Sunday, December 25th

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1:30 pm

Once again, I'm journaling in the afternoon. I've got a good explanation why. I woke up at 4 am for my usual morning swim routine at the Hotsprings. It was good, though it was also a huge mistake. The Hotsprings that I usual go to swim in ended up being ICE COLD!!! Yeah, I was freezing cold and immediately got out of it. Brr!! When I walked to shore, I couldn't really move at all. My body was a bit numb, my face was scrunched up, and my hands wouldn't move. It took me two minutes to wrap myself with a towel. I had to go back into my bunker, run some warm water in my bathtub, and ended up soaking in it. In conclusion, the temperature dropped last night, which was the reason why the water was cold when I went in. Gosh, huh? Well, I had no choice, but to go back to bed after warming myself up again, thanks to the hot bath.

When I woke up again, it was 10:23 am, which meant for me to fix a simple breakfast and then journal afterwards, but got sidetracked because Synth called me, complaining about the cold water in the Hotsprings. I mean, why call it Hotsprings if the water is cold?? Now, Synth is investigating underwater to see what is going on with that.

Anyways, what day is it again? I think I lost track of time. I will check it now. It's Day 6 of daily journaling because yesterday was Day 5. I've only got one more day till the challenge is over. How do I like journaling so far? It's going along pretty well. I think that I'm starting to warm up with writing down about my day and the journal prompts. Wait, I lied. I didn't even do one, so why not do one today? Make that a goal for the day. Now back to the topic of journaling: Every now and then, I would write about my feelings and emotions, but not so much. Hey, it's progress, right? Today is an unexpected, chilly day. I'm in my bunker, snuggling inside my robe and slippers, obviously knowing why I am like this. I finished eating brunch (this time), which is the following: Millet with Fried Okra. Before this, I ate half of the grapefruit earlier this morning, though didn't finish it till later. Yum!

Okay, something weird had happened to me last night, which I totally forgot to write about, but I am now: Last night, Poppy told me about the supplies she brought for this party and the items we bought from Troll Supermarket. For example, she bought a light blue Potty Chair and told me to sit on it to see if it fits me. Weird, right? Asking me to sit on it, out in public at the supermarket. Good thing that she didn't ask me to do anything more than that, so I looked around to make sure no one was staring at us, (or to say me) and sat on it (WITH MY PANTS ON!!! Just to clarify that to myself in case I read it incorrectly when I read this next time). Oh my gosh, it was embarrassing for just one moment. Thankfully, it was just me and Poppy right at that aisle. When I sat on it, the seat fits me perfectly. She told me that it was a perfect fit, to get off of it, and that she's going to buy it. Oh, boy.

Okay, I already made my conclusion that this will probably have to be a potty party. Or maybe we're doing like a challenge or something, like I heard of 24 hours in the tent and that would be an item that anyone would need for that type of challenge. Either way, I'm not sure about Poppy's plan. I don't think I'll be participating in whatever she's planning, even though I always get myself into it. I'm still trying to figure that out before Poppy reveals the surprise. Look at that, me trying to figure out a surprise when it supposed to be a surprise.  Well, I got to go on ahead and start my daily laundry. See you.


11:00 pm

Today has been such a busy day because all I did all day was to help Poppy find stickers after I did my laundry. Still, she had not had a chance to tell me about the party she's planning because she was more focus on finding stickers than anything else. But we had a nice dinner together, and talked on and on about our plans this week, except for Poppy's party, which we did not touch on at all. I told her about working out again tomorrow with Smidge and her again. How fun would that be? 

Let's  talk about The Bee Movie for a moment. So, I watched The Bee Movie tonight, which I had not seen before, but heard of. I gave that movie a try. In my opinion, it was a watchable movie, although it had so many "bee" puns. Am I the only one who is getting tired of the puns? I know it should make you laugh, but can we call that cliche? I'm sorry if I sound like I offended those who liked the movie. I do respect everyone's opinions. Now realizing that I wrote this, I think I wrote this in case someone finds my journal (which I hope they don't) and won't get offended if they come across this page. So we should be good.

Anyways, to make the long story short, there was no more info about Poppy's upcoming party. She has not spilled any tea about it. I even tried to get her to spit out some of the info by using long conversations and subtle clues. Too bad for me, she never did. Dang it, huh? Whoa, I never wrote that word in my journal before. New, huh? So, in other words, I don't think I'm going to this party. Not because I'm scared (because I'm NOT) it's just that I don't like surprise parties. Well, let's just hope to get more information about this party from Smidge, whom I will be with tomorrow morning to do a workout. I got to go to bed because-oh come on, now-once again, I'm going to bed late. Goodnight.

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