Chapter Seven:Wedding Time

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Poppy's POV:
It's been four weeks since Grisel proposed to Bridget. Ohhh I can't wait to go wedding shopping!!! For dresses, the flowers!!! Yay I'm so excited! Wait... I totally forgot that Bergen weddings, are a week after they proposed.It's in a week, but that means, that..... oh no......

Branch's POV:
Poppy has been kinda of stress with her Queen work, so I'm going to help her with some of her work. I walked next door to Poppy's house. Then, I heard crying. I quickly ran in to her house, and saw her on the ground. "Poppy! What's wrong?" I asked her helping her up. "Im, fine... But I just realized something..." She sniffed. "What..?" I asked. "I have to find someone to be the king, and I will have to marry them." She hugged me tight. "So, when do you have to get marry to them?" I questioned her more. "Well, within 6 weeks." She put her head down. "Well, I'll be here the whole time for you, Poppy." I winked, making her blush. "Thank you Branch. So, how could you here me crying?" Poppy asked. "W-well, I was going to ask you if you needed any help with you queen work," I grined, "that's why I came over here." "Well, I DO need some help with my work." "I'll help ya."

//5 Hours Later//

"Ok, yawn, we ARE DONE." I looked over to Poppy. She was out like a light sleeping on the table. "Heh, looks like, Im gonna have not put you to bed." I picked her up, and she was in my arms. Before I put her in her bed, I slowly leaned in, then, she woke up and leaned onto my lips. "Mhm!" Poppy had her eyes wide open. Then we let go. "Bra-branch?!" She looked around herself, then I ran to her bed and placed her down, and ran to my house.  I opened my door, locked it, and jumped onto my bed, then screamed in my pillow. "Why did I do that?! Your so stupid Branch!" Then, I quickly went to sleep.

Hope ye liked! Sorry for not updating in while. Its hard having like 10 books your working on. And I still have 2 more the way... Soooo... Ya.

Bye! Bye!

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