Thursday, April 20th

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10:00 pm

Guess what??? I've took the time to go with Poppy and the other kids to the museum. I LOVE the museum and haven't been there in ages, so why not visit it? That's exactly what I did today, and we spent like two hours there. It was like a field trip for me when it's actually for the kids. They tend to like it very much, and they enjoyed it very much! One of the buildings that were created in the museum was a tower filled with vines and with a secret staircase. 

It reminded me of Rapunzel's tower, but it was not like hers. Why? Because this tower not only had a secret ladder, but it was made out of pillows!!! How interesting is that? Poppy told me and the kids the story of how her father, King Peppy wanted to make a surprised for her 6th Birthday, and she wanted a princess castle, but her father couldn't figure out how to make it....okay, this might be too much to write, so to make the long story short, or to write in a bullet-pointed way:

1. Poppy's father, King Peppy, wanted to build a surprise castle for Poppy for her 6th birthday party

2. Her father couldn't figure out how to make it, so he used pillows

3. It took him a day and a half to make it and when he finished it, it collapsed on him

4. So, on the day of her birthday came, he got help from the other trolls who they work together to make this pillow tower plus some rope

5. Poppy loved the surprise, but didn't want to destroy the pillow tower when the party was over.

6. Her father made it a decree for it to stay forever, and soon this museum was born.

7. The End.

Phew, I managed to write all that before my hand started to hurt from writing so hard and for a long time. Why? Because I've been typing and hiding under the bushes. Why? Because we were playing hide and seek, which I'm good at...kind of. So, what Iet's say that I've been writing outside using my laptop while hiding. I was 2nd in place of winning the hide and seek game. It was fun. Now I'm going to relax now. Phew!

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