Thursday, June 15th (HALFWAY THROUGH!)

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10:12 pm

Hey...still at the hospital, but getting better...though pain's getting to me. Even though I stayed in bed at the hospital most of the time, there were many things that happened. So, I'm going to write about what happened at 12:05 am this morning and 3:21 pm at noon.


12:05 am Pain

I woke up in the middle of the night with back pain, so Dr. Moonbloom did her usual saying: "Stand back, I'm a doctor!" Ugh, I knew that already. She has this terrible habit of making things dramatic. Anyways, after asking me some questions, she told me that it was time for me to put on some back pain cream relief for my back. She did this and this cream felt cold on my back.

I don't know how to explain it, but it was like a tingling, cold feeling. It's like putting on cold lotion on your arm. It was cold, but the pain didn't go away until 9:45 am. So, sleep was a struggle.


3:21 pm

Flash forward from the afternoon. Val came around to visit me and asked me if i was alright, and I said, "Oh, I'm just fine." Poppy said, "Really?" Val sighed, shook her head and said, "Oh my god, Popsqueaks. That was sarcasm." I wasn't in such a good day. But what surprised me today was that I needed to use the bathroom, but Poppy wasn't there because she went out to get us lunch, so I had to ask Val to take me. She wasn't any help because she asked me if I was joking when I wasn't. Then she refused to help me, but after ten minutes of arguing, she decided to help.

Though, she couldn't lift me without putting pressure on my back...she kept moving my leg to my foot to trying to lift me using her hair, but back pain. Then after thirty minutes of trying, she managed to get me to the floor. Very little effort...she told me that I owe her, but then I pointed out that she barely did anything, plus she didn't take me to the bathroom.

So, to make the long story short, we waited for Poppy to come around, so the two of them can work together to carry me. Poppy carried my feet while Val carried my arms as they took me to the bathroom. And on time too. Back pain went away for a bit, which Poppy carried me back to bed.


Phew! That was a lot to write, but I believed that it was totally worth....sorry, I'm sleepy at the moment. I already brushed me teeth...sorry, I yawned again. Oh, to mention that my writing has been good, which I spent most of the time on the revision stage all day. OH!! Just to mention that I have 15 more days until I complete my very first JOURNAL!!!!

And progress on my back pain: I feel a bit better, though still in pain a little, so I'm going to put on the back pain cream relief (actually, Poppy's going to do it, since I can't reach that far on my lower back, lol).

Well, I'm going to spend some time with Poppy before we go to bed. Goodnight.

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