Chapter 1

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( A/N - I'm sorry- I swear this is the last time- I didn't mean to delete the other book. I meant to delete Monkey Love. I'm too scared that I'm gonna delete The Other Side of the Storm now so that book is just going to stay there forever. 😅 )

Deep in the ocean, beneath the surface, towards the dark ocean floor, a rave was going on.

Lasers flashed neon lights and loud techno music blared from speakers at a temporarily unattended deejay set.

Colorful sea creatures with waving hair that lit up the dark sea danced, twirled, and did other tricks to impress their love interests or just to prove their having a great time.

They all were small creatures, with big, round heads that were wider that their bodies and big ears that had a pixel-like shape on the edge. They had long mermaid tails that had pixel designs on them too.

The females had long, bright colored eyelashes that extended out many centimeters. Their bodies were rounder than the slender ones of the males. The females were marked with spots, unlike male's were didn't have any creative features.

Despite them appearing to be a party city of carefree trolls, the laws were strict. Marriages were arranged by color, green trolls needed to date green trolls. The previous rulers were against colors mixing and creating new colors.

Which means, no Maya, you can't marry Trollex. (FangirlFiasco)

The least strict ruler was without a doubt the current one, King Trollex, he didn't look like the traditional leader of Techno City. His lime green hair was centered in his head, held together with violet and purple beads. His arms were striped with bright colored rainbows.

The one thing that every troll in the kingdom had in common was their hearts. Each of them had pink or red hearts that were visible on the outside of their chest.

Most of the time they only beated so slowly that you couldn't notice the movement. If they feel anger or sadness, however, their hearts beat quickly.

Trollex floated above the deejay set and spun the turntables around, double checking that everything worked properly.

He broke off two round, violet pieces from a coral and spun them around his fingers like hula hoops.

He plucked a blue string off the fish that was laying on the set and waved it around the coral like it was a magic wand.

The coral lit up and turned into squishy headphones that fit on his ears perfectly.

The king returned the string to the fish's head and began to play his music- loudly, but he couldn't hear anything with the headphones around his ears.

"One more time
One more time!"

His wonderful singing hyped up the crowd even more.

They cheered at a deafening volume, which again Trollex couldn't hear, could only see.

One Troll swam to the front of the crowd and stretched their tail out, in hopes Trollex would notice the algae and squid tentacle laying on it. "Sign my algae!"

He smiled at the troll and used the tentacle to write 'T <3' on the algae.

The troll squealed and fainted, softly drifting to the sand on the ocean floor.

Trollex slammed his hand down on the fish, Techno Beat Drop Button, which made the beat of the song drop.

"One more time
We're gonna celebrate
Oh yeah, all right
Don't stop the dancing
One more time
We're gonna celebrate
Oh yeah, all right
Don't stop the dancing
One more time
We're gonna celebrate
Oh yeah, all right
Don't stop the dancing
One more time
We're gonna celebrate
Oh yeah
One more time!"

There was a short intermission in the song, giving Trollex a chance to think, and briefly rest his voice.

He shifted his tail underneath his body, making an uneven chair for him to ponder on.

Techno Beat Drop Button flipped over and circled around him, nudging him to be annoying. "What's wrong? What's wrong? What's wrong? What's wrong? What's wrong?"

"Nothing," he obviously lied, "Just thinking."

The green fish swam closer to him and squished himself against Trollex's face. "About what? About what? About what? About what? About what?"

"Royal stuff.."

"Ooh, do tell."

Trollex sighed, then popped one of the bubbles that came from his moth. "I can't change the laws without enough votes from the kingdom, and I was hoping to change the laws of marriage, giving us more freedom with who we marry."

"Why do you want to change it?"

"So I have more options on who to date. I can't find any troll who's perfect for me."

"I can be your romantic interest." Techno Beat Drop raised his eyebrows suggestively and puckered his lips.

"Ew, never." Trollex laughed and turned back to the turntables to resume the music.

He glanced up to see if everyone was having a good time, but they were all looking up behind the king, looking terrified.

"What? I thought we already discussed that sharks are our friends, not enemies and they're welcome to our-" Trollex spun around, expecting to see a few sharks with kazoos, but that wasn't the case.

Rather than a shark, he discovered an army of submarines, all slowly inching closer to their city.

"-parties." Techno Beat Drop Button finished Trollex's statement.

The trolls all left the party, quickly returning to their homes or somewhere safe at least.

King Trollex and Techno Beat Drop Button understood who was intruding on their land and chose to stay.

A purple troll carrying drumsticks and a map looked through a window, asking a question. "Is this.. y...tic... Ytic Onhcet?"

Another troll, much older than him, appeared next to him and grabbed the map from him. "You're reading it backwards!"

"Oh, uh, I knew that. Is this Techno City?"

Trollex slowly nodded. "Who needs to know?"

The Troll with the map jumped onto a spinning stool with wheels and slid over to a drum set. He dropped the map into the older troll's arms.

He played a drumroll, "Presenting, the one and onlyyy, Queen Barb!"

From a puff of smoke, another troll appeared.

She had a red mohawk with black tips that looked like it hasn't been brushed in a while. She wore a white tank top that was slightly ripped and had black leggings with one of those design things. She wore a black belt with a skull shape in the front, matching her guitar that held a single string.

"Congratulations on hitting puberty." Techno Beat Drop Button said in a sarcastic tone.

Trollex covered the button's mouth, making him be quiet. "W-Why are you here?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Barb stepped forward with her guitar, and looked directly at the red string.

Trollex and Techno Beat Drop Button were clueless on what she was saying.

"She's gonna take your string so rock can be supremeee." The other troll spun around in his chair, until the older one hit him in the head with his stick.

"sHuT uP rIff!"

"Sorry, Thrash." Riff apologised.

Barb rolled her eyes at the two. "I'm gonna unite the six strings and destroy all music, except for rock!"

Barb looked over at Thrash and Riff, and nodded.

Riff spun his sticks around and began to play his drums. He slammed his head into the drum and laughed.

Thrash came over and knocked him to the ground and stole the sticks. "You're not doing it right!"

"Dad.." Barb glared at Thrash, who was her father and former king.

Thrash ignored his daughter, then played the drums correctly.

With her guitar, Barb began playing a song, meaning she of course was going to sing.

“It's early morning, the sun comes out
Last night was shaking, and pretty loud
My guitar is playin', while I sing
So what is wrong with another sin?
This queen is waiting, she needs something
So don't wait a second, and gimme your string,”

Barb held her hand out, expecting Trollex to hand it over before she ended the song, but he held Techno Beat Drop Button away from her.

“More days to come, new places to go
I've got to leave, it's time for a show!”

Riff headbutted Thrash, claiming his drum set back.

“Here I am!
Rock you like a hurricane!”

Barb suddenly was swimming behind Trollex, somehow singing underwater without anything to help her breathe.

“Here I am!
Rock you like a hurricane!”

She returned inside and did weird tricks as she sang.

“Here I am
Rock you like a hurricane
Here I am
Rock you like a hurricane!”

During a short instrumental pause, she raised her plectrum and played a loud note on her guitar, pushing Trollex and Techno Beat Drop Button further from her.

"No!" Trollex tried to balance himself again.

Techno Beat Drop flailed his fins around like a bird that can't fly.

“Rock you like a hurricane!”

Barb held her hand out again, waiting for Trollex to hand it over.

Trollex had a feeling something bad would happen if he didn't, and sadly chose to hand it over. Trollex took it off of Techno Beat Drop and then held it out.

She snatched it from him and hovered it over her guitar. The guitar accepted the string and tied it on to itself, then changed the blue string to a red string, matching the rock string.

“Thanks for your cooperation.” Barb smirked and returned to a control panel to push some buttons and return to the surface.

As he watched them leave, Trollex's heart beated quickly. He had a bunch of different emotions at once. He was sad he couldn't defend his tribe, but he was mad for that same reason.

Techno Beat Drop nuzzled him. “Don't worry, we'll get it back somehow.”

Trollex looked up at the rock trolls again, now with a determined look. “Yeah we will.”

( A/N - i have so many new ideas now you have no idea- )

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