Brozone:forgiveness and betrays

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"How could you do this me" branch snapped at her.

"I never wanted to have kids, do you know how much I have to sacrifice, all those party I have to give up, I don't wanna give up everything and have to slow down for a baby"

"Poppy we all have to make sacrifices, I'm gonna leave the band to raise our daughter"

"I never wanted a baby, I always thought I would have a easy free life"

"Poppy please ever since I was left alone, all I ever wanted was to have my family back and I can have that, I can have what was taken from me"

"I don't want be a mother I'm not ready"

"Well I wanna keep the baby, I wanna start a family, please poppy you said it yourself we were in this together, please don't be like my parents don't abandon this baby too" he holds his hand out to her.

"I'm sorry branch but I don't want the baby, I think we should give it away"

"What no way, you can't be serious"

"I can't have a baby slow me down, I'm not ready for that leap yet"

"Poppy I gave birth to this baby it my decision, you need to take responsibility"

"Fine then branch you're just gonna have to chose, it's me or the baby"

Branch and his brothers and dad were shocked by this, "so that's how it's gonna be here" branch says.

"You have a chose branch, I'm not not be a mother"

"Alright fine then...I chose the baby"

"What?" She was shocked.

"Poppy I'm not gonna let you make the same mistake my parents made"

"Are you serious gonna chose a baby over me"

"Well since you think having a baby is so horrible, maybe we shouldn't be together"


"Poppy this baby needs you"

"Well I don't need the baby or you" but then she crossed a line.

Branch felt hurt, then Clay stands by his side, "viva talk to your sister"

But viva looks at poppy and was concerned, "I'm sorry Clay but poppy is my sister I need to stand by her side, I say we get rid of the baby"

"Branch is my brother, to which I'm also standing by his side, if he wants to keep the baby let him, hits his body, his baby and his decision, poppy needs to take that responsibility and raise this baby"

"I don't want a baby" poppy says.

"Well I want the baby" branch says.

After a brief moment, king peppy watched he was ashamed of poppy.

"You know poppy, if you don't want to raise this baby, fine, I'm raise her myself without you, like I always have" branch turns around and walks out towards a jungle.

"What? Branch" poppy was heartbroken.

Then he turns towards her, "consider the wedding off, I can marry a girl who won't love her own baby, why don't you find someone else who won't have kids with you"

"Branch" poppy frowns.

Floyd puts his arm around him for comfort, then Clay pulls off his friendship bracelet.

"Here's your stupid bracelet back, consider our friendship over viva" Clay went to join them.

"Clay" viva was horrified.

John ran, he puts his hand over branch, when he looks back at poppy, he shook his head in disappointment and glared at her while looking back at branch.

Then Bruce looks at poppy while going to join him, "you don't deserve him"

Rhythm saw how upset the boys were, after the whole drama, poppy sits with viva by her side.

Then they look up to see peppy looking sad, "oh poppy"

She thought he would cheer her up but then, "I'm so disappointed in you" he says.

"What? Dad?"

"How could you abandon your own child like that" peppy says.

"Dad I thought you would be on my side"

"I just don't want you to make the same mistake just like your mother"

"What are you talking about dad" poppy asked as she had her sister were clueless.

"Ok, many years ago before you were born, when we had viva, we loved her but-"

A flashback plays of poppy being born as an egg, viva hugged the egg as she loved her, peppy smiled.

"You were born and we loved you but your mother didn't wanted you"

Peppy looks up at the queen but all he saw her frowning.

"She wanted to abandon you, so I forced to choose between you or her, so i chose you and your mother walked out on us"

The old queen left with peppy holding poppy after she hatched and viva had a sorrowful look, ending the flashback.

"So you see poppy, I don't want you to make the same mistake as your mother, please poppy don't be like your poppy"

As poppy was trying to progress this, branch was deep in the jungle, he sits on a log with his brothers besides him try to comfort him, he holds the egg cradling her, he was upset.

Then he puts the egg back in his hair and pulls out glitter candy popcorn eating them.

"I don't know what I'm gonna do you guys, I don't know if I can do this in my own" branch cries.

"Don't worry branch we're here for you man" John pats his back.

"Yeah you don't need her" Clay added.

"We'll help you raise the baby, together" Floyd says causing branch to look up and smile.


"Of course, we're brothers, it's what we do we look after each other" John says.

But then branch's face expression changes, "didn't you guys tell me the truth about mom and dad, I would've handled it ok" he asked.

"We didn't wanted you to think it was your fault that they left" John says.

"Because it wasn't, you matter to us, and you know what we were better off without them" Floyd says.

"Yeah look were it brought us" Clay says.

"Come on branch, I'll tell you about the joys of child birth, sure it ain't easy and yes it can be painful I should know, I done it 13 times, and they were really big" Bruce cries about the pain childbirth he gave causing branch to laugh.

"Is that why your hair is so big" branch teased and they all laugh.

"Whatever" Bruce laughs.

But then the moment was ruined when their dad approached them, looking concerned.

"Do you mind dad" Bruce stares at him, they were still mad.

But rhythm sits next to branch, pulling the others about.

"Hey" clay and Floyd says.

Then rhythm rubs branch's cheeks and branch smiles warmly at him.

Then his hand moves up to his hair and he takes out the egg which the brothers got mad.


"Dad you give branch's baby right now" John growls.

But then they saw how he was cradling the egg, "I remember when you were born, you were just a baby, I remember when I held you in my arms, you were so small, branch I know I made terrible mistakes"

"You got that right" Clay looked crossed.

"Guys" branch shush them.

"But if I could back I would, I would've told you how much I loved you, you all meant everything to me"

Branch could see their father did care, "I think we should forgive them" says branch.

"WHAT!" His brothers were shocked.

"Are you kidding me branch, after what we just told you, you still wanna forgive them?" John asked.

"Yes, sure they tried to abandon me but they're here now and let's not forget you guys walked out on me too remember, but if I can forgive you guys, then we can forgive them too"

Branch hugs his dad, then Floyd walks over, "ok but I'm only gonna forgive you dad just because branch does" he hugs him.

"Ugh, I guess I can forgive you too" Bruce hugs him.

"Well, if branch forgives him, so can I" Clay says as he hugs in.

John was surprised, "what-but what about baby branch-they tried to abandon him" John muttered.

Then he saw rhythm smiling at him, he opens his arms for him.

Then John's eyes get watery and he ran hugging them all.

"I FORGIVE YOU DAD" John cries.

Melody shows up and sees the family hug, "aw, family hug" she joins in and the boys hug her.

Poppy saw and she smiles, "aw, hug time" she ran to join in.

But the boys block her with their hair, keeping her back since they were still mad.

"Not you" they said.

She felt bad about the fight but was happy that branch and his family made peace...but trouble was brewing.

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