💗Part 1💔

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One thing about troll village, is that they never missed with the decorations.

Valentine's day was a week away, and things were already starting to get exciting!

Trolls were getting things set up prior, and some trolls were even asking early on if the other would be theirs for the actual day!

A familiar joyful pink troll would be a witness to it all as she hopped and skipped around the village, enjoying seeing all of her people share all the excitement.

She would put a halt on her little personal tour when she spotted her boyfriend and his big brothers walking her way, despite them being caught in their own conversation.

She would smile wide and make her way towards them herself.

She called out to them, waving.

And right then and there they all looked over, noticing the queen was approaching them.

"Poppy!" Branch smiled over at his girlfriend, approaching her as well as his brothers would follow behind, greeting her back.

"Hey Poppy!"

"Sup Queen P!"

"How you been?"

Poppy happily took her boyfriend's hands as he walked up to her and leaned in to lay a quick but sweet kiss on her cheek, her almost silent giggling echoing through his ears as he mumbled a few soft things to her.

"Well damn, if you two needed a minute alone you coulda just said that-"

The two lovetrolls would hear the oldest brother JD say this along with a few chuckles following from the younger brothers, causing them to whip their heads around.

Branch fought off all his intrusive thoughts to avoid pinching him in his nose.

"...it was a quick KISS-"


Poppy quickly let go of Branch's hands but still stayed next to him, putting her hands behind her back.

"Whatcha guys doin??"

"Branch was just showing us around some more and we got to look at all these cool decorations!" Floyd would say, walking to his youngest brother and putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Yeah, I really forgot how active it gets around here-"
John added, putting his hands on his hips with a chuckle as he looked around, "that uhhh sounded better in my head-"

"Awww," Poppy looked over at Branch with a smile, "that's so nice of you!!"

"Yeahhh well," Branch shrugged like it was nothing with a side smile, "Just wanna get em more familiar with how we do things around here especially for the holidays."

"Yep! We always love to go all out for any festivities that we have planned or are coming up!"
Poppy clasped her hands together with a smile.

"Hm! What holiday is it again? Uh- St. Patrick's Day?? Sorry I'm old-"
John asked.

"Clearly-" Bruce muttered, earning a quick annoyed look from his older brother.

"Oh- oh no it's VALENTINE'S day!

"....AHHHH okay that makes much more sense- I knew all the pink and red decorating seemed familiar-"

"Did you.."
Branch slowly side eyed him.

"....okay I'm not THAT old-"

"Wooowwwza, what is all this?" They would all turn around hearing a familiar voice reach nearby.

A pink troll with blonde hair would join in with the group while looking all around.

"Ayyyy Vivaaaa!"
Clay would greet her first, nodding over at her with a wide smile, and the rest of the brothers would eventually greet her as well.

Brightly, she would light up as soon as she saw Clay and hopped happily seeing everyone else.

"Hey guys!" She would wave over to them with a wide smile herself.

"Oh hey Viva!" Poppy walked over to her older sister, smiling, "We're just talking about Valentine's Day next week!"

"Oh, cool!" She smiled back at her, but then it faded as fast as it appeared,

"..what's Valentine's Day again?"

And soon, Poppy would also lose her own smile.. just very slowly.


Bruce slapped the back of John's head after that sudden outburst.

Branch would sigh quietly to himself after this, counting-

"And three.. two.."


Instead of Poppy going insane and losing her mind though, she would happily explain to her sister what the holiday was about.

It's been a few months since they would all hit the perfect family harmony to save the second youngest member of Brozone and they would all have of course get settled in the village since then, so now they were getting to learn all of the things that the village were accustomed to, in this case holidays.

"Well dear sweet sister-" Poppy slid over to Viva and wrapped an arm around her neck, "It's a verrrryyy special day where you let the people closest to you know that you love and appreciate by showering them with loving words and gifts!!"

"Really? So it's just like- the only time you can tell people you love them-"

"Well- no not necessarily- see, most see it as a day or opportunity to finally be able to tell their secret crush how they feel, but it's also a day to show your appreciation to those you care about the most!"

"Ohhh," Viva mumbled to herself understanding much better now, as she would also turn her head to look over at a certain lanky troll with messy green hair.

He would notice this and look over to her with a smile, then she would quickly look away in turn.

"So what do you think sound amazing?!" Poppy nudged her sister completely oblivious to what just happened.

"Oh uhh- yeah, heck yeah!" Viva quickly smiled at her.

"Great! Because next week I'm gonna ALSO be hosting a party and ALL of you are invited!!" Poppy jumped up, holding her arms out.

"Siiiiick!!" John would say excitedly.

"Ooh I definitely got somethin planned mhm," Clay nodded, stroking his chin.

"Alright alriiiightt holiday partayyy!" Bruce nodded with a smile crossing his arms.

"Huh, I've never been to a party before," Floyd would mumble, sounding slightly nervous.

"Hey, it's cool," Branch wrapped him arm around his closest brother with a smile, "Everyone's super dope and we'll all be together."

Floyd smiled warmly over at him, appreciating his reassurance.

"Don't worry Floyd!" Poppy took his hands, "I'm gonna make sure you all have the greatest first Valentine's Day in the village too!"

"I completely trust you on that." Floyd would say with a chuckle, holding her hands back.

"Wait, 'too-?'" Viva would say, tilting her head, squinting her eyes a bit.

"Oh, yeah, it's also technically my first time celebrating in the village too, since, you know, I've been away and isolated for the past twenty years-"
Branch would say with an awkward chuckle.

"Ooooooh- nice!"

"YEAH!! So I definitely gotta make sure it's EXTRA special!" Poppy slid next to Branch and wrapped an arm around his.

"Not to the point where you're stressed out riiiight-" Branch looked over at her with a raised eyebrow.

"Pfffttt oh sweetieee you worry too much I'll be fiiineee!! I'm gonna be taking breaks here and there since it's gonna be another one of the biggest parties ever!"

"Mmmmmhm, I'll be making sure of that-" He reached his hand down to hers and squeezed it.

"You too are just TOOOO cute-" Viva would coo over at both of them with a squeal.

"..fighting the urge to braid both of your hair by the way-"

"EEEEEEEEE-" Poppy wrapped her arms around her boyfriend and her sister excitedly.

"We're gonna have the BESTEST most AMAZING VALENTINE'S DAY EVER!!"

After that the cheers of the brothers would emerge, and so would the sisters themselves.

This year's Valentine's Day was definitely going to be different than the others.


-The day before Valentine's Day-

In someplace dark and far away, a cave quite possibly.. an unknown voice would linger and plot on the downfall of the trolls..

We cannot see whom this voice embodies, but only listen to all of the horrible thoughts and acts they have formulating..


"Those trolls.. they ruin absolutely EVERYTHING!"

An echo would sound through the assumed cave as a rock was thrown at one of the walls

"They'll pay for all that they've done to me.. I just need to do it in a way that they won't be expecting so it I can take them down easily.. they seem to ALWAYS know how to foil my genius plans!"

A few wooshes can be heard as well, as if this entity were to be flying around said cave

"But how and when is the question.. hm.."

After a little bit of silence, the entity began to chuckle quietly to themselves, sounding like they were already formulating some kind of plan

"Well, I guess in order to do that.. I'll just have to pay my little friends a little visit tomorrow."

The entity begins to fly out of the cave, revealing..

"It's settled then! Look out Troll Village.."


"Marshtato Mary is back."


"..after I think of a plan-"

She flew back into the cave.



An overly Queen Poppy would shout happily as she slid down from her pod to the rest of her beloved village who also had their own sparks of energy during this pre-holiday week.

Valentine's day was just a day away and she absolutely couldn't wait! The decorations all around her that trolls would set up were definitely no taming to her excitement.

She would hop and skip around the village, going "Lookin good!" Or "As my sister would say, FANTASI-MAZING!" to literally every single set up that she saw around her, also meaning she didn't not compliment a single one.

Speaking of sister, this party would also be huge not only because it was her beloved's first Valentine's Day celebrated with everyone, but she now had her older sister along with her childhood band aka his brothers here with them!

"Someone's excited I see," Branch would eventually catch up to her, smiling.

Poppy would return the smile but wider and danced around him.

"Heck YEAH I am! What's not there to be excited about?! It's YOUR first Valentine's Day spent with the village AND your brothers too! AND Viva's?! GAAAAAH IT'S JUST TOO MUCH I JUST WANNA-"

Branch would chuckle at her hyper attitude and would entertain it,


Poppy leaned over to kiss his cheek immediately after that.

"You know me so well~"

She grabbed his hand and ran off with him.


Wrapping her hair around a tree she pulled Branch up with her, starting to sing and dance as they landed.

We're a thousand miles from comfort!🎶
We have travelled land and sea!🎶

But as long as you are with me!🎶
There's no place I'd rather be!🎶

Branch would raise an eyebrow at her and smirk, joining in shortly while taking her hand to dance at the same time.

I would wait forever!🎶
Exalted in the scene!🎶

As long as I am with you!🎶
My heart continues to beat!🎶

Poppy took the lead again, dancing while still holding his hand.

Meanwhile trolls below noticed they were starting a song and began to dance along.

With every step we take!🎶
Kyoto to The Bay!🎶
Strolling so casually!🎶

We're different and the same!🎶
Gave you another name!🎶
Switch up the batteries!🎶

Eventually they'd both go down the tree with their hair, joining in with the crowd.

If you gave me a chance I would take it!🎶
It's a shot in the dark but I'll make it!🎶
Know with all of your heart, you can't shame me!🎶
When I am with you, there's no place I'd rather be!🎶

No, no, no, no, no, no place I'd rather be🎶
No, no, no, no, no, no place I'd rather be🎶
No, no, no, no, no, no place I'd rather be🎶


After a short interlude, one by one the Brozone brothers would pop out from the crowd with an entrance.

We staked out on a mission~🎶 
Clay sang,

To find our inner peace~🎶
Bruce sang,

Make it everlasting~🎶
Floyd sang,

So nothing's incomplete~🎶
John sang.

Moving out of the way, Viva would then join in on the fun,

It's easy being with you🎶
Sacred simplicity!🎶

She hugged herself and spun around as she sang, seeing Clay pop up next to her.

As long as we're together!🎶
There's no place I'd rather be!🎶

With every step we take🎶
Kyoto to The Bay🎶
Strolling so casually🎶

We're different and the same🎶
Gave you another name🎶
Switch up the batterieeees!🎶

All together the brothers and sisters along with the rest of the trolls would sing!

If you gave me a chance I would take it!🎶
It's a shot in the dark but I'll make it!🎶
Know with all of your heart, you can't shame me!🎶
When I am with you, there's no place I'd rather be!🎶
No, no, no, no, no, no place I'd rather be!🎶
No, no, no, no, no, no place I'd rather be!🎶
No, no, no, no, no, no place I'd rather be!🎶

When I am with you, there's no place I'd rather be, yeah..🎶


"Alriiiightt everyone!" Poppy was now on the stage, making a quick announcement,

"Tonight starts our card giving swap event, so start making or have your special cards ready to give to your special someone, and if you've already given your cards to that someone or are going to, still join us tonight anyway because why not!"

Poppy would then hop off the stage, finishing with,

"Love you all and HAPPY HOLIDAYS!"

After the song she would join the gang, though some of them would have all been back with one another and conversate excitedly, while a few others would talk with other trolls.

"OOOOH that was so much FUN!! Do you guys do that a lot?!" Viva bounced everywhere, eventually toward her sister and her boyfriend.

"Oh yeah sista, a LOT! So DEFINITELY look forward to it!" Poppy winked at her, and afterwards they would both happily squeal.

"Yo Vi!" Viva would hear a familiar voice call out to her and she turned to see none other than her best friend walking up to her.

"Oh, Clay! Hey! Heh that rhymes- BUT uh anyway what's up?" She smiled over at him while putting a hand on her hip.

"Sweet moves out there girl, those hips really don't lie huh?" He joked but also complimented, chuckling.

"Meee? Oh please that was alllll you boy-" The Princess gave him a gentle nudge, giggling.

Poppy and Branch smiled over at their interaction, enjoying every moment just like the person writing this was.

"Nah uhhhh youuuu-" Clay said teasingly and nudged her back playfully.

"Youuuuuu!!" Viva poked his sides which was apparently his weak spots as he would laugh.

"Nuuooopeee," Clay would grab her hands and pull her in, "alllll you-"

Until they were too close.

And this closeness would follow with silence.


Viva stood there close to his face, unable to move.

"OOH- uhh," Clay immediately let go of her hands and backed off but still stayed close.

"Sorry- too close huh?" He would chuckle awkwardly.

"Nah, nah it's cool it was just- an accident-"

There was a small pause again.

Branch and Poppy quietly looked over at each other, able to detect the feelings that were arising here.

"..WELL, I should probably finish preparing something so, I'll catch y'all later! BYEEE!"

Clay casually hopped away as if nothing happened.

"...okay well that just happened-"
Branch would suddenly say.

"Awwwee, now that was awkward but definitely the cute kind of awkward!"

"Heheheheh yeah hahahahaaaa.."

Viva started shifting weirdly, grabbing at her clothes and her hair.

Poppy would take notice of this and look over at her.

"Hey, you okay?"

"Yeaaahh uhhh.. I gotta go-"

And just like that, Viva dashed away as well.

Branch and Poppy would only blink in confusion after this.

"Well, that was weird-"

"Yeaahh.. well anyway-"

Branch wrapped an arm around Poppy slowly.

"So special card huh? Wonder who I'm gonna get mine from," He would smirk at her playfully, earning a giggle and playful banter back from her.

"Hmmm yeahhh I wonder! I mean I couldn't even make a guess as to who that special person might be!"

"Heh, no clue at all huh?"

Poppy smirked playfully at him, leaning closer to him to whisper,

"No clue at all.."

They were both leaning in slowly until-

"Hey uh, Branch?"

The two quickly turned to see Floyd walking up to them.

"OH- OH FLOYD hey!! What's- what's up??"

Floyd paused though when he saw Branch and Poppy together, assuming they were talking.. maybe a little more than talking-

"Oh- oh I'm sorry was I interrupting something??"

"No no, please! You guys go ahead and talk! I'll go mingle with some trolls and see how everything's going!"

Poppy would then squeeze Branch in a tight hug.


Ignoring his yelp she placed a huge kiss on his cheek.

"I'll see you later!" She winked at him before hopping away.

"Hm, adorable." Floyd smiled at Poppy before turning to Branch.

"Yeahh she is somethin isn't she.. anyway, did you need something?"

"Well.. I was thinking we could walk and talk for a bit if that's cool?"

Branch would smile at this.

"I'm down!"


Branch and Floyd would catch up with one another for around an hour and at one point walked by a stand that was distributing out candies as well as a few others were.

"You know, everything around here is so exciting, I can't wait for whatever's gonna be planned for Valentine's Day!" Floyd walked and talked, next to his brother excitedly, earning a warm smile from him.

"Speaking of," Branch popped a lollipop in his mouth, "what're you gonna do for Valentine's day? I know it's your first time celebrating in the village and all but, have you got any ideas yet, like for your card?"

"Ohh, yeah, about that," Floyd put a berry candy into his mouth happily, "that's.. kinda one of the things I wanted to talk to you about.."


"I wanted to ask you.. your uh, bandmate, uh Bloom.. no, Boom! That's his name, right?"

"Mhm, what about him?"

"Well, I, uh- you guys are pretty good friends, right? Do you know if they're coming down for the holiday?"

"Hmm, I actually don't know, I was planning on inviting them and seeing if they'd wanna come.. or knowing Poppy she probably already sent them an invite herself- anyway, why ask?"

"Well, I, uh, see- after you guys' performance we started talking a bit and.. I.. I wanted to-"


Floyd would fall back on the floor after being jumpscared.

"CLAY!!" Branch shouted at a certain green haired troll behind them.

Clay would then take off a mask he was wearing.


"What are you doing?!"

"I'm getting into Valentine's Day spirit! I told you I had somethin planned!"

"..wh- you don't SCARE people on Valentine's Day!!"

Clay looked down and around in confusion before looking back up at him.

"..you don't??"


"....oooooohhhhhh.. that must be hairloween.. whoops, must've got em mixed up. You know it's been a while since we actually celebrated the holidays-"

"Weren't you paying ANY attention when Poppy was explaining it to Viva earlier?!"

"...I kinda zoned out midway I'm not even gon lie to you-"

Branch would facepalm times a million after this.

"Seriously- look what you did to Floyd!!"

He pointed down at Floyd who was laid on the ground coughing and choking on his candy.

"Oof- we should probably help him before he dies.. again.. specifically of suffocation from choking on that cand-"

Branch groans before picking his second youngest brother up and slapping him on his back.

"No no no use heimlich maneuver!" Clay dropped his mask and ran over to them, "like thi-"



"I didn't mean to do it Branch I swea-"

"Clay I already told you fifteen times it's fine- and anyway it's Floyd you should be apologizing to-"

"Yeah.. I'll catch up with him later. So uh.. Valentine's Day, remind me again uhh.." Clay tried to remember some of what Poppy said,

"It'sss.. a day whereee.. you show the people you care about how much you love them, right?"

"Yeah, basically."

"Uh huh.. right.." Clay nodded to himself.

"Hey hey hey Branch man-" JD hopped next to his youngest brother and walked with them, "is this- is this something you guys do everyday I mean like- songs with your girl are the best!"

"Well not everyday but, every chance we get for sure." Branch had to chuckle a bit at his energy, watching as the square pumped his fists in the air with a jump.

"Man if I would've known that I would've came back sooner!"

Branch blinked a few times at that then slowly turned away from him while walking.

Clay would just awkwardly cough and look the other way as well.

"Yeaaahhh.... reeeeeeally funny joke man I'm pissing my shorts laughing-"

JD would notice his tone change and quickly waved his hands apologetically.

"Ohhhh no no no I didn't mean it like- damn," The eldest brother scratched the back of his neck, "this is awkward-"


"...OKAY WELL I'm gonna go get Rhonda her breakfast now, I'll catch you later man!"

John gave him two pats on the back and jogged forward, doing a few cartwheels here and there.. being John of course.

Branch would roll his eyes playfully as he walked, his quirky and terrible joke telling brother was indefinitely something else.

"Braaaanch cool song man you guys really got it poppin down here!" Bruce jogged up to him as well, giving him a few playful hits on the shoulder.

Branch would smile, admiring how much his older brothers were invested in their village and their customs/traditions.

"Yeah it is pretty cool isn't it? I'm glad you guys are enjoying yourselves." He happily pat both of their shoulders.

"Yeah, the kids and Brandy are loving it too! I was able to convince them to come down for the holiday and I couldn't be more excited!"

"Why can't you guys just already live here?"
Clay asked.

"Come on that shouldn't even be a question- my very tall soulmate with my very tall thirteen kids?? Where in the world would we reside-"

"...touche, but hey if you made your relationship work you could make living together work-"

"...also touche! But then again there's still the thirteen kids and we had more space in Vacay Island-"

"...triple TOP touche!!"

"Hey heyyyyy-"
Both brothers would chuckle and dap each other up.

"We could whip something up for you guys! I could talk to Poppy and-"

"Heyyy nah nah nah no stress little bro it's cool!" Bruce patted his shoulder, "Me and Brand are perfectly fine with how we make things work now, and I don't mind one bit coming down to visit! Plus who knows maybe we will figure something out in the future one day."

Branch smiled over at him at that.

"Well, speaking of, I gotta start thinking of what my gift for her and the kids will be, always great catchin up with you B!" Bruce gave him a gentle punch to the shoulder before going his seperate way.

"Aight, see ya!"

"Yeaahh saaaame I should-"
Clay poked his fingers together as his walking slowed down.

Branch looked over at him.

"You should?" He raised an eyebrow.

"I shoouuulddd- START THINKING OF whoever I want my Valentine to be, yeah! Day of loooveeee so greeeaaat yeahhhh.."
The green haired troll would smile nervously.

Branch just stared at him, his expression not changing.

"...alright yeah ima go now LATER BITTY B!" Clay slapped him on his back and ran off, nearly tripping over himself.


Branch was confused as to why the middle brother was acting the way he did, but couldn't stay in thought about it for too long as someone else would begin to approach him from behind.

"Branch! Hey!" Prince D greeted him, walking up to him.

"Oh! D, hey! Haven't seen you in a minute man!" Branch greeted his friend aka the Prince of Funk happily as he gave him a fist bump.

"You guys coming down for the holiday too?" He asked as they walked together.

"ANDDD YES THEY AREEEE!!" Poppy would suddenly pop up out of nowhere.

Both Branch and D would jump back in surprise.

"I was able to convince all the leaders to come down for the party next week when they're done holding their own festivities for the holidays if they are!"

Poppy grabbed onto his vest and shook him rapidly.


"..yes.. you did hon, like a million times already-"

"AAAHHHHHHH- I DEFINITELY have to see if Bridget and Gristle can come too!!"

"If they're not spending the entire holiday making out with one another-"
Branch remarked, Poppy nodding afterward.

"Good point, I should probably reach out to them soon-"

D chuckled at this sudden conversation then nudged Branch on his side before joining in.

"Branch I still can't believe you have brothers, I mean that's crazy bro! They mad dope too!"

Branch would smile at this, shrugging.

"Yeah, sometimes it's still hard for me to believe too, especially being that we were a famous band once."

"Once??" Poppy practically snapped her neck to look over at him,

"What do you mean o n c e, you still are!! You all always will be the infamous-" Poppy waved her hands around and spoke in a dramatically epic voice for this next sentence-

"✨B R O Z O N E✨!"

Branch rolled his eyes playfully with a chuckle,

"Uh huhhh-"

"Gosh- I can't believe I'm actually a member too now thanks to handsome right here-" She smirked and nudged her boyfriend, earning another chuckle from him.

"Well yeah but, we don't really do tours or concerts anymore-"

"And that's gonna change for as long as I'm around- GAAAAASP- You guys should perform something for Valentine's day!!"

"Wait wut-"

"And that's gonna change for as long as I'm around- GAAAAASP- You guys should perform something for Valentine's day!!"

"Y.. You didn't have to repeat the whole sente-"

"Come on Braaanch!" Poppy grabbed his shoulders and shook them, "you gotta you gotta! It'd be sooooo fun!!"

"That does sound like it'd be pretty sick." D nodded, agreeing.

"YEAAAAH SEE," Poppy nodded towards Darnell, looking back and forth at him and Branch, "TWO VOTES FOR YES!!"

"Ahhh I don't knowww I mean it's been a while.." Branch would scratch the back of his neck nervously.

"So? After those twenty years of not seeing each other you all still had it in you when you linked back up for the first time in forever."

Branch rolled his eyes playfully again.

"True, true-"

"So will you?? Will you pleeaaaseeeee??" The Pink troll leaned against him, making wide puppy eyes while clasping her hands together.

Branch eventually gave in after this, gently pushing her off with a smile.

"Okayyy okayyyy alright, I have to check and see what my brothers think about it though-"

"YES!!" Poppy happily jumped up and gave him a loving kiss on his nose, "this Valentine's Day is gonna be SWEET!"

"And it's gonna be even sweeter celebrating it with the sweetest troll for the very first time," Branch wrapped an arm around his girl with a smirk.

Poppy would giggle and get close to his lips.

"Oh stop it you~"

Suddenly, a beeping noise could be heard which turned out to be coming from Poppy's hair, and she would take out a timer before gasping.

"Oh shoot!" She exclaimed.

"What's up?" Branch asked.

"I totally forgot I was supposed to go meet up with Viva! She's been waiting at my pod! I'm an hour late!!"

"You are?"

"Yeah, she said it was an emergency!"

"Ohhh, hope she's alright."

"Yeahhh, I'm sure she's fine.. whatever it is- well, catch ya later Valentine!"

She kissed her hand and playfully slapped it on his lips before skipping away for the millionth time.

"Don't forget to ask your brothers!" She would say from afar.

"I won't!"

"Heh, you two are really somethin huh," D chuckled.

"Yeah, everyone's been saying that- we're definitely gonna be anticipated as the number one trolls who will be each other's valentines- I mean not to brag or anything but-"

D laughed at this, ruffling his hair.

"Nahh you ain't lyin man you definitely will be, I remember Cooper told me one time how everyone was always waitin for you to get together."

Branch blushed a little at that, not knowing whether to put the feelings he was feeling towards embarrassment or amusement.

"Why.. am I not surprised-"

"Haha. Well, speakin of Coop, I better go catch up with him, we got a lil sumn planned for our ma and pops, catch you soon B?" D held his fist out for another bump.

"Yeah for sure! I got some things I should be catching up on too actually." Branch fist bumped him again.

"No doubt, you be easy bro!" D pointed at him before walking away.

"Same to you!"

Branch sighed before turning the other way, heading back towards his bunker ever so slowly.

As he would walk he would think to himself while also looking at all the happy faces around him as they prepared for the festivities.

Seeing the happy smiles and pairs made him think about Poppy.

"Hopefully I can make my first Valentine's Day with her the best.."


"Ugh! What can I do! I don't have any stupid powers besides my stupid glowing body light and stupid growing wings!"

Mary would say this at the same time of her flying around the cave with ginormous wings and a light glowing light around her body.

After this she would reverse both and land on the ground, thinking to herself.

"Hmm.. wait.. WAIT!"

Mary would fly over to a certain part of the cave, particularly a corner, and look through a bunch of junk until she found a certain book.

"AHHH YES!!" She tried pulling it out but had a bit of trouble.

"..I don't remember it being this BIG- COME ON-"

She pulled with all her might, her wings fluttering rapidly until she was finally able to get it out, panting.

"I.. am really out of shape- BUT ANYWAY-"

She dropped the book on the ground in front of her excitedly.

The book was a book of old spells, and there was a scribble on the front that said, "To my dear cousin, Mary, I hope this book finds you well, I'm passing it down to you so you can use it for all the good in the world
-Your cousin who adores you, Celie

She blinked after reading this.

"..I don't remember this and I don't remember you-"

It was made for good use, but of course Mary would not use it for that, being anything but good. And though it was outdated she would still try and use it.

"I knew this would come in handy one day!"

That was a lie, she didn't believe in magic and thought it was stupid and despised her ancestors and family chain and believed in every marshmallow for themselves.

"For once those idiots were actually useful!" She opened the book up right away.

"Alright alriiiight let's see what we've got hereee.." Flipping through page to page she would look until she found something that sparked her interest.

She was beginning to get tired of flipping through pages until a certain page caught her eye.

This is my special "lucky charm" dust, to make it you have to grab:
-three pieces of grass
-a fluff of cloud
-two flower petals of any
-a cup of river water
-a few specks of dirt
mix it all together and when you've mixed it long enough, you've got your dust!
before you spread it though, you have to recite a spell telling the dust what you want it to do, use it wisely! depending on how much you use it maaay take longer for it to spread or take effect
also, fun fact: when you spread it DISAPPEARS! isn't that so COOL?!

WARNING: Do NOT use it for any ill intent! It could greatly effect the person affected behaviorally, and if affected for long enough.. memory loss could be a risk as well
you, the creator, like with any other spell, are the only one who can reverse it, unless you are to tell someone else how to, so again, use this wisely!
and just- don't be a bad person-

"..ugh, glitter- BUT PERFECT! And the process is super simple too! I'll be done in no time! And of course I'm ignoring that warning-"

Mary dropped the book and flew out of her cave about to grab all the material she needed.

The book would flip to the end and another note would be revealed,

..anyone who uses this book for any wrong doings will forever have lost access to such and it will be passed down to someone more worthy or just explode in the next fifteen minutes-


She was able to grab the petals, grass and would soon fly up to the sky to a cloud and grabbed a piece of it off.

"Got i-"

"Hey! Not cool!"

Immediately she drew back, looking around frantically.

"Who goes there! If you're a troll I'm gonna-"

Then out of nowhere she saw a face turn 360 to look at her.

"...what in the-"

"If you wanted one of my organs you could've just asked."

Mary just stared at them, not saying anything.

"...name's Cloud Guy by the way-"

She stared at him some more before slowly backing away, then flying away from him completely.


"Okayyy got everythinggg I just need the river waterrr.."

She flew around for a bit while holding a giant leaf she found to retrieve the water, then soon would find one across a forest she flew by and quickly drove down towards it.

"AT LAST!" She quickly took a scoop, "Now I can finally make this stupid thing!" And away she went again.

After grabbing everything she would retreat back to her cave and mix everything with a stick she grabbed into the large leaf she grabbed, creating her dust.

"ANDDDD IT'S DONE, YES!! But let's just make sure it works before I use it on those peasants.."

Mary sees a cuddlepup nearby happily munching on some berries, and flies over to it, sprinkling some of the dust over it and waited to see if anything would happen.

"You're a bad cuddlepup.. you're a BAD cuddlepup!!"

The dust would not fall on the pup completely but instead form into a sparkly transparent cloud and spread around it.

Nothing happened at first and Mary began to grow frustrated at this, until the pup started growling and angrily munched on the berries, hogging them away from her as if it was assuming she were to try and take some.

The anthropoid had no reaction to this besides a smile and would cheer excitedly, joyful that it actually worked.

"Well- I don't have a plan, but- I have THIS!" Mary held up the dust in the air, "

"Lucky charm dust isn't fitting though.. how aboouuutttt.. DOOMSDAY DUST!! MUAHAHAHAHAHA- that's lame too but it's more evil so-"

She flew up into the air, holding onto the leaf.

"Now it's really time for me to make my long awaited appearance.. get ready trolls.."


"So.. what did you need me for Viva?" Poppy would say as she closed her pod after entering, Viva already laid across her bed.

"I uh, well.. I kind of have a situation.. and I don't know what to do about it-" She rolled onto her back, looking up at the ceiling.

"And what's that?" The queen walked over to her and sat next to her older sister, curious.

"Urmm, I don't know.. how to explain it.. I mean it's still confusing even to me.."

Poppy smiled down at her and patted her shoulder gently.

"Take your time!"

She then hopped over to her desk and started pulling out a bunch of material like both regular and construction paper, crayons, glitter, scissors, glue, and stickers and dumped it all overtop of it.

Viva looked over to watch her grab everything and spread it all over the floor, rolling onto her stomach to look down at her closer.


Poppy picked up a blue paper and scissors not before looking up at Viva hearing her speak again.

"..do you think you can help me with something?"

Poppy smiled up at her with a smile, confirming her answer.


Branch was in his bunker sitting at a desk, constructing something.

"Yeah- I'm not the greatest at this scrapbooking thing, and I still don't really like glitter- but.."

He holds up a finished card in the lamp he was using.. and slowly began to smile.

"..I love her more than I will ever not like it."

Branch stared at it a bit more before finally putting it down, sighing.

"I wanna give it to her now, but.. maybe I should show it to someone first before I do for some input-"

After that something would click in his brain as he thought of something.

"Or some people.."

He looked over at a new picture of him and his brothers, huddled together in a group as they were all either smiling happily or goofily.

He felt comfortable reaching out to them about stuff now that they were all close again, and he felt they would definitely have some sort of good advice for him.

Smiling again, he reached over to grab his card and got up, then turned to over to a mirror at himself.

He walked a little closer to it, still staring at himself.

..Now from this point you would probably expect him to sing a sweet and uplifting song to himself but-

Hey little mama🎶
Ain't gotta ask me if I want to🎶
Tell me, can I get a light?🎶
Roll you up and let it run through my veins🎶

Branch would flex his vest as he danced a little bit in the mirror.

'Cause I can always see the farthest stars when I'm on you🎶
I don't wanna ever come down from this cloud of loving you🎶

Branch would dash away from the mirror and go to the lever.

Now you got me hopped up on that-🎶

He pushed the lever, pulling himself up to the exit still singing.

Pusher love!🎶
So high I'm on the ceiling baby!🎶
You're my drug!🎶
So gon' and be my dealer baby!🎶
Roll me up!🎶
'Cause all I want is you, baby! Yeah!🎶

One more time!🎶

He would get to the opening of his bunker and slide the door open, leaving out of it.

Pusher love!🎶
So high I'm on the ceiling baby!🎶
Be my drug!🎶
So gon' and be my dealer baby!🎶
Look me up!🎶
'Cause all I want is you baby!🎶
You're my little pusher love girl! (Ain't ya?)🎶

OOOH, ooh, ooh, yeah!🎶

Just my little pusher love girl!🎶

Branch was dancing and completely lost into song by this point.

Now heeeyyy little mama!🎶

I love this high we're ont-



Immediately, he silenced himself and turned around to see his brothers, all standing there awkwardly.

Until one of them would ask-

"...iissss this a bad time-"

Branch did nothing for a bit but blink, standing there wide eyed.

"How long have you all been standing there?!"

"Well we-"

"The whole time-"

Bruce smacked the back of Clay's head after he said that.

"What!? We were!"

"We JUST got here-"

"Yeauh, as soon as he was getting out of his bunker! So the whole time!"

Branch sighed and rubbed between his nose and forehead for a second.

"Look, it doesn't matter- I was meaning to come find you guys anyway." Branch informed them.

"Oh, really? What's up?" Floyd asked.

"Well I.. wanted to show you guys something and- get your input on it.."

The older brothers all looked at each other for a second then back at their youngest brother.

"Whatever it is little bro, I'm sure it's amazing." John said confidently while crossing his arms.

"Well I wouldn't say amazing, but, hopefully it is nice enough.."

Branch would then reach into his hair and slowly took out his card for Poppy, giving it to him.

John would take the card from him and the rest of his brothers would crowd around him, looking at it and reading it.

Branch nervously plucked at the leaves on his vest, waiting to hear their feedback after taking a good look at it.

"...soooo, how is it? Think she'll like it?"

They looked up at him for a second but didn't say anything, before looking back down at it again.

Branch would grow even more nervous at this, maybe even a bit agitated and sighed heavily, crossing his arms and looking to the side.

"...look I'm not the best at making these things so don't be so judgy-"

"Branch, she's gonna love it."
Floyd would start.

He looked back over to see Floyd looking at him, the others eventually looking up at him too.

"You.. think so?"

"Of course she will!"

"Maybe not so much with the glitter and colors thrown everywhere but, hey, it's the love that counts!"

Bruce plucked John's nose.

"OH COME ON I didn't say it was bad!"

"What John meant to say was-" Bruce eyed John after his comment before looking back at Branch and walking to him.

"Seriously, it was a genuine compliment!"

Clay rolled his eyes at his whining.

"Change genuine to backhanded and then I'll agree with you-" 

"It doesn't matter so much about how it looks, it matters more about all the love and thought you put into it. And you definitely put a lot of love into this." Bruce placed a hand on Branch's shoulder.

Branch smiled at this and sighed.

"Thanks guys, I plan on giving it to her after.. I just, I want it to be good enough where it'll be perfect for her. She usually loves everything I do for her but she loves anything anyone does for her."

Branch began to trail off as his voice began to sound slightly worrisome, and the brothers would watch him with slight concern.

He'd turn back to them before saying,

"It's my first Valentine's Day with her guys! I can't mess it up!"

"And you won'tttt," Floyd walked next to him and put a hand on his shoulder as well,

"you'll be fine! That girl adores you. She's gonna wanna spend time with you either way!

"Yeaaaa! Just.." Clay started, "maybe none of that pusher love stuff in front of her playa-"

Branch would scoff at this, rolling his eyes.

"Well obviously I'm not doing that-"

"Oh okay good because.. yeah.. that'sembarrassing-"

"Yeah she'd change her mind about being yours real quick-"

"Okay are you guys here to uplift me or make fun of me?! I seriously can't tell!"

Bruce smacked both Clay and John's heads this time.


Floyd would sigh and shake his head.

"Don't listen to them Branch."

Branch just shook his head and moved on from the topic, putting his card away.

"What are you guys doing here anyway? Did you need something?"

"Well," Bruce took a few steps from him,

"We really just wanted to let you know we wish you a happy first valentine's day, you never really got the opportunity to celebrate it with us so.. we hope this first one with your lover goes well."

"Yeah!" Clay walked up to him and playfully hit his shoulder, "you enjoy yourself today you lil goober!"

Floyd smiled at them then looked back at Branch, still holding his shoulder while giving it a few pats.

"We love you and want nothing but the best for you..

He would then trail his gaze away from Branch again as he began to eye a certain square headed troll, playfully but also seriously.

"..even if some of us have a harder time expressing that-"

"Wh- HEY- ahem, I mean- yes, what they all said, we.. we uh.. we llloooorrr- we luuuhhh- we luh luh luh luh lu-"

The brothers all stared at him weirdly, blinking every few seconds.

Clay turned to look at Bruce.

"Can I do it this time-"

Bruce looked at him back, raising an eyebrow in confusion.

"Do what-"


Clay walked over to John and smacked the back of his head.


Branch smiled wide at that, appreciating his brothers coming to him to wish him a great first holiday.

"Thanks guys, that means a lot.. you know we can all still celebrate together too."

"Well yeah yeah of course, buuuut I still got a wife and thirteen kids so you knoow-" Bruce said with a chuckle, looking to the side slowly.

"..I still don't get how that happens-"
Clay said.

"And it should probably stay that way-"

"..well anyway, I should go find Poppy now, catch you guys later?"

"For sure!" Floyd said.

"You do your thing bro." John nodded over at him.

After that the brothers would start to walk away.

Branch would too, until he remembered something.

"Oh wait!!"

Immediately they would all stop, turning to look at him.

"What's up?"

"I completely forgot but- Poppy wanted me to ask you guys if you were cool with performing something for the party tomorrow?"

They all looked at each other after this, as if they were deciding.

"If.. If you don't want to you don't ha-"

"Sure, fine by me." Bruce smiled.

"Yeah I'm down!!" Clay nodded with a wide smile of his own.


"Yeah why not?"

"Anything for you and your girl Bitty B!" John pointed finger guns at him with a wink, "..and our fans-"

Branch would smile himself at hearing all the positive answers.

"Great! Then it's settled!"


"Well see you later Branch!"

"Yeah! I'll probably be at the card swap party tonight if you guys are coming!"

"Wouldn't miss it!"

They all waved goodbye to him and walked away with one another.

"Poppy's gonna be soooo psyched! Now should I wait until tonight to give the card to herrrr orr.. nah I'll give it to her now-"

Branch would talk excitedly to himself as he began to go his own way, about to make his way to his girlfriend's pod.


You, make, me!🎶

Feel like I'm livin a, teenage dream!🎶

The way you turn me on!🎶

I, can't, sleep!🎶

Let's run away and don't ever look back!🎶

Don't ever look back!🎶

Viva was holding open the card Poppy helped her make, while looking down at it with a sort of perplexed look.

She clicked a button that would cause the song to turn off.

"Hmm I don't know.. do you think the song's a bit much?"

"Oh definitely not, but, if you don't want it there I can just take it off for ya!" Poppy said, not even looking at her as she was focused in making her own card at the same time.

"Mmm.. nah I'll keep it.. for now-"
She clicked the song on again, clicking it multiple times just for the fun of it.

"AAAAH isn't this great?! Us sisters just laying here together making cards for our loved onessss?"
Poppy sighed happily as she grabbed a container of silver glitter and dumped some of it on her card.

"Heh, yeah," Viva smiled a little and rolled onto her back again, holding her card above her,

"It is nice isn't i-"

The girls would silence themselves after hearing a few soft knocks at entrance, looking at each other.

"...who is that-"

"Uhhh, I don't know lemme go check!"

Poppy put her things down and walked towards the entrance.

Opening up the pod she would see none other than Branch, looking over to her with a smile.

"Hey Poppy!"

"Branch?!" Poppy said in shock instead of excitment.

Branch would notice her lack of excitement and immediately questioned it.

"Youu.. okay?"

"Uhhh, yeah! Yeah! Did you need something?"

"Well, not really, I just wanted to let you know that-"


Viva almost silently called to her from behind, causing her to look back.

She would mouth to her, 'Get, him, OUT!'

Branch tried to peek behind her, more confused now.

"Was that Viva?"

Poppy turned back to him and quickly held her arms open for him to not be able to see.

"NO! Uh- iiiii have my MUSIC playing!"

"But I don't hear any-"

"Look Branch, uh, right now really isn't a good time you should come back later!"

"Oh.. really?"

"Yeaahhh! Likeee tonight at the card swapping event!"

"Oh, yeah, right, that. Yeah I'll be there."


Poppy awkwardly looked around holding a forced smile, before looking back at him.

"Sooo.. I'll see you later!"

"Oh, uh yeah see-"

"Love you!"

Poppy quickly shut the pod closed before anything else could be said.

"-ya.. hm.."

Branch sighed, turning around to walk away.

"Maybe.. she's still just-"

"He can't know about this Poppy! He can't!"

Branch stopped hearing this and turned back around towards the pod.

He raised an eyebrow for a second and walked towards the entrance, listening into whatever else they were saying.

He knew he shouldn't have, but.. he just had to confirm if they were talking about what he thought they were talking about.

"He won'tttt Viva! Don't worry!"

"He can't find out! This is for us to know only!"

"And it's staying between us, I pinkie promise!"

A pinkie promise is huge.. I guess she really means it.. Branch thought to himself.

"Thanks.. you know, I'm really glad I get to spend Valentine's Day with you for the first time.. and I absolutely adore this card!"

Branch would lower his ears hearing this all of this, backing away from the pod.

He would then take out his card from his hair, looking down at it.

Were they really trying to keep him away from the fact that they wanted to be the other's Valentine instead?

"Is that.. why they didn't wanna let me in? Because she didn't want to.."

Branch didn't know whether to feel sad, or angry.. but he felt deep down in his heart he truly didn't want to get angry, even if this was hurting him.

He especially didn't see any reason for her to lie, or for either of them to lie.

Not wanting to hear anymore of what they were saying, he quickly backed away from the pod more and started to walk away completely.

He looked down at his card again, slowly growing the urge to rip it, but he knew he truthfully could never do that.. not even after what he found out.

"Well.. that's it then.."


"I'm so glad! He's absolutely gonna LOVE it!!" Poppy smiled wide at her sister.

"Yeah! ..yeah.."

Viva suddenly lost her smile and looked down, sighing.

"What's wrong? I thought you said you liked it." Poppy frowned at her, sitting up.

Viva looked up at her, seeing her upset face, then gave her a sad smile before looking back down at the card.

"Oh Poppy I LOVE it, but.." Viva closed the card slowly with a sigh,

"What if I'm making a mistake?"

"What? Why would you think that?"

"I mean.." She started to get up, "what if he doesn't like it what if it ruins our friendship?! I mean honestly Poppy this is nothing new, I've liked Clay for a long time now.."

Viva sighed and rolled on her stomach, resting her face in her arms.

"But.. today's just the day I finally decided to speak up on it, let alone try to act on it.."


~Flashback to Ten Years Ago~

Clay was looking around for Viva after she had run off somewhere.

She was in the middle of making a speech until something just suddenly hit her, and she would take off running, leaving all of the putt putt trolls confused or worried, and leaving Clay the most concerned.

He would inform them that he'd go after her and quickly took off behind her, but despite running after her he would not find her right away like he'd hoped. She was very much a fast runner and she had great camouflaging skills as well, giving him more of a reason to worry.

"Viva? Vivaaaa?"

Clay stopped when he heard quiet sniffles nearby, looking around to find the source of it until he saw a ball of blonde scruffy hair, moving here and there.

He sighed, a small smile appearing on his face as he knew it was her, walked towards it slowly.

"Heyy.." He tapped on her hair gently, "open up?"

Viva would only sniffle and say, "I'm not here!"

"Viva, come on- you know I'm not gon go nowhere until you do-"

Finally, the putt putt queen would sigh and give in, slowly opening up her hair to reveal herself to him, hugging her knees to her chest as she avoided his gaze, tears coating her cheeks.

Clay would slowly kneel down in front of her,

"Look at me.."

She didn't say anything but just slowly looked up at him, her eyes full of nothing but pain and heartbreak.

He sat down in front of her and reached his hands to her face, wiping her tears away.

"Why'd you run off like that..?" He mumbled softly, not moving his hands away even after wiping all her tears away.

"I.. I don't know.." Viva sniffled, looking down again, "I guess, I just.. remembered.. I.. I remembered-"

"-that day?" Clay finished her sentence, scooting closing to her.

She nodded after that, not looking at him still.

Clay frowned hearing this. He knew how much this incident devastated her and how much she hated talking about it. She would only ever talk to him since she only felt comfortable being vulnerable with him about it, but even still not as much.

"Awe man Viva.. I-"

"I hate it Clay! You won't hear me saying this but.. I still think about it sometimes.. about how things could've been different.. about.. if they're okay.. or if he still thinks about me.. or has told her about me.."

Clay would stare at her for a little, before beginning to smile and reaching for her hands, grabbing them gently.

"Wherever they are.. I'm sure they're okay, and I'm so sure the only thing he's ever doing is thinking about you.."

Viva looked back up at him again.

"I mean, you would always tell me about how much time you both would spend together! Seriously you would not stop rambling about it, like with the whole thing with the candy necklaces-"

He smiled when he saw that she let out a soft chuckle, smiling just a little bit back at him.

"Look, I can't imagine how you feel, but.. I can tell you that you've always got me, and you're always gonna have me.. no matter what happens, we're in this together, always."

Viva sighed and scooted closer to him, pressing her face into his neck and squeezing him.

"That means so much to me Clay.."

Clay squeezed her back and ran a hand through her hair gently.

He would move back a bit to place a soft kiss on her forehead.

"You mean so much to me.."


~End of Flashback~

"Oh Viva.. that's so sweet but, I thought you said this was still new to you." Poppy would tilt her head a bit.

"Well.. I.. I guess the feeling is..? For a while or for as long as I've known him honestly I've just been ignoring it but.. now I can't really anymore. And now that I'm not it's.. it's just so strong that it kinda hurts!"
Viva would let out a hearty laugh, holding her chest.

"Aww Vivaaaa," Poppy stood up with her and held her hands,

"you and Clay are literally like this," she crossed her fingers, you've known each other since you were kids nothing could tear you two apart! Anddd I honestly have no doubt that he proooobably feels the same way-"

"But.. wouldn't he have said something by now?! It's been YEARS! Plus Clay is NOT the romantic type- like- at all- which makes this SO much harder-"

"You never know! Maybe under all that goofiness slash seriousness he was too nervous to say something too!"

"I don't know Poppy.." Viva let go of her hands and turned away, walking forward a bit,

"'sides, you know what they say.."

She inhaled and closed her eyes, before singing quietly..

If that boy don't love you by nooowww..🎶

He will never ever, never ever, love you..🎶

He will, never ever, never ever, love you..🎶

Poppy would frown at this, seeing how distressed her sister was.

"But he does love you! I can see it, I can tell it's there!"

"Besiiiiides, love comes aroundddd!" Poppy walked over to her and stood behind her, holding her shoulder.

"You wanna know what I say??"

Viva looked over at her, still holding a sad look.

Poppy backed away from her with a smile and started singing.

Sometimes looovee coooomes aroouunddd!🎶

And it knocks you down!🎶

Just get back up when it knocks you down!🎶

Knocks you down!🎶

Poppy would finish with a pose smiling towards her sister.

Viva would only sigh in response, holding her arm.

"I.. I think I just need more time to think about this."

Poppy lost her smile after this, feeling a little sad and surprised that not even her song cheered her up.

The older sister looked up at her and would smile sadly again, walking up to her and hugging her gently.

"But.. thanks for the help sis," She would pull away from the hug, walking over to the entrance of the pod, "I really appreciate it."

"Viva??" Poppy took a few steps towards her.

"Love ya, catch ya later! I'll.. try and show up tonight!" She tried to put on the most genuine smile she could before exiting the pod, jogging away.

Poppy sighed and frowned, looking down at all the scattered material on the ground. She would hope Viva would feel better before Valentine's Day, she couldn't bare the idea of anyone being sad.

"Maybe.. tonight will be better." She walked over to the material and started to pick it all up.

"I hope they all can come."


Mary would finally make to troll village, flying over to see all the decorations and was able to assume what was happening.

"Hmm, so it's Valentine's Day huh? How stupid- love is stupid- but alas.. what better way than to target them on the day of love!" She smirked with an evil chuckle.

It died down a little though when she noticed something besides the decorations.

"Hmm, not many of them are out though.. I need there to be a huge crowd! How can I-"

She stopped suddenly when a certainly troll caught her eye, walking somberly alone.

"Well well, what do we have here, the troll that was the driving point of destroying everything for me! What's he doing all alone?"

She would continue to walk as he continued to walk.

"I knew it, I'm such an idiot, what was I thinking? Of course she'd pick Viva over me, she's her sister, why would I ever be as important as her?! Not to mention they're close as all hell.."
Branch sighed, putting his card away.

"And she can't be both of our Valentines, that'd be stupid.. I'll just tell her later at the party that she doesn't need to lie and that.. if she'd prefer to be Viva's over me then- fine. She can give her card to her instead of worrying about which one of us should get ours first.."

"But.. I just don't get it.. why would she.. lie? Forget it, I can't even show my face at the party tonight after this, it'll be too humiliating and upsetting!"

Branch kicked a nearby pebble as he walked.

"Great, just great, I guess Valentine's Day is just another day to prove how unimportant I am, I wish it never existed!"

After his little rant, Mary would chuckle to herself, feeling satisfied with how she'll enact her plan now.

"Party tonight huh? Voilaaa, perfect.. I will definitely be there~ Don't worry Branch, I'll help you~" She giggled as she flew away.


At the card swap event..

It was finally time for the card swap event, and many trolls did very much show up, either giving their cards to their Valentine or just enjoying their time with them or their friends.

Poppy smiled over at everyone and was greeted many times while walking past many, enjoying seeing everyone have a good time.

But as soon as she was somewhere where she could frown without someone asking her what's wrong, she would stop and sigh.

She took her card she made from her hair and looked down at it for a minute.

"Where is he.."


She would hear someone say her name and quickly put her card in her hair and turned to see her father, walking to her with a smile.

"Dad! Hi!" She walked over to him and hugged him gently.

"Hey hon, just came to see how things were going with the card swapping and such." Peppy would smile at her, patting her shoulder.

"It's.." Poppy would look around for a bit before turning back to him, looking a bit unsure,

"..good, yeah, good!"

Peppy would say something else before realizing something, a slightly confused look on his face.

"Hey, where's your sister?"

"Oh, uhm, I'm not sure, I was hoping Viva would be here, she said she would try and come but it's been nearly over an hour.."

"I see.." Peppy nodded at this, looking more concerned than confused now.

"Is she alright, do you know?"

"I don't know, we spoke a few hours before about something and before she left she seemed pretty bothered.."

"Hm.. I would go check on her soon, just to make sure."

Poppy sighed, remembering their last conversation, thinking about how much this must really have been affecting her.

"Yeah, I will.."


Somewhere else in the crowd, the brothers would all be standing with one another.

"Oh man this punch is like drugs what did they PUT in this!" John gulped down an entire cup of berry fruit juice, putting it down next to ten other cups.

The younger brothers would all stare at him, slightly concerned.

"..if we're lucky then nothing including alcoho-"

"Hey, hold on guys.. it's been over an hour, where's Branch at?"
Floyd would suddenly ask.

The brothers would all look at each other, then back at him.

"I.. actually don't know," Bruce replied, "did anyone talk to him after we left his bunker earlier?"

They would all shake their heads in response, encouraging more confusion.

"Well.. maybe he's busy and couldn't make it?

"Wouldn't he tell us that though?"


Bruce would look around in the crowd until he stopped, seeing Poppy and Peppy talking amongst one another.

"Hey, there's Poppy, let's just go and ask her!"

Both Clay and Floyd turned to where he was looking and saw her as well.

"Yeah, she probably knows where she is!"

The three all got up together and started walking their way.

Clay stopped shortly though when he realized something.

"Hold on-"

Bruce and Floyd stopped with him and looked over at him.


"..where is-"






"He has a girl?!" A troll girl misunderstood and said disappointedly.

"Girl that is an old man-"

"He's also John DORY!!"



JD started breaking it down tremendously on the floor in the middle of everyone, holding two more cups of punch.

Everyone around him was cheering and started singing along,

Like a G6, like a G6!🎶
Now I'm feelin' so fly like a G6!🎶
Like a G6, like a G6!🎶
Now I'm feelin' so fly like a G6!🎶

Clay, Bruce, and at this point the rest of the group was just staring at him like he was insane.. which he is.

"..now I'm most definitely convinced they laced that punch with-"

"Should we.. grab him..?"

John did a split on the floor and started.. yeah you can figure the rest of that out.

"..hell naw-"

Clay grabbed both their arms and quickly moved through the crowd towards Poppy.


"Well.. how about Branch? I don't think I've seen him either."

"Oh, Branch? Well I was actually just looking for him, I thought he would be-"

"Yo, Poppy!"

Poppy and Peppy would turn to see the three brothers approaching them.

"Oh, guys, hi!!" Poppy would smile a little, walking towards them.

"Heyy, we were gonna ask if you knew where Branch was?"

"I don't actually," Poppy would shake her head sadly, "I really thought he'd be here.. I'm honestly kind of worried."

The brothers all looked at each other worriedly, then back at her.

"That is strange.. he would've told us if he was coming or not wouldn't he?"

"That's the thing! He said he would be here, but I haven't heard from him since."

"Hum.." Bruce stroked his chin, thinking.

"What's say we go check on him?"

"I don't know, it is kinda late.."

"Well it's better knowing that he's alright now then waiting until later, right?"

Floyd and Clay looked at each other, nodding and agreeing.

"I'll stay here in case he ends up showing up."

Bruce looked back over at Poppy and nodded.

"We'll let you know how he's doing."

Poppy nodded with a small smile, before they would all leave.

Clay would stop in his tracks again, slowly turning to look back at Poppy.

Her smile would leave and turn into a look of curiosity and concern.

"..uhm.." Clay walked back over to her.

"You wouldn't.. happen to know where Viva is, would you? Usually I would but.. we haven't spoken too much lately.."


Poppy would widen her eyes a bit at that, she would've imagined those two were incredibly close!

But seeing as Viva told her what she did, she guessed she couldn't be so surprised.

"I wish I did, I thought she would have been here too.. I'm sorry."

Clay just nodded at that, pursing his lips and clasping his hands together quietly.

"It's cool."

He turned back around and caught up with his brothers.

Poppy looked over at her father, who shared an equally worried look.


Viva would be away from the party, watching in the distance as everyone enjoyed themselves and sighed, turning around and walking away alone.

Following a feeling🎶
Got no reason I should show up🎶
Here tonight, here tonight..🎶

And I'm hoping for a signal🎶
But I'll settle for your body🎶
In my mind, in my mind..🎶

Viva stopped in her tracks for a bit, building her voice up more.

Starts as innocent🎶

But moves so quickly, so quickly..🎶

Yeah, when you look at me🎶

I must be dreaming..🎶

She closed her eyes for a second before breaking into dance.

Oh, I don't know why, no, I don't know why!🎶
The room keeps shaking!🎶
Put your arms around me and the walls start breaking!🎶
Tell me that you found me and my world starts changing!🎶
I see it all in my mind!🎶

Oh, I don't know why, no, I don't know why
The floor keeps spinning🎶
Whisper in my ear that I'm the one you needed🎶
Touch me like I've never even felt this feeling!🎶

Baby, I wish you were mine!🎶

Oh, I don't know why, no, I don't know why!🎶

Viva would begin to run off, still singing and dancing.

In the distance, some glowbugs began to light up and would hear and see her singing and dancing.

Started as a fantasy🎶
But I found it so hard to🎶
Push it down, push it down🎶
How at any given moment🎶
I would say your name so I could🎶
Hear the sound, hear the sound🎶

Starts as innocent🎶
But moves so quickly, so quickly!🎶

Viva would look up to the sky and imagine Clay was there, smiling a little.

Yeah, when you look at me!🎶
I must be dreaming!🎶

Oh, I don't know why, no, I don't know why!🎶
The room keeps shaking!🎶
Put your arms around me and the walls start breaking!🎶
Tell me that you found me and my world starts changing!🎶
I see it all in my mind!🎶

Oh, I don't know why, no, I don't know why!
The floor keeps spinning!🎶
Whisper in my ear that I'm the one you needed!🎶
Touch me like I've never even felt this feeling
Baby, I wish you were mine!🎶
Oh, I don't know why, no, I don't know why..🎶


Viva would sigh again, some of her energy dying down as she leant against a tree.

Starts as innocent..🎶
But moves so quickly, so quickly..🎶
Yeah, when you look at me..🎶
I must be dreaming..🎶

Some of the glowbugs flew over to join her.

She would slowly notice this and began to smile more, singing the last part of the song.

Oh, I don't know why, no, I don't know why!🎶
The room keeps shaking!🎶
Put your arms around me and the walls start breaking!🎶
Tell me that you found me and my world starts changing!🎶
I see it all in my mind!🎶

She got off the tree and started to dance again, the glowbugs flying around her.

Oh, I don't know why, no, I don't know why!🎶
The floor keeps spinning!🎶
Whisper in my ear that I'm the one you needed!🎶
Touch me like I've never even felt this feeling!🎶

The moon light in the sky along with the stars now around it would get increasingly brighter and she would look up again to imagine her and Clay holding hands, which was a real memory of hers but just in constellation.

She would frown again while singing, reaching up to the sky.

Baby, I wish you were mine!🎶
Oh, I don't know why, no, I don't know why!🎶

A glowbug nuzzled against her and she turned to see it and others fly around each other, forming steps for her to walk upon.

Her smile returned and she ran over to them.

Oh, I don't know, I don't know!🎶

Hopping on every single one she continued to sing, getting closer to the sky.Oh, I don't know why, no, I don't know why!🎶

With the widest smile she spun around while hopping on the glowbugs.

Oh, I don't know, I don't know!🎶

She would stop when she was as high as the top of the trees and fell backward, the glowbugs catching her.

Oh, I don't know why, no, I don't know why!🎶

The glowbugs gently lowered her to the ground, staying close to her.

She sighed once again.. but instead of it being sad, it was.. of acceptance.

"I'm gonna tell him.. tomorrow.. I have to.. no matter what happens.."

She turned back toward the village which she was a little ways away from, then took her card from her hair again, looking at it.

"..he's my best friend."


Meanwhile.. somewhere above the sky.. would be a mischievous creature, holding a pile of dust amongst the conversating trolls.

"Branch wants Valentine's Day gone huh? No problem.. I'll make BOTH of our wishes come true!"

Mary would chuckle deviously and pinched some of the dust in her hand, remembering to say what she wanted the dust to do.

"I want this dust.. to possess every single troll it falls onto into the MOST UNHAPPIEST BEINGS THERE IS!!"

She spun around as she finally dumped it over the village, watching as it disappeared as it fell graciously.

"Here! Have some MORE!" She grabbed a lot more and spun it around as it fell, "HAPPY FRICKIN VALENTINE'S DAY!!"

Grabbing more and eventually the rest, she flew around and spread it more widely.


She laughed with an evil smirk spread across her face, watching as the dust would compile and eventually spread across the entire village.

"Just a few hours and they'll all wake up feeling like new trolls.. a Valentine's Day miracle indeed.."


"And then I sai- oh, wait, hold on-"

Poppy would rub her nose a few times and then suddenly sneezed.

"Are you alright?" Peppy would ask.

"Yeah.. feels like something landed on my nose.. or something-"
She rubbed her nose again.

"Mmh, odd."

Poppy nodded, taking a sip of berry punch.

"Probably nothing though."


The next day..

Branch slowly blinked until his eyes were fully open.

It was now at least one in the afternoon, and he'd been sleeping for a while due to being upset from what he was a witness to yesterday.

He sighed and rolled on his back, remembering what today was. He knew he was a little late being up, but he didn't feel the need to care so much.

"Yaayy.. so exciting.." He grumbled, sitting up and getting out of bed slowly.

He went to his wardrobe and grabbed his usual vest and shorts, completely skipping past the Valentine's Day clothing he was planning to wear.

If it were completely up to him, he would've just stayed in his bunker the entire day, but he felt it was against his better judgement to avoid and sulk away from everyone again, and he needed to speak to Poppy anyway.

The last thing he wanted was for her to lie to him, and he was still perplexed as to why she would ever do this to him, unless she was trying to surprise him.

He still loved her of course, but he was hurt that she'd do this.

And afterwards, he would probably just turn to his brothers for comfort.

So he just decided to grin and bear it, growing a pair as he trudged towards the lever of his bunker, pulling himself up.

He got to the exit and pulled the door open, climbing out slowly with a sigh.

"Okay.. now I'm just gonna-"

He stopped when he heard something from afar.

Something like.. yelling and shouting.

He walked forward some to see a few trolls going at it with one another, a few things getting thrown around.

"..what in the-"

Quickly, he took off to the village to get a closer look and figure out what was happening.


As soon he as he got to the village he would see it all..

Everyone was either ignoring each other, or fighting with one another!

Trolls were either in verbal or physical altercations with one another, decorations and gifts were getting destroyed, it was all just a nasty old mess.

Branch would run to some of them and go back and forth, trying to halt the fights.

"Guys guys hold on!" He would run to Satin  and Chenille at one point, "What's the issue?!"

"HANDS OFF BLUE BOY WONDER! THIS IS BETWEEN ME AND THIS ONE!" Satin would point a spork at Chenille.

"PUT- THE SPORK- DOWN!" Branch tried reaching for it but she dodged his grabs.


Chenille held up a pair of scissors and threatened to cut their hair with them.

Satin gasped and threw the spork away.


She jumped on top of her and strangled her.

"That's uh- not very safe with her still holding the scissors- OW-"

Branch would rub his head after getting a pebble thrown at it, then look over to see Wani and Tresillo yelling at each other, holding up a pile of pebbles in one of their hands.





"Oh come on we did a whole movie about this are you kidding me?!"

"YEAAAH FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!!" Dickory came out of Branch's hair and encouraged.


Branch shoved him out of his hair and would run over to them until he saw two familiar funk trolls going back and forth with each other as well.

"I'M TALLER!" Cooper shouted.

"NO I AM!!" D shouted back.







Branch would exclaim out in distress.

"Seriously! What is going on with everyone, why are you all-"

He stopped and turned around to hear shouts from right behind him.

"I said I wanted STRAWBERRY!" Aspen shouted at a parlor at an ice cream stand, holding up a cone that did in fact not have strawberry ice cream on it.


The ice cream parlor took the entire container of strawberry ice cream and dumped it all over the ground.



Aspen chucked the ice cream cone at the parlor's face, driving them mad.

"YOU ASKED FOR IT!!" The parlor somehow grabbed the entire table set and threw it away.

"WASSUP THEN??" Aspen patted his chest aggressively, "COME ON LET'S GO I'M READY!!"

The parlor jumped on top of Aspen and they would both start tackling each other.

Branch would just stand there, watching wide eyed.

"..what is HAPPENING!!!"

Suddenly he'd see Chaz walking by and immediately ran over to him.


Chaz just looked at him as if nothing was happening.

"..do you know where the bathroom is?"

Branch didn't listen to him and grabbed him.. by his chest hair.

He knew all Chaz could do was hypnotize trolls but his anger got the better of him.


Just at that same moment though, he would see Poppy walking by from a distance, and some part of him felt relieved.

A part of him was also worried as well, seeing as she wasn't wearing her Valentine's Day outfit either, but he would put that to the side.

"Poppy!!" He shouted, letting go of Chaz and running up to her.


Poppy didn't answer him, nor did she turn around.

"Poppy!! Poppy wait!!"

He finally got close enough to her where he could grab her hand.

And right then and there.. she would stop.

Branch wouldn't say anything for a bit though, as he saw..

She wasn't wearing her crown either.

"Do you know what's happening?! I mean this is crazy I JUST got out here and all I see is everyone fighti-"

Suddenly, he felt her snatch her hand away from his.

His rambling immediately went quiet, and his face would grow cold.

She would turn to look at him slowly, an unamused look in her face, and an unusual glare in her eyes.

"Duh, of course I know what's happening, I'm not stupid-"

"..then, then why aren't you-"

"Oh what? I'm supposed to do something? That ain't my problem!"

She began to turn around,

"They'll all figure it out if they're smart. Now can you leave me alone-"

She started to walk away nonchalantly.

"..but-" Branch ran after her,

"HOOOHHHH my God-" Poppy threw her head back dramatically while groaning.

"Look, I don't know what's going on, but I do know that we have to fix this! And where's your crown??"

"If it's such an issue for you go figure it out yourself- and oh, that ugly thing? It was annoying me, I threw it away-"

"..you WHAT?!"

She just kept walking and didn't look at him at all, not saying anything else, and Branch would continue following her.

Poppy had to roll her eyes and grumble once more, still walking away from him.

"For all that's trolly leave me alone!"

"Poppy, please,"

He grabbed her hand again,

"Please help me.. you're my girlfriend.."

After a small moment of just standing there, she let go of his hand again, and spoke in a quieter voice.

"And you're nothing to me."

Branch would finally stop, looking dumbfounded after hearing what she just said.

She would start to slowly turn to him.

I'm on an island, even when you're close🎶

She started walking around him, staring him down.

Can't take the silence, I'd rather be alone🎶

Poppy stopped walking and turned her head to the side, crossing her arms.

I think it's pretty plain and simple, we gave it all we could🎶

It's time I wave goodbye from the window🎶

Let's end this like we should and say we're good🎶

Branch shook his head at her, not believing that she meant any of this.

Suddenly, she would start to take steps towards him, causing him to grow nervous.

We're not meant to be, that's never gonna change..🎶

So let's at least agree to go our separate ways..🎶

Branch tried reaching out to her but she immediately backed and turned away.

Not gonna judge.. you when you're with.. somebody еlse,🎶

As long as you swear, you won't be pissеd when I do it myself,🎶

She gave him one last look before walking past him, not turning back.

Let's end it like we should and say we're good🎶

Branch would stand there, shocked out of his mind and turned to just see her walking away, not looking back at him at all.

"Poppy.." He mumbled, taking a few steps towards her.

How could she say those things and not feel any remorse? How could ANY of this be happening?

Where did his joyful and loving girl and her village go?

"How could this have happened..?"

Just then, the grayish blue troll would hear cackling from above.

"..what was-"

"Silly silly Branch!"

Branch looked around suspiciously and started quickly getting in defensive mode.

"Where are you?! SHOW YOURSELF DEMON!"

Eyes had to be rolled after this.

"Up here doofus!"

He raised an eyebrow but looked up, only to see-


"Mhmmm, miss me?"
Mary would float just a few inches above him, looking down at her nonexistent nails.

"What are you doing back here?! Why?!"

"Oh, well, I heard about your little issue and I just wanted to help out! Is that so bad?"

"So.. you did this?"

"Oh come onnn, I said I wanted to help! Every villain needs a redemption don't they?"

"You didn't redeem anything, you put a horrible curse on everyone making them hate each other!"

"Hmm, did iiii?"

"Yes, you did!"

"..orrrr.. was it you?"

Branch lost a bit of his angry look, and it turned to one of surprise.

"W- What? Me?"

"Branch," Mary flew closer down to him,

"you were the one who wished Valentine's Day didn't exist in the first place, so I just did you a favor!"

Branch looked down, remembering he did say that.. but he knew he would never have wanted something like this to happen.

"I.. I didn't mean that! I was being dramatic! Why would I want everyone to hate each other??"

"Because you hate Valentine's Day!"

"No, I don't! I was just upset! I didn't mean anything by that!"

"Mhm, sure you were, now you're gonna have to go on knowing you were the cause of alllll of that-"

Mary pointed to all the trolls going at it with each other.

Branch would stare over at them for a bit, getting more sick with every passing second that someone would yell or throw something.

He huffed quietly to himself and looked down, closing his eyes for a second.

"..tell me how to break the curse, now."
He looked back up at Mary slowly, an earnest look on his face.

"Mmmm.. mm-mm, no can do!" Mary shook her head with a smile.


"Woah there, now didn't mommy tell you that throwing a fit won't get you what you want?"

Mary would tap her chin with consideration, and then smirked.

"Fine, you wanna know so bad, I'll tell you!"

"Good, now!"

"You have tooooo travel aaaalll the way back to the troll tree, find the legendaarrry.. RIVERGLOW, and bring it back and plant it in the center of the village so it can grow immediately, and if you don't return with it, well, you're all basically doomed-"

"The- legendary riverglow?" Branch raised an eyebrow, he usually knew everything but didn't know anything about this.

But it would sort of make sense that he didn't since it was apparently a legend.

"What is that??"

"It's aaaa.. pretty blue flower with five petals. It starts off small and closed in, but once you tell it your biggest wish, it opens up all beautifully and gives you that wish single-handedly!"


"OH! And when you make the wish it has to rhyme!"

Branch rolled his eyes at that, not being surprised at all with the world he already lived in.


"..BUUUT not that you'd ever find it in time though, it's suuuuper hidden and you only have a few hours-" Mary started to slowly turn and fly away, still holding her smirk.

"It sounds easy enough to me! I'll start going now!"
Branch began to turn around and get things ready as well.

"Oh but Branch! There issss a teensy tiny catch~"

The troll stopped in his tracks and turned back to her, his eyebrow raised in confusion.

Mary would smirk down at him and rose up into the air a few inches higher.

"If you don't make the wish by the time Valentine's Day is over, well.. let's just say that the trolls will no longer be known for singing, dancing and hugging, which I HATE!!"

Branch gasped quietly at that, feeling his face grow cold again. That meant he only had the rest of the day to find whatever this riverglow was!

Mary would cackle devilishly and flew away into the sky.

"Happy Valentine's Day Braaaanch!" She would say before disappearing.

"No no no.. how much time do I have left??"

Quickly, he took a watch from out of his hair and saw that it was now two thirty, which meant it had been an hour and a half already.

"Okay, it's just two.. I can.. I can make it!"

Branch gripped the watch in his hand and looked forward, starting to think things over and the reality of the situation.

"But.. all the way to the troll tree? That's practically hours away! And it'll take hours to get back!"

He quickly stopped himself though.. he knew he needed to be somewhat determined and confident in order to get this done as quickly as possible.

"No, no, I can do it.. for Poppy, for my brothers, for the villa-"

"Do what for us?"

And at that moment, Branch stopped everything and whipped his head around only to see his brothers staring at him, completely unaffected by the curse.

Clay smiled at him and waved.

"Wh- what're you-" Branch started and sputtered.

Immediately he ran over to them and grabbed Bruce by his face, moving it side to side.

"..he's feeling my face-" Bruce would say casually.

"How're you-" Branch let go of him and backed away.

"How were you guys not affected by the curse?!"

"Uhh what curse?" John would ask, scratching the back of his head.

"The curse, going around the village right now!! Haven't you noticed everyone's been acting off lately??"

The brothers would then all look around to indeed see everyone going at it with each other.

"..seems normal to me-"
Clay shrugged.

"Well...yeah I have noticed.. after we left your bunker trolls were destroying other people's property and calling one another introllmane names?"
Floyd said.

"Yes!! Exacl- wait a minute what were you doing in my bunker?"

"....uhhhh-" Floyd looked to the side awkwardly.

"HOW did you get INTO my bunker?!"

"..uhhhh-" Bruce also looked to the side awkwardly.


~Flashback To Last Night~

"BRAAANCCHH OPEN THE DOOORRRR!!" John would shout while banging on the rock, holding yet another punch in his hand..

"Dear trolly heaven he's been doing that for the past thirty minutes-" Clay gripped onto his ears.

"JOHN you blockhead give it a rest! He's probably asleep!" Bruce yanked him by the ear.

"WHY'D YOU BRING HIM!" Clay looked up at Bruce and shouted accusingly.

"I DIDN'T! HIS square headed self decided he wanted to TAG ALONG!"

"I mean.. I thought we were all still gonna check on Branch anyway." Floyd said.

"Well.. yeah but- we can't break into his bunker! Let's just wait until-"

"Hey guys come on in- *H I C*" John said, lazily pointing to the open door on the ground.

The three brothers just stood there staring at him, dumbfounded.

"...why would YOU-"

"It was already open! *hic* Now are y'all comin or what?"

John lazily slid into the entrance, falling down the rest of the way.


They still just stood there, looking at the open door as they would hear him fall and tumble into walls.

"...welp, free tour-" Clay shrugged, following behind him.

"..and John's still falling-"

"..I CANNOT believe we're doing this-" Bruce sighed walking towards the door as well, Floyd following behind shortly.


The three would come down shortly only to find John laying faceplanted on the floor.

"..that's unfortunate-" Clay said, walking past him.

Bruce rolled his eyes and nudged him in the back of his head with his foot, holding back the urge to fully kick him.

"Get up stupid-" He walked away as well, about to start looking for Branch.

Floyd would only sigh and start walking as well, hoping to find Branch safe and sound.

John suddenly sat up and threw his arms in the air, burping.


"Braaaanchhh? Braaaanch!" Clay called out for him,

"Geez, it's nice but how huge is this place-"

"I mean, he made it for us so fairly big I'm assuming," Floyd walked next to him.

"True, true-"

"I just hope he's alright.."


Branch was sound asleep in his bedroom, conveniently wearing a pair of noise blocking headphones.

He wouldn't wear them as much, but tonight he definetly was since he didn't want to be bothered for the rest of the night.


Bruce would come from another room and bump into them shortly, earning looks from both of them.

"Any luck?" Floyd asked.

Bruce would sigh and shake his head.

"There's probably more rooms we haven't checked yet though."

"YEAAAHH, LIKE THE BATHROOM!" John flopped against him lazily.

"You are about to piss me off-"

Floyd sighed, scratching the back of his head.

"Well come on, let's just keep looki-"


The brothers immediately huddled against one another, startled by the sudden loud voice.

"..uhh, Branch?"

It would go quiet for a few seconds, and they would all just stare at each other in confusion.

Then, out of nowhere, a cloud would start to form in front of them, growing arms and legs.

"Nope, just me." He smiled over at them.

The brothers would all stare at him in shock and much more confusion now.

"..what, the, fu-"

"WOOAAH A TALKING CLOUUDD!" John pointed at him with the same hand holding the cup which got thrown out of his hand and flew through him.

"Yeah, yeah I get that a lot-" He raised his hand and waved it, chuckling,

"Name's Cloud Guy! Andd.. wow, you all look a LOOOTTT like my friend dumpy diapers-"

"..who now-"

"Oh, that's just the nickname I gave Branch, since, well, he's a dumpy diapers."

"Ah- well um.. we're actually his older brothers," Floyd added, taking a few steps forward, "I'm Floyd, and this is Bruce, Clay and.. John-"

John was scratching his butt, not paying attention to anything.

"Do you think Branch has a butt scratcher in here?"

"...OOOOOHHHHHHH!! Wow, that makes SO much sense now- why didn't he tell me we're supposed to be besties.."

The three sober brothers would look at each other awkwardly, then back at Cloud Guy.

"..well ANYWAY- so you guys like to sneak into his bunker at random times too I see?"

"No.. no we don't- loose cannon over here was insisting on trying to get in-" Bruce pointed over to John who was now picking his nose,

"but the door was already open and we were planning on checking on him anyway since we hadn't heard from him after he apparently said he would come to our card swap event- so we just came i- are you listening-"

Cloud Guy wasn't paying attention to anything either and for whatever reason was trying to balance John's empty cup on his nose then looked over at the last minute.

"Huh- oh, oh yeah yeah that's nice-"

Bruce facepalmed, ready to flip the entire bunker over on every single person inside.

"...well um, anyway, would you- happen to know where Branch i-"

"OH yeah he's fine, he's just asleep. Normally I'd be messing with him but I was just hungry and wanted to grab a quick snack before bed."

"Oh, well, that's good, that's all we needed to know, I guess we can-"

"Unleesssss.. you'd wanna participate in a few late night shenanigans-" Cloud Guy would smile over at them mischievously.

"NO, no, we're just gonna be leavi-"

"OH HECK YEAH!" John raised his fist in the air.


"ALRIIGGHTTT LET'S GET LITTY IN HERE, I think I remember seeing a radio somewhere in here-" Cloud Guy disappeared into a wall.

"..who says that anymore-" Clay said.

"PARTAAAYYY! *H I C-*" John did a little shimmy.

"We, are NOT staying here-" Bruce grabbed his arm and dragged him away.




"And they're partying-"

"You.. have GOT to be KIDDING ME-"

A bunch of colored lights were flashing and loud music was now playing.

John slid into frame with his goggles on his face and a microphone in hand.

I walked into the party🎶

I see somethin' I never saw (uicy)🎶

Everybody was movin', groovin'🎶

Girls, they were dancin' on the bar🎶

Clay also slid into frame with shades of his own covering his face and a mic of his own.

Now, this wasn't no ordinary dance!🎶

Hey, man, why is everybody swimmin' in a trance?🎶

I couldn't figure it out, like your grandpa's riddle!🎶

I asked 'em what they doing, and they said, "Juicy wiggle!"🎶

Cloud Guy had headphones on.. somehow, and was pretending to DJ.

Now, move your hips and dance like fish!🎶

John and Clay slid next to each other and started doing the juicy wiggle with each other and other crazy dances.

Get juicy~🎶

Get juicy~🎶

Yeah, get juicy~🎶

Get juicy~🎶

Get juicy~🎶

Yeah, get juicy~🎶

Floyd and Bruce would just stand there, watching them in disbelief.

"..do you all realize.. it is now FOUR IN THE MORNING!!!"

"They won't be leaving anytime soon- I'm just gonna go find somewhere to get comfortable.."
Floyd sighed and started to walk away.

~Flashback OVA~


"HELLOOO is anyone gonna ANSWER??"

"Okay, Branch-" Floyd started, "I can explain-"

"Yeah uh-" Clay started as well, "we were looking for you and.. got kinda distracted-"

"YOU, got distracted!" Bruce smacked the back of his head.

"Nuh uh! ..yeah nuh uh!!"

Bruce slowly raised his hand to smack his head again.

"AY LOOK TO BE FAIR John was drunk off his ass and he wouldn't leave so-"

"YOU WERE ENTERTAINING IT!!" He swung his hand towards him.

"I'M SORRY OKAY I COULDN'T RESIST-" He quickly grabbed his hand trying to move it away, "MOVE-"

"Yeahhh.. basically we were in there almost all night.. and I may have upchucked in your toilet a few times-"

Branch just stared at him, holding a wide eyed and unamused stare.

"..and there was this talking cloud there too- I still don't know if I dreamt that part or not-"

"WHAT YOU- CLOUD GUY WAS THERE TOO-?! sighhhh.. freakin noise cancelling headphones.."

Branch tried to regain what was left of his sanity and inhaled, clapping his hands together.

"You know what- that would explain why you guys aren't cursed.. whatever, I'll worry about that later! We gotta go get this riverglow!"

"A what now?" Clay tilted his head.

"What's a riverglow?"
Floyd asked.

"I don't know, but Marshtato Mary said that-"

"Who's marshtato? Is that- is that marshmallow and potato combined???"

"I think it is."

"Huh.. clever."

"..are we sure we wanna bring these idiots with us-"

"GUYS focus! We don't have much time until the curse takes it's full effect, we have to find it and bring it back before the day is over!!"

Clay gasped,
"That is so tight!!"

Branch blinked and slowly turned to him.

"..tight means good-"

"..that is SO not tight!!"

"Well where do we even go?" Bruce walked toward him.

"We have to go to the troll tree."

"Ah," John nodded, putting his hands on his hips, "we're reliving trauma, nice."

Branch just rolled his eyes and would begin to inform them.

"It's gonna be a bit of a long trip though, you guys might wanna pack a few things you may either need or want."

"Right on lil bro! Hey! Why don't we take Rhonda! She'll probably get us there a little faster!"

Branch would then cringe and look at him unpleasantly.


"Huh but whyyyyyy?"

"Rhonda's nice and all but things can get pretty crazy on our trips with her like the hustle- and we don't need any distractions or sidetracks, we need to get this done as quickly as possible!"

"Aww come on broskiiii I can tell her to take it down a notch if you need! I'll even let you drive!"

"Ughhh.. alright fine! Only because I don't know where else I'd find another caterbus and I don't wanna take too long finding one-" Branch began to walk away.

"YEAHHH WOOOO!!" John cheered.

"BROZONE ADVENTUAAAAA!" Clay cheered alongside him.


"..well I'll go load up Rhonda since everything I need is in her-" John soon ran off to go find Rhonda who was probably buried in the ground somewhere right now.

"I don't know if I'll need anything, but- I can look-" Clay followed behind him.

"This'll definitely end well-" Bruce sighed and rubbed his temples.

"Come on," Floyd walked next to Bruce, "we should try being a little positive- we can only hope for the best!"

"Yeah, you're right.. I just really hope we can do this though.. I'm worried about Brandy and the kids and if they were possibly affected too.. they were supposed to come today.."

"Even if they are, we're gonna get through this. I don't see why we couldn't! We just all need to work and stay together," Floyd would smile at him, putting a hand on his shoulder.

Bruce slowly smiled back at him, patting his shoulder gently.

"Yeah, for sure."


Three of the brothers, Floyd Clay and Bruce would all be standing there waiting, watching John make.. an attempt of Armadillo noises while slapping the ground.

"..it's been fifteen minutes.." Floyd sighed.

"..how long does this usually take-" Clay murmured to Bruce.

"You're asking the wrong person.." Bruce rubbed his temples again.

"Alright I'm here," Branch walked up to them while holding his bag, "thanks for waiti-"

He saw what John was doing and blinked five times, slowly turning to look back at them.

"He's.. he's looking for Rhonda-" Floyd explained to him.

"Wh-" Branch whipped his head back around to look at John,

"Why was she not already here!!"

"I don't know! She usually comes as soon as I do this!" John made louder noises and kept slapping the ground.

Floyd would awkwardly look away and turn to look at the village where everyone was still ignoring each other or fighting one another.

"It's mad out there man.." He mumbled.

The other brothers would look at him then out to where he was looking.

Out in the distance, a familiar pink troll with blonde hair would be throwing things around, glaring at anyone who came close to her.

"Viva.." Clay mumbled, heartbreakingly watching his best friend having turned into a completely different person.

Bruce walked up to his side and gently pat his shoulder, watching her with him.

Branch and Floyd would frown at each other, then turned back to them.

Branch walked up to Clay and gently put a hand on his back, causing him to turn and look at him.

"We're gonna get her back.. we're gonna get everyone back."

Clay smiled a little at that, turning back to look at her again.


Immediately, the four younger brothers would turn to look at John, and would begin to feel the ground around them rumbling.

"WHY IS THERE AN EARTHQUAKE!! BIGGIE THIS IS YOUR FAULT!!" Smidge shouted, pointing to the large dark blue troll who was already having an argument with Mr. Dinkles.


"No- you should've gotten more glitter-"
Mr. Dinkles slowly slipped from out of his hands.

Suddenly, Rhonda would shoot up out of the ground and landed in front of them, purring over to them and panting happily.

"There you areeee my precious girllll COME HERE COME HEREEE," John cooed and gave her pets and hugs.

Rhonda licked him on his face multiple times and ended up swallowing his head at one point, John not reacting at all.

The brothers would just stare at them, blinking and looking concerned.

"..she just ate him-"


John would then suddenly pull his head from out of Rhonda's mouth, shaking the glitter saliva off of him, quickly getting defensive.

"WHY DON'T YOU GO SHOVE A BOULDER UP YOUR A- I mean come on in bros!"

John would open the door on the side and hopped inside, humming.

"Well.. here we go-" Bruce followed behind him, sighing.

Floyd and Clay would follow behind shortly after and so would Branch, but not before looking out to the crowd.

He would see Poppy out there again, and it was if she had gotten into an altercation with Viva.

"I'm gonna fix this, I promise.."

Slowly, after a few seconds, he would follow after the rest of his brothers and close the door behind him.

He would walk up to the front as JD would move to the side, allowing him the driver's seat.

Dropping his bag to the side, he sighed and cracked his knuckles and neck, fastening his seatbelt and cutting the engine on.

Branch grabbed the mic and made sure it was on, speaking into it.

"We all ready back there?"

"Ready when you are bro!" Bruce shouted back to him.


He looked into the rearview at the fighting trolls one more time, before licking his lips and furrowing his eyebrows, turning to look back up front.

"Let's bro."

He stepped on the gas, and off they were.

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