Chapter 15

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~Later On~

The Trolls Followed Frond To Another Nearby Mini Waterfall.

The Trolls Gasp.

"This Is What I Like To Call, Vibin' Waters"
Frond Presented.

"Sounds Complicated"
Riff Said.

"Yeahhhh, But Hey. The Island Providesss"
Frond Smirked.

"So Wise Man 😣"
Tiny Sniffs.

"Well, Go On In!"
Frond Stepped Aside.

The Trolls Quickly Ran To The Waterfall And Jumped In.

Barb And Carol Were About To Jump In.

Frond Stopped Them.
"Bah Bah Bah-"

Carol Pouted.

"What Gives Dude??"
Barb Put Her Hand On Her Hips.

"You Girls Might Find This Steam Pond Much Relaxin~"
Frond Winked.

Carol Said Confusedly.

Frond Pointed To A Mini Lake With Steam Coming Out, Like A Hot Tub.

Barb And Carol Say.

"So Like A Hot Tub?"
Barb Said.

"Ah, A Island Hot Tub"
Frond Corrected.

Barb Said.

Frond Correct.

Barb Hopped In The Steaming Lake.

Barb Sat Down, Feeling Good.

Carol Sat Down As Well.
"Ahhh~ Feels Niceeee"

Frond Chuckles.
"The Island Provides"

"That- Will Never Get Old!"
Biggie Shouted.

"Hey Where's Trollex?"
Guy Wondered.

"Oh, He's By The Beach. He Wanted To  See If He Can Find Patricks Rock Down In The Ocean"
Riff Told Them.

"But, Isn't Patrick Fictional?"
Guy Said.

"I Know Right, Some Trolls Can Be Such Idiots"
Riff Picked His Nose.

Hickory Blinked.
"Oh The Irony...."

Poppy Sat On A Tree Branch, Over The Water.

"Wow! Can't Believe This Island Had So Much To Offer!"
Poppy Said.

Frond Swung And Sat Next To Her.
"Cause It Provided All This Tropical Exploring! Who Wouldn't Wanna Check This Place Out?"

Poppy Giggles.
"Welll I Know A Certain Troll Who Wouldn't..."

Frond Looked Up Her.
"Really? Who?"

(Edit By OpefuLee)

Poppy Thought About Branch.

"Is It Tarzan?"
Frond Asked.

Poppy Replied.

"Hmmm....Ooh! Squidward!"
Frond Guessed.

"Mm Mm"
Poppy Shook Her Head.

"Uhhh.......Chicken Little? 😁"
Frond Guessed Again.

"I Don't Even Know Who That Is"
Poppy Replied.

Frond Shrugs.
"Me Either-"

"OHHHHHH- Is It This Branch Guy You All Keep Calling Me?"
Frond Asked.

Poppy Said.

"Wow, Sounds Like A Real Bummer Guy"
Frond Chuckled.

"He's Really Not! He's Really Sweet, Kind, Handsome, Thoughtful.....And Makes Me Happier Than Anyone Else In The World"
Poppy Sighed With A Smile.

Frond Got Suspiciously Jealous.
"Oh Does He Now -.-"

Poppy Nods.

"Hmm....Then I Will Show You Can I Am Better Than This Branch Fellow!"
Frond Vowed.

"But Branch!"
Poppy Said.

Frond Corrected.

"Frond, You Don't Need To! Just Be Yourself!....Even If You Aren't Yourself..."
Poppy Frowned.

Frond Blinks.

"Ya Know What, Forget I Said Anything"
Poppy Said.

Frond Held Poppy's Hand.
"Don't Worry My Island Princess, I'll Show You The Troll You Deserve"

Frond Stroked Poppy's Cheek.

Poppy Blushed A Bit.

"Actually, I Don't Need To! Ya Know Whyyyyy?"
Frond Nudged Her.

Poppy Blinked.
"Are You Gonna Say-"

Frond Hopped Up.

"....Yeah .__."
Poppy Said.

"Ths Island Provided You Me! And So Did Your Heart"
Frond Kissed Her Hand.

Poppy Giggled A Bit.
"Aw, That Sounds Like Something Brannnnnn......"

Frond Raised His Eyebrow.

"....nnnnnn-FROND! Would Say! HAHAHA"
Poppy Fake Laughed.

"You Confuse Me Beautiful Poppy, But! You Confuzzled Mind Could Never Cover Up Your Gorgeous Features"
Frond Winked.

"You Have A Way With Words Huh"
Poppy Said.

Frond Grabbed A Vine And Swung Up In The Air.

Poppy Rolled Her Eyes Playfully And Watched Frond Swing Away.

Poppy Felt Something In Her Hair And Took It Out.

It Was Another One Of Branch's Captain Hat She Yeeted, But Kept It Back.

Poppy Frowns A Bit, Missing The Old Branch.


~Meanwhile On The Cruise~

A Fog Misted Through The Air, As The Cruise Flowed In It.

All The Trolls Stayed On The Main Deck, Looking Out For Any Wormholes To Appear.

"Ain't No One Spot A Wormhole Yet?"
Delta Asked.

"It's Too Foggy"
Trollzart Blew Some Fog Away.

"Maybe The Fog Is A Sign That A Wormquake Might Occur"
Queen Essence Said.

"Everyone Keep Your Eyes Pealed"
King Quincy Told Everyone.

Apsen Tried Pealing His Eye Lid.
"OW! DAH-"

Wani Sneakily Tip Toes Over To Tresillo, Giggling.

Wani Pinched Tresillo's Cheek And Quickly Turned Away.

Tresillo Turned Away.

Wani Glared At Kim-Petit.
"Kimmy! Why Would You Do That -.-"

Kim-Petit Stood Innocently.
"But I Didnt Do Anything..."

"Yeah Sure, That's What They All Say"
Wani Crossed Her Arms.

Tresillo Rolled His Eyes And Turned Back Around.

"Would You Ladies Shhh!"
Chaz Shushed.

Ari And Gomdori Smashed Ice Cream In Chaz's Face.

"Awe Darn..."
Chaz Looked Down.

The K-Pop Gang Giggles.

"This Is No Time To Fool Around! We Need To Be Ready For Any Wormhole"
King Peppy Told Them.

Smidge Tried To Steer The Ship Out The Fog.

Smidge Looked Up Ahead.
"Still No Wormhole! Or Wormquake For That Matter"

Fuzzbert Walked To Smide And Made Noises, Asking Where To Take A Hair-Dump.

"Not Now Fuzzbert! I'm Not Hungry For Chocolate"
Smidge Replied.

Fuzzbert Slowly Walked Away To Poop.

"No Wormholes On The Map Legs?"
Smidge Asked.

Legsly Shook Her Head.
"Nope, Just Lots Of Water"

Smidge Groans.
"Ughhh....We'll Never Find Poppy And The Others At This Rate!"

"Nothing Other Than This Big Swirly Rainbow Hole Thing On The Map-"
Legsly Said.

Smidge Blinked And Slowly Turned Her Head To Legsly.

Smidge Said.

"Yessss? 😊"
Legsly Replied.

Smidge Inhales.
"...............................THAT'S WHAT A WORMHOLE IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Legsly Felt Stupid.

"OH MY GAH!!!"
Smidge Snatched The Map.

"We're Heading Right Towards It! We Just Need To Sail The Ship Straight Forward!"
Smidge Said.

"Am I Fire As Navigator?"
Legsly Asked.

Smidge Nods.
"Yes....Yes You Are"

Legsly Frowned.

"Not Unless You Do That Thing I Like-"
Smidge Said.

Legsly Grew Her Legs And Bounced Up And Down.

"tEehEe, Love That. You're Hired Again"
Smidge Said.

"Yay! :D"
Legsly Cheered.

Smidge Got On The Mic.

"You Heard Smidge! Lets Move!"
King Peppy Said.

"I Miss Barbaraaaa..."
King Thrash Said.

"I Know, She'll Be Back!"
King Peppy Rolled King Thrash Away.

"I Have Moley Feet..."
King Thrash Said.

The Trolls Rush And Go Somewhere To Hold On.

"Hold Me?"
Cooper Asked.

"Only If You Hold Me Back Man"
Prince D Said.

Cooper And Prince D Hold Each Other.

Suddenly, A Giant Wormhole Opened Up In Front Of The Ship.

The Trolls Gasp.

"........................w h o a"
Clampers Said Shooketh.

Smidge Shouted.

Smidge Steered The Cruise Ship Towards The Giant Wormhole.

King Peppy Sighed.
"Please Be Here Poppy..."

The Cruise Ship Sailed Into The Wormhole Slowly And Went Inside It Fully.

The Trolls Screamed As They Entered.

The Wormhole Closed Shut.

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