Chapter 8

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"Are we there yeeeeeet?" Tiny and Legsly annoyed Guy Diamond, constantly tapping his shoulders and trying to get his attention.

"No! We are nowhere close to Techno City! Now for the last time, stop asking!" Guy huffed and stomped ahead of them to talk to someone more sane- Satin and Chenille.

"Are we there yet?" Satin asked.

Guy groaned in frustration.

"I think we're pretty close." Legsly elevated herself to look above the trees and view the entire forest. "To our right you'll see the magma covered mountains of Volcano Rock City!" Legsly giggled, doing her best Tug Duluth impression.

Chenille spun around and turned her head, able to see a magma river flowing nearby. "I think we need to be a teensy bit quieter. What if they hear us?"

Legsly bent over, still a towering giant to the normal legged trolls. "WHAT DID YOU SAY?"

"LEGSLY!" They all pulled her down and covered her mouth, similar to the way they used to do to Cooper when they were captives of the Bergens.

Legsly pushed their hands away and rolled her eyes. "It's not like they heard us or anything."

Guy shook his head and began counting down the seconds on his fingers before she was proven wrong when someone jumped out of a bush.

Just as predicted, with guitar at hand, Barb jumped out of a bush and gave the group a dirty glare. "What are you doing on the border of rock territory?"

"We were heading to Techno City!" Satin revealed, blanking on the fact that Barb was the enemy.

Riff and Thrash jumped out of the same bush, tackling each other.

( A/N - Thrash looks like my PopPop- (not an insult-) this is much weirder to write now. )

After getting off the ground and cracking his back,Thrash looked them in the eye and was able to figure out every detail of their plan by their expressions. "You're doing the same thing my ex-wife did with King Peppy, aren't you?"

( shut up dirty mind- )

Tiny crawled into his father's arms. "Depends, what did Uncle Peps and your ex-wife do?"

"Years ago, Prince Peppy visited each tribe and gathered Prince Quincy, Trollzart, Prince Trollex, Deputy Delta Dawn, Tresillo, Chaz, and my wife to stop me from getting all the strings to destroy them. I was too vulnerable and heartbroken by what she did I gave up and trained Barbo to do it for me."

"Barbie's doing a great job! Greater than Thr-oW-"

Thrash whacked Riff with Barb's guitar. "I'm sure if you lost your wife you'd be devastated."

Riff glanced at Barb who was waiting impatiently for the two to finish bickering so she could resume threats. "I don't have a wife..."

"Don't get one, they're horrible. Rude, selfish, and thief-y. Took my first child so I had to get a new one."

Barb fake coughed and pushed him aside. "Whatever you're doing at Techno Village, just know that you can't get there without getting through us. And you can't get thr-"

"FLEEE!" Legsly screamed and took off.

The rest of the pop trolls scattered in different directions in the forest, screaming.

Riff scratched his fleas and then looked at Barb, waiting for her command.

"Riff, fetch!" Barb threw a stick in the direction of Tiny and clapped her hands to get her dOg to catch him.

( I'm gonna name my future dog Riff. He'll be a black affenpinscher. )

Riff bolted off on all fours and tracked Tiny down, easily catching up to him.

"DADDY! WHY COULDN'T I HAVE BEEN BORN WITH LONGER LEGS?!" Though he was out of breath, Tiny pushed himself to evade Riff's pursuit.

Riff pounced on Tiny carefully and caught him. "I fetched well!"

Guy Diamond jumped out from behind a tree. "Let go of my son!" He fired glitter in Riff's face.

Riff coughed out the glitter and dropped Tiny who landed in Satin and Chenille's hair.

Barb jumped down from a tree and jumped on the twin's hair, launching Tiny back up and into Thrash's arms.

Thrash held him up and attempted to run back to Volcano Rock City- but tripped over Legsly's leg.

Tiny fell face first into the grass. "I know I was born good looking, but can we not play Hot Tiny?" He brushed himsf off and looked for the next direction to run in, but Riff and Barb seemed to be everywhere he looked.

"Leave my son alone!" Guy narrowed his eyebrows at Barb and cracked his knuckles, praying he would come off as intimidating.

Of course though, the plan backfired and they ignored him and continued closing in on the baby.

Tiny thought he was done for. He'd never get a car, go to college, hook up with ladies, or go to a party.

"TINY!" The pops all shouted in slow motion for dramatic effect.

As Barb went to pick up Tiny- something jumped from a bush and knocked her over, and took Tiny himself and returned him to the group.

Tiny jumped back into his father's arms and watched the new Troll scold the rock trolls.

"¡Sal de aquí!" The blue troll shouted. He had orange hair that featured a few different colored streaks in it. His skin was covered in different bodypaint designs. Most noticeably music notes on his chest. 

"Fine, we'll find them ourselves." Thrash huffed and walked back to their home, shooting the new troll a dirty glare.

"Is that.." Chenille sighed dreamily at him, swooning.

"A REGGAETON TROLL!" Tiny squealed, instantly forgetting about nearly being kidnapped. (oh hey Poppy was right-)

( okay i needed to rush this one because im so darn slow at writing and took all day to write-)

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