"Back To Reality" [Part 5]

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~The Next Day~

At Nigel's Company, Outside Was A Big Press Gathering Of Nigel's Announcements For What's Coming Next.

The People In The Crowd Murmur And Take Press Pictures. 📸

Nigel Walked In Front Of The Building.
"Yes Yes, Thank You All For Coming, As It Is Today Is A Big Day For My New Company"

"What Makes Today So Special Mr. Nigel?"
A Interviewer Asked.

"Good Question, Well Today Will Be The Day I Put My Newly Discovered Gold Crown Into A Time Capsule On Top Of The Largest Building In Los Angeles!"
Nigel Held Up The Gold Crown.

The Crowd Claps And Takes More Press Pictures. 👏👏👏

"And I Would Also Like To Give A Shout Out To The Mayor's Military Crew For Lending Me This Big Green Machine Tank!"
Nigel Gestures.

A Big Green Military Tank Was In Front Of The Company Building.

The Crowd Says Amazed.

"Ya Know, It Warms My Heart To See The Military Trust Me With Such A Big Machine.....Totally Not Like I Bought It Off Them With My Crownnnn"
Nigel Smirks Twirling The Crown.

"What Time Today Will You Put The Crown In Your Time Capsule?"
Another Interviewer Asked.

Nigel Chuckles.
"Another Great Question! And To Answer That.....LET'S GO TO THAT TIME CAPSULE RIGHT N-"

A Mild Wind Breeze Was Blowing Through The Area.

The Crowd Felt The Breeze And Looked Around Them.

Nigel Blinks.
"Is This Global Warming Or..."

The People All Turned Behind Them From Where The Breeze Was Coming From.

Suddenly, The Trollinators Superhero Team Zapped Through The Sky And Landed On The Ground Heroically, All Being Human Sized.

The Team Members Being, Pop-Blossom (Poppy), Safety Man (Branch), The Barbarian (Barb), And Aquallex (Trollex).

The Barbarian Stood The Wrong Way.

"Psst, Barb"
Pop-Blossom Whispered.

The Barbarian Noticed And Turned Around Fully.

The Trollinators All Posed Heroically Properly.

A Man Looked At His Drink.
"Oh Man....How Much Have I Drunk..."

Pop-Blossom Stepped Up.
"We'll Take One King Crown To Go Please"

Nigel Saw The Trolls And His Eyes Widen, Couldn't Believing It.

"Clear The Area Citizens Of The Real World! There's About To Be Some Serious.....A$$-Kicking Here"
Pop-Blossom Cracked Her Knuckles.

The People Had Blank Stares As They All Looked At The Trolls.

One Kid Took A Picture For His Instagram. 📱

Nigel Groans And Mumbles To Himself.
"How Many Times Is It Gonna Take To Get Rid Of Menacing Rodents!"

"Guess We're Gonna Have To Do This The Hard Way- Aquallex!"
Pop-Blossom Called.

Aquallex Nods And Brought His Hands Together And Created A Staff.

Using His Mind Powers, Aquallex Made The Fishes From The Nearby Beach Rise And Swarm Towards The People, As He Pointed His Staff Forward.

The Fishes Aimed And Flew Towards The People, Puckering And Poking Them To Get Away.

The People Got Scared Of The Fishes Attacking Them And Ran Away.

Nigel Glared At The Trolls.

"Okay The Barbarian, Take Him Down!"
Pop-Blossom Instructed.

The Barbarian Took Out Her Two Guitar Swords From Behind Her Back And Rose Them Up.

Nigel Slowly Backed Up.

The Barbarian Was About To Attack.....Until She Started Snuggling Her Guitars.

"My Babies My Babies My Precious! EEEEE!!!"
The Barbarian Squealed.

Pop-Blossom Sighed.
"Yeah Um, Maybe I Should've Picked A Superpower You Wouldn't Go gAGa For Barb-"

The Barbarian Kissed Her Guitars.
"Mwah! Mwah! Sorry Dude, Rock Is My Love And Passion Soooo Respect"

Nigel Took Out His Work Phone.
"Let's See How The Police Will Think About This"

Safety Man Saw.
"I Don't Think So!"

Safety Man Blasted One Of His Rays Out His Palms And Blasted Nigel's Phone Out His Hand.

Nigel Yelled.

"Should've Backed Them Up"
Safety Man Shrugged With A Smirked.

"No Matter, I Still Haveeeee"
Nigel Held Up The Crown.

Pop-Blossom Called.

The Barbarian Stopped Snuggling Her Guitars.
"Oh Right!"

The Barbarian Put Back One Of Her Guitars On Her Back, And Used One To Play A Loud Guitar Riff.

The Force Of The Loud Guitar Riff Made Nigel Get Pushed Back Onto The Building's Wall.

Nigel Yelped, Still Gripping Onto The Crown.

Pop-Blossom Shouted.

Pop-Blossom Picked Up A Rock And Touched The Rock, Making The Rock Turn Into Floating Flower Pedals.

The Flower Pedals Floated Over To The Crown And Lifted It Up Away In The Air.

Nigel Yelled.

"WHOO! GREAT EFFORTS TEAM! This Calls For A Victory Hug!"
Pop-Blossom Opened Her Arms

"Uhm, Superheroes Don't Hug"
Safety Man Said.

"Oh Right- How About Hands In The Middle!"
Pop-Blossom Put Her Hand In The Middle.

Saftey Man, The Barbarian, And Aquallex Put Theit Hands In The Middle.

A Giraffe Hoof Went In The Middle At Sudden.

The Trollinators Took Their Hands Away.

Aquallex Noticed Something.

It Was Prince Stretch (Prince D), As A Real Life Giraffe.

"What's Poppin'!"
Prince Stretch Greeted.

"Prince D?.....Is That You?"
Pop-Blossom Asked.

"You Can Call Me.....Prince Stretch~"
Prince Stretch Grew His Neck In A Loopy Loop.

"Odd, But Not As Odd As This! I GOT BOOBS!"
The Barbarian Gestures.

Pop-Blossom Gestures Also.

"AYEEEE, And I'm Thicc!"
The Barbarian Looked Behind Her.

"Okay, Are You Two Ladies Done Admiring Your Heroic Puberty State?"
Safety Man Crossed His Arms.

Pop-Blossom And The Barbarian Fist Bumped.

"Heyyy, Where'd Nigel Go?"
Aquallex Pointed.

The Trollinators Turn Around To See That Nigel And The Green Military Tank Were Gone.

"Awe Great, He Vanished With The Tank Too!"
Prince Stretch Said.

Pop-Blossom Looked Closely And Saw A Trail Of Skid Marks From The Tank Nigel Drove.

Pop-Blossom Smirks.
"Hm, Looks Like Nigel Forgot The First Rule Of Escaping With A Vehicle-"

"And That Is?"
The Barbarian Asked.

"Never Leave A Trail Of Skid Marks"
Pop-Blossom Pointed At The Skid Marks Leading Into The LA City.

"Follow That Trail Trollinators!"
Safety Man Shouted.

Safety Man Pressed His Gary Button On His Belt Buckle, And A Action Song Played From Gary.

The Song Was "Heroes", By Blaze N Vill.

Safety Armored Up And Blasted Off Into The City, As Well As The Other Trollinators.


~In The LA Streets~

The Trollinators All Went Quickly Through The Streets And Following The Skid Marks.

Safety Man Flew In The Air With His Rocket Boots.

The Barbarian Dashed On Top Of Buildings And Ran Like A Ninja.

Aquallex Zoomed On The Road With His Tail Fin That Morped Into Water To Flow Easily Among The Road.

Pop-Blossom Rode On Prince Stretch's Back On The Street.

Pop-Blossom Pointed.

The Green Tank Was Up Ahead, Drving On The Road.

Inside, Nigel Was Trying To Drive Towards The Crown Floating In The Air On The Flower Pedals.

Nigel Poked His Head Out The Tank And Saw The Crown In The Air.

"There's My Precious~"
Nigel Chuckled Menacingly.

Nigel Turned Around And Saw The Trollinators On His Tail.

Nigel Groaned.
"Ughhhh! Stupid Avenger Hairheads!!!"

Pop-Blossom Said.

Prince Stretch Replied.

The Barbarian Looked Down At The Tank As She Ran.
"Time To Jump Onto That Tank!"

Prince Stretch Ran Closer And Closer To The Tank.

Prince Stretch Said.

Pop-Blossom Said.

Pop-Blossom Carefully Climbed On Prince Stretch's Neck And Stood On His Head, About To Jump.

Poppy Said.

The Barbarian Said.

Pop-Blossom Leaped Over To The Tank, Same Time As The Barbarian Leaped.

Pop-Blossom Shouted.

The Barbarian Said.

Pop-Blossom And The Barbarian Both Collided Into Each Other.

The Barbarian Gripped Onto The Edge Of The Tank.

And Pop-Blossom Grabbed Onto The Barbarian's Pants.

The Barbarian's Pants Slowly Came Off, Showing Some Butt Crack.

Pop-Blossom Saw.

Nigel Poked Out Of His Tank.
"This Will Make You Feel A Little...BUTTER!"

Nigel Threw A Butter Block At The Barbarian's Hands Gripped Onto The Edge.

The Butter Melted, Making The Barbarian's Hands Slippery.

Pop-Blossom Said.

The Barbarian's Hands Slipped Off The Edge With Pop-Blossom.

Making Both Knock Into Prince Stretch, And Prince Stretch Knocking Into Safety Man, And Safety Man Knocking Into Aquallex.

The Trollinators Crashed Into Each Other.

Nigel Laughed.

Nigel Looked Up And Saw The Crown Floating On The Flower Pedals In Sight.

"Cum To Me Hehehehe"
Nigel Stood Out Of The Tank.

Prince Stretch's Hoofs Were Stretched Along The Street And Hooked Onto The End Of The Tank.

With All The Trollinators On Prince Stretch's Back.

Pop-Blossom Saw Nigel Trying To Get The Crown.

"ON IT!"
The Barbarian Replied.

The Barbarian Carefully Walked Across One Of Prince Stretch's Arms Towardd The Tank.

Trying To Keep Her Balance, The Barbarian Walked Kinda Slow.

Nigel Was About To Reach Over To The Crown And Grab It.

"She's Never Gonna Make It!"
Aquallex Said.

Pop-Blossom Thought And Looked Around The City, And Got A Idea.

Pop-Blossom Pointed At A Statute.
"Everyone! Lean Over!!!"

The Trollinators Made Prince Stretch Lean Over To The Statue And Stop Against It.

Making The Tank Stop Moving, And Unhooking Prince Stretch's Hoofs On The End Of The Tank.

The Barbarian Fell Off And Landed On The Road.

The Trollinators Flung From The Statue And Landed On The Road.

Nigel Wobbled On The Tank.
"AH AH-"

The Tank Pulled Back And Made A Sudden Stop In The Middle Of The Street.

Nigel Then Grabbed The Crown From The Floating Flower Pedals.

"Got It"
Nigel Held The Crown.

Pop-Blossom Looked Up.
"The Crown! SAFETY MANNN!"

Safety Man Stood On His Knees And Used His Caution Sign ⚠️ Lazer On His Chest To Blast The Tank.

The Impact Of The Lazer Made The Tank Rumble And Shake.

Nigel Fell Into The Tank.

Nigel Groaned.

Nigel Sat Up And Looked At The Tank's Computer.

The Tank's Operating System Was Minor Disabled.

Nigel Sobbed.

Nigel Got Triggered And Got Up And Stood On Top Of The Tank.

The Trollinators Walked Towards The Tank.

"Alright Nigel, Prepare To Be Trolled!"
Pop-Blossom Pointed.

"I'm Gonna Make A New Hairstyle Outta You With My Knife -.-"
Nigel Said Fiercely.

"Awwwww! You'd Make A New Hairstyle Just For Meeeee?"
Pop-Blossom Smiled.

"Poppy- That's A Threat"
The Barbarian Said.

"He's Being Mean"
Safety Man Said.

Nigel Said.

Poppy Felt Stupid.
"Ohhhhhhh.........How Dare You -.-........Get Him Prince Stretch!"

Prince Stretch Came Up.
"This Man Is About To Get Banged!"

The People Saw The Big Giraffe And Screamed And Ran.

Prince Stretch Started To Grow His Arms At Nigel To Punch Him.

Nigel Dodged The Arms Easily.
"Ha! I Played Dodgeball For Many Yearssss. And Never Lost!"

"Well Today's The Day!"
Prince Stretch Grew His Arms At Nigel More Faster.

Nigel Quickly Dodged Each Hoof Stretched At Him And Managed To Avoid Getting Hit.

Prince Stretch Grew His Arms At The Same Time At Nigel.

Nigel Simply Grabbed Both Of Prince Stretch's Arms And Held It.

Prince Stretch Knew He Fuqed Up.
"........awe dang-"

Nigel Let Go Of Both Arms, And Prince Stretch Got Flung Back And Crashed Into The Store Behind Him.

Nigel Said.

The Barbarian Shouted.

The Barbarian Took Out Both Of Her Guitars And Held Them Like Swords 🎸⚔ 🎸.

"It's Time.....To Rock N Troll"
The Barbarian Smirked.

The Barbarian Hopped Onto The Tank In Front Of Nigel.

"Let's See Whatcha Got Dude!"
The Barbarian Said.

Nigel Took Out A Wooden Bat From The Tank.

"Hm- You Made Your Point"
The Barbarian Said.

"I Gotta Warn You, I Spent 10 Years Learning Karate!"
Nigel Held The Bat.

The Barbarian Got In Position.
"Well I Don't Know Karate.....But I Do Know KA-RAZY!"

The Barbarian Charged At Nigel, And Both Started Battling With Their Weapons.

The Barbarian Swung Her Guitars.

Nigel Blocked The Guitars With His Bat.

"Thanks, I Get That Alot 😌"
The Barbarian Said.

"But Too Bad You Won't Be Impressive As That Taylor Swift Poster"
Nigel Gestures His Head Beside Them.

The Barbarian Turned Beside Them.

Nigel Swung His Bat And Knocked Barb's Guitars Out Her Hands.

The Barbarian Blinked.
".....................How About 2 Outta 5? 😁"

Nigel Whacked His Bat At The Barbarian.

The Barbarian Flew Back Out Into The Distance.

Nigel Waved.

Aquallex Stepped Up.
"Guess It's Time To Get A Little Soaked"

Aquallex Used His Mind Controlling Powers And Made The Water And Fishes From The Nearby Beach Rise Up.

Aquallex Pointed His Staff Forward And The Water With The Fishes Swarmed At Nigel. 🌊 🐠 🐟

Pop-Blossom Watched.

Nigel Then Took Out A Random Pack Of Fish Flakes.

"Maybe It's You That's Getting SOAKED!"
Nigel Threw The Fish Flakes At Aquallex.

Aquallex Looked At The Fish Flakes On Him.

The Fishes Turn Towards Aquallex And Aimed At Him.

The Fishes With The Water Hit Aquallex Instead.

Aquallex Fell Back On The Ground.

Aquallex Coughed Out Water.
"Worth It......For My Girl FangirlFiasco..."

Nigel Kissed The Crown.

Safety Man Flew Up.

Safety Man Shot Blast Rays Out Of His Hand Palms At Towards The Tank

The Tank Got Hit, And Made Nigel Wobble On The Tank.

Nigel Fell In The Tank.

And The Crown Fell Out His Hands And Rolled Onto The Ground.

Safety Man Flew Down And Whipped His Hair.
"And That's How Hot Heroes Do It"

Saftey Man Saw The Crown Rolled Onto The Ground.

"The Crownnn....Huh?"
Saftey Man Looked Up.

Nigel Had A Water Hose In His Hand.
"Let's See You Try To Be SAFE From This!"

Safety Man Backed Up.

Nigel Blasted The Water At Safety Man And Safety Man Short Circuited.

"ZZZ ⚡ ZZZ ⚡ S Y S T E M dOOwNnNn CAnT COmpUTE ⚡"
Safety Man Glitched.

"And One For Good Luck!"
Nigel Turned The Pressure On The Water High.

Nigel Blasted Safety Man With The Pressured Water.

Saftey Man Got Shot Away Into The Distance.

Pop-Blossom Gasped.

Pop-Blossom Looked Down On The Ground And Saw The Crown.

Pop-Blossom Was About To Lean Down And Grab It.

Nigel Hopped Back In His Tank, And The Tank Has Rebooted.

Nigel Sat In The Seat And Pressed A Button.

The Tank's Cannon Pointed At Pop-Blossom.

Nigel Shouted.

"O______O.....Uh Oh.......Heh Heh"
Pop-Blossom Put The Crown Back Down.

Nigel Aimed The Target At Pop-Blossom And Started Firing The Cannon.

Pop-Blossom Quickly Tried To Dodge All The Cannonballs.

The Cannon Aimed Front In Center At Pop-Blossom.

Nigel Said.

Nigel Shot Another Cannonball At Pop-Blossom.

Pop-Blossom Put Her Hand In Front Of Her And Looked Away.

The Cannonball Hit Pop-Blossom's Hand....But Turned Into A Bunch Of Flowers.

Pop-Blossom Looked At The Flowers And Got A Idea.
"Huh.......Hmmmm 😏"

Nigel Shouted.

Another Cannonball Shot Out.

Pop-Blossom Booped The Cannonball And Turned Into Flowers.

Another Cannonball Shot Out.

Pop-Blossom Slid On The Floor And Booped Another Cannonball.

Multiple More Cannonballs Shot Out At Pop-Blossom.

Pop-Blossom Jumped In The Air Happily And Booping Each Cannonball Into Flowers.

Nigel Raised His Eyebrow Confused And Kept Firing.

Pop-Blossom Twirled In The Air Full Of Flowers.

Aquallex Looked At All The Flowers Coming Down.

Aquallex Took A Flower.
"Awww They're So Pretttyyyy"

Aquallex Sniffed The Flower Hard, So Hard That One Of The Flower Pedals Went In His Nose.

Aquallex Yelped.

Pop-Blossom Saw And Gasped.

Nigel Took The Advantage To Shoot Another Cannonball Directly At Pop-Blossom.

The Cannonball Shot And Hit Pop-Blossom Directly In The Face.

Nigel Yelled.

Pop-Blossom Layed On The Ground, Groaning With Her Bruised Face.

Nigel Got Out Of His Tank And Picked Up The Crown.

Nigel Cackled Menacingly.

The Barbarian Slid Over To Pop-Blossom On The Street.

The Barbarian Held Pop-Blossom Up On Her Leg.

Pop-Blossom Looked Up.

"Talk To Me Bestie"
The Barbarian Said.

"I Can't......I-I'm.....Going Into The Light...."
Pop-Blossom Said.

The Barbarian Blocked The Sunlight.
"How About Now?"

"Yeah That's Good. Thanks....But Maybe I Should Go Towards The Light And Go....I Failed King Gristle.."
Pop-Blossom Sighed.

"No Poppy No.."
The Barbarian Rubbed Poppy's Cheek.

"Yes.....I Should've Just Hid My Courage To Come Here...It's Just Failure Now..."
Pop-Blossom Frowned.

"Yeah Pinkie....You Really Are A Failure At This..."
The Barbarian Said.

"No, We're All Failures....As A Team"
Pop-Blossom Smiled.

"...............Nope, This Failure Is All You This Time"
The Barbarian Replied.

Nigel Stood On Top Of The Tank With The Crown And Took Out His Phone.

Nigel Called Someone.
"Hey Charles, Meet Me At 49th Street In 1 Minute!"

Nigel Put His Phone Away And Was About To Go Inside The Tank.

"Where Do You Think You're Going"
A Little Voice Said.

Nigel Turned Around, And It Was Tiny Diamond's Head Poking On The Side Of The Tank.

Nigel Laughed.
"PFFFFF- HAAAAAAA! HAHAHAHAHA! Why Don't Get Going Little Fella! Before Ya Hurt Yourself"

Nigel Turned Back Around Laughing.

Tiny Had A Glare On His Face And Lowered Away.

Suddenly, The Tank Started Shaking And Rose Up.

"Huh?! What The-!?!?!"
Nigel Wobbled.

The New Mega Diamond Lifted Up The Tank With His Huge Muscles And Biceps.

Pop-Blossom And The Barbarian Saw.
"Tiny Diamond?"

"It's MEGA Diamond!"
Mega Diamond Corrected With A Smirk.

Nigel Held Onto The Tank On The Sides.

Mega Diamond Shook The Tank Around.
"C'mon Down From There Little Fella! Wouldn't Want To Get Hurt Ain't It???"

Nigel Struggled But Climbed Back Into The Tank.

Nigel Gave Mega Diamond The Finger And Went Inside The Tank.

Mega Diamond Got Trigged And Threw Up The Tank In The Air.

Nigel Floated Up In The Tank As It Went Up.

Mega Diamond Caught The Tank And Twirled It On His Finger Like A Basketball.

Nigel Flung Against The Tank's Wall Due To The Force Of The Twirl.

Mega Diamond Poked His Head In The Tank's Window.
"Come Out Come Out Wherever You Areeeeee~"

Nigel Squeezed A Lemon In Mega Diamond's Eyes. 🍋

Mega Diamond's Eyes Got Burned.

With His Eyes In Pain, Mega Diamond Threw The Tank Onto The Street.

Nigel Trembled As He Crawled Out Of The Tank.

Nigel Stood Up And Ran Down The Street.

"He's Getting Away!"
Pop-Blossom Shouted.

Nigel's Company Truck Drove Around To The Area.

One Of Nigel's Workers, Named Charles, Was Inside The Truck.

"I'm Here!"
Charles Said.

"It's About Time!"
Nigel Got In The Truck.

"Where To?"
Charles Asked.

Nigel Took Out The Crown.
"To The U.S Bank Tower Building For My Time Capsule! And STEP ON IT!"

The Company Truck Drove Off And Went The Directions Down The Street To The U.S. Bank Tower.

Pop-Blossom's Ears Went Down.

The Trollinators Recovered And All Went Down To Pop-Blossom.

Mega Diamond Went To Them.
"Dang Bruh, Lemon Dun Got In My Eyes"

Pop-Blossom Sighs.
"Well...Thanks For Trying Tiny....Well Mega"

"Wait- Tiny? When Did You Get Here?"
Aquallex Asked.

"Oh I've Been Hiding In Branch's Hair"
Mega Diamond Replied.

Safety Man Heard.
"Wait You What?"

Mega Diamond Blurted.

Pop-Blossom Sat Up, Frowning.
"Sorry I Brought You All Into This Mess.....We Failed...."

Mega Diamond Shook His Head.
"Nah Nah Nah Nah Auntie Pops! That's Quiter Talk! What Happend To That Song You Sang Back In Trollstopia?"

"We Never Give Up, We Never Quit, We Never Stop?"
Pop-Blossom Repeated.

"Yeahhh, But What Was The Next Lyric?"
Mega Diamond Said.

"Uhhhh, We Might Fail But We Give All We Got?"
Pop-Blossom Repeated.

Mega Diamond Nodded.
"Mhm, We Might've Failed Now....But We Haven't Gave All We Got. And I Know We Got More Inside Of Us To Take Down That Trumpy Man And Get That Crown"

"TD Is Right! I Know We Can All Do Better"
Prince Stretch Said.

"Cause We All Have Something Special In Us Right Now"
Aquallex Said.

"And That's Hero Blood!"
Safety Man Stood Proud.

"But Most Importantly Courage"
The Barbarian Patted Pop-Blossom's Shoulder.

Pop-Blossom Smiled At Everyone.

"And We Shouldn't Hide That Courage"
Pop-Blossom Added With A Proud Grin.

The Barbarian Crossed Her Arms Nodding.

"So, Whaddya Say Trollinators?"
Mega Diamond Put His Big Hand In The Middle.

Aquallex, Prince Stretch And The Barbarian Put Their Hands In The Middle.

Safety Man Smiled At Pop-Blossom Then Put His Hand In The Middle.

Pop-Blossom Put Her Hand In The Middle.
"Let's Do This Team"

The Trollinators Shouted Together.
"Goooooooo TROLLINATORS!!!"

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