Sunday, January 8th

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8:08 pm

Okay. Poppy challenged me to write a letter to my past self. Why? Because she explained to me that it might be beneficial for me, especially for self-reflection. So, that's why I'm trying this out because I'm curious to see how beneficial this would be for me. I had invited Laguna over to do a private journaling club. (Nobody else knows about it, not even Poppy. Why won't I tell her? Because as soon as she finds out about my club, she would want everyone in Troll Village to join the club. It won't be as quiet as I like it at all.) So, Laguna and I are just in my bunker, starting the club.

Laguna told me how much she loved the idea and how proud she if for me for daily journaling for at least two weeks now. I'm proud of myself as well! It's a huge thing to celebrate. Not going to lie, but it feels great to get complimented about something like this. Anyways, I'll be writing to my past self. Which past self? Past self from three years ago? Five years ago? Oh, what about nine years ago? I decided to write to my past self from nine years ago. Wow and I was....sixteen. Dang. That's a long time, and I never said "dang" in this journal before. That's new. Don't worry. I'm not the type of Troll who would say anything further than "dang". Not even once. It's so not me, even if I do get irritated easily. 

Now, back to the letter.


Letter to Past Self (Sixteen-year-old me)

Dear Me at sixteen,

How are you, by the way? I know you're not like yourself as you were before, and you shouldn't put so much pressure on yourself because what you're holding onto only happened eleven years ago. We do miss Grandma, and we have to know that she's in our hearts. It may feel like you're holding a burden and wanting things to return to the way they were, especially when it looked like there was no hope for us, but everything will be alright....alright....alright....

(Future Me Writing this at 8:12 pm: Okay, this is when I stopped journaling for a bit because...because....I got a bit teary. But I'm back to finish writing the letter after taking a  five-minute break.)

And so, to let you know. You will be much happier soon. I know it will take you nine years later for you to find out later, but there is something you can do while you wait for the time to pass. You can go out and get the supplies you need, but don't be afraid to keep the invitations that Poppy will send you. Also, keep in touch with her, even if you don't feel like talking or saying much to her. Help her out, give her advice, and learn to be okay. You'll be okay. Perhaps, if you do feel better, you can go along with doing the things you missed throughout your life. You will be happier if you let go and embrace your inner Troll, okay? Don't forget.



Reading back to this letter almost put me to tears. No, I'm actually crying right now. Oh, why did it have to happen to me like that? So after I finished writing the letter, I was still crying, so much that it made Laguna concerned about me. And I told Laguna how I felt, which surprised me because it took me twenty minutes to spill the beans. She helped me out, and I'm feeling better now. Here is what happened today.


1. I finished "Life of Pi" book, which I'm happy about and it was soooo amazing.

2. I had the journaling club with Laguna

3. I spent some time with Poppy before she left my bunker after staying over yesterday

4. I bought a new pen for my journal


Oh, I just remember, I must meet Poppy so we can go to Val's Rock Concert tonight. How fun. I've already got myself ready and I'm good to go. Here is a picture before I go.

Bye for now, journal!!

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