Friday, December 23rd

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9:20 am

Day 4 of Daily Journaling (just 3 days left till the challenge is over)

Let's get physical, physical! I want to get physical! I'm playing the song "Physical" by Olivia Newton-John now because today I'm planning to go do a workout with Poppy. Before this, I woke up at 7:33 am, getting ready to start my day. I stayed up a bit last night to almost midnight again, but managed to stay in the bed this morning till 7:30 am. That's around the time when Poppy called me on the phone and we've been chatting since I woke up, talking about meeting up out in the meadow to get some fresh air while we do our workout. So, the conversation went along like this:

Poppy: Hey, good morning, Branchifur. It's a nice, sunny day to go out and workout. Want to workout with me?

Me: Morning Popifur....uhh, I don't know...I hadn't done a workout in a long time.

Poppy: Oh, come on, Branch! Loosen up for a bit and join me! Please?

Me: (Sighs) Fine. I'll come too, but I just need to get myself together and I'll be ready to workout with you, okay?

Poppy: Yay! I'll see you around 9:30ish at the meadow. You'll find me near this huge mushroom, okay?

Me: Wait what? You're already there?

Poppy: Yup, I'm just scrapbooking here! Okay, see you then, bye!

Me: Okay. Bye.

Whoa, now looking at this dialogue conversation that I written, it actually looks pretty cool in this journal. It reminds me of those screenplay scripts. Kind of. Well, it wasn't too bad to write it down in this format to me. How does it look?

Now I'm about to meet up with Poppy. I've got my sweat water (what? I still do drink it! Don't judge me, journal!), a towel and got my workout outfit on. So, what is up with me with working out? To get this straight, I'm in great shape, like I can do very physical moves, and even touch my toes. Why did I put that info for? Maybe it's my way of trying to figure out what else to write here. (And hopefully, it's not that personal, which is so far, so good on avoiding that. Phew!) Well, all I can say is that at least I'm in better shape than Creek, in my opinion. The only slight problem I have is keeping a consistent workout routine. My favorite exercises are jumping jacks, squats, and bicycle crunches. The only exercise that I struggle with will have to be hair push-ups (it's like a push-up except we Trolls use our hair). I will fall immediately to the ground after doing at least 25 of them. 

I must go now, and I will journal some more tonight, where I will talk about how my day went, including the workout. I hope it won't be as bad as I expect for it to be, which it might be. Oh, no, I'm thinking negative again. If Poppy was here, she would tell me to rewrite this sentence to: It's going to be okay, even if it hurts, I'm still okay! See? Oh my Troll, it's 9:28 am. Got to go meet up with Poppy. See ya!


10:56 pm

Today has been very productive actually. It wasn't too bad after all, although I have a bit of a headache. Ugh. Yeah, the work out turned out to be pretty good, plus Smidge came around to join us as well! How fun, huh? Until we got into those hair push-ups, led by Smidge herself. She was so intense about it, which I (including Poppy) grew exhausted of doing them. I don't remember how many of those hair push-ups we done, but I think we did a hundred of them. Good thing that the workout was over afterwards, indicating me that it was time for a break. So, the headache that I'm having right now doesn't feel as bad as it was this morning. I'll be just fine. Oh, no! I've got another song in my head. Smidge played this song this morning during our workout session.

Here's a list of things that I done today:

1. Found myself a new black pen for my journal (this one is about to go out)

2. Read some more of "Life of Pi" book (It's going great!)

3. Watch a few videos about journaling (Oh, no. My pen

4. Ate a huge meal with Poppy (Just opened my new pen because my old pen died on me.)

5. Had some quality time with my son Gary, the remote control

I know this is such a short, journal entry, but it's getting late, plus this headache is no joke, so I'll be heading off to bed now. I hope to be better by the morning, so I can write some more tomorrow. For now, I'm going to chill and watch a TV show. No, wait. What am I talking about? It's late. 11 pm. I should be in bed. Goodnight.

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