Brozone in: new girl on the island

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"Ok so every year creatures of all kinds gather on the island to attend a little thing called: mating courtship, they mingle with other creatures to you know hook up, it's at this really cool club called: the party animal" Bruce explained.

"Come on we gonna get you out there and find a new girl" John says.

"Oh I don't know guys, I'm still hoping me and poppy we'll get together" branch says.

But all his brothers groaned, "come on branch it's time you move on" John says.

"Yeah poppy is gone you need to move on now" Clay says.

"And what better way then to the party animal" Bruce wraps his arms around branch.

"Ugh ok you're alright, I'll only try this once only if you guys will stop trying to hook me up"

Later on o the other side of island, in an open sandcastle the roof was open and many creatures gathered, once inside.

Brozone see vacationers mingling with other creatures, creatures such as zebra unicorns, flying eels, griffons and some trolls from different tribes.

A flying zebra seahorse flew over to brozone table and gave there drinks.

"Ok how about that one" Bruce points to a Griffonwolf
The Griffonwolf has the head, wings, and front talons of a griffin combined with the powerful body and hind legs of a wolf one is chatting with some friends.

"Nah I'm not into wolves" branch says

"Ok How about one , I think that one is into you" John points, and they see a Draconicorn, The Draconicorn has the majestic body of a unicorn, complete with a shimmering horn on its forehead, but also features dragon-like wings and scales winking at branch.

"That's a guy" branch corrects them.

"Huh? Really?" John and the others examine closely.

"Yeah, plus he's gay" branch added.

"Oh" John groans.

"What about that Hippogolem, I think she likes you" Clay points out to a Hybrid of a Hippogriff and Golem.

The Hippogolem combines the upper body and wings of a hippogriff with the sturdy, rock-like lower body of a golem.

"No" branch says and Clay looks annoyed.

"How about that Cerbercat" Floyd points to a Cerberus + Cat hybrid.

The Cerbercat has the body and agility of a large feline but with three cat-like heads, each with its own personality. One head flirts with branch.

"Nah too many heads"

"Ugh come on branch, why can't you just pick there's a lot of creatures you can pick, a Pegasusphinx-" Clay says.

Pegasus + Sphinx hybrid: The Pegasusphinx features the elegant wings and body of a pegasus, combined with the regal head and intelligence of a sphinx.

"A Hydralisk-"

Hydra + Basilisk hybrid: The Hydralisk has the multi-headed form of a hydra combined with the deadly gaze and serpent-like body of a basilisk.


Phoenix + Lion hybrid: The Phoenixlion has the body and mane of a lion, with fiery plumage and the ability to be reborn from its ashes like a phoenix.

"A Mermaidrake-"

Mermaid + Drake hybrid: The Mermaidrake has the upper body of a mermaid, complete with flowing hair and aquatic features, but the lower body of a drake with scaled legs and a tail.

"A Chimerafox-"

Chimera + Fox hybrid: The Chimerafox It has the head of a fox, a goat, and a lion, and can breathe fire and poison, making it both clever and deadly.

"A Minotiger-"

Minotaur + Tiger hybrid: The Minotiger has the muscular, humanoid body of a minotaur with the head and striped fur of a tiger.

"You can have any creature girl here" Clay says. "You're a free troll"

"Yeah" the others agreed.

"Let loose have fun, met someone new" Clay added.

"There also those vacationers girls form earlier" Bruce points out the same girls flirting at Branch

"Nah, too big for me, I want something different and that's your thing Bruce"

"Ugh you're so picky you know that" Bruce groaned

"You guys don't understand, I don't want to replace poppy, I want to find another girl like poppy: optimistic, energetic, and enthusiastic" branch sighs.

Then he sees the guys with annoyed and deadpanned looks.


"Branch I don't think you're gonna find another like poppy, it's time to move on" Bruce says then something catches his eye.

"See look" Bruce wraps his arm around branch and shows him a group of female creatures mingling and drinking.

Leotaur, Serpentiger, Elephantaur, Pegacorn, Wolfara, Crocogriff, Rabbuckm, Tigron and a Snakowl.

"See those girls over there, I want you try to mingle with them, at least give it a try"

"Ok, I'll try" branch heads to the group of girls.

He was anxious then he looks back to see his brothers encouraging him, then as he approached the girls.

"Hey" he waves, the girls immediately shifted to flirt mode.

B each tried to speak but his mouth was dry, he felt like he was betraying poppy, so he walked away.

" I can't do this" he said to himself

But he sees his brothers, mingling with the other creatures, dancing and drinking having a good time, he decides to leave without telling them.

He escaped to the forest of palm trees where he stumped an upon a small lake were critters and a strange Foxgriff were drinking.

The Foxgriff has the sleek body and bushy 7 tails of a fox, combined with the majestic head, wings, and front talons of a griffin. has a blend of fiery red fur and golden feathers, creating a striking appearance.

The foxgirff sees branch and continues drinking, bmeqch looks down in the lake to see his reflection.

Then a thought came to him, "the guys are right, I don't need poppy to be happy, any girl can want me, I'm single" he end up talking to a critter bunny who agrees with him by nodding before hopping away.

Looking around branch started to sing....

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

During his song, foxgriff climbed up a tree and was listening, the other critters including the flower ones were wooed by branch.

At the end of the song, branch had a moment to himself when...

"Wow you sing beautiful" says someone voiced by Zazie Beetz.

"Thanks" branch turned around only to find no one.

"Who said that" he looks around.

"I'm up here" he follows the voice up to a tree.

"A little bit to the left no no other way, right go right and stop"

It was there he spot a foxgriff, she was beautiful, "oh hi" he smiled.

"Hi" she replied back.

"Sorry I didn't see you there" branch says.

"You know for a cute you sure are cute"

"Thanks you're not so bad yourself for a fox...I'm sorry that probably came out wrong" he chuckles nervously but she giggles.

"It's quite ok" then the two share a laugh.

"What's your name?" She asked.

"I'm branch"

"Well branch, I'm Zelda"

And just like that, branch found another women...well a fox.

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