Brozone: royal review

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The book opens up to explain about the Royal Review.

"Trolls are fundamentally happy creatures, so complaining does not come naturally us" The Trolls in the book climb on top of each other but fall.

"Even when things go wrong. And that's tough when you're a ruler, 'cause you never know how your people really feel about the job you're doing, which is why we Trolls decided to invent and anonymous survey called the Royal Review. A smile means great work, while a frown means... room for improvement" Paper sharks appear and it is revealed that Poppy is scrapbooking to relieve her stress.

"Nom nom, nom. If only I tried harder!" She continues to pretend to bite like sharks when Peppy clears his throat.) Oh, uh... hey, Dad.

She puts the book away and laughs.

"What's the rumpus?"

"Poppy, you're stress-booking again"

"What? Me? Stress-booking?" She laughs and glitter comes out of the box.

"Glue stick, please" Poppy gives him the glue stick, "And the backup" Poppy gives him the backup.

"Sorry, Dad. I'm just nervous about the review tonight. You always got perfect scores, and I don't want to find out I'm a letdown"

"I get it, honey" He gets up on her bed, "I remember my first review. It was winter, and food was scarce. The people were desperate for something to eat. So they turned to me to decide... Who would it be?"

"Wait, what?"

Peppy Getting off Poppy's bed, "Yeah, but that's a story for another time. For now, stop worrying. Don't get hung up on being perfect" He kisses Poppy in the hand and leaves.

"Yeah, sure, I'll just kick back and relax here till the vote" As she relaxes, she hums and pops her lips. She slowly becomes nervous.

"Now or not, Got to go find Smidge" She goes to find Smidge, but she appears hanging her hair outside her pod.

"I'm here" Poppy bumps into her and they fall off the tree screaming. Smidge uses her hair to grab a branch and save them.

"Whew! Thanks, Smidge. Wait, how'd you know I was looking for you?"

"As you right-hand Troll, I'm pretty much always 10 feet away listening in, watching your every move. Always"

"Uh, we should talk about that. But first I need you to do me a favor"

"Actually, let me guess" The camera cuts to a scrapbook.

"Today is the day of the Royal Review, and the suspense is killing you. I'm dying inside! So you want me to go pod to pod, on the sly, to collect a preliminary vote and bring it back to you, finally ending the agony of not knowing"

"Smidge, you're freaking me out"

"I'll take that as a yes. Meet me at the Black Rock in one hour. Tell no one"


"Ooh, creep Poppy walks into the Black Rock.

"Smidge?" She chuckles nervously and a loud screeching can be heard.

"Oh, my Guh..." Poppy jumps in fright.

"Smidge? Psst. Smidge. Aah!" The camera reveals Smidge in a disguise.

"You got the cookies?"

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

Smidge Removing her glasses and mustache, "Sorry, that's the thing I'm doing here later. But I asked everyone in town how they were gonna vote in the review tonight, and I brought you the results" She pours the faces out of a box.

"So many smiley faces!" She digs into the pile. "Smiley face. Smiley face. Big smiley face" She throws some faces into the air. "Whoo! What a relief. Can you believe that I was all bent out in shape, worried I'd get a..." A frowny face lands on her nose. "A fru-fru-fru-fru-frowny face?!" She hyperventilates in panic.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Easy, boss, scrap it out. Let the book absorb the pain"

"No, Smidge, it won't help. After tonight's review, I'll officially be a... a letdown. Wait, what am I saying. There's still time. I could change their mind before then"

"Uh, you don't even know who it is" Poppy looks at the frowny face for a moment.

"Oh, yes, I do" The camera zooms into the frowny face. Later, Poppy goes to see Branch picking flowers. She moves the frowny face around.

"See, I knew it"

"But isn't branch always positive" smidge says.

"He is but his brothers aren't, John always protective of him and Clay is the serious type, and spruce sure he's lay back but sometimes he worries for branch"

As Branch goes near the bushes, she and Smidge hide.

"Whoa. These flowers are so majestic" he takes the flowers.

"Want me to pay them a "friendly" visit? "Encourage" them to vote smiley face?"

"Or... I pay them an actual friendly visit"

"Or maybe both" Poppy comes out of the bushes.

"Hey, hey, Branch-zilla"

"AH! Oh. Hey, Poppy-zilla. What's going on?"

"Going on? I'm just seeing what my best favorite band member, Branch is doing. Let me guess, preparing for another concert"

"Nah, we had to cancel the guys got the flu-cold-fever illness, so I'm their chores till they get better, also I'm picking up some ingredients for some soup"

"Man, your to-do list must be a blast. I don't suppose you would let your queen tag along and tackle it with you, would you? Please, please, please?"

"I don't see why not, but you're acting weird. Wait, you're not throwing me a surprise party, are you? Because you know I'm not a fan of surprises" He jumps and hides behind her.

"Branch, can't a good queen help her friend do his totally chores without some ulterior motive?"

"Well, I guess I have no reason to doubt you, so let's go have some fun" He and Poppy go down the elevator into their hideout bunker.

"So how did your brothers get sick" she asked.

"Okay, well John decided to think it was a good idea to have this idea of us singing in the rain for a show, but then he started sneezing, then spruce started coughing and one thing lead to another they all got sick, except for me of course, now first thing on the agenda: taking care of my brothers, but I do advise you to stand back, it could get messy"

"Oh branch how bad could it be"

But she freezes when she sees John Clay and spruce on a sofa, recliner and pillows in their ropes.

John sneezes, spruce coughs and Clay was sweating feeling feverish.

"Hey guys I'm back"

"Oh good you're back, achoo bitty-achoo-b, wait-achoo, why is po-achoo-po-achoo-po-achoo-poppy doing here, ACHOO!"

"She's here to help" branch says.

"Did you get it" spruce sighs.

"Here you go" branch gives him medicine berries to which spruce takes them as pills.

"Good baby bro" spruce rubs his head.

"Why does poppy want to help" Clay says then he cover his mouth when he was about to vomit and heads to the bathroom.

"Yeah, ACHOO! She's planning-ACHOO! A surprise party for you is she, because you don't like-ACHOO! Surprise parties, ACHOO!" John says as he blows his nose

"That's what I told her too" branch says, "but there's wrong, she just wants to lend an helping hand" branch says.

"Hmmm, alright then if branch trust you I have no reason not to reason with him" John says as he was suspicious as Clay.

"Great, so what's first" poppy shouts out loud.

Then they all immediately shush her, "be quiet poppy" John says.

"Keeps your voice down" Clay says

"Shh" spruce says.


"Sorry poppy but it's just that, Floyd has a really by fever and headache, he thought he could sleep through the illness to get better" branch reveals Floyd sleeping in his room.

"Oh right sorry"

"Anyway all I need is for you to help me nurse the guys to health"

Poppy was grossed out by John sneezing, Clay's vomit and spruce coughing.


"Unless, of course, you're having second thoughts" John says.

"Are you kidding me? It sounds like the best day ever"(Poppy starts doing Branch's chores. As she gives John his soup he sneezes on her, then as she waits for Clay to leave the bathroom she was grossed out that she had to clean up his vomit, it was enough to make her gag and almost vomit, then as branch saps dorice head with a wet rag he gives it to poppy who was disgusted as she sings Best Day Ever.


Today's a perfect day

In every single way





I'm floating on air right now

And nothing can bring me down


Whoo-ooh-ooh, Whoo-ooh-ooh

Branch was Opening up a vent, "ok I can see this is too much for you so why don't you do my housework while I help the guys ok, here why don't you go clear out the dust bunnies"


Shout from the highest mountain




As loud as I can

Oh, yeah




Today's the best day ever




Best day ever

Oh, yeah



(Poppy) Today's the best day ever




Best day ever

And I'm flying high!

Branch While a tired and messy Poppy walks behind him.

"Poppy, i can't thank you so much for your help, you'll be happy to know I saved the best for last" He moves some grass out of the way.

"Oh. Great" A Cuddle Pup yips while lying down, "Ha! So cute!" The Cuddle Pup gets up and more appears, "This is a great surprise"

"Oh, no, not them" He pushes the Cuddle Pups away with his hair.

"Trust me, Cuddle Pups are monsters. Or do John tells me, funny story he and Clay were camping when they were kids and John told me that they are monsters funny right, anyway This is the surprise" He shows Poppy a huge pile of manure.

"fertilizer Floyd loves flowers so the fertilizer helps" Poppy becomes shocked and Branch gives her a shovel. She looks at the Cuddle Pups and the Manure.

"No! I-I can't do this anymore!" She walks closer to Branch. "I won't Branch, you hear me?"

"Easy Poppy? It's not really that bad"

"Just tell me, are your brothers giving me a smiley face in the review or not?"

"Oh! Is that what this was about"

"AH HA! I knew it, I knew This was about the Royal Review" John came out looking and feeling slightly better.

"I knew you were acting like a nut for some reason" Clay says.

"Yeah, yeah. Very smart. Now, the smiley face?"

"Well, sure. You earned it"

Poppy Doing a celebration dance, "Woo-hoo! Yeah! Uh-huh. Oh, yeah. Smiley face, smiley face"

Branch exchange confused looks with his brothers, "You seem surprised"

"Yeah" clay says

"Uh, yeah. One of you did vote the frowny face in Smidge's preliminary vote"

"No, I didn't. We all voted Smiley face" Smidge pops up.

"You did?" Poppy and Smidge say at the same time.

"Yeah, well the guys were too sick so they send me to vote for them"

"Yeah we all agree that you earned it seeing how you take good care of our baby brother" John says.

"Wait, Smidge, were you hiding in the manure?" Clay asked.


"Never mind that, guys. We have bigger cakes to frost here. 'Cause if you didn't vote frowny face... it could be anyone!"

"Poppy, this is getting out of hand. You shouldn't care so much about this whole Royal Review" branch says.

"Ba-ba-ba-ba-ba. OK, the goal hasn't changed. Only now, since I don't know who the disgruntled Troll is, I just need to find a way to make everyone in the down happy before the review"

"And how are you gonna that?" Branch asked.

"Which is in 10 minutes"

"In 10 minutes? That's it!" Fuzzbert takes out a vine with Bella at his side.

"The Royal Review is now open." As the line of Trolls moves, Poppy appears.

"Wait! Wait, wait, wait, wait! Before you all vote, as your queen, I wanted to show you my gratitude for doing your civic duty and participating in this Royal Review. Smidge? Release the hounds!" Smidge appears with a wheel of Cuddle Pups.

"Aw." DJ Suki and Guy Diamond pick up a Cuddle Pup while Biggie puts Mr. Dinkles on another.

"Oh, it's just like that dream we had, Mr. Dinkles" A Cuddle Pup sniffs at Cooper.

"Hm? Now, don't make it weird, dog" As the Trolls play with the Cuddle Pups, Branch comes up to Poppy.

"Poppy, what are you doing? My brothers said those Cuddle Pups are-"

"Monsters. I know" But does this look like a monster to you?" The Cuddle Pup licks Branch's face.

"Well I guess not, no" branch takes the pup.

"Branch no get away from that thing" then his brothers appear, now feeling much better, John pulls the pup away.

"Poppy whet are you doing" Clay asked.

"Branch I thought I could you cuddle pups are monster" John says.

"I know and I told poppy-" Branch says.

"Poppy these thinks are dangerous" John says.

"Come on John, you can't tell me that these little guys are dangerous"

"No, but its mama is" Clay points.

A huge shadow falls over him and Poppy. An adult Cuddle Pup roars and the Trolls run away.

"Oh, my Guh" She uses her hair to hide up in a tree. The adult Cuddle Pup destroys a pod.

"Quick take Branch to the panic room" John gives him to spruce.

"I'm on it come on branch" spruce carries him over his shoulders.

"I can walk you know"

"Not taking any chances"

Clay hides behind a mushroom. Some Trolls use their hair to curl themselves up into balls, but the adult Cuddle Pup flings them away.

Satin and Chenille try to separate from each other but can't because of their attached hair.

"To the high ground, Mr. Dinkles!" He trips over Satin and Chenille's hair. Peppy then appears.

The adult cuddle pup was chasing after spruce with branch, but John and Clay grabbed their hair to trip the adult pup, she turns and growls at the two and they ran.

"RUN SPRUCE RUN" Clay shouts.

"I'm running as fast as I can" spruce says.

He made it, opens the hideout where Floyd now feeling better was there.

He sees spruce putting branch in the hideout with Floyd.

"Oh Floyd your better now" branch says

"Yeah? What's going on" Floyd asked.

"You don't wanna know" branch says as spruce closes the hideout.

"Double-scoop my sundae! What is going on?!" Peppy appears.

"Dad!" She drags Peppy behind the mushroom she is hiding behind.

"I'm so sorry. I had Smidge take an early vote and I got a frowny face. I was so worried about being a letdown that I tried to butter up everyone with Cuddle Pups. This is all my fault"

"All this over one frowny face?"


"Well, that sounds about right. Poppy, I gave you the frowny face"


"Yep. It was to teach you to stop worrying about being perfect or a letdown or something like that. I'm old. I do what I want"

"Dad, I can't believe you would-" She and her father hear the roaring and screaming. They run out of their hiding place and see the chaos.

"Uh, we'll discuss it later. Right now we have more pressing problems"

"I'm not worried. You'll find a good solution. Maybe not the perfect one, but a good one" Poppy goes to find a solution.

Clay and John whip their hair at the adult pup, "back off" John says

"Yoo-hoo! Stick here. Who wants the stick? You want the stick, girl? Well, then go fetch!" She throws the stick, but the adult Cuddle Pup growls at her.

"She's not like her puppies" Clay says.

"Okay, that was a bad solution" The adult Cuddle Pup chases Poppy.

"Yeah no kidding" John was crossed and terrified.

"Smidge! If ever there was a time for you to be nearby, watching my every move, it'd be right... now!" Smidge saves her from being eaten by swinging at her.

"Argh!" The adult Cuddle Pup hits a tree and falls into the water.

The babies run toward her and they walk away to together. Meanwhile, the Trolls are cheering for Poppy and Smidge who are still hanging on a branch.

"Got to say, Smidge, right at this moment, I'm glad you're always 10 feet away"

"Me too, Poppy. Me too"

"Now please cut it out"

"Understood" Fuzzbert shows a smiley face to Poppy.

"It's a smiley face!" The crowd cheers and Fuzzbert takes out another smiley face.

"And another smiley face!" The crowd cheers again.

"You know, Dad, I've had enough for today. I'm think I'm gonna go unwind"

"Now? You're on your way to a perfect score"

"Maybe. But no matter what the votes say, I know I've got room for improvement. And I'm actually fine with that"

"Oh poppy" John calls her.

"Branch got sick" Clay says as they move to see branch coughing and Floyd helps him.

"He must've caught our cold" John says.

But she immediately ran, "Oh, really? You're not gonna help?" John says.

she runs and jumps in the air, "Nope. Sorry to be a letdown"

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