Brozone in: troll-napped

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"We're brozone, Can uh...can we help you" John approached them.

"I'm velvet and this Veneer my brother" velvet says.


"You probably heard of us, we're the new famous superstars"

"Nope never heard of you" John says as everyone muttered.

"Anyway we're looking for a troll named-" but before velvet could say anything.

Branch had a nervous face, like he was hiding something.

"Ah, don't worry guys I'll take care of this" branch smiled nervously as he approached them.

"What are you two doing here?" He whispered.

"We been looking everywhere for you" velvet says.

"I told you guys, I was kinda busy"

"And we told you that we couldn't wait" velvet says.

"We need your talent" veneer begged.

"Talent?" John says as he and Floyd and poppy overheard.

"Branch what are they talking about" John asked.

"I think the better question is: how do you know them?" Floyd asked.

"Branch you know these guys?" John asked.

He had a look on his face that said otherwise, "can we speak privately please" branch tells them.

"Yeah you kind, Uh, sorry to interrupt, but we lose the venue at 11:00, so-" gristle says.

"Shh, I'm trying to listen. Very hot gossip"

"Oh sorry man" Floyd apologized, "just give us a minute"

They talked the bergan's local bar, "so how do you know our brother" John asked who seemed overprotective.

"We meet him at the rage dome" velvet says.

"Here allow me" branch says, "it all started when me and my friends were performing at the rage dome in mount ragous"

Branch explains as a flashback starts with after kismet finished singing, the crowd cheers for them and as the curtains closed.

Branch and his friends packed up, "I'll be with you guys in a second" branch says.

"Excuse me" velvet says.

Branch turns to see the two twins, they looked excited to see them.

"Are you branch leader of kismet" velvet asked.


"We are such big fans" veneer says

"What's your secret?" Velvet says.

"Oh there's no secret us trolls are naturally born singers"

"do you think you can teach us to be like you guys" velvet asked.


"We wanna famous super stars like you guys too" veneer says, "please"

Branch watches them both begged.

"They said they were both desperate so I stayed to teach them to sing, but they were terrible singers"

Branch tries to help teach them to sing but they were terrible.

"They can't be that bad" John says.

"Trust me, they can't sing" branch says.

"How bad can they be" Floyd asked.

Then stopping the flashbacks, branch turns to the twins and they give them a sing.

"Ugh you are right, they are terrible" John says.

"See so anyway I didn't give up on them but when I couldn't help them sing I decided to give them my talent"

"What?" John and Floyd gasped.

Back to the flashback, velvet gives branch an idea, she shows him a diamond, he gets in and she sprints his talent on herself and veneer and they started singing better, he gives them thumbs up but he was hurting and starts to turn pale.

"I told them I'll give them my talent just until they can sing on their own, I been sneaking away to mount ragous to give them my talent, giving them lessons but it wasn't long till I realized they are just using me for my talent" branch scolds them.

"Is that why you been so pale recently, ugh I thought you were just getting sick" John touches his forehead.

"Branch why would you do that?" Floyd asked.

"They said if I didn't they would take your talent and I couldn't live with myself if I let that happen"

"You...we're doing this for us" John was in awed.

"We really need your talent, we got a show to do" veneer says.

"You been using a lot of my talent recently first it was ever month and then it was every week then it was everyday and now it's ever minute, what about those lessons I been giving you, they tell me that they were practicing but now I'm starting to think they aren't even practicing at all and that they are just only want me for my talent"

"We really need your talent" velvet was getting impatient.

"No way sisters John gets in front of branch.

"Yeah don't you see what you're doing to him, you're literally sucking the life out of him" Floyd says.

"Yeah sorry guys, but I'm not giving you any of my talent, this time you're on your own" branch puts his foot down.

But the twins wouldn't take no for an answer, "oh you don't want to help us fine...we'll take your brothers instead" velvet was about to grab Floyd but branch grabs her hand by his hair.

"No, you stay away from my bros" branch warns them.

"Fine...WE'LL JUST TAKE YOU THEN" velvet grab branch and try to run.

"AH!" Branch screams.

"BRANCH!" Floyd yelled.

"BABY BRANCH" John screams in a high pitch voice.

Then Floyd tries to save branch by using his hair, branch grabs his hair, John tries to help but he slipped.

"Ah! Stop, someone stop them, TROLL-NAPPERS" John says as he and Floyd chased them.

It caught everyone's attention when they gasped as they saw velvet and veneer kidnapping branch.

"Help they got branch" Floyd yells.

"Get them!" Gristle yells.

The guards try to stop them but due to the twins being slippery, they slipped passed the guards.

"BRANCH?" Poppy panicked.

"Branch no!" Floyd cried.

Then the twins got on their diamond motorcycle and they got away with branch screaming.


"BRANCH!" Floyd reach out to him.

"BABY BRABCH!!!!!!!!!!!!" John cried.

They saw the twins were gone along with branch, horrified, Floyd fell to his knees and John fainted.

The guest gasped in horror, but something snapped in Floyd.

"Come on John we got to save branch" Floyd ran.

"What?" John got up.

"But how the only way to save branch is..."

"The perfect family harmony, I know"

"But didn't it almost tore our family apart"

"Yeah and now we need it to save branch, it's the only way branch"

Realizing they have to relive the past John knew it was the only way.

"Branch's safety always comes first, we need to reunite the band to save branch" John says as he whistles for Rhonda.

She jump and ran landed in front of him, that's when poppy approached them.

"I'm coming with you guys"

"No way poppy it's too dangerous for you, it's gonna be us only" John says.

"He's right poppy" Floyd says.

"No way guys, branch is my boyfriend, I go where he goes"

Seeing poppy won't drop this, they let her come, "ALRIGHT, let's go save branch" John says.

"And If you don't mind, I really cannot wait another minute to marry this gorgeous specimen"

"I now pronounce you husband and wife"

Then Floyd looks out to gristle, "congratulations by the way man, and I hope you have an amazing honeymoon"

"Thanks man hope you rescue your brother"

"I hope so too"

"Bye, everybody. We're getting the band back together."

"Bye, Poppy"

"Bye, Poppy"

"Have fun, you crazy kids" John tells the happy couple.

"Have an awesome honeymoon" poppy says.

"Thanks, Poppy"

"I love you guys"

"Peace out, Poppy"

"See you later, Poppy"

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