Brozone in: road trip

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It was Biggie. And he was being chased by a bat-looking creature.

"Poppy, help! Poppy!" Biggie said.

Biggie ran all over the place with the bat following behind him. "Biggie?" Poppy asked.

"Help! I'm being harangued by a monster Someone stop it!" Biggie said.

Poppy use her hair to grab the bat and hold onto it.

"Gotcha!" She said. The bat started to squirm around in her hair, which started to freak you out. "Ah! It's in my hair! It's in my hair! Get it out, get it out, get it out!"

Then clay ran over and jumped over her, grabbing the bat in the process. Brozone helped held the bat down while calming it down, then Floyd holds the bat in his arms.

"Here, allow me guys, There you go. There you go. Calm down. Who's a good boy?" Floyd said to the bat as it calmed down.

"What is that thing?" Legsly asked.

"It's creepy." Cooper said.

"It's scary." Satin and Chenille said.

"And nasty." Guy Diamond said.

"Hold me daddy." Tiny Diamond said.

Brozone gathered around it, "huh? You know it's not really that bad" Clay says.

"Yeah it's kinda cute in a...freaky looking way" spruce tries to stroke its chin but it bite him.

"Ow, it bite me"

"What is it?" Branch asked.

"Don't know but it's actually harmless" Floyd says.

"Gnarly looking" John added.

Then brozone and Poppy look to the side to see a piece of paper that the bat was holding. Poppy walks over and picked it up.

"To Queen Poppy!'" Poppy read. Everyone started to get nervous. "Oh, don't worry, everyone. It looks like it's just an invitation." Poppy said.

Everyone sighed in relief. Poppy cleared her throat before reading the letter.

'Barb, the Queen of Rock, announces her One Nation Under Rock World Tour. Bring your string to the biggest party the world has ever seen.' Queen of Rock?" Poppy asked after she read the letter.

"Bring your string?" Clay asked as he takes the letter.

Peppy came over to Poppy then he took the letter. "It's nothing! It means nothing at all. It's just junk mail.
You don't need to worry about it. I mean, quit looking at it, everyone. Forget what you saw!" Peppy rips the letter to shreds. Brozone ran over and tackled Peppy.

"Calm down king peppy" Clay says.

"That's it calm down" John says.

Branch said as he calmed him down. "Okay, I'm calm. I'm calm." Peppy said as he got up.

"What's going on?" Poppy asked.

Then he felt Clay grabbing his shoulders, "king peppy, it's time"

"Well, I have long feared this day would come. I was hoping to protect you from this, Poppy." Peppy said.

"Protect me? I'm not a little kid anymore, Dad. I'm the queen now." Poppy pointed out.

"You're right. The truth is... we are not alone in this world. There are other kinds of Trolls." Peppy said.

"Wow. That's... Dad, that's great. The more Trolls, the merrier." Poppy said with excitement.

"No poppy you don't get it" Clay says.

"Yeah You don't understand. These other Trolls aren't like us. They're. different." Peppy said.

"Different how? Different like Legsly? Or Fuzzbert? Or Smidge? Or skyscraper troll?" Poppy asked.

"Yeah, different like me?" The four trolls asked.

"No, it's not that. They're different in ways you can't even imagine. You see, we love music with a hummable hook, with an updeat melody, with a catchy rhythm that makes you want to snap your fingers, tap your toes, and wiggle your butt. That's our music. That's what makes us Pop Trolls. But these other Trolls, they sing different. They dance different. Why, some of them can't even begin to grasp the concept of Hammer Time." Peppy explained. All of the trolls began to freak out.

"How about we break down to a smaller group?" Peppy asked. Brozone, Poppy, Cooper, Biggie, Smidge, Legsly and Guy Diamond followed Peppy into a room where he laid out a scroll.

"It's a story as old as time." Peppy began. Peppy opened the scroll and cleared his throat. "In the beginning, there was silence. Until one day, someone made a sound. Our ancestors were so inspired by the sound, they took six strings. And those six strings had the power to control all music. They could play anything. Techno, funk, classical, country, hard rock, and pop. And every kind of music in between.
There was something for everyone. It was one big party. But little by little, Trolls became intolerant of each other's music. They fought over what kind of music the strings would play. The elders realized there was but one solution. Each tribe would take a string and go their separate ways. Those six tribes have lived in isolation ever since. Techno, Country, Rock, Classical, Funk, and us, the Pop Trolls." Peppy explained.

"Huh? You know this kinda reminds me of that bedtime story you guys used to tell me when I was little" branch says.

"That's because it is" John says.

"What? So it is true, there are other trolls like us" branch asked.

"Yes branch, we just wanted to protect from the truth" spruce added.

"But I thought it was just a trolls tale" branch says.

"No it's true branch there are other trolls just like us" Clay says.

"But couldn't you guys tell me" branch asked.

"It was the only way to protect you" Floyd says.

"Now Barb's announcement makes sense. She wants to reunite the strings so the Troll World can be one big party again." Poppy said.

"Wait, what? that's all you heard? One big party?" John asked.

"Yeah! It's when all the Trolls lived in harmony. And what's more important than living in harmony?" Poppy asked.

"Funny because all I heard fighting. The strings together leads to fighting." Clay says. said.

"Exactly, That's why we need to keep our string safe." Peppy said as he walked toward a waterfall.

The waterfall cleared up and there is a harp with a pink string in it.

"Behold! The pop music string." Peppy said.

He played the string and the string created a heart of glitter.

"Wow" branch muttered.

"It's beautiful." Poppy said.

"And powerful. Which is why we can't let it fall into the wrong hands." Peppy said.

"Don't worry king peppy you can count on us, What we need is a plan." John says.

"Don't worry. I've been preparing for this day for years...We run." King Peppy said.

"Run?" Poppy asked in confusion.

"And hide." King Peppy said.

"Already On it, king peppy come on branch" John said before grabbing branch's arm and running toward the exit of the room with the other brothers joining.

"But we don't even know what we're running and hiding from." Poppy said.

Brozone, Branch and King Peppy stopped running and turned around.

"We're hiding from Barb and all the other different Trolls." King Peppy said.

"Yeah poppy" Clay says.

"You're assuming the worst about someone you haven't even met." Poppy said.

"You're not listening to me." King Peppy said.

"You're not listening to me." Poppy said.

"I'm your father!" King Peppy said.

"And I'm the Queen." Poppy said. "Uh, father trumps queen. Now, there's no time to debate this.
Let's go. Come along, brozone, Branch." Peppy said.

"We're all Trolls. Differences don't matter." Poppy said.

"It doesn't matter anymore poppy" Clay says.

Brozone and branch are standing next to a hot air balloon, they are prepared to leave home forever.

"Do we really need to leave the hideout again" breach was worried.

"I'm sorry but we need to think about your future, we need to think about us and your safety" John says.

"You guys aren't serious about leaving our only home and what about breaking up brozone what about starting fresh" he reminds him.

"Sorry branch but right now we need to think about you, put you first" John says.

Suddenly comes up taking poppy by her arm, "oh John Dory, look who I found trying to leave"

"Poppy What are you doing?" John asked.

"Oh. Nothing." Poppy said as she tried to cover the bat.

"Ooh! Poppy's busted." The hot air balloon said. Poppy shushed the balloon.

"She's trying to Sneak out to meet Barb" Clay says.

"What? Headed into enemy territory?" John asked.

"She's not the enemy. She's a queen, the same a me." Poppy said.

"You don't know that" john Says.

The bat then flew away with the letter, bumping into brozone. "Bye-bye, little bat." The hot air balloon said.

"Your dad just told us that Queen Barb is bad news." John says as he brushes the glitter off branch's face. "

"Well, my dad doesn't know everything." Poppy said.

"Well He sure knows more about this. You didn't even know there was a string until this morning." Spruce added.

"He may be fine in a world where everybody lives in isolation, but I'm not. Plus what about branch, he practically lived his whole life " Poppy said as she got on the hot air balloon.

"Forget it poppy, we got a little brother to protect, branch is our main priority" joh. Says

"And we don't know anything about the other Trolls." Spruce said.

"Well, we know they're Trolls. Guys, look around Troll Village. Everybody's different, even us." Poppy said.

Then they then hear a sneeze in the distance. "Did you hear something?" Poppy asked.

"Stop trying to change the subject." John said.

"Look, being queen means having a lot of power, and it's my job to use it for good. I can't stay home when I know there's a world full of different Trolls out there just like us." Poppy said.

"I agree with poppy" branch says skip king his brothers.

"What?" They all shouts when poppy smiled.

"Maybe there is a way for us to get along" branch says.

"I'm sorry branch but if there was a way we could but right now I have to put my brothers first, it's just not the world we live in, that is why we're gonna take that balloon, take us somewhere far away somewhere where safe for us and there is nothing you can say or do that will get us on board on this terrible idea that will most likely blow up in your face." John said crossing his arms, the four of them agreed.

"Really, not even if branch was on board ." Poppy said as she pulls branch in and the hot air balloon started to rise up.

"AH! Baby branch" John uses a grabbing hook and grabbed onto the hot air balloon. He then jumped onto a tree and jumped into the hot air balloon. Floyd uses his hair and spruce hoods on tight to him as they climb right in.

They gathered around branch, John cups his face, "are you ok branch are you hurt?" John asked.

"No I'm fine John"

"Oh! Thank you. I really didn't want to go by myself." Poppy said with a sigh of relief.

"Poppy are you crazy, what were you thinking bringing branch into this" John scolds her.

"It's ok John as long as we're together nothing will break us up right" branch reminds him.

"Right" John nodded.

"And at least we can spend time together before you guys leave" he whispered.

"Okay. Let's do this!" Poppy said as you 6 started to rise into the air.

"Road Trip!" The hot air balloon said with excitement.

Meanwhile with copper, "They are all different. A-And this one looks a little bit like me. We even have the same hat!...same hat, same hat, same hat! Goodbye. I hope I see you again, friends. But even though it's scary, I have to go out there and see if there's other Trolls like me. Oh, man, this is gonna be hard" he went on a quest to find his real family.

Meanwhile with barb, "All aboard! ♪ Ai, ai, ai ♪ Crazy
♪ But that's how it goes ♪ Millions of people ♪ Livin' as foes ♪ Music ♪ Has kept us apart ♪ It's time for the hard rock ♪ Revolution to start ♪ No spats, no tiffs, no fightin' ♪ ♪ When everyone's the same ♪ I'm goin' off the rails ♪ On a crazy train! Yeah! I got the Techno string Who knew world domination could be so much fun?"

"Yeah! -All right, Barb!" The other rock Trolls cheering.

"All right!" both yelled.

"Ha! Queen Barb!" both laugh. heavy electric guitar chord plays, electric guitar riff plays.

"Only four more strings to go until rock unites the world" barb says as the trolls excited chatter.

"Dad? Where's Dad?"

He came out of the bathroom, "There you are, Dad.
I got the Techno string"

"Cool. What's a string ag-again?"back-up alarm beeping.

"What? Uh...Don't you remember the plan?"

"Plan? I don't remember..."

"Oh. Great idea, man"


"Okay, guys, line up. We're gonna go over the plan again" Trolls murmur and chuckle.

"Okay. We're on a World Tour. And on each stop, we get a new string. When I have all six strings, I'll play the ultimate power chord" electric guitar chord plays.
"And I will unite the Trolls under one music.Our music!"

"Rock!" The trolls shout excitedly.

"Oh, here it comes" the king of rock tries to do the thing, grunting slowly.

"Uh, just a little bit more. Riff, just help him, man" barb asked.

"Yes, Your Rockness"

"Aw.There it is"

The Trolls cheering, "Yeah!"

"Rock and roll! -Yeah!"

"Alright. In a short 456 pages, I'm gonna know how to fly this thing." Branch says as open a manual on how to fly a hot air balloon.

"So cute, it reminds me when you dressed up ad a pilote" John reminisced as the other brothers were in awe.

"Uh, branch, we don't need a giant, comprehensive manual. How hard can it be?" Poppy asked before grabbing the manual and throwing it off the hot air balloon.

"Hey!" John said. Poppy walked up to the controllers and started to push a few buttons, which caused the hot air balloon to fly really fast and in different directions. We finally stopped a few seconds later.

"Alright, Poppy! Easy on the buttons!" The hot air balloon said." Sorry." Poppy said.

"Ok why don't you let a troll who actually knows how to fly " John takes control and tries to fly the hot air balloon nicely.

"Since when do you know how to fly" poppy asked.

"I took flying course when I was 16, I wanna give baby branch a kid"

"Shh. John do you hear that?" Spruce asked.

"What was that?" Branch asked as he hear snoring. And Clay keeps him close,

"Don't know stay close" Clay says.

They looked toward the cotton candy pile and walked toward it.

"Stay back branch" Floyd says as brozone moved the cotton candy to see Biggie and Mr.
Dinkles sleeping, who is covered in cotton candy.

"Biggie?" Poppy asked. Biggie woke up and looked at the six of them.

"Oh, hello. Sorry. I couldn't help myself. You know how I am around cotton candy." He said. Mr. Dinkles was stuck to Biggie. "Oh, dear. Now looks what's happened. Mr. Dinkles got all gummed up." Biggie said as he tried to get Mr. Dinkles off him.

Mr. Dinkles was now stuck to Biggie's hand. Biggie shook his hand really hard and Mr. Dinkles goes flying off the hot air balloon.

"Mr. Dinkles!" Biggie said as he ran to the edge of the hot air balloon. But spruce grabs Mr. Dinkles with his hair catch him on time, He looked down to see Mr.
Dinkles and grabs him.

"Oh, there you are. I thought you were... thank you so much" binkie says.

"It's no problem" spruce says.

Oh. Right, then. we'll just be on our way..." Biggie stopped when he realized that they are high in sky in a hot air balloon.

"Poppy, where are you balloon-flying us to?" Biggie asked.

"We're on a mission to help Barb untie the Trolls, and I'm so glad you're coming with us." Poppy said.

"I did what in the who now?" Biggie asked, still confused. "Hey, man, join the club." Clay said sarcastically, "branch was forced to come along because of poppy"

"Hey, well I hope you didn't eat all the cotton candy, because Barb is gonna love it." Poppy said. You looked at Branch to see him messing with a basket.

"Branch?" Poppy asked, seeing what he was doing as well.

"Yes, Poppy?" Branch asked nervously. "What is this?" She asked.

"Oh it's nothing, nothing at all" John said as he and the others stood in front of the basket.

"I love man stuff!" Poppy said as she opened the basket to reveal rocks and sharp sticks. Poppy was surprised to see brozone with weapons.

"Weapons? For shame." Poppy said as she looked at guys. "Violence never solves a problem, Branch." Poppy said.

"Well neither is hugging but it's better to be prepared in case we need them, we're trying to protect our brother" John said to Poppy.

"We won't need them unless these pointy sticks help you listen or these rocks help you put yourself in someone else's shoes." Poppy said. "Or what about these?! Is this some kind of jewel- oh it's actually kind of cool looking." Poppy said as she admired it.

"Give me that!" Clay said as he snatched it away from her.

"We don't even know what's out there."
John said.

It was quiet for a little until Poppy kicked the basket out of the hot air balloon.

"No! Oh, man. By the way, we whittled those for hours." John said.

"Guys, the only weapons we need are this guy and this guy, for hugs." Poppy said as she held her arms out.

"Uh not hugging solves all problems" John says.

Then clay looks up and his eyes open wide, "uh John-"

"Uh, you may want to take a look at this." Biggie and Clay said as they pointed to something in the distance. They looked to see a destroyed village.

Floyd covers his mouth in horror, spruce dropped his jaw and John screams.

"AH! Branch don't look" John covered his eyes.

"This is gonna take a lot of hugs." Branch said as he pulls John's hands off.

"You said it" Floyd says as he hugs him and brozone hugged each other.

They land in the village and look around. "Whoa." Branch said as you looked around. "Something gnarly happened here."

"Hello?" A little voice said. "Who said that? Identify yourself." John said to the voice as brozone gives up a weapon for defense and gathers around branch.

"Uh, are you nice or are you mean?" The voice asked.

"We're nice. We're really nice." Poppy said.

"Yeah, but not too nice. So don't even try it." Spruce said in a threatening way.

"Okay." The voice said as a flute peaked out from behind a pile of sand. John ran to it and picked it up gently.

"What is this place?" Poppy asked as she stood beside you.

"It used to be called Symphonyville. Where the Classical Music Trolls lived. But that was in the before." The flute said.

"What happened here?" John asked. "Well, it was the most wonderful place you ever did see. It was a place where all of the Classical Music Trolls could live in perfect harmony. Wherever the conductor led, we followed. But then Queen Barb showed up. She took our string. Our music. She took everyone. We lost everything." The flute said.

"Barb doesn't want to unite us. She wants to destroy us." Poppy said.

"Oh you suddenly realize that" Clay says sarcastically, "we already figured that out"

"Clay" branch scold him.

"What I'm just saying"

John kneeled down, and the flute hopped out of his hands and onto the ground.

"We need to make sure our own string is safe."
John said as he walked up to branch and Poppy.

Then spruce plays the flute to blow out the debris, "thank you" she says.

"Our string is safe." Poppy said before pulling the Pop string out of her hair.

"What?! Poppy are you crazy?" John asked as the others were horrified.

"I thought it was a good idea at the time. I can't believe another queen would use her power for evil." Poppy said.

"Well what did you think was gonna happen" Clay asked.

"Okay. Change of plans. We need to get you home as fast as you can and get everyone in the hideout." John said. "And we brozone start a new life in the sky"

"Uh, no. Change of plans. We have to stop Barb from destroying all music. If we don't stop her, who will?" Poppy asked.

"What are you crazy we got a baby brother to take care of" John points to branch.

"Guys I can take care of my self now"

"Poppy, you said this could be handled with hugs. How are we gonna hug our way out of this one?" Biggie asked as he started to freak out.

"It's okay, Biggie." Poppy said.

"Really? It's okay to be terrified? When am I gonna learn to stay away from the cotton candy?!" Biggie asked.

"No. As your queen, I promise that I will protect you, no matter what. I... pinky promise." Poppy said as she has her pinky out. Biggie gasped as he turned around to face Poppy.

"Poppy, you know you can't go back on a pinky promise." Biggie said.

"Never did, never will." Poppy said. Biggie and Poppy link pinkies together and they levitated as pink glitter appeared around them.

The pink glitter blowed everywhere, causing the hot air balloon to fly off.

The glitter disappeared and Biggie and Poppy land back on the ground. "Let it be so." Poppy said.

"And so it is." Biggie said. Brozone just sighed in annoyance.

"This just got real." The flute said.

Poppy opened a map of Troll Kingdom and placed it on the ground.

"We have to get to the Country Music Trolls in Lonesome Flats before Barb does."

"Fine but we're only going with you so we can make the world safe for branch" John says.

Poppy said. They turned around and looked at the flute. "Will you come with us?" Poppy asked.

"Oh, no. Someone has to rebuild. And Pennywhistle is that woodwind for the job." The flute said.

Poppy walked over and put a construction builder's hat on Pennywhistle.

"Good luck, little Pennywhistle." Poppy said.

"Goodbye, poppy" Pennywhistle said. They start walking towards the County Trolls.

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