Brozne: ☁️ with a chance of 🫂

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It is Hug Day in Troll Village. A Troll couple looks at each other.

"Ah!"They hug each other. The camera moves around see some Trolls hugging and putting up balloons.

Poppy in her Hug Day dress and Branch appear to explain information about Hug Day to some Trolls.

"Now, can anyone tell me why we celebrate Hug Day?"

"Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh! No"

"Well, we Trolls hug so much, it's easy to forget how powerful hugs can be"

"Hence, "For the whole day, Trolls may only give or receive one hug from another Troll."

"That's what I was gonna say! I'm gonna save my one hug for my dad"

"Well, don't take too long guys, You only get one, no matter who starts it. So, if there's someone special you want to hug, you should work up the courage to ask them, before they hug someone else" He looks at Poppy.

"Uh... Why are you looking at her when you're talking to me?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Yeah, why, Branch?"

"Uh... I got to go" He runs to his door to the hideout and goes inside.

"He's weird. Maybe I should give him my hug" Branch walks over to spruce who was knitting. Then he sits in his chair.

"I know, I should just ask Poppy if she'll give me her hug, but I'm nervous, OK?"

"What's there to be nervous about little bro all you have to do is go out there and say "poppy I like you can we hug" and boom" spruce says.

"It's not as simple as that spruce" branch says.

"What's going on now" John shows up.

"Nothing" branch pouts.

"Branch is having trouble trying to ask poppy to hug him" spruce says.

"Spruce!" branch was annoyed.

"Oh that's all" John says then clay came in.

"ok what happened did he got turned down" Clay says.

"Chicken out is more like it" spruce says.

"Ok branch all you got to do is-" Clay tries to help when Floyd came in.

"I know what to do it's just...I'm anxious she might not like me anymore"

"And how wouldn't love you, you're great"Floyd says.

"Thanks guys, but I don't think it's gonna help me work up the courage to talk to poppy" branch sulked

"Trouble in paradise?" A mysterious voice says.

"Who said that?" Brmach asked.

"It was..." it was cloud guy as he slowly appears behind a bowl of fruit.

"Oh, please no" John groan.

"You got to be kidding me" Clay whines.

"Oh great" spruce sighs.

"Here we go again" Floyd was annoyed.

"Me" He kisses Branch and jumps onto John's lap, "Nice to see you. How you been? Your cave is looking lovely as usual"

"Hey Cloud Guy, how you been" branch smiles.

"how'd you get in here?" John grabs him,

"I'm a cloud. I seep in anywhere" He goes through Branch's ear and takes out some pliers.

"Creepy" spruce says.

"Kidding. I broke in" He gets out of Branch's ear and puts down the pliers.

"Ok now that's just crossing a line" Clay says.

"Ooh, by the by, you got some crazy stuff in here. Like this" He takes out a book.

"Don't" John takes the book back.

Cloud Guy Holding a bowling ball, "And this"

"Stop" Clay puts the bowling ball back in its place.

Cloud Guy Holding a trophy, "Ooh, and also this" He throws the trophy onto their face.

"Cut it out" spruce grunts and John grabs Cloud Guy.

"What do you want exactly?" Floyd crosses his arms

Cloud Guy Turning around with a thin neck from being held by Branch.

"Jeeze, no small talk? Fine. I need advice on women. I met a special lady friend"

"There are cloud girls?" Beanxh was curious.

"Of course. Where do you think baby clouds come from?"

"Oh I don't know, Water vapor condensing around microscopic pieces of dust?" Clay says.

"And they say I'm the funny one" cloud guy squeezes Clay's cheeks.

"Anywhoozle, I was hoping you'd teach me some moves to sweep my lady off her feet" He says to spruce, hetakes out another book and many pages stick out.

"Me?!" Spruce asked.

"Don't be coy, lover boy. I know that inside that grumpy, unattractive exterior is the soul of a poet. Plus you are the heartthrob"

"I-I guess you're right"

"Of course I am" He forces spruce's mouth open and sticks his hand inside. "And taquitos" He takes out a taquito.


Cloud Guy Throwing away the taquito, "Apparently. So, Romeo, ready to light this candle? Do this like Brutus? All systems go on project moi?"

"No" spruce says as John grabs Cloud Guy with his hair and drags him off.

"Not... how I saw... this... going..." He grabs a table leg.

"How are your legs attached?" John asked.

"Now if you don't mind I need to help my little brother's problems" spruce wraps his arm around branch.

"Problem you say" he seep by and gets in front of branch.

"So what's the problem" cloud guy asked.

"It's nothing" branch frowns sadly.

"Thea it's nothing so just go away do whatever it is you Floyd do" John shoots cloud guy and pulls branch away but cloud guy gets between.

"Nothing you say"

"Hey!" John gets offended.

"Could it be perhaps a girl problem, like oh I don't know a ping hair positive peppy troll, a queen perhaps"

"How-how did you" branch made a nervous look.

"Well it's quite obvious branch, you have a crush on her" cloud guy says.

Branch looks around the room to see his brothers agreed.

Branch sighs then he sits down, "so what's bothering you branch" cloud guy says.

"It's just poppy, I want to give her my hug but how can I, she's a queen and I'm just a boy band singer"

"That's not true you are so much more than that" John says then everyone muttered in agreement.

"You can't ignore her forever branch, you always had it out for her, since what you were a kid"

"I know but I'm so nervous kinda reminds me the time when I first met her"

"Ohh a story, I'll make coffees" cloud guy claps as everyone gathers to hear the story.

"Oh no you don't, the only thing you are making is the door" John grabs cloud guy, throws him out the door.

But when he shuts it, he was startled to see cloud guy with a tray of coffee.

"Coffee's ready guys"

"It all started after a show, the guys went to relax and I was chasing a butterfly when I met her"

A flashback starts with after the show, young John Dory, spruce, Clay and Floyd were heading inside their troll pod when bitty b was following behind but when he sees a butterfly flying by.

He laughs and follows it trying to catch it, "don't be far branch" Floyd shouts.

"Ok" branch laughs but as he almost catches the butterfly.

He hear someone giggling, he looks up to see poppy far away playing with her friends, bitty b was enchanted by her cuteness.

As he continues to stare at her then she turns towards his direction.

Which made him panicked, he ran and hides behind a tree hyperventilating, young poppy was curious but shuts and went back playing, once the coast was clear, he looks back at her and smiles.

The next day, branch was with spice taking a walk in the village.

When something caught his eye, then spruce finds branch gone.

"Branch? Branch? Bitty b? Where'd you go?"

Spruce goes looking for him, "branch where are you? Come on or John is gonna get mad at me"

Then he spots branch looking at something or someone.

"There you are hurry b, you scared me come on let's go...bitty b? You ok"

But he looks at saw that branch was looking at poppy.

"Ooh, you have a crush on poppy" spruce teases him.

"What? No I don't" branch denied it.

"Aw that is to cute, hey guys bitty b has a crush on princess poppy"

But as he kicks branch, he sees branch was frowning.

"What's wrong bitty b" spruce stops and was concerned.

"I don't think she'll like me"

Spruce felt bad then he helps branch, gives him a flower and pushes him towards poppy.

"What are you going?" Branch panicked.

"I'm helping you get to talk to poppy, go on little bro you got this" spruce supported him.

Branch tries to talk to poppy but the RJ he got so nervous and scared that he ran away in fear.

Poppy turns to see a flower on the ground she picks it up and spruce facepalms himself.

He finds branch hiding in a tree shaking, "come on branch you have to talk to her" spruce says.

"I can't I'm so scared"

Then spruce starts thinking, "I know what could help"

Later on during a show, the guys decided to help branch with poppy.

Young poppy was impressed but after the show king peppy picks up poppy.

"Alright poppy let's go, say goodbye"

"Bye bye" she waves.

Branch waves then he gets playful smirks from his brothers ending the flashback.

"So that is why I can't get poppy to like me more then a friend"

"Nonsense my pop boy troll, I know how to get poppy to hug you" cloud guy says.

"What would you know about romance" Clay asked.

"Branch don't listen to him he's just a head full of cloud" John says, "all you need to do is"

"And what would you know about swooning girls if anything I'm the heartthrob" spruce says.

"Oh I know more romance then you ever do, all you do is try to woo the ladies"

"Hello, I'm the heartthrob man, that's literally the point"

As spruce and John argues, cloud guy muttered to branch.

"Come on, I know how you can win poppy" so the two left.

"Guys guys, please we have to let branch talk to poppy his way, so branch all you need to do is" Floyd sees he was gone, "branch? Branch? Where are you?"

"Dang it, cloud guy must've got him" John grunts.

"Come on let's go" they rest follow

Keith is Hiding in a bush, "That's it, Branch. Enjoy yourself, all the while never suspecting you're about to be hugged"

Branch and Cloud Guy arrive at the village. Cloud Guy floats up and picks a rose and hands it to branch then he pushes branch.

"Come on big guy"

"No wait I'm not ready"

"Aha! (As Cloud Guy walks away, Branch faints. Meanwhile, Poppy is feeling a mushroom. Just then, she sees branch who is nervous and cloud guy pulling on his arm.

"Hey guys what's up, whoa branch are you ok" she asked.

"Yeah He's probably just excited for Hug Day. Speaking of which, what's your status, Gladys?"

"Um, I haven't hugged yet"

"Interesting. Branch don't you have something to say to poppy"

" well-I-uh-You're the most important person in my life! But I was so scared you'd said no, so will you...hug me"

"CLOUD GUY!" Brozone appears looking furious.

"When I get my hands on-" John grunts.

"Why would I say no? I was gonna ask you." Poppy says.

"You were?!" Branch was surprised

You were?" Brozone was surprised then Cloud Guy claps slowly.

"Way to finally put it out there, pal. I knew you needed a little motivation. You are welcome"

"Wait, what? So all This was all a trick?! You son of a-" John was furious but branch stops him.

"John no, thank you"

"Thank you? Are you serious right now"

"Well why not"

"Why not? He tricked you" spruce says.

"Yeah but he also helped me too thank you cloud guy is there anyway I can repay you"

"You can owe me one, water gun" He sprays Branch with water.

"Ok so poppy, ready for that hug" he asked and as Poppy and Branch get ready to hug each other.

"Huh? What the?" He sees Keith hugging him in the legs.


"Oh. Now your hug is gone"

"Ha ha! Better luck next time, pal" cloud guy squawks like a bird.

"Alright that it get him" John shouts and brozone but branch chased after him.

"AH!" Cloud guy panics and branch goes to stop them.

"Guys wait!"

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