Country Roads

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(A/N: Make with the Title what you will)

"Alright, the stages are up and ready to go!" 

Satin and Chenille lead the leaders (or whoever was there) to edge of Pop Village near the waterfalls. When they arrived they saw that leading out from the waterfall was a pedestal, and on it was the harp that held the Pop string. Surrounding it on one side (like a semi-circle) were six stages, each representing one of the six tribes. 

"First up in the performance line, we'll have the Classical trolls, start our performance off really gently," Satin said, pointing to a large Yellow stage, with white puffs of cloud and an angelic light radiating from above.

"Your stage is large enough to hold your entire orchestra, and we made sure we used whipped cream and cotton candy scented clouds as well!" Chenille said to Trollzart. "Fantastico! Muchas Gracias" Trollzart said, patting the blue twin on the head. 

"Next on the list, we'll kick it off with Country," Chenille said to Hickory and Dickory, pointing to the country stage. The stage was simplistic, it had an orange background, wooden floors, and saloon lights.

"We weren't sure if we should've added more to it but if you guys want to add anything to it feel free to!" Satin said, Hickory and Dickory gave a thumbs up to the twins as they trotted onwards to the stage. 

"Okay, then after Country, we'll have Funk to help get the crowd all lively" Satin said, pointing to a purple stage with a funkadelic wave in the background, graffiti tagging, and stars in each corner.

"Now, we also added a disco ball over the top to help give a more Funky feel to it, if you want to get rid of it at any time, do not feel afraid to" Chenille said, Essence and Quincy both nodded, "I think it looks greats as it is" Essence said, watching D run up on stage and look at the art, "Wowzers, this is so cool!" he called.

"To add a bit of kicker, after that we'll have the Techno trolls come in afterwards," Chenille said, as she pointed to a dark blue stage, with soundbars on the backdrop, and bright lights in every color of the rainbow. 

"AAH!! I LOVE IT!" Trollex squealed, flopping around his tank like a little kid. "The best part about the Electro Foam parade is that we had so many lights leftover from last year, we were able to incorporate it into the stage design, and there is a waterfall there too so you can play your set," Chenille said, patting Trollex on the head.

"And now we come to the finishers, Rock will play first, so Barb you get a stage all to yourself!" Satin smiled, pointing to the Rock stage, it had a blood-red backdrop and was covered with a light, red mist. 

Barb blinked at her stage, she liked it...but at the same time...the design reminded her too much of her father. Nonetheless, she gave a small, "Oh...thanks" and sat on her stage, playing her guitar. Satin and Chenille shared a glance and shrugged, making their way to the Pop stage.

"Pop will be the big finisher for the solo performances," Satin said, gesturing to the Pop stage. The Pop stage had a light pink background with pink radiating lights, and flowers, it was by far the liveliest of all the stages.

"Once they finish up their performance, then we'll move into the Harmonic blast," Chenille said, turning to face the leaders, "By the way, what song are you guys planning to do?", "Oh...we haven't decided yet" Trollzart answered, rubbing the back of his neck. Quincy stepped forward and spoke "We're all a little...apprehensive about using it...but Delta is right, it has stopped Thrash before...I'm just a little ske-", "A little skeptical, blah blah blah, you've been like that since we got here Quincy, will you lighten up?" Essence cut in, clearly fed up with her Husbands constant worrying. The two then began to bicker once again.

Trollex and Trollzart looked at D who was rubbing his legs together anxiously over the situation, "Poor kid" Trollex whispered to Trollzart who nodded in agreement. Barb looked over at D as well, she could see the anxiety in his eyes, she sighed as she turned back to the other leaders, Quincy and Essence still bickering. 

D sighed, turning away from the crowd, he picked up a spray can and shook it, maybe he could add a bit onto the backdrop, it might take his mind off of all of this. "Hey" D jumped at the sudden voice, he turned to see Barb standing behind him. ", hey Barb, how ya doing?" D asked sheepishly, Barb clicked her tongue, "I've been...better I guess...I still think everyone here hates me" she admitted, "I actually came over here to ask how you're doing."

D blinked, lowering his head, "Gosh I...I don't even know anymore...Mom and Dad's fights have been getting worse and..." he sighed as he wiped something out of his eyes, "...I don't want them to split...I don't want them to leave me...I just know they're going to and them...I'mma be left to handle everything by myself!" he said to Barb. Barb blinked, seeing the fear in his eyes, she knew what he was going through, losing your parents was a hard thing to overcome. "Hey," Barb said, putting a hand on his shoulder, "You'll be alright, these things can happen just gotta look forward", "...I...I guess" D sighed, trying to smile. The two then looked back at the group, Quincy and Essence's fight seeming to heat up. "Oh well EXCUSE ME for worrying about the safety of my Family!" Quincy yelled, Essence scoffed, "Oh for cupcakes sakes Quincy, your family is not in danger anymore! You would've put them in more danger if we stayed back in Wire city! You're just too stubborn to admit it!"

"Oh I'm the stubborn one now!?"




Wanting to ease the tension, Barb hopped off her stage and walked towards the group. "Hey, guys, we should probably think of a song for the blast, I mean, Dad could be here any day now so we need to get a song down and start practicing once Delta gets back" she said, scratching the back of her hand anxiously, Trollzart nodded, "Couldn't agree more...speaking of which, where is Delta?"

The group looked between each other, "Um, she and Branch should be back by now" Trollex answered. Suddenly, the trees began to rustle, all the trolls turned in the direction of the forest, bracing themselves for what was coming. Out swung a flash of Pink and Teal, the Pop trolls all smiled, recognizing who it was immediately.


Poppy smiled as all her friends went to embrace her in a tight hug, "Guys! I'm so glad to see you!" she screamed as she embraced each of them until she looked up and saw Barb staring at her with wide eyes. Poppy gained a confused and angry look on her face, "Branch? Why is she here?" she asked, Branch was still catching up with Poppy, carrying Delta with him, "I'll tell ya later, we got bigger problems here," he said, revealing Delta's faded grey skin.

"OH MEIN GUTT!" Dickory cried, "She's...she's losing her color!" Hickory said. The country trolls began to panic. "Oh, Bruder! Please! I don't vant to forget! Bitte oh bitte! Don't let me forget!" Dickory cried, holding onto his brother for dear life. Hickory pat his brother on the head, "Don't worry buddy, just stay calm, n-nothing is gonna happe-AAAH!!" Hickory cried, holding his gut as he fell to the floor, "Hickory? HICKORY! VHAT IS VRONG VIZ Y-AAAAAHH!!" Dickory cried out in pain, falling to the floor beside his brother, "HELP! I'VE FALLEN AND I CAN'T GIDYUP!" he cried.

Soon, like dominoes, the other country trolls all fell to their knees and some on their sides, all losing their color. "NO! BRANCH WE GOTTA DO SOMETHING!" Poppy cried, shaking the teal troll who shuddered from the touch, a bit of his color beginning to fade away again, but neither he or Poppy noticed. "Well, there isn't a lot that we can do, we're not Country trolls, we have no way of reminding them" Branch sighed until Biggie stepped forward, "Maybe...I could try?  Me and Delta were talking and I do remember her telling me about a country song her mother used to sing her, perhaps I-", "PLEASE DO IT BIGGIE! WE CAN'T LOSE THEM!" Poppy cried, Biggie was shocked by the outburst, so were the other trolls, but he nodded and walked to Delta's side. 

Gently, he took Delta's hand and smiled as he tapped out a beat on his leg. 


Almost heaven, West Virginia

Blue Ridge Mountains, Shenandoah River

Life is old there, older than the trees

Younger than the mountains, blowing like a breeze

Delta looked up slowly, she began to smile again, her colors were still faded however, so Biggie continued to sing, happy that his song was working.


Country roads, take me home

To the place, I belong

Delta began to stand up, she looked at her hand and smiled as the color returned, she grabbed out her Banjo and began to pluck at the strings, singing the song.


West Virginia, mountain mama

Take me home, country roads

As she sang, the other Country trolls began to jump up onto their hooves, their colors returning. They rejoiced as they sung along with their leader. "Delta! You're Back!" Biggie exclaimed happily, Delta smiled at the Big troll, "You bet I am! Now let's JAM!!" she called, as she continued to play.


All my memories gather round her

Miner's lady, stranger to blue water

Dark and dusty, painted on the sky

Misty taste of moonshine, teardrop in my eye


Country roads, take me home

To the place I belong

West Virginia, mountain mama

Take me home, country roads

Country roads, take me home

To the place I belong

West Virginia, mountain mama

Take me home, country roads

Take me home, down country roads


The country trolls all hollered in joy, dancing around each other in a hoedown like fashion. "YEEHAAAAAWWW!!" Delta cried, dancing about, "WE'RE BACK BABY! WOOOHOOO!" she then jumped up and hugged Biggie. "OH THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!" Delta cried as she hugged the big troll, Biggie stumbled back from the force of the Hug but smiled nonetheless and hugged back, "You're ever so welcome" he said.

"That there was a mighty fine performance! 'specially by a Pop troll" Hickory said to Biggie, patting the troll on the shoulder, "Ja! I have never seen any Pop troll perform a Country song so vell!" Dickory chipped in. Biggie brushed his hair back and gave a nervous chuckle, "Oh, it was nothing really...I...I'm just glad to help" Biggie smiled.

"Well now that that's over and done with, we need to get a song planned for the blast" Branch piped up, "Blast? What Blast?" Poppy asked. Branch blinked"Oh, we planned to use a 'Harmonic Blast' to stop Thrash an-", "Um, is there something else we can do?" Poppy asked. Branch paused, Poppy was never so quick to reject an idea before...what was this sudden change?

"Um..." Branch looked at the other leaders who also had shocked expressions, all shaking their heads. "Sorry Pops...I-I, don't think there is a-", "Don't worry! I-I-I-I-'ll find another solution!" Poppy cried, shaking uncontrollably, Branch slowly put his hand on her shoulder, "Poppy...Poppy breathe okay, just bre-", "I AM BREATHING BRANCH!!!" Poppy screamed. 

Branch stood back in shock, he sighed as Poppy turned away and walked back to her pod, all the other trolls besides the Leaders and the Snack Pack doing the same. As he held his arm in sorrow, Biggie gasped as he saw Branch's color fade away again. "Branch...your...your color is..." Biggie started, but he drew his hand back and shook his head, it wasn't worth speaking at this time. "Let's just...pick a song for the blast, practice and call it a day, ey?" Trollex piped up, breaking the awkward silence.

"Yeah, and you know, I think I got one!" Barb spoke up, the others all gave her a confused look. Barb smiled, confident her idea would get a positive reception. "It's a song that my Mom used to sing me sometimes...she only ever played it on Acoustic guitar but I heard that it goes great when put to an electric guitar or other instruments, we don't have to it if you guys don't want to but...I'd like if you guys took a listen" Barb said, Delta clicked her tongue, "Alright, play it then!" she said.

Barb took a deep breath, looking down at her guitar hesitantly...the song she chose was one that she absolutely adored..but it also brought back many painful memories...nonetheless she smiled and played a tune on her guitar, then she began to sing.


Hey Jude, don't make it bad

Take a sad song and make it better

Remember to let her into your heart

Then you can start to make it better

Hey Jude, don't be afraid

You were made to go out and get her

The minute you let her under your skin

Then you begin to make it...b-better

Barb abruptly stopped her playing and brought a hand to her face, nuzzling her eyes as she tried to hide her tears, she began to quietly sob. The sight shocked the other trolls, but no one dared to make a one except D, offering up a similar kindness to what she gave him before. He took a breath, stepped forward and sang.

(Prince D)

And anytime you feel the pain

Hey Jude, refrain

Don't carry the world upon your shoulders

Barb sniffed as she began to sing again


For well you know that it's a fool

Who plays it cool

By making his world a little colder


Na-na-na, na, na

Na-na-na, na

Hey Jude, don't make it bad

Take a sad song and make it better

Remember to let her under your skin

Then you'll begin to make it better


Branch gave a small smile at the song, "Well, I'm not sure if we'll do that particular song...but I think you've given me a good idea on what song we could do!" he smiled. Barb blinked but smiled back at Branch, "Great! I-I'm...I'm glad I could be help" she said. The other leaders all followed Branch to his bunker to help get a song together, while the Snack Pack stayed behind to finish up on the stages. 

D rubbed his foot on the back of his leg as he made his way next to Barb, "Hey...I...I think your song was really's a real nice song" D said. Barb smiled, " you...and um...thanks for filling in for me when I...broke down" she said, rubbing the back of her head, embarrased. D chuckled, "It's no problem at all, after all, that's what friends are for", "Wait we're friends?" Barb asked, D laughed, "Sure, if you want to be" he said as he walked off back to his pod.

Barb smiled, maybe there were some trolls who didn't hate her after all.

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