Episode 5

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Everyone was outside, still shivering from what they saw...

Poppy: Is anyone here not Shivering anymore?

Carol: I'm not.
(In the inside, i'm dying in a pool of nightmares)

Poppy: Okay good, anyone else?

Branch was rocking himself while hugging his knees

Barb: Snap out of it Dude!! It's already over!

Branch: HoW WiLl I sTaY cAlm If I cAnT gEt ThAt FrEaKiNg PiGgY Of mY hEaD??!?!?!?!

Tiny: Don't worry. I've got something that might get that nightmare out of that mcdonald's mind

Tiny kicked Branch's area and Fainted

Branch woke up forgetting about Piggy

Branch: What happened?

Poppy: Oh, its nothing. You must've taken a long nap.

Branch: Why? Was I drinking?

Barb: No

Poppy: Nevermind that, let's just start this episode with a completely calm face

Everyone else is still freaking out

Poppy: 0__0

A few minutes later.....

Poppy: Hello everyone and welcome to another episode of Ask & Dare! Today we might have an unexpected dare.....

Barb: and how do you know?

Poppy knew the dare because she peeked in the box after the last episode

Poppy: Let's just see the dare shall we? Heheheh we've got a lucky one....
From 4ever_Broppy

Everyone: WHAT!!!

Poppy: What's wrong guys

Barb: what's wrong is wearing those stinky shirts of some random bois

Branch: She's right and wearing a dress? Seriously?

Poppy: C'mon, it won't be THAT bad. Let's just give it a try? Shall we

Delta: I'm not sure about this...

Hickory: Me neither....

Queen Essence: I don't think it will be a problem, and besides. Me and Quincy's outfits are okay weither Male's or Female's

Pennywhistle: Ummm. Queen Poppy, we don't have clothes, how are we gonna switch appearances?

Poppy: It's okay, you guys could just paint eachother's appearances to make it look like you two switched

Pennywhistle: Okay! Whatcha say Beat Drop?

TBDB: I say let's give it a try...

Biggie: this is gonna be a problem, right Legsly?

Legsly: Oh it's nothing. I can sew up a vest and a pair of shorts that are my size. And, can I borrow mr. Dinkles for a sec?

Biggie: Of course you can! Here you go

Biggie hands mr. Dinkles to Legsly

Poppy: Okay people! The dare starts at noon

Branch: Where will you change?

Poppy: I'd rather change in your bunker

Branch: why is that?

Poppy: It's more secured and private

Branch: Okay........... But we need separate rooms, Okay?

Poppy: Fine, whatever...

At noon..

Everyone was changing by pairs in each pod and bunker....

At Branch's bunker

Branch was changing in his room while Poppy was changing in his bathroom

Poppy: Oooooo I can't wait to see each of us wearing each others clothes, it almost looks like a gender bend, right Branch?

Branch: Yeah, and it kinda feels weird...

Poppy: Why?


Poppy: Don't blame us that we wear Skirts and Dresses, it makes us adorable. Like me, don't you agree?

Branch: the only thing i'm agreeing on is how adorable you are

Poppy: Awww Branchie!!

Each other handed out their clothes without looking at eachother, Poppy wear a little top under Branch's leaf vest

And Branch wear Poppy's dress

They both came out of each room

Branch: You look a lot like a Wilderness explorer looking Poppy

Poppy: And you look more like an egghead Gay! Wait! Your forgetting something

Branch: What?

Poppy: This!

Poppy put her crown on Branch's head

Branch: Now I look High!

Poppy: You always were

Branch: What?

Poppy: Nothing...

At Barb's pod

Barb: Riff, are you close to done yet?

Riff: Almost, how about you?

Barb: I was done 30 minutes ago...

Riff: Oh, well I just gotta put on this fish net stockings...

Barb: Well okay take your time!

A little more than 1 hour later....

Barb: Riff hurry up!!!!! It's already more than 1 hour!

Riff: Aannnnddd done!

Riff came out if the room and Barb's eyes widden

She saw Riff's naked legs with her net stockings

Riff: Anything wrong?

Barb: Oh oh it's nothing, lets just go to Poppy and the others k?

Riff: K

After everyone changes...

Poppy: Okay everybody, let's gather around

Everyone was holding hands

Branch: We all look like idiots

Barb: Aren't we always idiots

Riff: Yeah, especially me

Poppy: Aww we all look like we are in a genderbend, right Branch

Queen Essence: We certanly do, especially me and Quincy

Poppy: Well, uhhhhh

Essence and Quincy don't look weird

King Quincy: Why, what's wrong

Delta: Nothing

Poppy: Wow, Delta and Hickory. You guys look like regular cowboys and cowgirls

Hickory: I guess this dress changing thing isn't so bad

Branch: Yeah, and for the looks of it, you can smell the scent of your loved ones

Branch smells Poppy's dress

Poppy: Oh really, your scent is sooooo relaxing

Branch: I, we I-ummm

Branch was speechless

Rosie: Okay y'all, any of you enjoyed this dare?

Barb: It was AMAZING

Rosie: I thought you said you didn't want to do this dare

Poppy: I guess they really liked wearing eachother's clothes

Rosie: Welp, looks like it's been more than an hour, let's end this strait, shall we 4ever_Broppy?

4ever_Broppy: Sure, but after this can I hang out with the trolls?

Rosie: Of course you can, we welcome everyone here!

4ever_Broppy: YAY!

The end

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