Brozone: The journey to bergan town

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It was a long journey along the way but nothing was impossible for brozone.

They walked in the fields of giant flowers then as branch enjoyed the view he steeped on a petal and fell.


John Dory heard him then he catches him with his hair bringing him down.

"Thanks John"

"Yeah well it's my job"

As they walked, branch noticed a butterfly, "oh look a butterfly fly" he points.

They admired it but then it got eaten by a creature and that creature got eaten but another creature and got burned, the flower like creature that can burned turns to the brothers.

"Ok let's just move along" John pushes branch to the side as spruce pushes him away, Clay keeps an eye on the creature to protect branch.

"Good idea let's go branch" spruce says.

"Go in baby b, let's just keep a move on" Clay says.

They bounce off what looks like strange gysters, then they come across a strange vine that turns out to be a snake like creature.

"Split up it can't catch all at once" John says and at they scattered, it went after branch, Clay got furious and had the snake chase him.

"Hey! Over here ugly, pick on someone you're own size" Clay shouts and he had the snake chased him and outsmarted the snake to knotting itself as Clay stops, he smirked when it was being pulled back trying to bite them, then spruce high fives Clay, branch looks at the creature feeling concerned thinking maybe he should've stayed home.

And when they jumped, branch sees a bird was coming at him.

"AH!" He panicked but John gets in front as he puncyed the bird.

This makes them land in the bird's nest and branch sees two baby birds about to attack him but then John pops up and swings his fists back knocking the birds out.

"Come on branch" John grabs him then they ride together on a giant leaf.

"AH!" But branch panicked when he sees they were heading to a first of prickled thorns.

"Bags up guys" John shouts and they all lift up their bags to shield them from the thorns.

Then with the leaf they used it to block out the splatter color rain that's splattering on them, then in the desert they takes some layers off and John makes sure to keep branch dehydrated nades him some water and in the snow where giant snowflakes fall, they cover up and Clay looks up and panicked as he pushes branch when a giant snowflake was about to hit him, then on sea they were on a built draft to get across the other side and avoid sea monsters but then a giant eel pops out and as it was about to bite, John jumps and punched it.

Then they walk on the sand and next to the draft was the eel.

Then they hopped from floating eye to eye but then branch fell right on a fly trap about to close its trap to eat him.

"Ah!" But then clay and spruce both pulled on ends of the trap keeping it open for branch then John helps him out.

"Come on branch" John says then clay and spruce let go and ran.

Then as they walk up a hill, it turns out to be a monster and it opens it mouth and swallows branch.


"BRANCH!" John jumps in, spruce used his hair to grab John and Clay keeps the monster hill's mouth open.

And before branch got dipped in stomach acid, John grabs him and spruce pulls them back up and they jump off the hill.

Branch approaches a brush that has inedible blue berries, he was about to eat them but John saw and in a panic he stopped branch waving his fingering warning him not to eat it, then spruce and Clay were seen eating red berries, Clay offers branch one and he eats it as they continue their journey.

Then as they came closer, they take a stop for a break putting their bags down.

"Ok break time guys" John says.

But then a piece of web fell on branch's shoulders, "huh?" He looks up and he felt they weren't along.

"Hey John?" Feeling uneased, he approached his brother.

"Yeah branch?"

"Do you feel like...we're not alone" he looks around and the others did the same.

"Not really? Why?" John asked.

"Do you remember when I was 6 you decided we should go to the woods to go camping" branch smiled as he reminisced.

"Oh yeah I remember, now that was a party to remember, I remember we had to leave early because we were attacked by something...what was it?"

As John tries to remember, branch eyes looked shocked as giant spiders were crawling down and they backed up.

"Was it giant spiders?" Branch said.

"Oh yeah now I remember" John chuckled but when he turned around, his smiles dropped, keeping branch back.

"Ok, nobody move, they can smell fear"

But then branch gets an idea, "hey John remember, this was like my birthday party"

Then branch and John smiled, looking back as the spiders got close.

John grabs branch's arms and swings around and he kicks the spider.

Brozone went into attack mode, John jumped on a spider's back riding it and when one was about to bite John.

Branch whipped it away with his hair, spruce beats a spider with a stick and when another was coming at him, Clay saw and panicked.

"LOOK OUT!" He used his hair and punched it away.

"Thanks Clay, CLAY LOOK OUT!"

He turns around to see a spider leaning down then spruce ran and he slides down kicking the spider down.

Then John grabs the spider's leg, hit it on the ground and swinging it around and slams it into another one that was about to bite branch, then Clay smashed two spider's heads together.

"Come on everyone together now" branch says as they ran together and they used their hair to whip the spiders into a cave.

But the cave turns out to be a mouth of a creature, and the boys cheers, spruce and john high five each other.

"Yes" john says.

"Woo hoo" branch jumps.

"Yeah you better stay in that cave" Clay threatens them.

But the creature that ate the spiders looks down at them and they panicked.

"Ah!" They panicked but it went to sleep and the boys were relieved and clay pats it.

"Sleep well"

"Alright come on guys" john says as they grab their bags and head on but suddenly.

"That was great" they heard a familiar voice, they turned to see poppy.

"POPPY?" They all said.

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