Life of the tribe

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It was another day in pop troll village after the tribes welcomed each other.

But it's been one concert month since brozone broke up, branch aka bitty b aka baby branch was the last remaining member of brozone.

It wasn't easy juggling a solo career, without his brothers, branch doesn't know what to do.

It with the new tribes, branch deals with a new struggle.

Then dealing with what to do with his singing career alone.

With the new tribes, he gets invited to different events/parties everyday and with his brothers living in new tribes, it's hard for him to visit them on the same day he gets invited to a party.

It all started on a morning in pop village, in brozone's old troll house.

Branch had a problem, he was invited to five different parties: a bonfire jamboree with the county trolls, a nautical rave with the techno trolls, r&b festival with the funk trolls, and a rock concert with the rock trolls.

He looks at each invitations, struggling to decide which ones to go to...

That's when poppy came in, "hey branch" but when she saw him looking upset she was concerned.

"You ok?" She asked.

"Not really poppy"

"What's wrong?"

"I got a problem, it's my brothers, ever since they moved to the new tribes, I been invited to different parties at the same time"

"Then why don't you go"

"That's the promise I do want to go but they're all different if I go to one party my brother invited me the others are gonna be upset, but if I don't go it's gonna hurt all of them, what am I going to do"

Branch paces but then he gets an idea: "that's it I don't just have to go to one party, why go for one when I can go to all parties at the safe time, I'll just swing by say hello make up an excuse and go to the next one, it'll be like hitting four birds with one sharp stone"

"But Branch are you sure that's a good idea" poppy was concerned.

"Of course I am poppy what can happen" he left to the party.

He takes a balloon ride and arrives at the Lonesome Flats.

It was there everyone was hanging up lanterns, branch climbs down he looks around for JD only to find him and delta by Rhonda making out.

"Whoa" branch was embarrassed for even looking and tries to advert his eyes.

But JD heard and he turns towards him, "baby branch!" JD ran to him giving branch a hug lifting him up.

"You came"

"Of course I came, who said I wouldn't"

"I was starting to worry that you wouldn't make it"

"We're brothers it's what we do, hey delta" branch waves at her.

"Rowdy branch"

Then the three of them walked to a crowd surrounded a huge pile of sticks and stones.

"You came just in time for the beginning of the bonfire" JD Says as he torches a stick and lights the pile and a huge fire was forge: a big red ultraviolet red orange pink color.

Everyone cheers by the fire, branch sees logs as everyone takes their seat, snuggling underneath a blanket, some singing and laughing, two were playing a card game, one plays a guitar and some were roasting marshmallows and drinking cocoa.

Branch sees JD nuzzling with delta, which gave branch the opportunity to leave.

"Hey JD I'm gonna go....uh...look around...get familiar with the town" branch lies.

"Sure go on baby bro, but don't take long, we're gonna have this mechanic bull coming in"

As branch wanders in troll, he passed by two country trolls who waved at him, he smiled then he disappeared.

He ran towards a lake, puts on some glow stick bracelet and an underwater helmet and he jumps in.

He passed by some jellyfish then he hears raving music and sees the techno trolls.

It was a rave party with bubble foam, he sees Clay dancing, who saw him too.

"Bitty b" Clay swam towards him and the two trolls hugged spinning around to the raving party trolls.

"So glad you could make it" Clay says.

"Of course, I wouldn't miss this for the world"

"I'm glad because things party is wicked, WOOO!" Clay cheered encouraging the other techno trolls.

Then Clay leads branch to the surface to see the bubble  roam, the other techno trolls throwing beach balls, then they see king trollex as the Dj playing the music, the two bros dance together.

"Hey, I'm gonna go get us some drinks, you just got to try it it's really great, I'll blow your mind" Clay swims to the snack table.

"Ok sure" branch waits for him to leave then he swam up the surface, he ran on land.

But down below at the party, Clay came back with the drinks.

"Ok branch here we-branch?" But Clay saw that branch was gone,

"Baby branch? BABY BRANCH?"

Branch ran up a hill then he jumps and gets sucked in a ufo.

Inside was vibe city, where they were having a R&B festival.

It features a lineup of talented artists and bands, live concerts, dance showcases, DJ sets, food vendors offering delicious cuisine, merchandise stalls, and opportunities to connect with fellow music enthusiasts.

Spruce was walking around but when branch fell, he fell on him.

"AH!" they both groaned.

"Bitty b?" Spruce was happy to see him then he hugs branch.

"I'm so glad to see you made it"

"Hey sorry I'm late, I was-" but Bren ch was interrupted when spruce takes his hand and leads him to a live concert to see a stage with a bunch of bands and artists.

The two go through the crowd and branch smiled when he and spruce dance together.

"Hey, I'm gonna go get a souvenir" branch tells him.

"Sure see ya" spruce continues to dance.

Branch makes sure the coast was clear then he ran, he exits through, he jumps down and right into rock city.

He lands inside the volcano and inside he was caught by a wild raging crowd of rock trolls who were enjoying a rock concert performed by queen barb.

While he Is crowd surfing, being carried by the crowd, he paints his face and sprays his hair like the rock trolls.

Somewhere in the crowd, Floyd looked edgy who was waiting for branch who ran to him.

"Hey Floyd"

"Branch, I'm glad you're here"

"Of course, you know I do anything for you, you're my bro"

"I'm really glad you made it, you nearly missed the concert" Floyd and branch walk up to the stage and barb throws a souvenir pinback button out in the crowd and branch catches it.

He turns to Floyd, who had a smiled on his face, he wanted the moment to last forever.

"This concert is wild" branch says.

"Yeah lo inda reminds me when JD rode his first bull" Floyd triggers something.

Branch realized something, "oh no, JD" he remembers the mechanic bull ride.

"What's wrong?" Floyd was concerned when he sees branch running.

"I totally forgot something I'll be right back"

"Ok, be careful"

Branch ran as he wipes off the paint and fixed his hair, to the country trolls on time to see John Dory looking for him.

"Oh hey baby branch, I was afraid you left early"

Branch was out of breath, "what? You minding, nah"

"Well you're just in time because-" but he noticed a bit of paint on branch's face.

" that...paint?"

"Uh...yeah...this kid was giving out face paint"

"Really" at first John Dory had a plain face then he looked excited.

"That sounds awesome, oh you're just in time they just brought out the mechanical bull"

They gathered around with the other trolls as holly darlin announced.

"Woo doggie, so which one of you lucky trolls had what it takes to take on Alex the bull"

Then John dory's face lights up as he lifts branch's arm up who was puzzled.

"This guy over here, he'll do it"


Then the trolls cheered for him, "woo hoo, looks like we got one" holly hollered.

The male country trolls help John Dory take branch to the bull, although he tries to deject.

"Oh no, I don't think-" branch hesitates.

"Relax baby bro, it'll be fun, I promise" John Dory looks at him with a smile and it assured branch.

"Ready...and...GO!" Holly starts.

Branch held on to the bull while waving a hat in the air, it rallied up the crowd.

"THATS MY BABY BROTHER THERE!" Jd shouts in joy.

"Woo-hoo! Y'all, he'll set the new record in 3, 2...1! HE DID IT! Give a hand for branch everybody" holly says.

Branch got up, he was taken in by the moment when he saw John Dory smiling him.

"That was amazing bro" the two high fives.

But then branch ran, "whoa hey! Where are you going? Can you at least tell me where you got your face paint, I wanna get a butterfly"

But branch didn't hear him, instead he ran to the ufo. And as he gets sucked in, he lands right next to spruce who looks around enjoying the festivities when he felt a breeze, he turns to see branch, breaking in sweats.

"Oh hey bitty b, whoa, why are you...all sweaty?" Spruce asked.

"Huh?" Branch looks at himself and tries to find an excuse.

"Oh there was a lot of vendors I couldn't decide which one to pick so I changed my mind"

"Well i am glad you're here the king is about to make an encore" spruce points out to king Quincey coming on stage.

"Yeah great, hey I'm gonna get us some drinks ok" branch sneaks off.

"Ok sure" spruce continues to dance.

And as branch ran to the lake, Clay was looking through the crowd to find branch.

"Branch? Oh excuse me, baby branch?!"

When he jumps in right in front of Clay as Clay turns around.

"Oh there you are baby branch, hey where did you go?"

"Sorry I got carried away by the music, oh those are some strange fishes" branch points behind Clay.

"Oh yeah, they so are" Clay was distracted as branch sneaks off.

And so through the whole day, it went on, branch tries to party with his brothers at each different party while not trying to raise suspicion with the others.

Branch sneaks behind John Dory as he was sitting on a log by the bonfire, when jd felt a presence he turns to see branch and he smiled wrapping his arm branch and they roast marshmallows together.

Then when jd was distracted by delta, branch ran right next to spruce who was up on stage with the king and queen, they sang together and as spruce was dancing, branch ran off.

He joins Floyd as they jump off the stage and right into crowd surfing, they laugh and smiled together but at the wend of the crowd when they were let down, Floyd finds branch gone.

He was out in sea with Clay, they were in the surface playing a small game of beach volleyball.

Branch wins the game and everyone cheers for him when he and Clay high five, then a huge wave of bubbles came crashing down on them.

It was like a ride and when they got into the sea, Clay laughed and he hugged a pile of bubble which he thought was branch til they pop and he was confused and tries looking for branch.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Then things get intense, branch plays the banjo at the bonfire, dances with glow stick at the rave, has a snack at the festival, gets a tattoo with Floyd on his right shoulder.

He was getting exhausted, he collapsed on a mushroom in pop troll village, he was catching his breath trying to party with his brothers.

Then poppy approached him, she looked at him concerned.

She sat next to him and said: "branch you can't keep this up, look at you, you're exhausted, all these parties and trying to celebrate with your brothers is it even worth it"

"No poppy I can do this, I just-" then suddenly he yawns, "I need to keep partying"

"Branch you look tired, you been partying all night why don't you lay down"

"No, I'll be fine, I can't let my bros down"

"But they all love you, I think they wouldn't mind if you went to one party"

"That's the thing poppy if I went to only one the others will be heart broken and up set I don't want to hurt their feelings" but branch was getting very sleepy.

"Branch I really think you should sleep, it'll be go for you"

"No, I'll be fine, I just...I need to rest my eyes for a bit" he yawns again.

He went to the hideout, he looks at an old picture of them, he sits on the sofa then he drifts off to sleep.

"I just...need a small nap" then he snores softly.

Meanwhile with his bros, they were finally catching up.

Jd was heading to Rhonda to get something, "hang on I just need-" but falling out of his bag was a very old picture.

Then the same thing happened with the others.

With spruce sitting by a table:

Clay in his troll pod house float on the water:

And with Floyd, he pulls something out from his pocket:

It was then the four brothers realized how much they needed to be there together as a family.

So they went searching for branch and end up winding up back in pop troll village.

Which they mysteriously ran into each other, Floyd sees John Dory.

"John Dory?"

"Floyd what are you doing here?"

"I was trying to find branch, we were at this rock concert"

"That's weird, me and branch were at this bonfire jamboree together"


"Nah that can't be right" they turned to see spruce, "branch couldn't have been with you guys, he was with me at the r&b festival"

"No, that's not right, branch was at the rave party with me" Clay says.

Then they started arguing at the same time, "hold up, time out" spruce says.

"How would branch be at different parties on the same day"

His question had them all thinking then they put the pieces together.

"That explains a lot why he was always leaving" John Dory says.

"Why couldn't he tell us" spruce asked.

Then, "to be fair you guys" poppy says, "you been inviting to a lot of parties recently and with him trying to be on his own without you guys is very hard for him, and with you guys always inviting him over he's always partying never getting a break or a rest, it's good you guys still visit him but even he needs a rest"

"Oh, sorry poppy we didn't know" John Dory says.

"It's ok guys but right now, branch needs some rest, can you let him rest" poppy says.

They looked at each other and nodded then smiled.

"You're right poppy" John Dory says.

They went to the hideout to find branch only to see him sleeping.

"Hey branch we-oh, I guess he must've partied too much, rest easy little bro" John Dory says as he pulls a blanket on him and the othered gathered to watch him sleep.

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