Thursday, May 4th

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11:38 pm

It's late, like very late, but it's worth writing in my journal at this moment. Yes, Cinco de Mayo is around the corner, which is tomorrow and I'm prepared for the party tomorrow or to say the festival. But today has been a bit better than yesterday to be honest, though there were several things that went wrong. Why did I take Poppy to this hotel? It had nice rooms and it looked nice, but the service? Big mistake. And yes, we finally had our date, which certain events happened that made me upset at first, but everything went okay. But let me explain about the dinner night.

1. Our reserved table was taken by some Troll couple

2. The specialty dinner ended up being brussel sprout alfredo instead of mushroom alfredo

3. We watched The Witches (2020 movie), which was scary (to Poppy, though it did give me the chills) and it had a bittersweet ending

4. Poppy is dealing with stomach cramps and me for a bit

But overall, everything is going fine and we gone through the challenges. It wasn't the best date, but we made It's sad to hear about what's going on with Poppy, but good things happened during this date. We ended up getting the VIP table and we had chocolate lava cake for dessert. Unfortunately, Poppy is experiencing stomach cramps. This is when I messed up once again. I asked her a very personal question. I don't even want to write it in my journal, but I have to be honest though. Okay, I'm taking a deep breath at the moment. Okay....okay....I asked her if it was that time of the month for her. 

 WHAT!?! You're probably asking me how do I know that saying? Well, most stores I go to mostly carried those "lady" products, and it's not hard to avoid or spot, especially when it's right next to the aisle where I get deodorant at. Now Poppy didn't say a word to me, and she stared at me for the longest time and she blushed too. I apologized to her immediately, telling her that I totally screwed up. Poppy told me that I didn't need to apologize, saying that she is just shock that I mention this. I told her that she could tell me anything if she wanted to tell me something because as her boyfriend, I should help her out, no matter what the situation is.

So, to make the long story short: The good news became when it was totally not the time of the month for her because if it was, we (mostly Poppy) would've been in trouble, especially Poppy because the stores are closed at this time. Bad news: I'm concluded that she might have a bit of food poisoning, and I'm starting to feel a bit nausea. I'm going to go to bed and rest my stomach, hoping it would go away by the morning and I hope that Poppy would feel better. She's literally going to the bathroom, so this leaves me to stay awake, so I can check on her. Will write more tomorrow. Goodnight.

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