, someone was missing, a piece from a picture perfect puzzle.

Biggie: Where's Poppy?

Branch: Wish I knew...she's not coming.

This shocked everyone.

Smidge: Oh my guh, what do you mean she's not coming?!

Guy Diamond: When has she ever missed a big party?! Poppy loves to *autotuned* party!

Branch: I don't know, I asked her if she wanted to go with me, she left without giving me an explanation.

Chenille: Last time we saw Poppy, she was in her pod looking at a scrapbook.

Satin: But I don't know if she got out or not.

It was worth just checking, right? Maybe Poppy just needed some time to think? Or just some time to herself? Maybe she was all ready for the ball and was just waiting for Branch.

But when the Snack Pack got to Poppy's pod, they were in for a surprise.

Biggie: Poppy, are you in there?

Chenille: Everyone's at the ball except for you!

The door opened, and to their surprise, Poppy was gone! And so we're all her things, there was nothing in her pod except for her furniture.

Cooper: Poppy?!

Smidge: Oh my guh! Where is she?!

On top of Poppy's bed was a note, Branch picked it up and read it:

I'm sorry for running away, Branch. I really want to go to the ball with you, don't get me wrong. But the truth is that this ball brings back a lot of bad memories, I know it's ironic coming from me, but it's true. By the time you finish reading this, I'll be long gone, don't try to look for me, I'm no longer in Troll Village. Tell my dad that I love him, but I can't be somewhere that's supposed to make me happy, but it doesn't. I love you all.



Branch couldn't believe it, his beloved had run away, from what? Her happy life? What did she hope to accomplish?

DJ Suki: Poppy's gone?!

Smidge: Oh my guh!

Biggie: Where did she go?!

Branch: I don't know, but I hope we can catch up to her before she gets too far!

Poppy waved as a plane landed where she was waiting. When the doors opened, she picked up her two luggages and stepped on. She sat in one of the seats by herself and sighed. The whole plane was empty, she was the only one on it.

Pilot: Where to, Your Highness?

Poppy: Far away, anyplace far away from here...

Once Poppy made her request, the plane began to depart. Poppy stared out the window getting one last glimpse of her home. Was she really willing to throw it all away? Apparently she was. She hated herself for what she was doing, but she couldn't bare being somewhere that made her feel depresse. She wanted to be happy again, she wanted to go to a party where she could feel carefree and joyful. That was all she wanted, just happiness...

?: POPPY!!!!!

Poppy gasped when she heard a familiar voice outside, when she looked out the window, she saw all her friends trying to catch up with her plane.

Branch: Stop the plane! Stop the plane!!!

Biggie: Come back, Poppy!

Dinkles: Meep.

Satin & Chenille: Don't go, Poppy!

Smidge: POPPY!!!!!!!!

Too late, the plane began to take off, Poppy was actually serious. She was about to leave Troll Village forever.

Branch: Poppy, stop!!!

The Snack Pack all crashed into a tree and fell like dominoes. By the time they got up, the plane was too high in the sky for Poppy to hear any of them. She was gone, Poppy was gone, and she wasn't coming back...

DJ Suki: She's...gone...

Branch turned away from the group crossing his arms, angry tears began flowing down his cheeks.

Satin: I can't believe she left...she's really gone...

Guy Diamond: She didn't even say goodbye...

Biggie: Where's she going to go? What are we going to do without her?

Smidge: ...IT'S ANARCHY!!!!!

The Snack Pack began running around in a huge panic, Branch stood in the middle watching them all overreact.

Branch: STOP!!!!!

They all froze in place.

Branch: Seriously, guys? After what just happened, you're worried about that?!

Smidge: Uh...

Branch: We're not giving up on Poppy that easy, we're bringing her back no matter what it takes!

Cooper: But you just saw the plane, Branch!

Chenille: How are we going to catch up with her?

Branch sighed, he had an idea but he didn't like it.

Branch: There's only one person that can help us reach her in time...


Cloud Guy: Captain Party Pooper, my man! So nice of you to give me a call!

Branch sighed and rolled his eyes.

Cloud Guy: So, what can I do for you, amigo?

Branch: I...I...I need your help!

Cloud Guys's jaw dropped right to the ground.

Cloud Guy: Moi? You need help from li'l ol' me?

Branch: Yes...

Cloud Guy: ...This wouldn't have anything to do with your girlfriend, would it?

Branch: What?! No! Actually...yeah. But she's not my girlfriend!

Cloud Guy: Whatever, called it! So whatcha need? A fresh bouquet of poppies? A poem? A documentary on the history of love?

Branch stared at Cloud Guy both confused and annoyed.

Branch: No, no, and no. I actually need help to catch up with her.

Cloud Guy: What are you playing tag or something?

Branch: No, she took off in a plane, and I need to catch up with her before she gets too far. She's not planning on coming back and I need to talk her out of it!

Cloud Guy: Ooh bummer. Perhaps it's for the best, Twiggy.


Cloud Guy burst into laughter irritating Branch even more.

Cloud Guy: Say no more, Twiggy, I've got the perfect solution!

Branch: And for the record, it's Branch, not Twiggy!

Cloud Guy: Whatevs...

Cloud Guy left while Branch waited for him with his arms crossed. He waited...and waited...and waited...and waited...and waited...soon, it was beginning to get dark. Branch began to wonder if Cloud Guy just left him in the dust.

Branch: Why did I even come to this guy? I'll go after Poppy on my own.

But just as Branch was about to leave, he heard beeping noises coming from behind him. He saw what looked like a...cloud car? Cloud Guy was driving it while wearing shades, he pulled them down and winked.

Branch: WHAT THE HECK IS THIS?!?!?!?!

Cloud Guy: Your ticket to your li'l lady.


Cloud Guy: AHA!!! I knew it!

Branch: Knew what?!

Cloud Guy: Poppy and Twiggy sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!

Branch yelled in frustration and covered his face with his hair.


Cloud Guy: You betcha, get in.

Branch groaned and reluctantly got into the car.

Branch: You have a car made of clouds?!

Cloud Guy: Sure do, pretty legit, right?

Branch: No, it's not pretty legit! How do you even work this thing?!

Cloud Guy: Like this!

Cloud Guy pulled a lever and the car started moving at hyper speed. Branch screamed like a girl as the car went faster than light itself before taking off into the sky.

Branch: This thing can fly?!?!

Cloud Guy: It's made of clouds, what did you expect?!

Branch: I don't know, I can't think straight right now!


Poppy sighed thinking about her new life, she didn't know where to go, but she didn't care as long as it was far enough for her to stop having those bad memories. What would the trolls do now that she was gone? What would her father say when he found out that she had run away? And Branch...what was he going to do without her?

Pilot: Anything we can do for you, Your Highness?

Poppy: No thanks...I'll be fine.

Tears flowed down the young queen's cheeks as she folded her arms on top of her knees before burying her head sobbing silently. She couldn't believe she had gone through with this, she had hurt everyone she loved to find happiness, she crushed her father and broke Branch's heart...

?: Poppy!!!

That voice! There it was again! Poppy immediately looked out the window but didn't see anything. As soon as her back was turned, Branch and Cloud Guy appeared just outside her window, but the car kept getting pushed back each time they caught up with the plane.

Branch: Poppy...it's me...Branch...! Don't do this...! We need you! I need you!

But Poppy was too far away to hear Branch yelling.

Cloud Guy: The wind's are too strong for me to go any forward!

Branch: Can't you just use your hyper speed mode or something?!

Cloud Guy: No, I can only use that when taking off!

Branch: Are you kidding me?!?!

Cloud Guy grabbed Branch by the shoulders and pulled him too close to his face.

Cloud Guy: You love that girl, don't you?!

Branch: Yes!

Cloud Guy: ...Go get her!

Branch: What?!

Cloud Guy: Hasta la vista, Romeo!

Cloud Guy pulled a lever and Branch was ejected from the car landing right on top of the plane, he was horrified! The wind was strong and the plane was unstable! He carefully climbed down to wear Poppy was sitting slamming his head and arms against the window.

Branch: Poppy!

Poppy screamed and fell off her seat.

Poppy: Branch?!

The window suddenly pushed Branch in a random direction. Poppy gasped and ran to the window opening it.

Poppy: Branch!

Branch: I'm here!

Thankfully, he grabbed onto the plane's wing, he held on for dear life as he pulled himself up to talk to Poppy.

Poppy: Branch, what are you doing?! You should go back to Troll Village!

Branch: No! Not without you, Poppy!

Poppy: What?!

The wind was too loud for their ears, which was why they were shouting.

Branch: I said not without you!

Poppy: Branch, I have to do this!

Branch: No you don't! You have an amazing life, Poppy, why are you running away from it?! Are you not happy as queen?!

Poppy: No! It's not for the reasons you think, Branch!

Branch: Then what is it?!

Poppy: It's not because I'm not happy, I love being queen, and I love Troll Village! Did you ever wonder why I said no when you asked to go to the ball with me?!

Branch: Yeah, I thought it was because I screwed up!

Poppy: Actually, that's a good point! You may want to practice your speeches beforehand!

Branch looked at Poppy with an annoyed expression on his face.

Poppy: Branch, I said no because I couldn't go through with it, no matter how fun these royal balls are, they still bring back a lot of bad memories!

Branch was in shock, Poppy was running away because of bad memories? And he thought Gary's youthful rebellion was bad.

Poppy: The Bergens took my family before the ball, I haven't been able to enjoy the ball since, it reminds me of what happened!

Branch: So you think that leaving your home is going to make it go away?!

Poppy: Not exactly, bu-

Branch: No, Poppy!

The determined troll pulled Poppy up to wear he was standing and held her hands. The sun set in the distance as the two trolls gazed into each other's eyes. Poppy with a sad expression and Branch with a determined one.

Branch: Poppy, where do you plan to go?!

Poppy: I haven't figured it out yet, but anywhere that-

Branch: Stop right there! I'll take that as a "nowhere!" You're running away from home but you have nowhere to go! Don't do this to yourself, Poppy, you have everything you've ever wanted, everyone has bad memories, but they make us who we are!

Poppy: But all I want is to forget that terrible day! And seeing my dad, this ball, everything at home is just a reminder!

Branch: Poppy, there's nowhere you can go that can magically erase that from your brain! All those bad things we go through make us stronger! Life's not perfect! The world's not perfect! You're not perfect, I'm not perfect!

Poppy's lips started trembling and her eyes began to well up, Branch gently lifted her chin so she was facing him.

Branch: It's okay, Pop, I have bad memories too, I stopped singing when I lost my grandma, but it's because of you that I'm a new troll.

Poppy: Really...?

Branch: Really really, your support plus those bad memories made me stronger, and they can make you stronger too.

Poppy didn't know what to say, Branch just touched her heart so hard, he meant every word he said. She couldn't hold back her tears any longer and just let them fall. Branch kept a tight grip on the young queen's hands.

Branch: Poppy, not everything is cupcakes and rainbows, but it can be if you remember, you're not alone in this world. You have a long line of supporters...and great friends along the way.

Poppy looked up at Branch, her tears still drifting down, Branch touched her cheek and they gazed at each other hand in hand. Both trolls began leaning closer and slowly puckering their lips as they leaned closer and closer...

Suddenly, the plane experienced turbulence and started flying in a bumpy manner, the two continued holding hands even after their moment was interrupted. They had completely forgotten they were still on the plane, until now. The plane shook again and Poppy's foot slipped, she lost her balance and was balancing one just one foot right on the edge of the plane's wing.

Branch: Poppy!

Branch immediately lunged for Poppy and grabbed her hand just when she completely lost balance and fell.

Poppy: Branch!

Branch: Hang on, Poppy! Don't let go!

Poppy didn't have to be told twice, but when she looked down, she was surprised at how high they were.

Branch: Don't look down!

Poppy looked up at Branch hyperventilating and almost crying hysterically, she was so scared! Branch attempted to pull her up, but the plane's movement made it difficult to do so, Poppy's hand began to slip.

Poppy: Branch, I'm slipping!

Branch: Don't panic, I'm not going to let you fall!

Poppy held onto Branch's wrist and he attempted to pull her up again. Suddenly, the plane shook violently and Poppy completely lost her grip, plummeting fast and hard.

Poppy: BRANCH!!!!!

Branch: POPPY!!!!!

Poppy screamed in terror as she continued to fall further, Branch didn't hesitate and immediately dove after her.

Branch: I'M COMING, POPPY!!!!!

In just mere seconds, Branch caught up with Poppy.

Poppy: BRANCH!!!! HELP!!!!

Branch: GRAB MY HAND!!!!!

Poppy didn't need to think twice, Branch held his hand out and Poppy immediately grabbed it, holding onto it for dear life. Branch pulled Poppy close to him carrying her over his shoulder before using his hair as a parachute. Poppy couldn't believe that happened so fast, it was legitimately horrifying. Once the two trolls landed on solid ground, Poppy fell to her knees putting her head down.

Branch: Poppy, are you alright?!

Poppy looked up at Branch and immediately hugged him with all her might sobbing uncontrollably. Branch hugged her back trying to comfort his traumatized girlfriend. She clearly needed to calm down after what just happened. She choked through her tears as she tried to speak.

Poppy: Branch, thank you so...so much...! I can't tell you how terrifying that was!

Branch: Poppy, shhhhhhhhhhh you're safe, that's all that matters.

Poppy couldn't stop, she continued to sob in Branch's arms, just letting all her emotions out. Her anger, her frustration, her grief, her fear, all of it coming out right then and there. In just 15 minutes, Poppy finally began to relax resting her head on Branch's chest, her body still trembling like a lost cuddle puppy, and her eyes halfway shut.

Poppy: I'm so sorry, Branch...I promise I'll never run away again...

Branch: That's all I need to hear, Poppy.

Finally, Poppy's body stopped trembling and she stopped crying, her eyes slowly began to shut before she fell into a peaceful slumber. No tears, no mood swings, no trembling, just complete silence. The only sound that came from her was her soft breathing.


The moon shone in the distance, the stars twinkled one at a time, Poppy slowly awoke from her nap letting out a soft yawn. Seeing that she was back in her pod, she realized she must've dozed off without realizing. Everything she went through felt like a distant dream. She stepped out of her bed and stretched her arms, only to find something in her closet, her white dress. Along with a note:

Village square in one hour.

Poppy wasn't sure what it was, but it couldn't hurt to check, right?


When Poppy arrived at the village square, she was surprised, the royal ball was still happening, even though she had been gone for a whole day. She slowly stepped into the square standing out among all the other trolls. She looked alluring.

King Peppy: Welcome back, Poppyseed.

Poppy turned to her father and held his hands.

Poppy: Dad, what is all this?

King Peppy: Don't look at me, it was Branch's idea.

Poppy looked at Branch waiting for a response.

Branch: Well, Poppy, since you weren't here when we had the ball...

Cooper: We did it again!

Branch: Yeah...what he said.

Poppy looked around the square, all the trolls were still having fun, despite having to do the ball again.

Poppy: Branch...you didn't have to.

Branch: Of course we did, we're your friends. And friends always look after each other.

Poppy was flattered, she didn't know how to respond. Branch approached her and held his hand out.

Branch: Shall we?

Poppy looked at Branch before taking his hand, he spun around before pulling her close and leading her to the dance floor.

Poppy: Branch...everyone's watching.

Branch: Don't worry, right now, it's just you and me.

Poppy turned to Branch before being led to a slow dance as the soft music played in the background. Poppy gasped softly and blushed as all the trolls watched them in the center of it all.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

I found a love, for me

Darling, just dive right in and follow my lead

Well, I found a girl, beautiful and sweet

Oh, I never knew you were the someone waiting for me

'Cause we were just kids when we fell in love

Not knowing what it was

I will not give you up this time

But darling, just kiss me slow

Your heart is all I own

And in your eyes, you're holding mine

Baby, I'm dancing in the dark

With you between my arms

Barefoot on the grass

Listening to our favorite song

When you said you looked a mess

I whispered underneath my breath

But you heard it

Darling, you look perfect tonight

Well, I found a woman, stronger than anyone I know

She shares my dreams, I hope that someday I'll share her home

I found a lover, to carry more than just my secrets

To carry love, to carry children of our own

We are still kids, but we're so in love

Fighting against all odds

I know we'll be alright this time

Darling, just hold my hand

Be my girl, I'll be your man

I see my future in your eyes

Baby, I'm dancing in the dark

With you between my arms

Barefoot on the grass

Listening to our favorite song

When I saw you in that dress, looking so beautiful

I don't deserve this

Darling, you look perfect tonight

Poppy gazed at Branch as he continued to lead her in a dance

Poppy: Branch...you went through all this trouble?

Branch: Hey, Poppy, I'll jump off a mountain for you if I have to. Whatever it takes to make you happy, I'll do it. As long as it's for you.

Poppy gasped softly as Branch continued to lead her in dance.

Baby, I'm dancing in the dark

With you between my arms

Barefoot on the grass

Listening to our favorite song

I have faith in what I see

Now I know I have met an angel in person

And she looks perfect

I don't deserve this

You look perfect tonight

Branch spun Poppy in his direction and she blushed in his arms, completely forgetting that the other trolls even existed. Carefully touching Branch's shoulder, she slowly leaned forward and kissed him. The fireworks in the distance when off almost instantly like the spark in Branch's head. He did it, he finally did it.

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