Tuesday, May 9th

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10:25 pm

Today was such a fun and productive day at the library. I volunteered to help the library with sorting up books, DVDs and magazines. I also volunteer to read stories to the Kid Trolls and as a bonus, I helped those who are learning how to read. Yeah, the kids were from nice to blunt but mostly were eager to learn how to read, which reminded me on how I learned how to read. My four, older brothers taught me how to read, though my grandma taught me mostly because I didn't get a chance to see my brothers for a long time. It's a long story, which I'm not ready to talk about in my journal. Who knows when I'll talk about that one. But anyways, after my grandma's passing, I had to teach myself how to read on my own, starting at the age of five years old. It took me a lot of listening to other Trolls to grabbing books on my own to actually teach me how to read some more, including some complex words.

So, that's the brief information. I'm about to go to bed early again because I'm a bit tired after having a long day of volunteering at the library and helping some of the kids with reading, which was fun, but also exhausting. What else I did today was that I babysat three-year-old Jasmine. I looked forward to babysit and her potty-training session had progress and the greatest news to me was the part of now she can wipe by herself (except when she has to do number two). But overall, her progress is going so far so good. She also can read certain words in books, so I took my babysitting time to teach her how to read and the best part is that she is doing so well in reading. Oh, let me talk about what my flash fiction is about before I forget:

A young teenager confronts his strict mother after trying to sneak inside the house after going on a secret date with his secret crush.

Okay, this may not be 15 words, but this is worth writing this short, one-sentence summary. Booyah! Anyways like I said, I'm going to bed now. I will journal tomorrow night as usual. Goodnight.

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