"Hug Day 2: The Lovequel" [Part 3]

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~At The Therapy Pod~

Inside, Poppy Sat Along A Soft Lounge Chair, Holding Her Hands Together.

Poppy Sighed.
"And I Just Feel Like....If I Pick My Mom, Branch Will Be Disappointed Again And If I Pick Branch, My Mom Will Be Disappointed...It Sucks When Having To Pick Between Loved Ones!"

Cybil Was Taking Notes. 🗒
"Uh Huh, Uh Huh, Uh Huh. Very Interestinggggg"

Poppy Turned Her Head.
"Wait- Cybil? You're The Trollstopia Therapist?"

"Of Course I Am! You Know How My Wisdom Is"
Cybil Said.

"Yeahhh But, Don't You Do The Futuristic Crystal Ball Sightings Thing?"
Poppy Raised Her Eyebrow.

Cybil Shrugs.
"Eh, It's Good To Switch Up Things Like When That Old Sonic Model Got Switched"

Poppy Blinked.
".......Ya Know, You Sound Just Like Barb- But Anyways"

"So I See The Problem, You Don't Wanna Make Any Of Your Two Loved Ones Upset On Hug Day That Will Commence In A Issue That Will Go On For Days With Angst"
Cybil Stated.

Poppy Slowly Nodded.
"Yeahhhhh, You Got The Basic Point"

Poppy Frowned With Her Ears Down.
"I Just Don't Know What To Do....I Love Them Both Sooo Much And Want To Hug Them Both For Their First Time Of Hug Day"

Cybil Listened And Nodded.
"Hm, Say That Last Part Again Poppy"

"The Uhhh Want To Hug Them Both For Their First Time Of Hug Day?"
Poppy Repeated.

"Mhm, Now Think About That Statement For A Moment And Let It Flow Through Your Mind"
Cybil Instructed.

Poppy Snickers.
"Okaaaay But I Don't Get Why I Gotta-"

"- G A A A S S S P P P 😱 "
Poppy Suddenly Gasped.

Poppy Stood Up On The Chair.

"My Pleasure 😌"
Cybil Grinned.

" W H O O S H ! "
Poppy Zoomed Out The Pod.

Cybil Just Sat There, Then Yeeted Herself Out The Glass Window.


Back At The Lake, Wani And Tresillo Were Sitting On A Log, Drying Them Selves Off.

Wani Tried Squeezing The Water Out Her Hair.

"Okaaay My Turn"
Tresillo Pulled His Arm Back.

"HEY! Ughhh!"
Wani Groaned.

Tresillo Squeezed The Water Out Of Each Of His Dreads.

"Might Take Awhile, You Know How Much Dreads I Have"
Tresillo Winked.

"Wellll Taking TOOOOO Long!"
Wani Pulled Her Hand Back.

Tresillo Yelped.

"Stop That!"
Tresillo Pulled His Hand.

"OW! Watch It!"
Wani Pulled Her Hand Back Again.

Both Pulled Each Other's Hand Back n Forth From One Another.

Both Groaned And Turned The Opposite Way.

Tresillo Sighed, Shaking His Head.
"We Can't Go The Whole Hug Day With This"

"Ya Think Mustache Face?"
Wani Rolled Her Eyes.

"Soooo, I Say We Just Talk Things Out Instead Of Just Going Back And Forth"
Tresillo Said.

Wani Scoffs.
"Pfff- Yeah Right. Like If You'd Ever Go Through With That"

"Maybe I Will!"
Tresillo Said.

Wani Shook Her Head Rapidly.

When Wani Shook Her Head, Her Secret Diary Fell Out Her Hair And On The Log.

Tresillo Spotted The Diary And Picked It Up Curiously.

Tresillo Opened The Book With His One Hand And Looked Through It.

Entries Of Wani's Days Thinking Of Tresillo Were All Shown And Reveled To Him.

The More Tresillo Flipped Through The Pages, The More Tresillo Put Together Wani's Secret Feelings For Him.

Tresillo Grinned And Chuckled A Bit.

"What's Wow?"
Wani Turned Around.

Wani Gasped As She Noticed Tresillo Had Her Diary.

Wani Snatched Back The Diary.

Wani Turned Around The Opposite Way, Hugging Her Diary With One Hand.

"So When Were You Gonna Tell Me"
Tresillo Said.

"Pffft, T-Tell You Whaaaat...?"
Wani Hid Her Blush With Her Hair.

"Wans, Cmon. I Just Saw All Of That"
Tresillo Gestures.

Wani Yelled In Tresillo's Face.

Tresillo's Eyes Widen.

Wani Rolled Her Eyes.
"Besides, It's Not Like You'd Feel The Same-"

Tresillo Finished.

Wani Blushed More Nervously.

Tresillo Shrugs.
"Who Said That?"

Wani Turned To Him.
"Well I'd Just Assume From Our Constant Bickering That You'd Never-"

Tresillo Put His Finger On Her Lips.
"Imma Stop You Right There Senorita-"

Wani Stopped Talking And Listened.

"Okay Sure We Argue And Fight Alot, But That Just Gives Us More Chemistry"
Tresillo Said.

"I Guess But.."
Wani Moved Her Foot Around The Grass, Looking Down.

Tresillo Held Up Her Chin.
"I Might Seem Like A Solo Bachelor, But When You're Around Me.."

"...Being Solo Is A Thing Of The Past"
Tresillo Smirked At Her.

Wani Smiled Back At Him With Her Ears Up.
"So...What Are You Saying?"

Tresillo Replied.
"I'm Saying, If You Ever Wanted A-"

Wani Gasped And Hugged Tresillo Immediately.

Tresillo Chuckles And A Playful Grin.
"Okay Okaaaaay 😏"

Wani Kissed Tresillo All On His Face.

Tresillo Smiled At Wani, Blushing Flustered.


Down At The Field, Delta Was Out Picking Flowers For Her Home.

Delta Sniffed A Flower.
"Mmm, Smells Just Like Back Home"

Hickory And Trollex Watched From Behind A Tree.

"Ohhh Darn Skippy! I Haven't Been This Nervous Since Dickory's Nipple Hair Grew!"
Hickory Paced Back n Forth.

"Cmon Man You'll Be Fineeee!....And Ew"
Trollex Said In Disgust.

"Trust Me, Not As Good As It Sounds"
Hickory Said.

"Just Remember All Our Training And You're Good To Go!"
Trollex Insured.

Hickory Looked Back At Delta, And Frowned Getting More Nervous.

Hickory Sighed And Leaned On The Tree.
"I Just Don't Know Anymore..."

Trollex Felt Hickory's Nervous Gestures And Looked Up At Delta.

Trollex Got A Idea.
"Then Ya Know What Bud, Forget Our Training"

Hickory Said.

"Just Get Over To Her And Be Hickory"
Trollex Grinned.

Hickory Smiled A Bit At That.
"You Sure?"

"You Got It In Ya"
Trollex Patted Hickory's Heart.

Hickory Felt His Heart And Nodded.
"Thanks, For Everything"

Trollex And Hickory Fist Bump.

Hickory Inhaled And Exhaled To Walk Over Down To The Field.

Hickory Cleared His Throat.
"A-Ahem, Heyyyooo Delta"

Delta Turned Around.
"Oh Hey There Hickory! Hittin It Off With Trollex?"

"Oh That Thing Earlier Was No No, Just Heh. Working On Something"
Hickory Said.

Delta Snickers.
"Yeah Alright Then. What Was It For?"

"Well Sorta For...Kinda...Um..."
Hickory Rubbed His Arm.

Delta Listened.

Hickory Gulped.
"It's Hard For Me To Say Cause I'm Not That Good With Opening Up To People But Uh...Would You Want To Uh...Be My-"

"Hug For Hug Day?"
Delta Finished.

Hickory Blinked.

"Trollex Told Me"
Delta Gestures.

Trollex Floated Down Next To Them.
"Yeahhhh Kinda Didddd"

"Way To Build Up My Confidence -.-"
Hickory Glared.

Trollex Winked With Finger Guns.

Hickory Groaned.
"Ugh, Yeah Thanks. But You Can't Just Train Me Only To Find Out You Already Told-"

Delta Suddenly Kissed Hickory On His Cheek Mid-Conversation.

Hickory Froze, And Blushed Darkly With Hearts In His Eyes.

Trollex Smirked, Crossed His Arms.
"You Were Saying?"

Hickory Got Speechless.
"I-I-I-I-I Gaga Boogiee 😍.."

"Shall We?"
Delta Held Out Her Hand.

"Ya Darn Skippy~"
Hickory Winked.

Hickory And Delta Held Hands, Walking Out To Trollstopia To Spend Hug Day Together.

Trollex Sigher Happily And Proudly.
"Allll In A Day's Work"


Up On A Hill, Barb And King Thrash Were Playing Music Together.

Barb Played Her Guitar Loudly.

While King Thrash Played His Little Keyboard.
"Dah Dah Dah Old Lady's Teeth.."

Riff And Val Peeked Out Of A Bush.

"Alright, The Time Is Now To Unleash Barb's Soft Side!"
Riff Said.

"You Mind As Well Give Up Now"
Val Said.

"Or Should I 👀"
Riff Said.

"......Yeah, Ya Should. Literally Just Said That"
Val Said.

"Not Unless I Pull Off....THIS!"
Riff Suddenly Appeared In A Debbie Outfit.

Val Blinked.
"I Really Sincerely Fear For Your Life At This Point My Dude"

"Trust Meeee, Barb Can't Resist Debbie. So Now Way She Can't Resist Riffebbie!"
Riff Posed.

"Cringe Level At Top Now"
Val Said.

"Just Play Along And Go!"
Riff Pushed Val Out The Bush.

Val Groaned And Walked Up The Hill.

Barb Finished Playing Her Guitar.

"R-Rock....Q-Queen Elizabeth..."
King Thrash Mumbled.

Val Came Up.
"Yoooo Barb"

"Hey, What's Up Val?"
Barb Said.

"Debbie Got Out Her Cage-"
Val Pointed.

Riff Flapped His Arms In The Debbie Suit.

Barb Sighed And Shook Her Head.
"This Dude Won't Give Up"

Barb And Val Walked Down The Hill.

King Thrash Fell Asleep In His Wheelchair, Then Fell Off And Rolled Down The Hill.

Riff Acted Out.

"Dude, Riff, Get Out The Suit"
Barb Crossed Her Arms.

Riff Said.

"I'll Save You The Cringe"
Val Said And Ripped Off The Costume.

Rifd Covered His Area.

"Relax Dude, You're Wearing Clothes"
Val Gestures.

Riff Felt Himself.
"Oh Yeah"

"Start Explaining"
Barb Tapped Her Foot.

Riff Sighed And Began Explaining.

Barb Suddenly Grabbed Riff Close And Hugged Him Tightly.

Riff Flinched At Sudden.

Barb Had A Lil Blush As She Hugged Riff More And More Tight.

Riff Blushed A Bit Too.
"Heh Heh- OW OW OW OW"

* C R A C K *

Riff Tried To Breathe.

Barb Parted Away And Smiled.
"Is That What You Wanted?"

Riff Couldn't Move.
"I-I'm Not Sure Anymore.."

Barb Patted Riff's Shoulder.
"I Know I Don't Tell You This Often Dude But....I Really Appreciate You Man"

Riff Smiled At Barb Gratefully.
"Of Course"

Barb Grabbed Riff's Nose.
"But Never EVER Try And Make Me Soft....EVER -.-"

Riff Yelped In Pain.

Barb Let Go.

Riff Rubbed His Nose.

Barb Moved Riff's Hand And Kissed Riff's Big Nose For A Quick Second.

Barb Ran Back To Her Dad.

Riff Felt His Nose And Blushed, Feeling Happy.

Val Reacted.

"That's The Second Time She Did That"
Riff Said.

"Second? When Was The First?"
Val Questioned.

"Gotta Look Back At Season 5-"
Riff Replied.


King Quincy And Queen Essence Came Out The Vibe City Ship On A Bubble And Down In Trollstopia.

King Quincy Called Out.

Queen Essence Called Out Too.

Prince D, Cooper And Rachel Came From Around The Corner.

The 3 Greet.

"Listen We Know You 3 Were Really Wanting One Of Us To Be Your Hug For Hug Day"
Queen Essence Said.

"So We Came With A Solution"
King Quincy Said.

"Naw Naw, That's Okay"
Prince D Interrupted.

"We Came Up With Our Own Solution!"
Cooper Said.

"You Did?"
King Quincy And Queen Essence Say Confused.

Rachel Nods.
"Uh Huh! You Two Should Hug For Hug Day!"

"We Talked And Realized How Lowkey Wrong It Was For Making Ya'll Decide Between The 3 Of Us"
Prince D Said.

"So We Thought We'd But You Both Priority's First! 😁"
Cooper Grinned.

"Wow Guys"
King Quincy Chuckled.

"That's A Very Mature Choice You Came Up With"
Queen Essence Said.

"We're Proud Of Each One Of You, But Who Will Guys Hug For Hug Day Then?"
King Quincy Asked.

Rachel Scoffs.
"Pfff- We're Kidsssss! Sure We'll Figure It Out One Way Or Anoth-"

Rachel Turned Around And Prince D & Cooper Were Already Hugging.

"Wowwww ._____. Ya'll Really Gonna Do Me Like That"
Rachel Sassed.

Tiny Walked Over Smoothly.
"Ya Knowww Lil Momma, I Still Haven't Hugged My Daddy Yet Sooo I'm Available~"

Rachel Looked Down At Tiny.

Tiny's Eyes Went Cutesy.

Rachel Sighed With A Smirk.
"Aight, Cmon"

Tiny Squealed Like A Girl And Clinged Onto Rachel's Leg.

Rachel Snickers.
"Boy, You Crazy"


~At Poppy's Pod~

Branch And Queen Lavender Were At Poppy's Porch, Knocking On The Door.

Branch Shouted.

"You've Avoided Us Alll Day For Too Long!"
Queen Lavender Said.

"TIME TO COME OUTTT- Ugghh! Cmon Seriously?!"
Branch Said.

"We Checked Everywhere, Maybe She's Hiding At Area 51"
Squeakles Said.

"You As A Mouse Shouldn't Know Where That Is"
Queen Lavender Said.

Squeakles Shrugged.
"Eh, When Life Gives Ya Lemons 🍋"

"Okay Now I'm Aggravated"
Branch Crossed His Arms.

Poppy Came From Down Below.
"Guysss, I'm Down Here"

Both Shout And Swung Down.

Both Asked At The Same Time.

"I Know I've Been Dodging You Guys All Hug Day, And I'm Sorry"
Poppy Said.

"Well Why Have Ya!"
Branch Crossed His Arms.

"And The Truth"
Queen Lavender Added.

Poppy Sighed.
"Well, All Day....I've Been Pressured Of Which One Of You I Wanted To Hug For Hug Day"

Both Say Confused.

"Branch, Our First Hug Day Got Messed Up By Keith And Never Shared A Hug Day Hug"
Poppy Said.

Keith Shouted.

"And Mom, I Never Ever Once Shared A Hug Day Hug With You My Whole Life. And I've Always Wanted To"
Poppy Said.

Squeakles Said.

"So Through Some Wise Thought, I Thought Of A Solution That Would Be A Fair Choice"
Poppy Said.

"And That Is?"
Branch Raised His Eyebrow.

".....You Two Should Hug"
Poppy Gestures.

Branch And Queen Lavender Looked at Each Other.

"Cmonnn Guyssss. Neither Of You Ever Had A Hug Day Hug Before. And I've Had PLENTYYY Of Hug Day Hugs. So Two Beginners Should Share One Together"
Poppy Explained.

Branch And Queen Lavender Smiled At That.

"Plus, They'll Be Other Hug Days Where I Get To Hug You Guys Soooo Balances Out"
Poppy Winked.

"Wow, That Actually Sounds Rather Okay"
Branch Shrugged With A Smile.

"As A Queen, I Make The Tough Decisions, But With Optimism....I Can Make Them Work Out Just Fine"
Poppy Patted Her Heart.

"So Proud Of You Sweetie"
Queen Lavender Ruffled Poppy's Hair Again.

Poppy Giggles And Fixes Her Hair.

Poppy Gestures.

Branch And Queen Lavender Shrug, And Hugged Each Other Lovingly.

Poppy Smiled Heartwarmed.

Squeakles Hopped On Poppy's Shoulder.
"Like The First Ever Son-In-Law And Mother-In-Law Hug"

"I Know Right"
Poppy Whispered.

"Oh! Also Poppy, Here. Forgot To Give You This Earlier"
Branch Handed Poppy A Note.

Poppy Took The Note.

Branch Winked And Walked Away.

Queen Lavender And Squeakles Followed.

"Was It A Horny Note?"
Squeakles Asked.

Poppy Opened The Note And Read It.

Poppy Giggles.
"What A Loveable Dork"


~Later At Night~

Back At The Trollstopia Hospital, Poppy Came Over By To Check On Her Dad.

Poppy Knocked On The Door.
"Heyyyy Dad"

"Hello Honey! How Was Hug Day?"
King Peppy Waved With A Ice Cream In His Hand.

"Not Our Typical Hug Day, But Actually Turned Out Great! How Ya Feelin?"
Poppy Asked.

"Much Better, They Gave Me 3 Pounds Of Vitamin Glitter"
King Peppy Said.

"Ooo, 3 Pounds? Won't That Make Your Drowsy?"
Poppy Questioned.

"Oh Nah. I'm Just It's Just Benefits My- 💤💤💤💤"
King Peppy Fell Asleep In His Ice Cream Cone.

Poppy Giggles And Turned Over To The Window.

Poppy Went And Looked Out The Window To See The View Of The Night.

The Rest Of The Trolls Were Giving Out Their Final Hugs To Their Hug Day Partners.

Poppy Rested Her Arms On The Window And Smiled.

Poppy Broke Into A Heartwarming Song.
🎵 What the world needs
now is love~ 🎵

🎵 Sweeeeet love~🎵

🎵 It's the only thing that
there's just too little of~🎵

🎵 What the world needs
now is love~🎵

🎵 Sweeeeet love~🎵

🎵 Not just for some
but for everyoneeeee~🎵

🎵 We don't need
another dispute-🎵

🎵 There are corn fields and
wheat fields enough to grow~🎵

🎵 There are sunbeams and moonbeams enough to shineee~🎵

🎵 Oh listen,
if you want to knowwww!🎵

🎵 What the world needs
now is love!🎵

🎵 Sweeeet love~🎵

🎵 It's the only thing that
there's just too little of~🎵

🎵 What the world needs
now is love~🎵

🎵 Sweeeeet love~🎵

🎵 Not just for some
but for every, everyoneee~🎵

🎵 Oooooh Love-🎵

🎵 Oooooh Love-🎵

💗  Sweeeeet love~ 💗

Poppy Rested Her Head On The Window, Smiling Up At The Moon, That She Visioned A Heart Shape, Full Of Love. ❤

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

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