"Rhythm Rivalry" [Part 3]

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~The Next Day~

Branch Paces Back N Forth Thinking.

"C'monnnn Branch Think! I Gotta Step Up My Gain If I'm Ever Gonna Confess To Her"
Branch Said To Help.

Branch Bangs His Head On The Wall.

Branch Turned To Gary.

Gary Flopped On The Floor.

"Yeah.....Yeah That's A Great Idea Gary! I Should Get Her A Present! Girls Love Feeling Thought Of. Especially With Gifts! Good Thinkin Gary 👍"
Branch Gave A Thumbs Up.

Gary Just Layed On The Floor.

Branch Thought.
"Hmmm, But What Kind Of Gift Would Impress A Queen?...."

Branch Looked Around His Bunker.

And Couldn't Get A Good Gift Idea From Anything.

Branch Rubs The Back Of His Head.
"Gee, I Didn't Realize How Poor I Am In Gift Ideas"

Branch Sighs.
"This Is Gonna Be Hard..."


~In Poppy's Pod~

"So Then I Broke Out Into A Song About Them Shutting Up And Dancing Until That Totally Failed. Cause Both Got Triggered And Left! And Now, I DON'T KNOW HOW TO MAKE BOTH SIDES GET ALONG AND STOP THESE DANCE OFFS CAUSE ONE DAY, IT'LL END IN HORROR!"
Poppy Exclaims.

Barb And Carol Weren't Listening.

Poppy Blinks.
"Uh Guys-"

Barb Wakes Up.

"Seriously?! You Fell Asleep While I'm Venting??"
Poppy Said.

Barb Layed Back.
"Well You Didn't Exactly Say Anything Interesting- Soooooo, Blaaaaah"

Poppy Rolled Her Eyes.
"At Least Carol Listens! Right Carol?!"

Carol Sprays Cheese In Her Mouth.

Poppy Groans.
"Ughhhh, Cmon Guyssss! Wheres The Support?! I Thought We Were A Girl Group!"

"Yeah, A Girl Group. Not A Girl Help With Problems That Aren't Relevant....Group-"
Barb Said.

Poppy Sighs.
"I Just Gotta Find A Way To Get Reggaeton And K-Pop To Get Along.....But How?"

Poppy Started To Think.

Carol Burps.
"You Could Find Out What Both Sides Have In Common Then Bring Them Together With That Specific Thing"

Poppy's Ears Perk Up.
"Carol! THAT'S A BRILLIANT IDEAAAA!!!!! How Did You Come Up With That?!"

Carol Shrugs.
"I Don't Know. Spray Cheese Just Gives Me My Best Ideas"

"Well Thank Goodness For Cheese Cause We're Gonna Find Out What Reggaéton And K-Pop Have In Common!"
Poppy Grinned Proudly.

Barb Farts.
"Oooh, That Was A Stink-Bomb"

Poppy Covers Her Nose.
"Okay, We Seriously Gotta Go Over The Purpose Of Girl Group-"


~At The K-Pop Mushroom~

The K-Pop Girls Were Singing And Dancing With Each Other.

🎤 앞에선 차갑게 굳은 표정 🎤

🎤 못마땅하게 또 나온 입술 🎤

🎤 사실 맘은 달라 Hey!🎤

🎤널 많이 좋아하고 있단 말이야 🎤

Poppy Comes In And Interrupts.
"Heyyyy Girlsssss, Sorry To Interrupt Your Dance Session"

"No Worries Poppy, As Long As You Aren't Here To Send Me Back To Musical Therapy With That.......L a t i n o"
Wani Said.

"Yah, I Don't Wanna Go Either! We Just Got Our Hair Done!"
Gomdori Said.

"Like Seriously, Check Out My Bangs"
Ari Pointed.

Poppy Chuckles.
"No Worries Ladies, I Just Came To Talk To All Of You About Your Interests At Heart"

The Girls Look At Each Other In Confusion.

Baby-Bun Said.

"Meaning What Do You All Love To Do?"
Poppy Smiled.

The Girls Say.

"In That Case, There Are Alot Of Things"
Wani Said.

"And Much To Tell About"
Kim-Petit Giggled.

Poppy Took Out Notes And A Pen.
"Ready 🗒🖊"

Wani Started Telling Poppy.
"Okay So Like...."

As Wani Spoke The Interests, Poppy Wrote Down Everything.


~At The Reggaetons Pod~

"Hm, You Want To Know My Interests At Heart?"
Tresillo Asked.

Poppy Nods.
"Yup! ALLLLL OF THEM, In Detailed Specifics"

Becca And Laura Looked At Each Other, Feeling Skeptical.

Tresillo Felt Skeptical Too.
"This Has Nothing To Do With Those Un-Fabulõso Koreans, Does It?"

Poppy Scoffs.
"Pfffff- Nooooope"

"How Can We Believe You?"
Laura Said.

"Yeah, And What's With The Notepad And Pen?"
Becca Gestures.

Poppy Blinked.
"Uhhhhh.............Research For Diarrhea Scented Shoelaces.....? 😁"

Becca And Laura Looked At Tresillo.

Tresillo Shrugs.
"Alright, Okay. I'll Tell You Some Things"

Poppy Grinned Wide And Started Writing Down What Tresillo Told Her. 🗒🖊.


~Back At Poppy's Pod~

Poppy, Branch And Barb Went Over The Notes From Both Reggaéton And K-Pop.

"Okay, So What Do We Got"
Poppy Said.

Branch Read The K-Pop List.
"The K-Pop Gang's Interests Are Dancing, Singing, Making Things Sizzle, Designing, Doing Makeovers, Eat Red Velvet Cupcakes, And Teasing Branch.............Of Course The Last One Is On There"

"Now The Reggaeton Interests"
Poppy Said.

Barb Read The Reggaetons Interests.
"The Reggaeton Trolls's Interests Are Dancing, Singing, Feeling The Rhythm, Salsa, Making Different Hair Styles With Their Dreadlocks, And Sometimes Twerk And Lap Dancing.........Wow. Latins Sound Fun"

Poppy Understood.
"Got It! Now Branch, Calculate What Both Sides Have In Common!"

Branch Puts His Glasses On. 👓

Poppy And Barb Snicker At That.

"Hey, Glasses Are What Smart People Wear -.-"
Branch Glared.

"But Dude, You're Already Smart"
Barb Said.

"Hm....Fair Point"
Branch Threw The Glasses Out The Window.

The Glasses Hit A Bird.

Branch Put Both Sheets Of Notes In His Machine.

The Machine Added Up All The Results.

"And It Looks Like What They Have In Common Isssssss....."
Branch Said With Anticipation.

Poppy Watches With Excitement While Squeezing Barb's Arm.

"Pop-Squeak, Pop-Squeak, POP-SQUEAK! POP-SQUEAK!"
Barb Yelled.

Poppy Let Go.

The Machine Finished Calculating.

📠 0% In Common 📠

Poppy's Excitement Fades Away.

"Maybe It's A Glitch?"
Barb Said.

Branch Checked The Machine.
"Nope, No Glitch"

Poppy Sighs.
".....I Guess No Matter How Hard I Try.....Two Sides Really Can't Get Along..."

Branch Frowns And Felt Bad For Her.

Branch Went To Her.
"Poppy......I Know You Meant Well..."

Poppy Looked Up At Him.

Branch Patted Her Shoulder.
"And I-"

Suddenly, The Door Busted Open.

It Was The K-Pop Gang And The Reggaeton Trolls.

"THE GIG IS UP POPPY! We Know The Truth!"
Wani Said.

Poppy's Eyes Widen.

"Oh You Know Just What The Haps Is. We Both Know What You're Trying To Do"
Tresillo Crossed His Arms.

Poppy Pushed The Machine Away.
"Heh.....You Do?"

"Uh Huh! Tryna Make Us Get Along With The Reggaetons!"
Baby-Bun Said.

"And Find Stuff We Have In Common!"
Kim-Petit Said.

Poppy Said.

Barb Chuckles.

Branch Elbowed Barb.

Barb Elbowed Branch In The Gut.

Branch Fell On His Knees.

Poppy Rubbed Her Hands.

"We're Waiting"
Tresillo Said.

Poppy Sighs.
"Okay Look, Yeah I Was Trying To Find Stuff In Common Between You All"

Wani Scoffs.
"Pfff- No Duh. The Question Is Why-"

"Cause! You Guys Keep Having Dance Offs ALLLL THE TIME! Literally! The First Time You Both Actually Communicated Was To Win Over Who Gets To Turn Branch Into Barb!"
Poppy Said.

"Which Of Course, You Both Failed At That Job"
Barb Said.

Both Troll Sides Thought About That.

"Like Seriously! You Both Can't Find One Thing In Common With Each Other????"
Poppy Said.

The K-Pop Gang And The Reggaetons Glance Over At Each Other.

Wani Walked Up To Tresillo.

Tresillo Looked At Wani.

The K-Pop Girls Watch Them.

Becca And Laura Watched Also.

Poppy Gulps.

"...............I Like Your Bodypaint Design Tracey"
Wani Compliment.

"Mmm, Thanks.....Willow"
Tresillo Said Back.

"Willow?.......Nice Name Comeback"
Wani Smirked.

"Been Waiting To Say That For A While Now"
Tresillo Chuckled.

Poppy Sighs In Relief.

"And Ya Know What, Me And My Girls Love To Design. Bet We Can Give You Reggaetons Some New Bodypaint Design Options"
Wani Suggested.

Tresillo Looked At Becca And Laura.

Tresillo Liked The Idea.
"Sounds Not Bad, Let's See Whatcha Koreans Got"

Wani And Tresillo Grinned At Each Other.

"Then Let's Go Latins!"
Wani Skipped Away.

The K-Pop Girls Giggled In Excitement And Went Outside The Pod.

The Reggaetons Followed Them.

"Huh, That Actually Worked Out Fine"
Branch Said.

"Glad It Did. I Thought They Were Gonna Tear Up My Pod!"
Poppy Said.

Barb Pouts.
"I Was Hoping For Some Angst 😒"

Branch Remembered About The Gift Idea For Poppy.

Branch Inhales.
"Hey Poppyyyy, I Got A Surprise For Ya"

Poppy Gasps.
"SURPRISE!?!?!?!? :O

"Since You've Been Working Hard Lately.....I Thought I'd Get You A Gift"
Branch Looked Away Nervously.

Poppy Awed.

Branch Took Out The Gift.

Poppy Bounces In Place.

Branch Placed The Gift In Her Hand.

It Was A Eraser.

".......A Eraser?"
Poppy Rasied Her Eyebrow.

Branch Rubs His Arm.
"I Thought You'd Like It. I'm Poor At Making Gifts.......I Can Take It Back If You Want"

Poppy Blurted Out.

Branch Blinks.
"Wait Really?"

Poppy Hugged Branch Tight.
"THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU BRANCH! It's The Thought That Counts Silly! And I Love The Thought You Put Into It!"

Branch's Ears Perk Up.

"In Fact, I'm Gonna Use It Right Now!"
Poppy Said.

Poppy Ran To Her Special Troll's Wall.

Poppy Erases Branch's Name Under 'Best Friend'.

Poppy Wrote Down Something Else.
"I'm Erasing Your Best Friend Name And Changing It Toooooooo......"

Branch Smiled Wide Hoping It Would Change To Boyfriend.

Poppy Finishes.
"THIS! 😁"

It Changed To 'Best Bestest Friend'.

Branch Fake Smiled As He Was Friendzoned Again.

Barb Whispered.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

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