Chapter 3

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Poppy: Awwww!!!! Look how CUTE YOU ARE!!!!!

Remember that weird little monster the trolls saw earlier? Well, now it was covered in glitter and had a bow on its head.

Poppy: Barb is gonna LOVE your new look!!! Tell her I look forward to helping her plan the world's biggest party!

With that, the pop queen gave the little monster an invitation and sent it on its way. Luckily, no one saw, so she was least for now. She looked down at her hug time bracelet noticing that it was getting late, she could start planning in the morning. She went back to her pod and settled into bed for the night.

Poppy: Can't believe this...a whole world full of trolls, I can't believe I never knew about this.

She suddenly heard a sneeze and looked around. Unbeknownst to her, her friend Cooper heard everything that she said.

Cooper: A whole world of different trolls...?

Poppy shrugged it off and put her nightgown on and turned her lamp off. But as she was about to drift into dreamland, she heard a knock on her door.

Branch: Poppy?

What did Branch want at this hour? Hopefully he didn't see her earlier, right? She opened her door and saw him standing outside her front door.

Poppy: Hey, Branch.

Branch: Poppy...can we talk?

Poppy: Sure, what's on your mind?

Poppy turned her lamp back on and they both sat on her bed.

Branch: Look...I know you're trying to see the bright side here, but you're dad has a point.

Poppy: What do you mean?

Branch: I just...I just want you to be realistic, Poppy, I'm sure the other troll tribes are divided for a reason. Like he said earlier, they fought over their music and they ended up isolated.

Poppy: Branch, do you really wanna let a silly little feud keep us divided?

Branch: I'm not saying that-

Poppy: Branch, we can rewrite history, we have to live in the now, and create a new future.

Branch: But-

Poppy: Hey, look at me.

The pop queen sat back down on her bed and took Branch's hand in hers.

Poppy: You know what my grandpa used to always say?

Branch: What?

Poppy: ...You can't always rely on the past but look to the future. It seems like that's what everyone's doing...they're just determined to keep everything how it is...but I believe in change, Branch. I believe that things can change...just like I knew that you could become a better troll.

Branch sighed knowing that Poppy was right, maybe...maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all.

Branch: Poppy, are you sure about this?

Poppy: Absolutely, I got a good feeling about this. My dad may be aware of the other trolls tribes, but he doesn't know their story...maybe they want to be reunited as well. Besides, Queen Barb might-

Loud music suddenly interrupted the conversation, it was coming from outside.

Branch: Aaaaaaand that's never good.

Poppy and Branch went outside and saw strange vehicles heading towards Pop Village, they looked like piranhas...flying piranhas to be exact. The other trolls heard the commotion and got out of their pods.

Smidge: Oh my guh!

Biggie: Hold me, Mr. Dinkles!

Mr. Dinkles: Mew.

Poppy: Guys, calm down, I'll take care of this!

Poppy stepped forward as the cars neared the entrance of Pop Village. One of them unzipped and all the trolls nearly froze when they saw who it was.

Barb: 'Sup, you must be...Queen Poppy of the Pop I right?

Poppy: Yeah, that's me...and you must be Queen Barb.

Barb: Yup, and...I'm here to take your string, Popcorn. So cool and just hand it over, will ya?

Poppy: ...I-I'm sorry, what?

Branch suddenly intervened shoving Poppy to the side.

Branch: What my associate means your dreams! We're not giving you anything! No string equals no music!

Barb: You mean that cheesy toe tapping bogus that gets stuck in your head for way too long that it makes you lose your mind? Yeah, that's not music.

Poppy: Huh...?

Barb: Who's up for some real music?!

All of Barb's acquaintances cheered as she began to play her guitar aggressively circling around Poppy numerous times.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Poppy started feeling uncomfortable and took a few steps back.

Poppy: Sounds...intense.

Barb: Yeah, I know! Pretty sweet, now about that string...

Branch: Forget it, we're not giving it to you!

Barb: Suit yourself!

To everyone's surprise, Barb started playing her music very intensely and the loud...humongous speakers started destroying the village.

Poppy: W-What are you doing?!

But the hard rock music only got louder and Poppy covered her ears nearly crying. This was not how she expected Barb to be. All the trolls ran to hide just as King Peppy had informed them to do earlier. But Poppy refused to give in and stood firm in front of Barb.

Branch: Poppy, come on!

Branch grabbed Poppy's hand and began to drag her to his bunker.

Poppy: B-But-

A large sound wave suddenly knocked Poppy and Branch away from each other, their hands losing grip and they both tumbled in opposite directions.

Barb: I'll take that.

Poppy looked up just in time to see Barb take the pop music string.

Poppy: N-No, wait!

She tried to intervene but she gasped when two rock trolls grabbed her wrists restraining her movements.

Poppy: H-Hey! Let go of me!

Barb smirked when she had the pop string in her hands.

Barb: Yeah, look, I'm gonna need this string and...also your music. So...I can't let you out of my sight, Popsicle.

Poppy: B-But, you sent an invite, to the world's biggest party! I was ready to help you and everything!

Barb suddenly burst into laughter.

Barb: Are you guys hearing this?! You're so naive! You really thought I was planning a party?!

Poppy: The said-

Barb: It's called lying, Poplin, deal with it!

Barb snapped and her henchmen dragged Poppy onto one of the vehicles shoving her aggressively into a cell and locking it.

Poppy: W-What...?

Barb: Thanks for the string, losers!

With that, the Rock Trolls took off into the night leaving Pop Village in ruins. It was quiet for a few moments before everyone came out of their hiding places.

Satin: What just happened...?

Smidge: We're screwed.

Guy Diamond: That was not welcoming.

Tiny: You're telling me! Rock me, Daddy!

Branch: Wait...where's Poppy?

Branch searched the village for Poppy, but she was nowhere to be seen...and neither was the string. It wasn't in its holder. Wait, if the string wasn't there...that was when it dawned on Branch and he covered his mouth in disbelief.

Legsly: Wait a minute...she didn't...

Branch: She did...and she took Poppy as well...

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