Brozone: harmony

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"Boys what are you doing, I'm trying to save the harmony"

"Save it mom, we already know the truth, you don't want save harmony you want to destroy it" branch says.

"Yeah are nuts mom" John says.

"Get out my way boys, I come so far to get where I need to be and I'm not gonna let you ruin it" she showed her true colors.

"But no what about us, I thought we could be a family again" branch says.

"Did you really think I wanted to be a mother or that I cared about you boys, I never wanted you or five sons, I'm finally got get my revenge on the trolls who vanished starting with you king peppy, you're gonna watch as I destroy your kingdom and no one is gonna stop me"

Branch felt betray but then he became stern, "I might be able to stop you but this will"

"Huh?" She turned to see the boys holding hands then they started singing the key destroying the prism.

They were singing a a cappella of somewhere only we know.

Branch: I walked across an empty land
I knew the pathway like the back of my hand
I felt the earth beneath my feet
Sat by the river and it made me complete
Oh, simple thing where have you gone
I'm getting old and I need something to rely on
So tell me when you're gonna let me in
I'm getting tired and I need somewhere to begin

The notes on inscription wall stated to glow, surrounding the boys then to the prism, trying to break it.

"NO!" Melody panicked then she continued singing louder.

The force of the siren song pushed them back but they stand their ground.

Branch/John: I came across a fallen tree

Clay/bruce: I felt the branches of it looking at me

Floyd: Is this the place we used to love
Is this the place that I've been dreaming of

Viva/poppy: Oh, simple thing where have you gone

Branch: I'm getting old and I need something to rely on So tell me when you're gonna let me in
I'm getting tired and I need somewhere to begin

But Melody voice was stronger, it send them all flying down, rhythm watches, he was terrified but he knew what to do.

He approached and started singing: And if you have a minute why don't we go Talk about it somewhere only we know?

Melody was in horrible but branch looked up and smiled he was proud for his dad standing up to Melody.

"Rhythm what are you doing" Melody asked.

"Dad" branch gets up.

"I couldn't stop your mother before. But I can stop her now"

"Rhythm you're ruining everything we worked hard for"

"No, it's what you worked hard for,for years I let you ruin my life, but I'm not gonna let you ruin the boys lives"

Rhythm takes branch's hand and the others joined in, "so be it" Melody sang louder.

Branch/rhythm: This could be the end of everything
So why don't we go Somewhere only we know?
Somewhere only we know? Somewhere only we know

But soon Melody was being overpowered, the force pushed her down.

"AH!" She lols up and she saw the prism was cracking.

All: And if you have a minute why don't we go
Talk about it somewhere only we know?
This could be the end of everything
So why don't we go
So why don't we go
And if you have a minute why don't we go
Talk about it somewhere only we know?
This could be the end of everything
So why don't we go
Somewhere only we know?

The prism fell on the ground, it was about to shatter, Melody panicked and ran to it.


"MELODY DON'T" rhythm tries to warn her.

Branch: Somewhere only we know?
Somewhere only we know?

But on that last vocal, when she touched it, it shattered and light glowed and she vanquished to glitter.

When the prism exploded, it exploded into a glittery fireworks, the boys were amazed by the raining glitter.

"Wow" Bruce says.

Floyd catch a few In his hand, Clay looks up above and John stands side by side with branch.

"Who knew something so dangerous could be so beautiful" Bruce says.

"Tell me about it" Clay says.

"Uh guys" Floyd points and they see their dad was by the spot where Melody was incinerated by the prism.

He holds the shattered remains of the prism then he started crying.

The boys exchanged looks then branch ran up to his dad, grabbing his shoulder.

Rhythm rubs his eyes and looks at his sons who smiled, they truly forgave him.

"It's ok dad, you have us" branch reminded him that he wasn't truly alone.

"Thank you boys" he gets up and they all embrace in a hug.

Then blew felt poppy touching him, "branch, I want to have the baby's with you but the truth is, I'm afraid I won't be a good mother like your mom or my mom, what if the baby won't like me"

"Well Sometimes life is like taking a giant leap, you won't know what will happen if you won't try it" branch takes her hand.

Then picks up the map along with the shattered prism and gives it to crescenda.

"I think this belongs to you"

"Thank you, I was left or guard the prism and it's thanks to you, our world can rest easy, take care now" she hops on her bike and takes off.

All was forgiven but then rhythm touched his hair, "uh branch?"

"Yeah dad"

"I don't mean to alarm but the egg is hatching" he reveals the cracking egg.

Everyone starts to panic, "what now" poppy panicked.

"Ok no need to panic no need to panic, cam down king peppy your stressing everyone out" John says but king peppy was calm.

"The only one panicking is you John" Clay says.

"Is it getting hot in here I fell like it's getting hot in her" John then fainted.

Branch laughs but Floyd and Clay rolled their eyes and Bruce pulls John up and slaps his face around.

"Pull yourself together" Bruce says.

"What do I do what do I do" poppy was hyperventilating.

But branch takes her hand as viva gives Clay his friendship bracelet back.

"It's ok poppy, you got this, you don't have to worry just be here for our baby" branch says.

Poppy nodded then as the egg continued to crack, everyone leans in closer then the egg hatched, everything when pitch black with the sounds of a baby troll babbling.

Time passed and it was the wedding day for beach and poppy.

Poppy walks down the aisle, brozone sat together crying.

"I'm so proud of him" Floyd says.

"So am I" John says then he burst into tears as Clay blew his nose and Bruce wipes his eyes, Floyd was annoyed by their crying outburst considering he's the sensitive one but he waves at branch who smiles back.

Then once poppy and branch joined hands, the preacher says.

"You may now kiss the bride"

Poppy and bench kissed, everyone cheered for them, gristle and Bridget were their best men and maid of honor, kismet cheered for branch, king peppy sits with rhythm who was holding their daughter.

A teal soon troll with light purple hair with a hint of pink, she giggles and laughs watching their parents.

"I'm so proud of our kids" rhythm pats peppy's back who blows his nose.

"So am I"

During the party, branch and poppy sit together, "well here we are" poppy says.

"Yeah" branch nodded.

"So have you decided what to name our daughter" poppy asked.

"Well I was thinking about naming her after grandma rosiepuff but then I got a better idea"

"What's that?"


"Melody? I like it and I know day she is gonna make a wonderful queen"

Baby Melody was out on the dance floor, zooming in on her face, she smiles.

The end

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