Brozone in: moving on

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"No, no no no no no no" Clay says as John was checking out some of his clothes for branch to wear on his date.

"No way John forget it" Clay says.

"Come on you can't be forget an old classic" John just finished putting on the finishing touches.

The other brothers gathered and they just stared at branch like there was something wrong.

And Clay makes an annoyed look, "but seriously John: sneakers, shorts and a brown and white plush collared vest with brown polka dots, he looks ridiculous"

"Nonsense, ignore him branch, you look great"

Branch felt embarrassed and got a look at himself, he had a weird look.

"Yeah...I don't-" Clay stands next to him looking.

"Yeah I know, it looks terrible" Clay takes it off and he puts on branch a green sweater vest with a white shirt underneath then he licks his hands combing branch's hair.

As he gets a good look, Clay nodded and smiled taking pride in his work.

"Oh yeah, that is nice"

"I don't Clay, it's not really-well not really me, this is more of your style"

"Nonsense man, it's a good look on you, looks great"

Floyd approached, he rolled his eyes, pulls off the vest and puts a leather jacket on branch then he fixes his hat back to normal.

"There we go that's much better, no way Zelda won't say no to this"

"Thanks Floyd" branch smiles.

Then Bruce approaches and he puts a nice flower pin in on branch.

"There we go"

"Ok branch all you need to do is-" John was gonna give him advice when Bruce interrupted.

"Don't listen to him branch, he has no idea what women like, all you need to do is complete her, be a gentle-troll, tell her she's beautiful, but be confident"

"And what would you know about girls" John glares at him.

"When I am the heartthrob" Bruce answered.

"Uh was the heartthrob, you're taken remember"

"Don't listen to them branch, what you need to do is be sensitive, show her your sweet and caring side no women can't resist that" Floyd says.

Then Clay shoves his face out of the way, "you mean show that he's weak no way, alright all you need to do is be cool tell her about your adventures never ever be yourself, on the first date being yourself just causes weirdness in the date-"

Then Bruce interrupted, "don't listen to them branch they have do idea what any of them are talking about"

"Excuse me but I was talking first" clay shouts.

"Was not" John shoved him.

"Was too" Clay shoves back.

Then the guys started bickering it was stressing branch out, then he pulls the jacket off.

"Whoa guys, it's just the date, it's not like I'm asking her to marry me, it's really no big deal" branch gets fitted into a a scaly green coat in iridescent glitter, a silver and white vest, a glittery dark purple bow-tie, and green sparkly pants.

"Nonsense branch, this is a big deal, you're finally moving on that's why this date has to be perfect, it's why I had the restaurant reserved for the both of you, I had it look nice and romantic"

They see a table with rose petals and champagne with candlelight.

"That's real nice Bruce  it really I think I'll just wing it"

"What?" John says the other panicked and they gathered around him.

"Oh no no no no no, you can't just wing it you need to be confident show her you can be serious"

"Oh put a cork in it John you don't know what women want, a girl just wants to feel like she's in the right arms of a strong guy" Clay says.

"Shows what you know about women" John shoves him with his elbow and Clay shoves him back.

"Like you know women better"

Then Bruce comes between them both, "don't listen to them branch, what a girls wants is to feel special to know you care about them"

"Which is why he needs to be sensitive" Floyd says.

"But not too sensitive that'll he'll seem lame" Bruce spat.

Then the guys started arguing then branch starts to get anxious and nervous, till brandy approaches.

"Don't worry branch, just be yourself, girls like it when you stay true to yourself, it'll all work out, trust me, just be you"

"Thanks brandy" branch smiled.

Confident, branch heads downstairs, "thanks guys but I think i can do this on my own, I got this, thanks"

"Huh, right and we'll be here for you"" John says as they all raced downstairs.

But as they followed behind, they were stopped by brandy.

"Oh no, the only place you guys will be staying is upstairs" she pushes them upstairs.

"Aw but honey, he's my brother" Bruce whined.

"And he can handle his date on his own, he's a big boy who can take care of himself without you guys intervening"

They all groaned, as branch heads to the table, he hears wings flapping, he runs outside to see Zelda in a new dress.

"Hey branch, you look great"

"Hey Zelda, you look beautiful tonight" he takes her claw and kisses it.

"Oh such a gentleman or troll"

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Orchestra of I don't wanna live forever played, setting the mood.

Branch and Zelda sat at the table, both sharing stories, had a good meal, laughing.

"So tell me about yourself branch" Zelda asked.

"Well nothing much but I saved my mind form being eaten by bergans, defeated a rock queen who wanted to turn us all into rock zombies and rescued my brothers from two twin frauds who wanted to use their singing for their own selfish purposes"

"Oh wow that's amazing, you're either the bravest troll I have ever met or the craziest"

"Yeah, well I never met as some as interesting as you"

"Yeah it's nice to finally met someone who's caring"

"Yeah it feels nice to go out, i guess it's been awhile"

"So tell me about yourself Zelda, you got to know me, I want to know about you"

"Oh me, there's nothing interesting, I'm just a ordinary foxffin"

Then branch takes her claw in his hand, "come on now, I know there's more to you, your more then just a foxffin, you're really special"

"Oh branch, that's so sweet of you"

Upstairs the guys were eavesdropping and watching as branch stare in Zelda's eyes.

"Uh Zelda, you know I'm gonna be staying here for awhile I was kinda wondering maybe you and I would like to get to know each other"

"Oh really" she seemed intrigued.

Which made the eyes even more excited, "guys, branch is about to make a move" Clay shouts.

"What really?" John looked eager.

" let me see" Bruce says.

"Yeah, I like that" Zelda says, "it would be nice to finally be with someone who wants to hang out with me"

"YES!" Branch looks up when he heard his brothers cheering in excitement.

When they saw him, they tried to act nonchalant then he turns back to Zelda who giggled.

"Let me ask you something branch, do your brothers always get excited whenever you're out on a date"

"Only if they want to be" branch answers and she laughs.

"Now Let me ask you something" branch glanced at her 7 tails.

"Sure what is it?"

"What's with the 7 tails, I mean I'm not judging but I never seen a fox with 7 tails, or a foxffin, if I ever seen one"

"Oh...well you see my tails have feathers on them"

"Oh yeah I see that" he leans closer to see the irradiate feathers glistening, "it's actually quite beautiful"

"Yeah that's because my feathers are special"

"How special?"

"Well, they can grant wishes"

"No way"

"Yeah" the two laughed, "you pluck one and you make a wish and you blow on it, go on give it a try"

She swings one of her tails to him, he gently plucks a feather, makes a wish closing his eyes and blows on it, it flies away.

"What did you wish for" she asked.

"For it to rain" he answered then it started to rain petals, "petals" they laughed.

Then something magical happened, they stared at each other like it was love at first sight, then they raised their glasses and the original song: I don't wanna live forever started to play.

"Here's to a new relationship" branch says, Zelda smiled and they clicked their glasses.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

As the week passed by, branch and Zelda stared to get closer.

In the middle of the song, they were on a yacht, Zelda was driving as branch wrapped his arms around her fur bug neck, they they had a nice dinner together, clicking glasses, then as they looked up at the moon, they looked at each other and smiled.

Meanwhile with poppy, she was getting everything ready for her wedding.

Everything was going according to plan, "ok I was the the tables separated and as for the seating chart let it be spacious, oh and tell creek if he's finished with his vows yet"

But as she heads to her dressing room, she sees an old picture of her bad branch and it's got her feeling like having second thoughts if she made the right decision.

"I wonder how branch is doing?"

Back on vacay island, Bruce was taking orders, when he sees branch smiling all happy, in a daze as he hummed: I don't wanna live forever.

"Well someone is sure is a good mood today"

"Oh yeah it's nothing really just been busy recently"

"Uh huh and is that something is a certain fox-griffin, per say"

Branch was so happy he couldn't contain it, "it's really amazing, Zelda is really great, she's incredible and she's invited me over to her place"

"Really, hey that's great man, hey listen you have a good time over there ok, take things but more importantly be safe and have fun ok" Bruce gives him a fist bump and branch returns the bump back.

"Thanks Bruce and I will, see ya" branch ran.

"Don't stay up too late"

In a prism like crystal cave, branch was on a velvet sofa, inside was a r&b retro vibe decor, music played.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

"I love what you done with your place" branch says as smooth r&b music played.

Zelda came out between some burgundy curtains, "thanks it's not much but it's what I can afford" she held two glasses of sparkling white soda.

She gave one to branch and sat besides him, "well it's amazing"

"Branch...this week has been really wonderful"

"Yeah it's been great, this is exactly what I needed" he takes a sip.

"Well it's been great week, you're the nicest troll who's ever been there for me"

"And you're the most fantastic foxffin who's...well, understands me"

The mood seemed perfect, just then as they lead in closer, branch cups her beak.

Next thing, he was kissing her, she returned the kiss back soon turned out of a make out session.

Then they were in the bedroom closing the door, the next morning.

Branch was sleeping in her king sized bed, he was as groggy but as he woke up, he didn't remember what happened.

But when he saw he was in bed, he saw Zelda besides him snoring softly and sleeping peacefully, she smiled in her sleep.

But branch panicked, "oh no...what have I done?"

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