Wednesday, June 7th

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9:40 pm

(23 days left until 1st Journal is Complete)

Hey today has been a bit rough for me today. I'm cold, wet, smell like oil, and I'm exhausted. I had to give something up for a day. My time. I wanted to work on prepping my Camp NaNo project, but ended up cleaning up the house today. Okay, I LOVE cleaning my bunker very much, but what made it difficult was the following:

1. My toilet overflowed in my bunker bathroom

2. One pipe in the hallways busted

3. I had to do tons of shopping, like grocery shopping and buying more pipes and tools

So, I had to clean up my bunker for the rest of the day and soon and enough, I went to the grocery store, and boy I am so exhausted, and this is why I'm writing a little bit in my journal today, because of all this I had to do. One thing I learned today and which I give up was so much of my time that I'm just too tired to get some time to do some writing, but it's okay, because after I take my bath, I'm going to work on a bit of my WIP project afterwards, for at least 10 minutes before I go to bed.

Phew, this has been a long day and I'm ready to go to bed. Goodnight.

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